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How To Prevent Baby Hair Loss

How To Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy


Many women experience dehydration, fatigue, stress, and falling estrogen levels as their body adjusts to life after pregnancy. These factors can lead to increased hair shedding. Some of this hair loss is often related to the stress and exhaustion of having a baby. This condition is temporary and should resolve within a year after the pregnancy has ended.

You can try to minimize hair loss after pregnancy by continuing to take your prenatal vitamins if you are breastfeeding, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding tight hairstyles that pull hair away from the scalp. Dermatologists recommend using lightweight shampoos and conditioners and seeing a stylist to make hair loss appear less obvious until your hair shedding slows down.

Is It Normal For Babies To Have Hair Fall

Hair loss in the first six months of life is normal for babies. Almost all newborns lose some or all of their hair before the mature hair follicles erupt . A newborns hormone levels drop right after birth, leading to loss of hair that the baby was born with. However, babies could also lose hair while rubbing their scalp against the mattress or as a result of a head caressing habit. Hair loss in babies could also happen as the baby starts to move.

In young babies, hair fall is common. But hair loss after the age of six months or a significant loss during the first six months could be an indicator of a dilemma.

Although, in very rare cases, babies inherit alopecia since birth. This can occur by itself or in association with certain abnormalities of the nails and teeth. Later in childhood, hair loss could be due to medications, a scalp injury, or a medical or nutritional problem, etc. In such cases, a pediatric consultation is a wise option.

Why Is My Baby Losing Hair

Those first few months are exciting. Your baby changes a lot every day, and that includes their hair.

Baby hair loss often happens within the first six months. Some babies only lose a few strands at a time, while others might develop large bald spots. But dont panic your babys new locks should grow out again in no time.

Hair growth typically has two phases. One of growing and another period of resting, also called telogen effluvium.

While the hair is in the resting phase, it will stay put in the follicle. As the new hair starts to grow, it will push out the old, resulting in a few lost strands.

The growing phase can last around three years, and the resting is generally three months. However, anything between one and six months is normal.

Your baby will usually only lose a few strands at a time. But changes in the body can cause lots of hair to stop growing all at once . Lets zoom in and try to get to the root of the hair loss problem.

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Why Is My Infant’s Hair Falling Out

Kelly Kamenetzky is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer/editor with more than a decade of experience covering the parenting and family space. She enjoys connecting with experts in the parenting field and delivering impactful recommendations on family issues. She is also a mother of three.

Some babies are born with full heads of hair. Others have a smattering of strands and many have only peach fuzz. However full or sparse your newborn’s hair is, you might notice it falling out or getting thinner in the weeks after you bring them home. This shedding may come as a surprise . But there’s no reason to worry.

Here’s the thing: Infant hair loss is completely common. Things like natural hormonal shifts and even common sleeping positions can contribute to baby hair loss. Learn more about why this may be happening, when their hair will grow back, and how you can keep your baby’s hair as healthy as possible as they grow.

How To Prevent Baby Bald Spots

Postpartum Hair loss : 10 Best Tips to prevent hair fall and Thinning ...

First things, first. Dont panic!

Hormones can play a big part in baby hair-loss after birth . However, a more common cause for baby bald spots is the time babies spend on their backs. This time spent constantly rubbing their heads on their mattress, bassinet, capsule, etc. causes their fine hair to be knotted and broken off or pulled out by the constant friction.

Read on to discover our tried, tested and trusted techniques to help you prevent baby bald spots, encourage re-growth in existing bald spots and give your baby’s hair the best starting care!


Silky Tots 100% Mulberry Silk Bassinet/Cot Sleeves and Sheets help to reduce and prevent baby bald spots by reducing the friction on babys head . This friction is the main culprit for matting, knotting, frizz and eventually the dreaded baby bald spot.

Designed exclusively for babies, our Silk Cot and Bassinet Sheets and Sleeves have been created specifically for preventing bald patches and promoting hair growth.

Silk creates a luxurious, liquid smooth environment for baby’s hair to grow as well as being naturally breathable, hypoallergenic and uninhabitable by dust-mites perfect for eczema, asthma and allergies.


Dont worry, its not too late! Sleeping on silk allows baby’s new hair to come through much quicker than sleeping on cotton or bamboo sheets, reducing friction, silk protects the new hairs and encourages regrowth.

– Georgianna C.

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Postpartum Hair Treatments To Try

Its normal for your hair to thin out after pregnancy. If its not worrying you, you dont need to do anything to treat it. And, unfortunately, there is nothing that has been shown to prevent or slow postpartum hair loss. But if your hair loss is bothering you, there are treatments you can try to make your hair appear fuller and healthier.

Look For Other Symptoms

One of the biggest indicators that something more serious is happening with your baby is a change in behavior associated with their hair loss.

Is your little onesleeping less for no apparent reason? Are they refusing to eat foods they liked before? Are they acting strange?

These are not indicators in and of themselves , but they can alert you to an underlying problem. Some symptoms to keep an eye out for include:

  • Patchy bald spots with red, flaky scales
  • Isolated smooth, round, totally bald areas
  • Swelling of the tongue and around the eyes, coupled with cool, pale skin
  • Increased thirst and urination

None of these symptoms indicate a life-threatening illness, but its important to consult a doctor for further advice if you observe them in your baby.

Note that hair loss can also be caused by external forces that have nothing to do with your babys hormones.

If you regularly put your babys hair in a ponytail , the tightness of the ponytail may result in hair loss. Even excessive twirling or hair pulling can cause irregular patches to fall out.

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Can Stress Cause Hair Loss

Yes, psychological stress can contribute to hair loss in several ways. It can trigger:

  • Alopecia areata: This autoimmune disease develops when the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Alopecia areata causes hair loss on the scalp. A more severe form, known as alopecia universalis, causes hair loss over the entire body.
  • Telogen effluvium: This condition changes the number of hair follicles that are actively growing hair.
  • Trichotillomania: This is also known as a hair-pulling disorder.

The Possible Causes Of Baby Hair Loss

How To Regrow Baby Bald Spot| Prevent Balding & Promote Hair Growth| Regimen Demonstration

What is the reason for baby hair loss? Why does it happen to most infants before they are six months old? Well, you might be astonished to learn that there is more than one possible reason for baby hair falling out. So, lets examine those reasons now.

Here are the top 4 causes of baby hair loss on top of the head.

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Know When To Ask For Outside Help

As with many things in life, there comes a point where you cant do it all yourself and your need to call in backup. According to Anderson, once you have addressed any coloring, styling, and dietary issues but have yet to see an improvement, seek medical attention. “I almost always see a difference in my client’s hair immediately when these issues are addressed,” he says.

Contact Doctor During Office Hours

  • Scabs or crusts are present in the hair
  • Ringworm of the scalp suspected.
  • Broken hairs from tight hair style and pimples are present in scalp
  • Patch of hair loss and cause not known
  • Widespread hair thinning and cause not known
  • Hair loss from nervous habit of twisting the hair
  • Hair loss is a chronic problem
  • Normal hair loss suspected, but doesn’t grow back within 6 months
  • You have other questions or concerns

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Do Hair Transplants Help Hair Loss

Hair transplants involve taking hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it into an area thats thin or bald.

Transplants may be successful for some people depending on the cause of hair loss. But youll need enough hair to donate to the transplant, and youll need to wait several months for it to grow.

You can expect of transplanted hair to grow back in 3 to 4 months. Talk with a dermatologist or hair restoration specialist to see if a hair transplant is right for you.

Can I Stop Hair Loss Naturally

Pin on Kids Haircuts

If your hair loss is caused by your genetics, youre unlikely to be able to reverse it. Treating thinning hair with minoxidil may help slow down hair loss. Other causes of hair loss may be more treatable. Hair loss because of alopecia areata, recent childbirth, or cancer treatment usually grows back eventually. Improving your diet or taking supplements may reverse hair loss if nutrient deficiencies are the underlying cause.

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Hair Changes In Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone levels soar, particularly from the second trimester. Estrogen, in particular, has a powerful effect on multiple systems in the body, including the skin and sebaceous glands, and also on the underlying growth pattern of hair. Many women notice improvements in skin and hair quality during pregnancy and fast-growing, hydrated hair. The changes in hair can be attributed to the way estrogen impacts the specific pattern of growth unique to hair.

Our hair follicles, the small organs that produce hair, operate in a pattern of growth, rest and fall that repeats many times in your lifetime. Usually, each follicle follows its own pattern in its own time and in this manneryou are continually shedding at a rate of about 50-100 hairs a day.

During pregnancy, the excess estrogen encourages the hair to enter and stay in the growth phase, meaning it will grow faster and shed less, somewhat synchronizing the follicles in their growth.

How Is Hair Loss In Babies Treated

The treatment of hair loss will depend on the diagnosis of the underlying problem. Through examination of the scalp, the doctor will diagnose the reason for the hair fall. Treatment options for hair loss in babies include:

  • Medicated baby-safe shampoos: If the doctor suspects an infection of the scalp, they may prescribe a medicated shampoo to clear the babys scalp of any pathogens that could have caused hair loss.
  • Creams, lotions, and oils: Conditions like eczema of the scalp could be treated using creams that subdue inflammation. The doctor may also suggest lotions or baby oils that prevent the scalp from cracking, thus reducing hair loss.
  • Anti-fungal ointments and medicines: Ringworm infections are treated with anti-fungal topical ointments. In severe cases of infection, your baby may be prescribed oral medications for faster relief.
  • Use a soft bristle brush on your babys hair.
  • In some cases, you can prevent hair fall by taking a few simple precautions.

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    Baby Hair Loss: What To Do If Your Baby Starts To Lose Their Hair

    During the first few months of your babys life, it seems like they change every day. Some of those changes are excitinggaining weight, smiling when they look at you, and holding their head up on their own, just to name a few.

    Other changes, however, can be worrisome, such as:

    These issues often develop without warning and can have you wondering whats going on.

    Perhaps one of the most worrisome changes is baby hair loss. The night before, your baby seems fine. The next morning, though, you notice a small clump of hair in their crib. Is this a sign of a larger problem? Should you be concerned?

    Before you rush to the pediatrician, let us assure you that baby hair loss is completely normal. Theyre losing their hair for the same reason you lost some hair during your pregnancy : hormones.

    But what exactly is baby hair loss, and why does it occur? What should concerned parents do if their baby starts to go bald? The experts at Mustela will answer those questions and put all your fears about baby hair loss to rest.

    Aug How To Prevent Baby Hair Loss

    How to avoid balding and hair loss in baby’s

    Parents love to run fingers through their babys hair just for a pure pleasure.

    Baby Has No Hair

    Shampoo twice a week to avoid cradle cap

    Thick and Curly Hair

    Slather on baby hair oil or conditioner after shampoo Once a week for very dry hair, before rinsing conditioner comb hair gently

    Thick and straight hair

    Frequent hair cut and even shaving can help hair healthier

    Thin and Wispy Hair

    Comb Gently and trim wisps that fall into baby ears or eyes

    #ParentingTips: Baby Toddler Hair Care Tips

    If you like reading it, please give me upvote, share and follow me.

    This post was first published on Quora by Tuty Ewart

    I think it is possible.

    One of the parent will likely to pass one copy of their eye and hair color gene to their child.

    Both parents provides or share 50% of their chromosomes.

    This means their genetic contribution to their children is likely close to equal.

    The moment my daughter was born to this world, the first thing my partner asked:

    Who she looks like?,did she get the color of your skin?and so on

    I then quickly replied and smiled to my partner: Our daughter will look like the combination of us

    Although her hair and skin is likely like mine, her eyes colour would be beautiful like your green eyes .

    Genetics is a complicated but one thing for sure, no one is more likely to favor one parent over the other.

    Which traits or characters a child get depends on the combination of genes a child get from both parents.

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    Pregnancy: The Glow And The Low

    For many women experiencing pregnancies for the first time, surprises abound. Morning sickness, water retention, enlarged and tender breasts, and frequent urination are some of the most common and well-known symptoms of bringing new life into the world.

    There is a reason why pregnant women are said to glow. Hormonal changes during this period increase metabolism, causing more blood to flow to the skin, and stimulating nail and hair growth. After childbirth, hormone levels stabilize and many of these changes are undone. For many women, chief among these changes is hair loss.

    Heightened estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy prevent hair loss, inhibiting hair follicles across the body from shedding their hair. Consequently, luscious head hair experienced during pregnancy is often accompanied by excessive body hair growth. Because of the bodys hormone levels during pregnancy, hairs do not move into the exogen phase.

    As the body produces less and less estrogen and progesterone following the birth, the thicker, extra hairs die and are not replaced in the hair follicles. The extra hairs come out in clumps, and the hair that replaces it may appear thinner in comparison.

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    When Should You See The Doctor About Postpartum Hair Loss

    If you notice that your hair loss is particularly severe, for example, if itâs patchy or youâve been shedding hair for longer than about six months or so, it might be time to see your doctor.

    In some cases, a thyroid issue such as having an overactive thyroid may be causing the hair loss. Some thyroid conditions are also linked to pregnancy or the postpartum period. If your doctor diagnoses a thyroid condition, he or she will be able to recommend treatment.

    Another possible cause of hair loss is an iron deficiency. If untreated, this can lead to a condition called iron deficiency anaemia, which can lead to other symptoms like

    • heart palpitations

    Your doctor will be able to investigate the reasons for the iron deficiency and â if necessary â prescribe iron tablets to remedy the lack of iron in your blood.

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    Why Do Babies Lose Their Hair: Causes Of Baby Hair Loss

    So how do you understand that your babys hair is falling out? Do babies lose their hair due to hidden medical issues? Look out for these signs:

  • Finding hair in places where your baby rested
  • Hair in the towel or bath after you have shampooed their hair
  • Loose strands of hair in your hand when you are stroking your childs head
  • These are common symptoms of hair loss in newborns. Read on to know the causes of hair loss in newborns!

    Get A Free Hair Loss Evaluation

    20 Best Pictures How To Keep A Baby Hair From Falling Out : Thinning ...

    If you are experiencing hair loss, call us at RHRLI for a free consultation. My many years of experience as a hair restoration surgeon and my state-of-the-art facility using the ARTAS® Robotic System means that you will have an outstanding experience. Contact us at RHRLI for an appointment by giving us a call at or filling out our contact form.

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    Also, be sure to follow us on and to see how easy this process is along with before & after photos!

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