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Does Remicade Cause Hair Loss

Will My Body Make Antibodies To Remicade

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Yes, its possible for your body to make antibodies to Remicade. This would affect how well the medication works.

Since Remicade is a biologic medication, your body could identify it as a foreign substance. Your body may then try to remove the drug by making antibodies. If this happens, your doctor may need to switch your medication.

Some people may have a higher risk for making antibodies to Remicade, such as those with Crohns disease.

Taking other immunosuppressants with Remicade may lower the risk of your body making antibodies against Remicade. If youre concerned about producing antibodies to this drug, talk with your doctor.

What Is Remicade Used For

If you have a certain type of arthritis or disease related to inflammation, your doctor may recommend Remicade. Doctors may prescribe Remicade to treat the conditions below. Remicade doesnt cure these conditions, but it does help manage them by easing the symptoms they cause.

Remicade works by blocking the activity of a type of immune system protein called tumor necrosis factor . This protein helps your body fight infections. But with some diseases, such as arthritis and Crohns disease, the body makes too much TNF, or TNF is too active. Blocking TNFs activity may help treat these diseases.

Your doctor will explain how Remicade will be given to you. Theyll also explain how much youll be given and how often. Below are commonly used dosages, but the dosage you receive will be determined by your doctor.

Pregnancy And Breastfeeding While Taking Remicade

It isnt known if Remicade is safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding. The drug hasnt been studied during pregnancy and should be taken only if the benefits outweigh the risks. Also, it isnt known whether the drug passes into human breast milk.

If youre pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or thinking about breastfeeding, talk with your doctor. They can advise you on whether Remicade is right for you.

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Remicade: More Common Side Effects

Some of Remicades side effects may be more common than others. These side effects may last a few days or weeks. However, some side effects may last longer or become severe or bothersome. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have concerns about any side effects with Remicade.

In Remicades clinical studies, these were some of the side effects that occurred more often:

The side effects listed above may last only a few days to weeks. However, some side effects may last longer or become severe or bothersome. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have concerns about side effects with Remicade.

Note: After the Food and Drug Administration approves a drug, it tracks side effects of the medication. If you develop a side effect while taking Remicade and want to tell the FDA about it, visit MedWatch.

* For more information about this side effect, see Remicade: Side effects explained below.

Alopecia And Ra Medications

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Alopecia is a disease that causes damage to hair follicles where hair grows from and results in hair loss and baldness. A recent research study found a connection between alopecia and RA. Researchers looked at about 2,900 people with RA and found that they had a higher risk of experiencing alopecia than study participants who did not have RA.

Interestingly, some research studies have found that a class of medications commonly used to treat RA, called , could possibly treat severe alopecia areata. JAK inhibitors are commonly used as a treatment option for RA when medications like methotrexate dont work. They include medications like tofacitinib and baricitinib .

In one study of 66 people with alopecia, about one-third of participants saw at least 50 percent improvement in hair regrowth after taking tofacitinib twice daily for three months. Research is ongoing to explore the potential of JAK inhibitors as a possible treatment option for alopecia and hair loss.

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Important Information About 6

The most important things to know about 6-MP is that it may cause certain side effects, such as hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It should also not be used within two weeks of receiving a live vaccination. If youre unsure if a vaccination you received was live, check with your healthcare provider.

The hair loss can be very distressing, but it should reverse when the drug is stopped, and hair will begin to grow back normally. One study showed that 1% of people taking 6-MP to treat IBD experienced hair loss. More common was a lowered white blood cell count, which was found in about 11% of patients.

Of more urgent concern are side effects such as bleeding, bruising, or sores dizziness or loss of consciousness mouth pain and joint pains. Some of these can also occur as signs of IBD, so its important to keep your healthcare provider informed of any problems youre experiencing.

6-MP can also cause abnormal liver function tests, and in one study, this occurred in about 4% of patients taking it to treat IBD. For this reason, a healthcare provider should do periodic blood tests to monitor liver function. In some cases, a high level of certain substances in the blood may mean that the dosage of the drug needs to be lowered, or that the drug needs to be discontinued.

What Causes Hair Loss In Ibd

Hair loss is considered an extraintestinal manifestation of IBD, or a symptom that doesnt affect the gastrointestinal tract. There are several reasons why a person with Crohns disease or UC might experience hair loss. Stress, nutrition, medications, and the disease itself can contribute to hair loss or alterations in hair thickness for people with Crohns or UC.

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How Long Does Remicade Take To Start Working

Remicade starts working right after your first infusion. However, your symptoms may not ease for several weeks after your first dose.

For Crohns disease, doctors will monitor symptoms of the condition while youre using Remicade. If your symptoms havent begun to ease by week 14 of treatment, theyll likely have you stop Remicade infusions. Your doctor may switch you to a different treatment instead.

Remicades Side Effects Explained

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Below, you can find detailed information about some of Remicades side effects. To learn more about other side effects of this medication, talk with your doctor.

Increased risk of cancer

Remicade may increase the risk of cancer in some people, including children and adolescents. In rare cases, these cancers may be fatal.

Some cancers were reported in clinical studies of Remicade. Others have been reported since Remicade and other tumor necrosis factor inhibitors became available for use.

In fact, Remicade has a boxed warning for an increased risk of cancer. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration . It alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

To learn more about how often this side effect has been reported, see the drugs prescribing information.

Below are cancers that have been reported with Remicade and other TNF inhibitors, along with possible symptoms of each.

Type of cancer

* Immunosuppressants are medications that weaken the immune system. Having a weakened immune system can increase the risk of cancer. Examples of these medications include mercaptopurine and azathioprine .

What to do

Before starting Remicade, talk with your doctor about your risk of cancer. Be sure to tell them if you have any of the factors listed above. These could increase your risk of cancer with Remicade.

Increased risk of serious infections

Below are the serious infections that were reported in clinical studies of Remicade:

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Warning Disclaimer Use For Publication

WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

If you use this eHealthMe study on publication, please acknowledge it with a citation: study title, URL, accessed date.

Is There A Link Between Remicade And Hair Loss

Remicade and Hair loss – from FDA reports. Hair loss is found among people who take Remicade, especially for people who are female, 40-49 old , have been taking the drug for < 1 month, also take medication Enbrel, and have Transplant. This study is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 140,763 people who have side effects when taking Remicade…

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How Does Remicade Work Is It A Chemotherapy Drug

No, Remicade isnt a chemotherapy drug. Chemotherapy drugs stop the growth of cancer cells by killing them or stopping them from multiplying . Remicade acts on the immune system to lower its activity. It targets a protein responsible for certain immune functions.

Some autoimmune diseases, such as Crohns disease and rheumatoid arthritis, are caused by an overactive immune system. By blocking factors involved in immune function, Remicade can help reduce symptoms of some autoimmune diseases.

Does Remicade Cause Hair Loss Issues With Teeth Or Weight Gain

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Its unclear. Remicade wasnt reported to cause hair loss or teeth issues. And more research needs to be done on whether Remicade can cause weight gain. But effects the drug has on your body might in turn lead to these side effects.

Hair loss

Remicade wasnt reported to cause hair loss. But Remicade lowers immune system activity. In rare cases, this could result in the body attacking hair cells, causing hair loss. This is a condition called alopecia areata. Stopping Remicade use may stop this hair loss.

But do not stop using Remicade without talking with your doctor first. If youre concerned about hair loss during Remicade treatment, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

Teeth issues

It also isnt clear if Remicade affects your teeth. But Remicade can increase your risk of infection, so you may develop dental infections after certain dental procedures. Tell your dentist which medications youre taking before any dental procedure.

Your dentist can recommend ways to avoid dental infections. Keeping your mouth clean can also help you avoid needing procedures that can lead to infections.

Weight changes

Remicade may affect your weight. If you develop an infection, its possible for you to lose weight. People with heart failure may also see changes in their weight while using Remicade.

If youre concerned about changes in your weight, talk with your doctor immediately.

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Does Remicade Cause Hair Loss Weight Gain Or Teeth

Hair loss, weight gain, and teeth-related side effects werent reported in clinical studies of Remicade.

However, hair loss can be a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis , which Remicade is used to treat. If you take Remicade for RA, you may have hair loss. However, the drug itself isnt likely to be the cause of your hair loss.

Weight loss is a possible symptom of certain conditions Remicade is used to treat. These include Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. If you take Remicade to treat either condition, you may gain weight as your condition improves.

Keep in mind that rapid weight gain is a symptom of heart failure, which is a possible side effect of Remicade. If you have rapid weight gain while taking Remicade, tell your doctor right away. They can ask about other symptoms of heart failure and order tests to check for this condition.

Does Remicade Cause Side Effects Linked To Teeth

Remicade didnt cause side effects linked to teeth in people who took the drug in clinical studies.

But keep in mind that Remicade may make you more likely to develop an infection. This includes infections that could be caused by dental procedures.

If youre planning to have a dental procedure during your Remicade treatment, talk with your dentist and doctor. They can give you tips on good dental hygiene and how to help prevent oral infections.

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Increased Risk Of Cancer

Remicade has a boxed warning regarding an increased risk of cancer. A boxed warning is the strongest warning required by the Food and Drug Administration . These warnings alert doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

Remicade is a type of drug known as a tumor necrosis factor blocker. These drugs can increase your risk of certain cancers, such as lymphoma and skin cancer. These cancers can affect anyone. However, they have most commonly been reported in children, adolescents,* and young adults.

There have also been reports of uncommon cancers in people using TNF blockers such as Remicade. A rare type of cancer called hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma has also been reported in people using Remicade. It was most commonly reported among teenage males.

Most cases of HSTCL occurred in people who used a TNF blocker along with either mercaptopurine or azathioprine.

In clinical studies, new cancers occurred an average of 30 months after people started treatment with Remicade. In addition, the risk of lymphoma specifically is thought to increase if Remicade is given for a long time.

People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are also believed to be at a higher risk of cancer if they take Remicade.

Symptoms of cancer can vary depending on the type. The table below details some symptoms of cancers that have been reported in people using TNF blockers, including Remicade.

Type of cancer
discolored or irregularly shaped skin lumps

What to do

Can I Read Reviews From People Whove Taken Remicade

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Yes, the manufacturer of Remicade provides treatment stories on their website.

However, its important to remember that the effects of Remicade can be different in each person who receives it. Its best to talk with your doctor or pharmacist to decide if Remicade is a good treatment option for you. They can advise on what to expect while youre having this treatment.

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Using Remicade For Ulcerative Colitis

The FDA has approved Remicade to treat ulcerative colitis in adults and children ages 6 years and older.

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Its caused by inflammation in the large intestine, leading to ulcers.

With ulcerative colitis, you may have periods of flares and remission . Symptoms of ulcerative colitis include:

For ulcerative colitis, doctors prescribe Remicade when the condition is moderate to severe and hasnt improved with certain other treatments. This drug is used to:

  • help achieve and maintain remission in people who are having a flare
  • help heal ulcers in the large intestine
  • help reduce the use of corticosteroids, which is another class of drugs used to treat this condition

Are Weight Gain And Hair Loss Side Effects Of Remicade

No, Remicade isnt expected to cause weight gain or hair loss. Neither side effect was reported in the drugs clinical studies.

However, sudden weight gain, along with shortness of breath and swelling in your feet, can be a symptom of heart failure. Rarely, heart failure has been reported in people receiving Remicade. If you develop these symptoms, tell your doctor right away.

Hair loss can be a rare symptom of rheumatoid arthritis , which Remicade is prescribed to treat. In addition, some other drugs used to treat RA can cause hair loss. An example is methotrexate .

However, Remicade isnt expected to cause hair loss. In fact, using a medication approved to treat RA, such as Remicade, may help improve your symptoms. This is because hair loss due to RA typically isnt permanent.

Some conditions Remicade is used to treat, including ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease , can cause weight loss. Because Remicade treats symptoms of UC and CD, you may notice some weight gain while using Remicade. However, this isnt a side effect of the medication.

Talk with your doctor if youre concerned about hair loss or weight gain. Neither is expected to be caused by Remicade. However, your doctor can still offer guidance for addressing your symptoms.

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Serious Side Effects Of Remicade

Remicade may cause serious side effects, although this isnt common. The list below may not include all possible serious side effects of the drug. For more information, refer to the Remicade Medication Guide.

If you develop serious side effects while taking Remicade, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life threatening or if you think youre having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number.

Serious side effects and their symptoms can include:

  • Infusion reactions, which usually occur during or soon after an infusion. Symptoms can include:
  • trouble breathing

Remicade may cause several side effects. Here are some frequently asked questions about the drugs side effects and their answers.

Arthritis Medications And Hair Loss

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Certain medications to treat arthritis can cause hair loss. Learn what to do.

People with autoimmune conditions, such asrheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can experience hair loss as a troubling symptom of their disease. Other times though, the cause of the shedding locks could be the medications used to treat the disease.

Fortunately, hair loss from arthritis medications is not a widespread complication. Still, if your hair is an important part of your identity, its not a small matter to you.

What Medications Cause Hair Loss?

Methotrexate: The most commonly prescribed disease-modifying antirheumatic drug for rheumatoid arthritis, methotrexate is responsible for hair loss in about 1 to 3% of people. The hair loss happens because methotrexate is doing what its supposed to do stop cells from growing. This includes cells causing inflammation and, unfortunately, hair follicles.

Folic acid is commonly prescribed with methotrexate to alleviate some of its side effects. Taking this synthetic form of folate, a B-complex vitamin, can help keep your hair healthy, but it has not been found to promote hair growth.

Leflunomide : Another widely used DMARD for RA with the potential for hair loss is leflunomide. It often is prescribed in combination with methotrexate, and causes hair loss similar to the way methotrexate does in about 10 percent of users.

What to Expect from Hair Loss Side Effects

When to Talk to Your Doctor

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