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HomeCauseCan A Brain Tumor Cause Hair Loss

Can A Brain Tumor Cause Hair Loss

Suffering From Blindness Or Deafness

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Brain tumors can also cause blurring of eyes or weakness of eyes. It is important to have a quick eye examination done so that these symptoms can be detected. Or it may seem like you are hearing loss or deafness may be one of the possible symptoms of a brain tumor.

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Hair Loss Or Thinning

Radiotherapy to the brain can cause hair loss or thinning. If you are having treatment to a particular part of the head, your hair usually falls out in that area. You might also have some hair loss on the opposite side of the head, where the radiotherapy beams pass through. This area is called the exit site.

Whether or not your hair grows back depends on the type of radiotherapy you’re having. For example, if you’re having radiotherapy to treat your symptoms, it’s likely that your hair will grow back. Whereas treatment to try to cure your cancer uses a high dose of radiation and so permanent hair loss is much more common.

You might like to cover your head with a soft hat, scarf or wig until your hair grows back.

Do These Medications Cure The Tumor Can I Stop The Medication Later

Usually not. These medications control the tumor and ideally shrink the tumor they do not destroy the tumor. The medications are only effective as long as they are taken. If the medication is stopped, the prolactin will usually increase and the tumor will also increase in size. This is similar to a person who has high blood pressure. There is no cure for high blood pressure the blood pressure is controlled only as long as the medication is taken. This is the same situation for a patient with a prolactin-producing tumor the medication must be taken regularly as prescribed, to control the problem.

In the situation of a very small tumor , the medication is often stopped after 5 years of treatment to see if the prolactin remains normal in approximately 1/3rd of patients. The possible reason for this is that the small tumor has somehow self-destructed . If the prolactin is normal after stopping the medication, the level should be monitored every few months to make sure it remains normal. Studies have shown that in approximately 16% of patients who had a large tumor continued to have a normal prolactin when the medication was stopped after 5 years of treatment. If the medication is stopped, regular medical follow up and measurement of the blood prolactin level is necessary to determine if restarting medical treatment is necessary.

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How Is A Pituitary Tumor Diagnosed

The diagnosis is made either by an imaging study that shows a growth in the pituitary gland, because of hormone tests to evaluate pituitary function, including pituitary hormone overproduction or because of loss of vision.

Often an MRI study is obtained because of headaches, because of trauma or loss of vision and an abnormality in the pituitary gland is found. This requires a full Endocrine evaluation and eye examination. Endocrine evaluation is to assess pituitary function and pituitary hormone overproduction. In the case of a large tumor that is near or pressing on the optic chiasm , a thorough eye examination, including visual acuity and visual field examination, is necessary. Necessary blood hormone tests include assessment of adrenal cortisol production , thyroid function , growth hormone production , gonadal function , prolactin level and questions about frequent urination. If there is a suspicion of Cushings a 24 hour urine test for urine free cortisol is needed to determine if excessive cortisol is being produced.

Is A Pituitary Tumor A Brain Tumor

Radiation Hair Loss

The pituitary gland is NOT in the brain and pituitary tissue is different from brain tissue. Since the pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is connected to the brain by a thin stalk, there is often confusion, particularly by insurance companies, about the classification of a pituitary tumor. A pituitary tumor is NOT a brain tumor.

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Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumors You Should Know

A brain tumor may sound like a scary, even devastating possibility. Basically a growth of abnormal cells in your brain, a brain tumor can be benign that is, without cancer cells or malignant with cancer cells. Understanding brain tumor symptoms early can mean a better shot at a positive outcome.

Around 130 types of brain tumors have been identified till date.

But to understand brain tumor symptoms, you need to know the location of the tumor too. A tumor forms when cells divide abnormally and rapidly. As the neurons in your brain cannot divide, you never get a nerve cell tumor. But the cells in the meninges , the glial cells surrounding the neurons, and the cells in the pituitary and pineal glands do.

Another way you could get brain tumors is when tumors in other parts of the body start spreading and travel to the brain.

Brain tumor symptoms are caused by their location or the pressure they put on the brain. Which is why symptoms vary from one patient to another.

Your skull has limited space as it cannot expand. And any tumor, big or small, will increase the pressure inside the cranium and on the brain. Symptoms caused by brain tumors are either due to this pressure, medically known as intracranial pressure or ICP, or their location.

Since different parts of the brain control different body parts and their functions, the symptoms of brain tumor also differ widely depending on the location. Common brain tumor symptoms are:

What Kind Of Treatment Follow

Regular follow-up treatment is extremely important after treatment for a brain tumor. Besides regular physical and neurological exams and blood tests, you may need periodic magnetic resonance imaging , MR spectroscopy, perfusion or diffusion MRI, and/or computed tomography . Positron emission tomography scans are rarely used in patients with brain tumors, although they may be used to monitor extracranial disease. Your physician may also recommend home care, occupational or vocational therapy, pain management, physical therapy and participation in support groups.

This follow-up care will help your physician to:

  • spot any sign that the tumor is returning
  • monitor the health of your brain
  • identify and treat the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • detect the presence of other types of cancer at the earliest possible stage

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Masturbation Can Boost Libido

One of the biggest concerns shared by many women is the loss of desire. Masturbation is, without a doubt, one of the key methods you can use to increase sexual desire and boost libido. Each time you masturbate, you learn a little more about your mind, body, and preferences. Understanding how you do, and dont, like being touched plays a key role in increasing your libido and overall sex drive.

If Youre Having Radiation Therapy To The Pelvis

Chemotherapy and Primary Brain Tumors What You Need to Know

Radiation therapy to the pelvis can cause side effects such as:

  • Bladder problems
  • Fertility problems
  • Changes in your sex life

You might also have some of the same problems people get from radiation to the abdomen, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

Bladder problems

Radiation to the pelvis can cause problems with urination, including:

  • Pain or burning sensations
  • Blood in the urine
  • An urge to urinate often

Most of these problems get better over time, but radiation therapy can cause longer-term side effects as well:

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Overview Of The Brain And Spinal Cord

The brain has three major parts:

  • brain stemThis lowest part of the brain connects to the spinal cord and relays information between the brain and the body using bundles of long nerves. It controls basic life-sustaining functions, including blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing, consciousness, swallowing, and body temperature.
  • cerebrumThis largest and outermost part of the brain processes information from our senses to tell the body how to respond. It controls functions including movement, touch, judgment, learning, speech, emotions, and thinking.
  • cerebellumLocated at the lower rear of the brain, above the brain stem, the cerebellum controls balance, helps maintain equilibrium, and coordinates complex muscle movements like walking and talking.

The brains two halves, or hemispheres, use nerve cells to speak with each other. Each hemisphere has four sections, called lobes, which handle different neurological functions.

For more information, see General Information About Adult Central Nervous System Tumors.

The spinal cordan extension of the brainlies protected inside the bony spinal column. It contains bundles of nerves that carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body, such as instructions to move an arm or information from the skin that signals pain.

How Brain Metastases Are Treated

If diagnosed and treated early, brain metastases usually respond to therapy. Your treatment plan will depend on the size and number of tumors, where theyre located in the brain, the genetic characteristics of the cancer cells, and the extent of disease outside the brain as well as your overall health. Treatment may include:

Surgery. For patients with only one or two brain metastases that are easy to access, or a larger tumor thats causing compressive symptoms, surgery can be very effective, says Dr. Berman. Surgery, which may involve the complete or partial removal of a tumor to help alleviate symptoms, is typically followed by whole-brain radiation.

If your lung cancer doesnt carry these specific mutations or has metastasized elsewhere in the body, other systemic therapies, such as immunotherapy and chemotherapy, may be considered.

Palliative care. This type of specialized medical care, which can include physical therapy, relaxation techniques, exercise, speech therapy, and pain management, is also a key component of treatment for patients with metastatic NSCLC. These complementary approaches can help mitigate the side effects of both the cancer and its treatment and significantly improve quality of life. Information and support for people with lung cancer and their families is available at the Lung Cancer Foundation, the American Cancer Society, and the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education .

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Is Fertility Possible In A Patient With Loss Of Pituitary Function

Yes, but it takes effort and time.

Women: If the pituitary hormones that regulate the ovaries are not produced adequately by the pituitary gland, it is unlikely for a woman to become pregnant without additional medical treatment. It is possible to stimulate the ovaries with LH and FSH injections, this may take several months of injections before ovulation occurs and pregnancy is achieved. Although it requires more work , pregnancy is very possible in a woman who has pituitary deficiency of the hormones that control ovarian function.

Men: Men who do not produce testosterone and who have a low sperm count can be treated with pituitary hormones to stimulate the testes to produce testosterone and sperm. Sperm production takes a long time the normal sperm cycle is around 72 days in order to increase testosterone and sperm production, it may require a year of more of treatment to achieve an adequate sperm count to achieve pregnancy.

How Are Brain And Spinal Cord Tumors Treated

Hair Loss During Cancer Treatment, chemiotherapy

A specialized team of doctors advises and assists individuals throughout treatment and rehabilitation. These doctors may include:

  • A neuro-oncologist is a neurologist or oncologist who specializes in CNS tumors.
  • An oncologist is a doctor who specializes in cancer.
  • A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in CNS disorders.
  • A neuroradiologist is a doctor who specializes in the CNS and is trained in reading diagnostic imaging results.
  • A pathologist is a clinical doctor who diagnoses diseases of tissues or cells using a variety of laboratory tests.
  • A neurosurgeon is a brain or spinal cord surgeon. Specialized training in removal of central nervous system tumors may have been completed.
  • A radiation oncologist is a doctor who specializes in using radiation to treat cancer.

For more information, see: .

Your health care team will recommend a treatment plan based on the tumor’s location, type, size and aggressiveness, as well as medical history, age, and general health. Malignant tumors require some form of treatment, while some small benign tumors may need only monitoring. Treatment for a brain or spinal tumor can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of treatments.Initial treatment for a CNS tumor may involve a variety of drugs to treat or ease symptoms, including:

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How To Stop Masturbating:

To restore the lost energy levels, a good balanced diet rich in zinc and proteins is must. So, some of the ways and diets which will help you get over the side effects of over masturbation and masturbation itself are as below. You can just say these are the rules and diet plans you need to start follow just right from this moment:

1) Control Your Addiction for Masturbation:

First and foremost step to start with is control your addiction for masturbation. Here I wont recommend you the old cold turkey method, wherein one has to stop masturbating altogether for a few days or weeks until one find himself able to concentrate on other things and then again gradually restart masturbation in moderation.

What I believe and have observed is, you cant win over your addiction in just one go, like leaving it all together in one go for weeks, because youll have this thing in your mind all the time that one day has passed, these many days have passed and youll be lose this battle sooner or later. Here what Ill recommend you is just relax!! Ok, fine you have had bad past and you are suffering problems, but this is curable, not a big deal dude..!! So, just stay cool and try and avoid it and minimize it to minimum and slowly just give it up.

Make a log table and make entry in it whenever you masturbate. And try and reach to a number of once every two weeks this has to be your target.

So this is the first lesson on the path of How to Stop Masturbating.

Hair Loss Treatments For Brain Tumor And Cancer Patients

Posted on April 6, 2015 in Hair Loss Expert

Many different things can cause baldness. By far, the most common cause is genetics, which comprises 98% of hair loss. There are fabulous treatments for this cause: Capillus272 Laser Therapy, Propecia, Rogaine Foam, and hair restoration surgery.

Other causes of hair loss can be from dermatologic conditions leading to scarring alopecia in which inflammation of the skin permanently destroys hair follicles. Trichotillomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder where people literally pull out their hair. Various medical conditions can lead to thinning hair and baldness including thyroid disease and anemia. Some medications can also cause hair to thin such as warfarin.

One of the most devastating causes of hair loss is called iatrogenic, which means caused by medical treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy, specifically to treat brain tumors and cancers.

I have had the sincere pleasure and honor in treating some of these brave and resilient people throughout my long career in hair restoration surgery.

These conditions are life threatening and require serious and aggressive approaches to, hopefully, save their lives. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, surgical removal of most of the tumor is attempted. All too often, unfortunately, not all of the mass can be removed. Post-operative chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy are needed as adjunctive treatments to the surgery.

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