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HomeCauseDoes Depression Cause Hair Loss

Does Depression Cause Hair Loss

Hair Loss With Depression

Depression Symptoms & Help : Does Depression Cause Hair Loss?

It is their fit that prompts an infringement of the blood gracefully to the hair follicles, on the off chance that the pressure was one-time, at that point the vessels of the head and hide in the long run getting back to business as usual. Steady anxious pressure doesnt give the body time to resume, and sparseness is picking up energyhighlights of the impact of melancholy on hair.

Stress can transform into genuine delayed melancholy or persistent hypochondria. Generally speaking, in this express, an individual:

  • helpless sustenance
  • experiences languor or sleep deprivation
  • infrequently goes out into the natural air.

Youve likely found out about a potential connection among stress and going bald, however, is there any fact to this case? Regardless of whether youre feeling puzzled at work or overpowered by passionate functions, its normal to stress over how pressure can influence your body.

The Function Of Stress

Stress is a recognized cause of thinning hair. In truth, stress can play a part in three several types of hair loss:

Despair and stress arent the identical, after all. However stress can definitely factor into depression. Sudden, undesirable life adjustments and ongoing life challenges can increase your stress.

Triggers would possibly embrace:

For those who discover it tough to navigate and deal with these stressors, emotional misery can worsen and ultimately contribute to depression.

The authors of the research above additionally famous that girls who reported hair loss had been extra more likely to not solely havent melancholy signs, but additionally relationship points usually a big supply of stress.

Many individuals additionally discover elevated hair loss just a few weeks or months after giving beginning. Hair loss is very common after childbirth, in accordance with the American Academy of Dermatology. Your hair will most probably start rising at its common fee inside a number of months to a 12 months.

Nonetheless, nonetheless excited or delighted you are feeling about your new child, childbirth can definitely be a nerve-racking life occasion.

You may also wonder if melancholy performs a component in hair loss if you happen tove observed signs of postpartum depression.

Whether or not youre experiencing abnormal stress as you modify to the addition of a new child or postpartum melancholy, a therapist can supply help and provide help to discover helpful treatments.

Itching Due To Vitamin B12 Deficiency

All B vitamins help break down carbohydrates and proteins during metabolism and support healthy skin and hair. B12 aids in the production of red blood cells and healthy nerve cells. It helps in the creation of DNA during cell division and keeps skin smooth and supple.

Recently, one of our readers, Chirag Pratap, commented on a similar topic. He asked if B12 deficiency can cause itching. We reached out to Prof. Ragini Chugh, a dermatologist in Delhi. She gave the following insights about the matter:

Itching in dermatology is a symptom in itself and can be caused by multiple reasons. The list of possible causes of itching is huge and can include almost anything from psoriasis to alopecia areata to vitamin deficiency to hypothyroidism to diabetes mellitus.

B12 or cobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an essential cofactor for several metabolic processes. It is also known as the energy vitamin because it helps the body produce red blood cells and release energy from food.

The nerves and brain also need this vitamin to function optimally. So, if you notice that youre feeling lightheaded and confused or you cant concentrate or if youre unable to remember things, it could be a symptom of B12 deficiency.

Itching is another possible symptom of B12 deficiency. But before we go on to the answer to our question, lets understand why such a deficiency can cause itching.

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Depression Causes Lifestyle Changes

Those suffering from depression often unknowingly change their diets. They eat more unhealthy foods or lose their appetites entirely. This deprives the body, and hair in particular, of essential nutrients needed to stay healthy. Not only do you lose or gain weight, but hair can thin dramatically or fall out.

What Are The Psychological Effects Of Hair Loss

Does depression cause hair loss?

Research into the psychological problems associated with hair loss is limited.

The evidence confirms that the experience of hair loss is psychologically damaging, causing intense emotional suffering, and often leading to personal, social, and work-related problems. People with severe hair loss are more likely to experience psychological distress than those with mild hair loss . The loss of hair changes a persons looks, particularly when the eyelashes and eyebrows are affected as they define a person’s face. Hair loss may be seen as a failure to conform to the norms of physical appearance within society .

The relationship between hair loss and psychosocial consequences may be complicated by hair loss that eventuates from a stressful experience or life event, which then leads to further distress, anxiety, and depression . Women who experience high levels of stress are 11 times more likely to experience hair loss than those who do not report high stress levels .

Compared with the general population, people with hair loss have an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders, including a major depressive episode, an anxiety disorder, social phobia, or a paranoid disorder .

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Can My Hair Loss Be Treated

Hair loss caused by mental health issues can in most cases be treated. The underlying problem of hair loss for most mental health issues is stress. Stress related hair loss, in most cases, stops its growth phase during a stressful period and lie dormant, causing the hair to shed. If the stress continues, the hair continues not to grow.

However, if the stress does stop your hair will resume its normal growth phase and after a month or so youll notice your hair loss would have stopped and new hair will begin to grow.

Other factors, such as side effects from medication cant be stopped, however, it is a possibility that you can talk to a GP about changing to medications that have different, and maybe fewer side effects.

If you would like to speak to one of our hair loss specialists about your hair loss please contact us for a no obligation consultation.

Why Does Depression Make Your Hair Fall Out

High levels of stress and some anti-depressants can contribute to a condition called Telogen Effluvium, wherein the same follicles can stop the growth and even enter the telogen phase. Those follicles can then remain in that phase for around three months before shedding, so while depression can cause your hair to fall out, you may not see the impact for some time. In this case, it is possible that the hair loss will resolve itself, but if the stress is on-going it may be that the hair loss will continue until the stressor is removed or has subsided.

A poor diet can also be a major contributor to hair loss as iron deficiencies or an overabundance of certain vitamins might inhibit certain hair follicles from being able to produce new, healthy hair. It is not necessarily that depression makes your hair fall out, but that the ways depression can influence your life can make a difference.

For trichotillomania, the hair pulling is often compulsive and can be either a stress response or an idle distraction the person may not even realise that theyre doing it. Alopecia areata is caused by inflammation, although why this occurs is largely unknown.

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Male Pattern Baldness: A Leading Cause Of Depression

  • Blog
  • Male Pattern Baldness: A Leading Cause of Depression
  • No, you’re not being dramatic. Male pattern balding can cause depression. Science says- ‘What’s on your head affects what’s in your head!’


    With age comes wisdom-yes, but also grey hair. Now grey hair is a blessing if you ask any bald man. And in this day and age, we have many such men to ask, who are acquainted with hair fall. As per the latest studies, 67% of the men by the age of 35 would experience appreciable hair loss and by the age of 50, 85% of men would have significantly thinning and hair fall. This phenomenon starts as early as the age of 21 in 25% of the cases. What is this phenomenon?

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    Its called Androgenetic Alopecia, and since hair fall as it is scary, in layman terms we less hauntingly refer to it as Male Pattern Baldness. Male pattern baldness is defined as the loss of hair from the scalp in men due to change in hormone levels especially as they age. This is a fairly standard phenomenon in men and is widely observable too. And yet, hair loss can be extremely upsetting and psychologically depressing. Hair loss often leads to a loss of self-esteem. Its what one would call double jeopardy as it is not only loss of hair but also a loss of confidence.

    The psychological impact of male Pattern Baldness / Androgenic Alopecia

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    How Anxiety Can Cause Hair Loss

    Hair Loss Causing MASSIVE Depression? Yeah.. That’s Real

    Anxiety is the bodys reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. Though everyone feels anxious occasionally, those who suffer from anxiety disorders suffer such distress that it interferes with their ability to lead a normal life.

    The effects of anxiety are both mental and physical. Some of the physical symptoms can include sweating, headaches, nausea, trembling, and rashes. Anxiety and hair loss is one physical side effect that is not so commonly mentioned. Most people dont think anxiety affects the hair because it doesnt affect everyone. However, anxiety can have an effect on your hair and when it does, it can be very distressing for those dealing with sudden hair loss.

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    Losing Hair From Stress What You Should Know About Hair Loss And Chronic Stress

    2 Minute Read

    Medically Reviewed by Primary Care

    If youre finding more strands of hair than usual on your pillowcase and in the shower drain, you may be wondering if anxiety is to blame.

    Youve probably heard about a possible link between stress and hair loss, but is there any truth to that claim? Whether youre feeling frazzled by work or are overwhelmed by emotional events such as divorce or a death in the family, its natural to feel concerned about how stress can affect your body. Heres what you should know about stress and hair loss.

    What Are The Clinical Features Of Anxiety/depression Due To Hair Loss

    Hair loss may lead to depression, anxiety, and social phobia.

    • Depression can lead to a feeling of low mood, lack of interest or pleasure in activities, loss of energy, and sleep deprivation.
    • Anxiety can cause excessive worrying, difficulty in controlling those feelings, and a feeling of heightened tension. Patients may also complain of palpitations and sweating.
    • Social phobia or avoidance behaviour follows on from the experience of anxiety symptoms, leading to social and economic suffering.
    • Social anxiety disorder is characterised by the fear of humiliation or being judged negatively in social situations as well as the avoidance of such social or performance situations .

    These symptoms can have a severe impact on an individuals mental health, ability to work or study, and well-being.

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    How Can I Overcome The Problem

    Find the courage to learn to manage anxiety, stress, and depression, as all three are interlinked. You can ask the help of an expert or find other ways out, such as sports, walking, creative pursuits, a good nights sleep, and healthy living.

    If you are already experiencing hair loss because of depression, then maybe you should consider having a permanent treatment. At Harley Street Hair Clinic we offer the latest hair transplant method, the FUE hair transplant technique which offers amazing natural results. A hair transplant in combination with an experts counselling should be the best option for you.

    Signs Of Mild Depression:

    Depression Symptoms &  Help : Does Depression Cause Hair ...
    • Physical pains or gastric issues that have no somatic explanations
    • Memory and thinking problems like increased forgetfulness

    If you or someone around you is suffering from any such symptoms, or is distressed over the feelings of sadness or frustration that you/ they feel, it is recommended that professional help be sought.

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    Can Depression Cause Hair Loss Unpacking The Connection

    Depression typically includes emotional misery together with bodily signs: fatigue, aches and pains, and digestive issues, simply to call a couple of.

    Should youre experiencing symptoms of depression, and also youve additionally observed some hair loss, you would possibly wonder if its simply one other signal or facet impact of despair.

    Whereas specialists havent discovered proof to recommend despair immediately causes hair loss, despair might have a extra oblique position in thinning hair. And, after all, a sudden or vital enhance in hair shedding can simply create a brand new supply of stress or worsen an already low temper.

    Under, well cowl the connection between hair loss and despair, discover different widespread causes of hair loss, and provide some steerage on getting assist.

    Specialists have discovered some proof to recommend sure despair signs could also be linked to hair loss.

    A 2012 study explored potential hyperlinks between hair loss and despair signs in 157 girls of assorted ages looking for therapy at a dermatology clinic.

    The researchers requested questions on:

    • hair kind
    • a persistent low or unhappy temper
    • fatigue and low vitality

    Examine authors additionally famous that ladies of their 20s and 30s have been extra prone to expertise signs of each despair and hair loss.

    Simple Tips To Help Stop And Prevent Anxiety Attacks

    The escalation of fear about having another anxiety attack is often the catalyst that brings on more attacks. Heres some recommendations to help calm sufferers and assist them in preventing anxiety attacks that lead to hair loss.

    • Relax your body as much as you can.
    • Calm yourself down. This will bring an end to the anxiety attack in time.
    • Go for a walk. Leisure walking often will cut back the anxiety.
    • In and of themselves, anxiety attacks arent harmful. They are merely strong reactions to chronic stress, fear and worry.
    • Remember, these attacks always end. The faster you calm yourself, the quicker theyll end.
    • Reduce stress, increase rest and give your body time to calm down.
    • The more relaxed you are, the less likely of a repeat attack.
    • Stop scaring yourself with worry. Worry is the number one cause of anxiety attacks.
    • Keep your stress in a normal range to prevent more involuntary attacks.
    • Reduce your sensitivity and reactivity to imagined dangers.

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