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HomeMust ReadHow To Avoid Baby Hair Loss

How To Avoid Baby Hair Loss

What Causes Hair Loss After Baby

How to avoid balding and hair loss in baby’s

The body experiences soaring estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy, says Salinger, which causes hair to remain in an ongoing stage of growth, creating thicker, more lustrous strands. Then your hormones level out in the months following childbirth. Hair remains in this resting stage for approximately three months before it falls out and new growth shows itself, says Salinger. Typically the regrowth is in the form of baby bangs appearing along the hairline.

Hair Falls Out For Many Reasons

Many new moms experience excessive hair shedding after pregnancy. Hair shedding usually peaks about four months after giving birth. By their childs first birthday, most women regain their normal hair growth. If your hair does not regain its normal fullness after one year, you may want to see a dermatologist. Something else may be causing your hair to fall out. People lose hair for many reasons, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment.

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What Symptoms Are Normal

Most hair loss happens in the first 6 months of life, peaking at about 3 months, say the experts at Oregon Health and Science University.

In some babies, hair regrowth happens about the same time hair falls out, so you may not notice a difference. In others, the hairs fall out quickly, leaving your child cue-ball bald. Both scenarios are normal.

Heres what else to look for:

  • loose strands of hair in your hand after you stroke your babys head
  • hair in the bath or on a towel after youve shampooed your childs hair
  • hair in places your baby rests their head, such as a crib or stroller

Most causes of baby hair loss are pretty harmless and include:

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What Are The Major Causes

Some of the major causes of hair loss in children are:

  • Alopecia areata: One of the reasons for hair fall could be alopecia areata. This condition causes the immune system to attack the hair follicles all over the body. It can cause smooth bald patches throughout the scalp and is known to impact the speed of hair growth.
  • The function of the thyroid hormone: Thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism can lead to excessive hair loss.
  • Underactivity of the pituitary gland: If your babys pituitary gland is under-active, he may have a condition called hypopituitarism which can cause extreme hair loss.
  • Trichotillomania: It is a condition observed in slightly older babies where they compulsively pull their hair out. This could be a reason for hair fall.
  • Physical damage: Tying your babys hair too tightly or other forms of physical damage to their hair could lead to irreversible hair loss.
  • Infection: A variant of the ringworm infection called tinea capitis is highly contagious and can cause hair loss, flaky, and itchy scalp and redness on the scalp.
  • Hair problems: Lice infestations and the presence of dandruff can cause hair to fall.

Most parents think newborn baby hair fall could be a sign of something more serious. If limited to small amounts, hair loss is expected at any age. Talk to your doctor to get an insight into your babys hair loss.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Bald Spots

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The Struggle is RealOk sure, its a first world problem, but you cant help but notice that your bundle of joy is perfect in every way apart from that ugly baby bald spot on the back of their head! If youre worried about your baby losing hair, dont fret – its very common for babies and infants to experience temporary hair loss and develop bald patches due to friction. The American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as other child health organisations around the world recommend that babies always sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome . Since babies spend a lot of time on their backs, they are constantly rubbing the backs of their heads against their mattresses, resulting in their fine hair being tugged and eventually pulled out.

Silky SolutionIn order to prevent and get rid of baby bald patches, make sure your little angel is sleeping on silk bedding. The liquid smooth finish of silk provides an incredibly soft and frictionless surface for babies to lie on, preventing bald patches, as well as allowing for hair growth where bald spots already exist. Cotton, bamboo and other fabrics can tug and pull on delicate baby hair, but the long strands and tightly woven nature of premium silk creates a smooth surface that allows bubs hair to glide effortlessly and unharmed.

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Try A New Cut And Color

First and foremost, visit a stylist for professional advice, says Scuoppo. They may recommend a different hairstyle that incorporates those fine hairs in the front. If you previously had long hair, or a layered cut with pieces that came down to the chin in the front, you may need to shorten it into long bangs that frame the face.

Celebrity stylist Oribe agrees that it’s a good idea to go shorter in the front. Sexy, short-in-the-middle, longer-at-the-sides bangs would look amazing, says Oribe. Layering your hair all over will also give you more fullness.

Coloring your hair can also give it body, says Scuoppo. If you feel that your hairline is receding and you have dark hair, highlighting the front acts as a camouflage. Or try glossing, a treatment that gives hair all-over shine.

Why Is My Baby Losing Hair

Those first few months are exciting. Your baby changes a lot every day, and that includes their hair.

Baby hair loss is perfectly normal, and it often happens within the first six months. Some babies only lose a few strands at a time while others might develop bald spots. But dont panic, babys new locks should grow out again in no time.

Hair growth typically has two phases. One of growing, and another period of resting, also called telogen effluvium.

While the hair is in the resting phase, it will stay put in the follicle. As the new hair starts to grow, it will push out the old resulting in a few lost strands.

The growing phase can last around three years and the resting is generally three months. However, anything between one and six months is normal.

Each strand has its own time, so its usually only a few at any one time that your baby might lose. But changes in the body can cause lots of hair to stop growing all at once . Lets zoom in and try to get to the root of the hair loss problem.

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What Can You Do If Your Infants Hair Is Falling Out

There are numerous ways to combat hair fall, some of which are:

  • Using medicated baby shampoos to fight infections.
  • Consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment

It is a common practice in some cultures around the world to shave off the babys birth hair. It is believed that shaving off your babys birth hair will help avoid any bald patches. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the validity of this practice.

What if Your Baby is Completely Bald?

This is extremely common. Many babies are born bald. You can rest easy even if your baby doesnt grow hair till his first birthday. Each baby has a different cycle of development. Dont panic about your baby having a bald spot, because unless there are any other symptoms, it is normal. Talk to your doctor if you fear other symptoms exist or if you need further clarifications.

Brush Your Hair With Care

How To Prevent Infant Hair Loss | Baby Hair Care

If you hair texture allows, try to only brush or detangle hair while it’s dry brushing wet hair can cause tears and follicle damage. If you’re a curly girl who simply can’t fathom the idea of brushing out dry curls , make sure to brush gently when your hair is wet and covered in conditioner. Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle

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Hair Pulling Or Twirling

Children who twirl their hair may damage the hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out. Some children pull their hair because of anxiety. Doctors call this trichotillomania.

When the person stops pulling or twirling their hair, it should regrow. Hair pulling is a type of anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder, so it is essential to treat the underlying cause. A child may benefit from therapy, emotional and social support, or medication.

Treatment For Hair Loss

Hair loss treatment usually works well. Also, most cases that are treated early wont cause scarring.

The type of treatment your child needs will depend on the underlying cause of the hair loss.

Many children with small patches of alopecia areata will have hair regrowth without treatment. If your childs bald patches are getting worse, your doctor might prescribe corticosteroid cream or another treatment for the affected area for a few weeks. If your child has complete or rapid hair loss, your doctor might prescribe an oral medicine.

Some older children might feel upset or stressed about their bald patches. Talking with a GP or counsellor might help.

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What To Expect In Terms Of Regrowth

Put the pint-size hairpiece down. The vast majority of babies will regrow their lost hair in a matter of months.

But what surprises a lot of parents is that the new locks may look different than your babys first thatch of hair. Its not uncommon, for example, for light hair to come in darker, straight hair to come in curly, or thick hair to come in thin and vice versa. Genetics and your babys own hormones help determine which it will be.

Treat Your Babys Scalp Gently

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Even though you cant prevent hair loss altogether, you can minimize the effects by treating your babys scalp and hair gently.

Here are some simple suggestions:

  • Avoid headbands
  • Dont tie braids or ponytails too tight
  • Comb your babys hair with a soft baby brush
  • Only comb hair once every other day
  • Skip styling your babys hair
  • Dont dry their hair with a hairdryer
  • Dont put a hat or cap on their head if its hot outside

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What You Need To Know About Hair Loss

If your condition is not due to a hormonal imbalance, your doctor may recommend treatment that includes topical corticosteroids. Topical corticosteroids may lead to red or puffy face and can reduce your immune systems ability to fight infection. In some cases, fungal infections, such as tinea capitis, can lead to hair loss. Fortunately, you can take antifungal medications to treat it and get a full head of hair again.

Hair loss is a normal part of aging, and there is no need to worry. In fact, it is perfectly normal for most people to lose a bit of hair every day, and it will grow back eventually. Some men and women experience hair loss as they age, while others simply have a genetic predisposition to the problem. If youre experiencing a lack of hair, you may have a weakened immune system, which can lead to hair loss.

For more severe cases of hair loss, a dermatologist may recommend a hair transplant. This procedure involves a surgeon removing plugs of hair from your scalp. It may take several hours and multiple sessions to complete the process. Its an invasive treatment, and may not be the best option for everyone. Your doctor will need to examine your scalp to determine the cause of your condition. In addition to a healthy diet, your doctor may recommend taking supplements of various vitamins and minerals.

Make Sure Your Hair Is Adequately Hydrated

Dry hair is more easily damaged than hair that’s adequately hydrated, leaving your hair vulnerable to trauma. Using conditioner on wash days plus occasional deep conditioning treatments will ensure that your hair is coated with a protective layer.

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Dont Wash Your Babys Hair Every Day

One of the best things you can do to minimize the effects of baby hair loss is to avoid washing your babys hair every day. Even a gentle washing and the light friction of your hands against their scalp can accelerate the hair loss.When you do wash, use a baby-formulated shampoo, like Mustelas Gentle Shampoo or Foam Shampoo For Newborns, and be extra gentle so you dont stress the scalp and hair follicles even more.

How To Identify New Hair Growth Vs Breakage

How To Regrow Baby Bald Spot| Prevent Balding & Promote Hair Growth| Regimen Demonstration

At first glance, it can be hard to differentiate between breakage and new baby hairs that are just beginning to grow. But there are a number of clues that can help you tell if those short hairs are a result of damage or growth.

“Baby hairs can be seen in both hair breakage and new growth and is often a point of confusion for me when I am assessing a new patient for hair loss,” said dermatologist Dr. Anna Chacon. “Typically, a look at the overall pattern will provide clues as well as to whether hair breakage versus growth is present. If there is growth in one area, there will also be other growth in other areas, although there may be decreased hair density and baby-fine hairs. If there is breakage in a particular area, there will also be visible breakage and damage throughout the rest of the hair on the scalp. This can be seen on dermoscopy/trichoscopy, in which the hair follicles are examined at higher magnification. A hair pull test, which is positive if more than six hairs out of 20 pulled come out, can also indicate if there is active shedding or hair loss going on at the time.”

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How To Treat Hairline Breakage

So what to do if your baby hairs are really breakage hairs? First, cut back on heat styling. “These hair-care practices weaken the strength of bonding among hairs and can create brittle nodes which lead to premature cracking and breakage,” Shaver explains. But if you absolutely cannot help yourself, “You should always try to use the lowest temperature possible when styling hair to avoid additional trauma.”

Hairstylist Takisha Sturdivant-Drew agrees that heat styling should be eliminated or at the very least kept to a minimum. “A lot of women are doing no heat styling none at all. But then again, that doesnt work for everyone.” If you’re one of those people, don’t use your flatiron more than once a week, and again, put it on the lowest setting possible and be sure to protect those edges from that heat. “Use a leave-in heat styling spray and apply it all the hairline,” she tells Allure. After application, Justin Anderson, colorist and cofounder fo dpHUE suggests allowing the area to air-dry almost fully before you go in with the iron.

Even if you ditch the heat tools altogether , “condition, condition, condition,” Sturdivant-Drew advises. “It nourishes and moisturizes the hair. leave-in conditioner is great to use on your edges because it still lays them down. A hair oil or a serum is even better to hydrate the edges.”


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