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What Hormone Imbalance Causes Hair Loss

What You Need To Know About Hair Loss

Can a Hormonal Imbalance Cause Hair Loss? | Hormonal Hair Loss Explained | @NinaRossATL

If your condition is not due to a hormonal imbalance, your doctor may recommend treatment that includes topical corticosteroids. Topical corticosteroids may lead to red or puffy face and can reduce your immune systems ability to fight infection. In some cases, fungal infections, such as tinea capitis, can lead to hair loss. Fortunately, you can take antifungal medications to treat it and get a full head of hair again.

Hair loss is a normal part of aging, and there is no need to worry. In fact, it is perfectly normal for most people to lose a bit of hair every day, and it will grow back eventually. Some men and women experience hair loss as they age, while others simply have a genetic predisposition to the problem. If youre experiencing a lack of hair, you may have a weakened immune system, which can lead to hair loss.

For more severe cases of hair loss, a dermatologist may recommend a hair transplant. This procedure involves a surgeon removing plugs of hair from your scalp. It may take several hours and multiple sessions to complete the process. Its an invasive treatment, and may not be the best option for everyone. Your doctor will need to examine your scalp to determine the cause of your condition. In addition to a healthy diet, your doctor may recommend taking supplements of various vitamins and minerals.

Testosterone And Male Pattern Baldness The Myth

Lets begin with one type of baldness that men often mistake for hormonal hair loss male pattern baldness.

Men have historically drawn the conclusion, or been led to believe, that an abundance of testosterone leads to the common receding hairline and thinning at the crown that many men experience.

We say its mistaken because, despite all the rumors and falsehoods that we continue to hear, the amount of testosterone in a mans body does not directly determine whether hes going to develop male pattern baldness.

More testosterone doesnt necessarily mean less hair.

The relationship is definitely a bit more subtle more detail is available in our article on baldness and testosterone.

Instead, the primary determiner of male pattern baldness is genetic. If youre genetically predisposed to lose your hair, youre going to lose it.

Certain genes can cause mens hair follicles to negatively react to DHT , a byproduct that remains when your body breaks down testosterone for use. That means there is a connection between testosterone and baldness for some men with a certain genetic makeup.

Thats good news. If you develop low testosterone and need to consider testosterone replacement therapy , supplementary testosterone isnt going to cause sudden male pattern baldness.

That means TRT is very unlikely to cause you to lose your hair.

Hair Loss And Hormones

As women, we tend to be our own worst critics and constantly fret about our appearance. If your hair starts falling out, it can be extremely upsetting especially when you dont know the cause. We are already affected by the changes that take place in our body as we age, but the onset of hair loss is particularly debilitating, as it affects our overall self-esteem and wellbeing.

There are many causes of hair loss in women. Sometimes its not just a single cause which can make it even more difficult to deal with. You may notice that your hair falls out after a stressful event, however theres usually a delay of a few months for this to start happening after the event. While stress is a cause that we can readily recognize and accept , there are other causes that may not be as obvious such as thyroid problems, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or other hormonal imbalances. Regardless of the cause, it is very upsetting to find clumps of hair falling out, part widening, or even worse, bald spots emerging.

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Different Types Of Alopecia

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss, and there are two main types: alopecia areata and androgenic alopecia. Alopecia may cause hair loss only on the scalp or all over the body. It may result in thinning hair, patches of hair loss, some balding, or total baldness, and it may be permanent or temporary. There are numerous causes, including genetics. Talk to your doctor about possible treatments.

How Does Hormone Imbalance Affect Hair Growth

Causes of Hair Loss in Women and Potential Treatments ...

When it comes to problems like hair thinning, hair fall and an oily scalp, an imbalance between the female and male hormones present in all of us could be to blame. When the female hormone levels reduce, the receptors become more sensitive to male hormones, leading to hair related issues. These imbalances are generally seen in women with polycystic ovaries, those on contraceptive pills, post pregnancy, perimenopausal women and women undergoing any other kind of hormonal changes or imbalance. These hormones not only affect the hair on your scalp, but also your facial hair. When the male hormone becomes more dominant in women , women tend to experience hirsutism, which is marked by excessive hair growth on areas like upper lip, chin, side locks and cheeks, confirms Dr Bijlani.

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Natural Ways To Balance Your Hormones

Most natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females can be found in widely available supplements. Many people also experience relief from certain lifestyle changes, including:

Hormones have a great role in many processes in our bodies. As weve seen, disruptions of these hormones can cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes, a hormonal imbalance can have several serious effects. If you seek treatment as soon as possible, youll have the best chance of managing any complications.


Alternative Medicine For Hair Loss

Alternative medicines and supplements involve little to no risk and can be an extremely effective way to treat hair loss. In the case of herbal supplements, there are two main types that can be used: phytoestrogenic and hormone-regulating herbal supplements

Phytoestrogenic herbal supplements

These supplements, such as dong quai, contain estrogenic components produced by plants that complement the low estrogen hormones in a woman’s body, helping diminish and treat hair loss. By introducing plant-based estrogens into the body, these herbs treat the underlying estrogen deficiency behind hair loss.

They are mainly effective for menopausal women who are more likely to have low estrogen levels and experience androgenic alopecia but are not necessarily effective for women in other stages of life such as puberty, or for cases of telogen effluvium.

Hormone-regulating herbal supplements

These supplements, including Macafem stimulate the body’s natural hormone production by nourishing the pituitary and endocrine glands, helping the whole hormonal system produce hormones more efficiently. This ultimately results in balancing not only estrogen but other important hormones such as progesterone.

These supplements can be considered the safest and most natural way to treat the underlying hormonal imbalance behind hair loss, and can be taken throughout a woman’s life, as they support the body’s natural hormone production.

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The Role Of Hormones On Hair Loss

Androgen hormones, sometimes referred to as male hormones, like DHEA and testosterone, play the largest role in your overall hair growth. When your levels of these hormones are too high, you may experience excess hair growth, especially on the body or face. However, when your hormone levels drop, the reverse occurs and can lead to thinning hair and even hair loss.

The hormones produced by your thyroid also play an important role in hair growth and hair loss. When your thyroid isnt active enough , your metabolism slows. To compensate, your body begins to shut down less important functions, such as hair growth.

Menopausal women and women with polycystic ovarian syndrome or who are pregnant may also notice changes in their hair growth. This is typically because of changes or imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels. The largest drop in estrogen occurs in perimenopause and menopause. Stress can exacerbate the effects of the loss of estrogen, causing further hair loss and thinning

How To Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Female Hormone Imbalance: Hair Loss

During perimenopause and menopause, the natural but extreme declines in estrogen levels can cause hair loss for many women between the ages of 40 and 55. Perimenopause is the transitional period prior to menopause when the first natural reduction in estrogen levels occurs. On average, menopause begins at age 51. During menopause, womens bodies produce even less estrogen, which can cause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and yes, even hair loss.

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Hair Loss In Women Causes And How To Treat It

Men arent the only ones who have to worry about losing their precious locks. While it may be more common among men, hair loss in women isnt as rare as you might think. Its estimated that hair loss affects 1 in 5 women. The most common types of hair loss are telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. Although its more common than alopecia areata, telogen effluvium is less severe. This occurs when the hair follicles stop growing and lie dormant and fall out within two to three months. Being that telogen effluvium is oftentimes caused by stress, trauma or medications, hair growth is typically restored within 6 to 9 months. On the flip side, alopecia areata occurs when white blood cells attack hair follicles, causing the hair to thin and fall out, usually in patches. This type of hair loss may require treatment as hair may not grow back on its own.

Your hair says a lot about your overall health. When the body goes into crisis mode, hair growth is stunted to redirect energy to other cells throughout the body. So hair loss is oftentimes the first sign of trouble. While age is definitely a factor of hair loss, other factors, such as hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, medications and hair care products can also lead to thinning of the hair and even male pattern baldness. The best way to get to the root of the problem is to determine the underlying cause.

Common Causes Of Hormone Imbalance

Can hormone imbalance cause hair loss? For women, hormone imbalance is actually the #1 cause of hair thinning and hair loss issues. The female body maintains a very delicate balance of chemicals and hormones, a harmony that is necessary to keep the body functioning optimally. Certain life events, hereditary hormone levels, and medication impacting hormone levels can lead to hair loss. Examples include:

  • Imbalanced progesterone and estrogen levels
  • Overproduction of androgens
  • Other medications

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Female Hair Loss : Why It Happens And How To Treat It

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Noticed your hair falling out? Whether youve spotted more hairs than normal on your pillow, in the shower drain catch or on your clothing, its easy to panic when you notice your hair thinning at a faster pace than normal.

Female pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss women experience.

Hair loss in women can occur for a variety of hair types and reasons. Sometimes, its triggered by changes in your hormone levels and a genetic sensitivity to certain hormones. In other cases, factors such as stress, thyroid issues , weight loss and even environmental factors can all have an effect on your hairline.

As a woman, dealing with hair loss can be difficult. Luckily, its almost always treatable using a range of safe, effective medications. Weve covered these treatment options, as well as the key reasons for female hair loss, below.

Hormonal Imbalance Hair Loss And Acne

Hair Loss

I have to say, being so open about my acne journey and skin issues isnt always fun. Treating acne is no fun. Trying several different treatments for it is definitely everything but fun especially since nothing seems to work.

Still since I know how common these things are I want to share my experience, even though it means I have to say no to a zillion MLM-marketing companies and listen to people telling me to drink water or try apple cider vinegar for my skin, basically.

What I have learned so far, is that you need a ton of patience for ANY acne treatments. And there are different types of acne out there. And what might work for me, doesnt necessarily work for you. And also acne sucks and its super hard to find good reliable information on it. So how to treat hormonal acne?





I was 99% sure, I would get a PCOS diagnosis. I knew a lot of people with that condition, and I had pretty similar symptoms. I was already devastated, because PCOS affects fertility as well. My doctor took all kinds of tests and they all came back normal. The one thing I didnt get though, was the ultrasound to actually check if my ovaries were polycystic or totally fine. All I got was the recommendation to start birth control pills and maybe roaccuttan with that.


Photos: Susanna Pomèll / Healthyhair

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The Initial Causes Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms Women Hair Loss

The main cause of hair loss is stress. While most of us shed about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, we also continue to grow new ones at the same rate. This shedding is normal, and its perfectly natural to replace lost hair with new ones. However, if youre losing hair that is excessively slow or isnt growing back, youre experiencing hair fall. There are many possible causes for this condition, but theres no one single solution.

Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. Symptoms include bald spots and patches of hair loss. Infection may be caused by fungus, and scaly, red patches may develop. In severe cases, sores may develop on the scalp and oozing pus may be present. Treatment with a prescription may be necessary, but the long-term results of taking these medications are not always permanent.

In some cases, temporary hair loss may be the result of a hormonal imbalance. While some women experience hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, others may experience permanent loss of hair. These changes can be caused by hormones in the body, such as those produced by the thyroid or by the adrenal glands. In severe cases, the loss of hair is caused by medical conditions. Inflammatory diseases can cause an excess of androgen, a male hormone. High levels of vitamin A in the blood and in the body can also result in hair thinning.

Is Low Estrogen Really The Problem

Looking at the Relationship Between Progesterone, Estrogen and Hair Loss

Some doctors may automatically assume that its LOW estrogen thats causing your hair loss, particularly if youre going through menopause.

Other experts, however, dispute this, pointing to an IMBALANCE of hormones as the possible cause of your thinning hair.

Our bodies produce both estrogen and progesterone during our childbearing years and these hormones work most effectively when balanced.

Progesterone plays a variety of roles in the human body and helps

  • reduce water retention
  • use fat to produce energy
  • maintain libido
  • improve mental function

As we begin to approach menopause, the amount of progesterone we produce starts to drop, until it stops altogether AFTER menopause.

Estrogen drops too, but its available from other sources AND our bodies continue making it to some extent outside the ovaries.

But very little progesterone is available from other sources and once our ovaries stop producing it, the balance between the estrogen and progesterone in our bodies becomes upset.

Hair loss plus a whole host of other typically menopausal symptoms can be the result.

The imbalance between the estrogen and progesterone in your body would simply increase.

Its vitally important, therefore, to have your hormone levels tested to ensure that your hormones are balanced and that you dont have too MUCH estrogen in relation to progesterone a situation known as estrogen dominance.

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