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What Age Does Hair Loss Start

Why You Lose Your Hair

At what age does hair loss start? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

As you might suspect, hair loss is completely normal at every age when it happens within certain parameters. Children lose hair every day after all, and the same is true for normal adults.

You can shed about 100 hairs a day as an adult without falling outside normal parameters. The average human head has about 100,000 hairs, and 100 is just a small fraction compared to what growing every day.

In fact, every one of your hair follicles can be in a slightly different position on the circle that represents your hairs three life cycle phases the anagen phase, catagen phase and telogen phase.

Hair grows in the anagen phase, rests in the catagen phase and falls out in the telogen phase before the whole cycle starts again.

Up to 10 percent of your hair is typically in the telogen phase at one time, with about 90 percent of your hair growing in the anagen phase.

What we understand as hair loss is really excessive hair loss the shift from normal percentages to an imbalance of follicles that are remaining in the telogen phase and not regrowing.

Hair might end up stuck in the telogen phase for a variety of reasons autoimmune diseases, stress, trauma to the scalp or body generally.

It may also be due to genetics or hormones. Depending on the cause, hair loss will be characterized as a different condition or disorder.

Can You Stop Male Pattern Baldness

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed baldness cure.

There are available treatments, but there is no one-size-fits-all cure for male pattern hair loss.

Remember, MPB is not anything to worry about. It is very common and poses no threat to your health unless it is caused by an underlying problem.

Most men go bald, its a fact of life. If you dont feel the need to do anything about it, just dont.

Still, many men struggle mentally and emotionally with losing their hair. If this is the case, there are various options available that may help.

At What Age Does Hair Loss Start

Hair loss, also called alopecia, can start at almost any age as you enter adulthood. You can start losing your hair as early as your late teens and early 20s. But you might have a full head of hair with almost no thinning or balding until well into your 50s and 60s. There’s a lot of variation from person to person.

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Patterns Of Female Hair Loss

Clinicians use the Ludwig Classification to describe female pattern hair loss. Type I is minimal thinning that can be camouflaged with hair styling techniques. Type II is characterized by decreased volume and noticeable widening of the mid-line part. Type III describes diffuse thinning, with a see-through appearance on the top of the scalp.

Lifecycle Of A Hair Follicle

Going Bald Too Young? Top Tips From The Hair Loss Experts!

The average scalp contains about 100,000 hairs, and you lose about a hundred hairs every day. Many people lose up to 50% of their hair before they start to notice the thinning. Each individual hair survives for an average of four years, during which time it grows about half an inch each month. Usually around the fifth year, the individual hair falls out and is replaced within six months by a new one. When the hair doesnt cycle back to the growing phase, thats when hair loss occurs. This is the normal growth phase of your hair and the technical terms for the stages of hair growth are:

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Hair Loss In Young Men

Some men experience hair loss in their teens and early twenties, which again is usually a result of hormones. Since the hormones are raging in puberty, it makes some men in their teens and early twenties more at risk of losing their hair as testosterone is produced in a higher quantity during puberty than any other time of a mans life. Even if there is no male pattern baldness gene, this boost in hormones can still cause shrinkage of the hair follicles. Certain hairstyles like man buns can cause hair loss if tied too tightly.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, by the age of thirty-five, approximately two thirds of men will have lost a little hair. By the age of fifty, 85% will have experienced hair thinning or have lost a significant amount of hair.

Whilst some women do experience female pattern baldness early on in life, it is more common after the menopause, not because of an increase in testosterone but rather because they experience a drop in other hormone levels. And hair loss before the menopause is usually caused by a condition known as alopecia which can develop at any time and cause hair loss which may or may not be permanent. Often it is caused by stress and is not a common condition.

Hair Loss In Your 20s

The majority of androgenetic alopecia sufferers start noticing their hair loss in their mid to late twenties. By age 20, about 20% of men have at least some visible hair loss. Since your 20s are often a time for finding yourself and meeting new people, hair loss can have a significant impact on your social life and confidence in general. And while some men feel comfortable shaving their heads and going completely bald, others have a harder time adjusting to this new reality. If you relate to this, now is a great time to address your hair loss and take action. The earlier you do something about your hair loss, the greater the opportunity to preserve your hair.

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Is There A Way To Slow Or Prevent Baldness Once You Notice Hair Loss

Whether or not hair loss can be stopped depends on the diagnosis. In certain conditions, such as hormonal or familial hair loss, treatments can be expected to halt progression of the shedding or regrow some but not usually all of the lost hair.

When hair loss is due to an underlying medical condition, such as a thyroid disease, iron deficiency or anemia, the hair will regrow when the condition is treated.

In cases like telogen effluvium, a sudden type of hair loss that happens typically three months after a stressful event or illness, the hair loss is completely reversible without any treatment.

Unfortunately, there are some types of hair loss in which the follicle becomes scarred or closes off, and hair can no longer regrow in those areas. In these cases, the goal of treatment is to prevent further scarring and preserve the hair that is left.

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  • Scabs or crusts are present in the hair
  • Ringworm of the scalp suspected.
  • Broken hairs from tight hair style and pimples are present in scalp
  • Patch of hair loss and cause not known
  • Widespread hair thinning and cause not known
  • Hair loss from nervous habit of twisting the hair
  • Hair loss is a chronic problem
  • Normal hair loss suspected, but doesn’t grow back within 6 months
  • You have other questions or concerns

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Can I Get Fue Hair Transplant At A Young Age

Absolutely. Hair loss affects patients of all ages, and many younger men and women are considered good candidates for NeoGraft hair restoration. One of the primary factors to consider when determining if you qualify for FUE hair transplant is the cause of your hair loss. During your initial consultation for hair restoration in Orange County, Dr. Kelishadi will examine your scalp and hair, review your health, medical, and family history, perform any necessary lab work, and identify the likeliest cause of your thinning hair. Based on these results, Dr. Kelishadi will determine if you may be an appropriate candidate for FUE hair transplant.

When Can I Expect Male Pattern Baldness To Start

We often get asked when male pattern baldness can start. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine , more than 50 percent of all men over the age of 50 will be affected by male pattern baldness to some extent.

Everyone is different, and hair loss can happen at different stages of life. Some might notice hair loss around the hairline in their younger years this is often known as a maturing hairline and can result in further hair loss/male pattern baldness much future down the line.

However, for most, early signs of male pattern baldness will start at around the age of 25 to 35 and over the years you will notice that the hair loss becomes progressively worse. The rate at which hair is lost will differ for everyone and seeing a hair loss specialist can be helpful to discuss potential hair restoration treatments and when you should start to look into seeking help.

The speed in which the process happens varies for each individual. A maturing hairline can happen to anyone and does not depend on a genetic predisposition. It is estimated that 95% of Caucasian males will develop a mature hairline.

Male pattern baldness displays signs of hair loss such as a thinning crown and a receding hairline a receding hairline shows a distinct V-shape which is more prominent than a maturing hairline.

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Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level laser therapy is an FDA cleared way to treat hair loss with a medical device. These devices come in the form of a brush or comb that you simply run through the scalp, or as a cap that you can wear. They emit a constant red LED light that can not only reduce inflammation, but also increase blood flow to the hair follicles and support hair growth or density.

Multiple research studies have proven the effectiveness of all three of these approaches. A 2017 analysis of studies found that minoxidil, finasteride, and LLLT were all superior to placebo in regrowing hair, and the researchers concluded they were all effective for promoting hair growth even in men experiencing male pattern baldness.

At What Age Does Early Hair Loss Start

Hair Clinic

Most of us imagine baldness or hair loss as something that only affects our parents and grandparents. In reality, however, hair loss often begins much earlier in life. In fact, some men and women start to lose hair in their late teens. Regardless of your age, thinning hair can be frustrating, discouraging, and even embarrassing. To help restore your natural hair and your confidence board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi and the acclaimed team at SSK Plastic Surgery are proud to offer cutting-edge NeoGraft® FUE hair restoration in Newport Beach, CA. Discover the benefits of FUE hair restoration below, and find out if this exciting technique may be appropriate for hair loss at an early age.

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How Your Diet Can Affect Your Hair

Its well known that your diet can have an effect on your body, but did you know it can affect your hair too?

Research has shown that there is a link between diet and hair health. For example, vitamins are essential when it comes to maintaining your overall hair health a deficiency of either Zinc and Iron can be very detrimental to hair growth.

What Is The Typical Age At Which Women Begin To Experience Hair Loss

Women’s hair loss is particularly aggravating, given how much they rely on their hair to enhance their appearance. In most cases, it hurts women’s social lives and self-confidence.

Hair loss in women, as it does in males, may occur at any age and for a variety of reasons. Let’s have a look at the rate of hair loss among women of various ages.


Only a small percentage of women begin to notice hair loss at the age of 20. Hair loss in this age range is often caused by a number of causes that may be addressed to halt the process.

Experiencing hair loss in one’s early twenties and thirties may be a frightening and stressful experience.

When people reach this age, the most prevalent causes of hair loss are stress from dieting and changes in hormone levels.

The telogen phase of hair follicles, which finally leads to shedding, is accelerated by chronic stress. If you’ve been under a lot of stress for three months, you could notice that your comb and shower are becoming clogged with hair.

Crash diets may cause hair loss, so to prevent this, go for moderate and steady weight reduction approaches, while making sure you’re getting enough nutrition.

Giving birth or stopping a medication may cause hair loss as well. You may notice hair loss and thinning as your body adapts to hormonal changes.

If you’re in your 20s or 30s and you’re losing your hair, do some research to find out what’s causing it and how to fix it, or see your doctor.

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Early Signs Of Balding

The signs of balding can also vary between people. Some people might see hair loss that starts at their temples, while others might notice a change in their hairline. This means that not everyone with hair loss will experience every sign of balding.

Common signs of balding include:

1. Thinning temples

Hair starts thinning around your temples. Youll also notice thinner hair at the crown, or back, of your head.

2. Receding hairline

The term receding hairline describes the process of the hair on the front and sides of your head beginning to thin and move away from your face. Often, people with this type of hair loss notice their hairline has started to make an M shape because the hair on the side of their head is receding faster than the hair in the middle.

This type of hair loss is very common in males.

3. Thinning on top of the head

Sometimes the first sign of hair loss can be thinning of the hair on the top of your head. In this type of hair loss, you wont notice thinning or receding on the sides of your head at all.

This type of hair loss tends to progress slowly. It can take years before thinning hair becomes a bald area on the top of your head. This hair loss pattern is very common in certain racial groups. For instance, Asian males are more likely to experience this pattern than a receding hairline, according to .

4. Widening part

Another type of hair loss causes your part line, the line where your hair splits on the top of your head, to widen and pull apart.

The Role Of Hormones In Hair Loss

The three age-related stages of female hair loss

Another way to look at this is to ask the question: why is hair loss an adult problem? Why dont we see kids running around with bald spots? The answer lies in the hormones that are responsible for puberty and our transition to adulthood.

Male pattern baldness occurs as a result of Dihydrotestosterone . DHT is an androgen and a byproduct of the male hormone, testosterone.

DHT is produced through the 5a-reductase enzyme, which converts a certain percentage of your testosterone into DHT in tissue such as your liver, prostate, skin and your hair follicles. Therefore, the more testosterone your body produces, the more DHT you end up with.

In boys, puberty is associated with a ramp up of hormones, including testosterone. In a way therefore, puberty triggers a silent countdown in those with a genetic susceptibility to male pattern baldness. How soon the signs of hair loss begin to develop, and how quickly they progress, depends largely on genetics.

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Causes For Hair Loss In Young People

Hair loss can happen for all sorts of reasons, for example, it can be related to diet, exercise, illness, stress, disease, or hereditary causes.

For younger women, thinning hair is usually a result of poor nutrition, stress, disease, or changes in medications, like birth control.

Crash diets, weight loss, and low iron levels are all reasons why you may notice hair falling out or changes to hair growth. Make sure you are eating healthy foods for hair growth and exercising regularly to help yourself avoid this. A poor diet is the easiest thing to change when it comes to preventing hair loss.

Diseases more common to women, such as thyroid disease and lupus, are also culprits that contribute to hair loss. If you notice other symptoms besides thinning hair, consult with a doctor to find out what the issue could be.

Oral contraceptives can also contribute to hair loss. The hormones in birth control that suppress ovulation can sometimes cause thinning hair and hair loss. This is more likely to happen if you have androgenetic alopecia, but a hair loss cure is possible if you switch birth control or go off of it all together.

Thinning hair and hair loss in younger men is usually a result of androgenetic alopecia, but it can also be brought on by poor nutrition and stress.

Men have more DHT than women in their body. Since hair loss is a result of the hair follicles sensitivity to DHT, thinning hair and hair loss often begins at an earlier stage for most men than women.

How To Stop Hair Loss At Early Age

While hair loss is socially acceptable at an elderly age, making peace with it in your youthful years is often difficult. Thats why Lordhair decided to share the best tips and ideas to recover from hair loss, thinning, and damage triggered at an early age:

Go for short hair: This is one of the easiest tips to minimize hair loss at an early age! Longer hairdos are more difficult to manage and also more prone to damage. Thats why Lordhair recommends flaunting a short hairstyle.

Limit styling: Overuse of heat-focused styling tools such as hairdryers and straighteners makes the hair dry, prone to breakage, and more likely to fall out. So, limit the use of hair styling tools.

Eat hair-loving foods: Positive dietary changes can make a drastic change in hair health and foster hair regrowth. Carrots, oats, egg yolks, green peas, and leafy green vegetables can help you dodge hair fall in long run.

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