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HomeCauseCan Diabetes Cause Hair Loss

Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss

How To Get Started On Your Hair Restoration Treatment

Can Diabetes Cause You Hair Loss? Hair loss due to diabetes Explained.

Make an appointment with our doctor if you are experiencing any troublesome diabetic symptoms, including hair loss. In particular, hair loss from your arms and legs should be reported to your physician since it might be a symptom of impaired blood circulation.

If you have diabetes and are experiencing hair loss, you may need to make changes to your food, lifestyle, or medication in order to gain a better grasp on your blood sugar. The decrease in hair loss should be seen after your diabetes is under control. Youll lose fewer hairs and more of the ones youve already lost will regenerate as a result of this treatment.

If youre finding yourself not generating new hair over the course of a few months, meeting with one of our experts will help determine what the cause is and how we can treat it properly.

Diabetes Weakens The Immune System

Any type of disease or illness weakens the immune system. In this case, your body needs to work much harder to fight off any type of infection including infections attacking your scalp. Anyone with an enfeebled immune system will be more prone to fungal disease, including ringworm, which can result in patchy hair loss and overall hair thinning.

On top of this, the healing process for diabetics takes much more time than for healthy individuals. This means that anagen hair becomes energy deprived and can never really blossom. In other words, your scalp suffers from a compromised hair growth cycle.

Keep in mind that regardless of your health, you can strengthen your hair follicles with the Theradome. And dont forget that laser hair growth therapy is clinically proven to shift hair in the anagen phase, which prevents hair loss.

What Is Hair Loss

The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that the average person sheds 50-100 hairs each day, which is considered normal. Hair loss is a natural aspect of the hair cycle. When one hair falls out, another grows in its place.

Alopecia, or hair loss, happens when anything prevents the hair from growing. Hair loss can appear in patches and may not recover until the underlying cause is addressed.

On the other hand, excessive hair shedding might happen when youre stressed or after youve given birth. Its vital to realize that this isnt the same as hair loss. So if you see a mature hairline, its not necessarily caused by your diabetes.

When blood sugars are out of range, diabetes can cause hair loss. Diabetes has also been linked to alopecia areata, an immune system illness that causes hair loss. Hair loss is upsetting, especially if you dont know whats causing it or how to treat it.

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Will Hair Loss From Diabetes Grow Back

Hair fall is reversible in some cases. While many treatment options are available for men and women, benefits are usually short-term, and need active follow-up.

Some individuals with diabetes can control hair loss that has occured due to pre-existing health conditions. Managing stress levels and controlling blood glucose levels can help. Exercising regularly, following a healthy diet, monitoring and seeking cognitive behavioural therapy or counselling can control the condition.

Catagen The Second Stage Of Hair Growth

Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

The Catagen stage of hair is a short, transitional phase. During the second phase, hair stops growing and prepares for a dormant, or resting stage.

This preparation includes a significant shrinking of the outer root sheath and a fastening to the root of the hair.

The Catagen stage lasts for two to three weeks, and about 3% of your hair is in this stage at any given time.

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When To Call The Doctor For Diabetic Hair Loss

If you have abnormal hair loss or any unusual symptoms, call your provider. Someone will answer your questions, or you might be scheduled to go in for an outpatient visit. There is no harm in calling your doctor and setting up an appointment.

However, there are a few situations that may require more immediate attention:

  • Sudden and rapid hair loss
  • Skin irritation that lasts more than a few days

Several things might cause sudden and rapid hair loss, but some could be signs of poisoning or other emergencies. If you experience sudden and rapid hair loss, seek emergency medical attention.

Skin irritations can sometimes creep up for seemingly no reason. Certain skin irritations can disturb hair cells, as well. You may develop a rash from using a new soap or skin cream. It may be nothing serious, but it should still be watched.

If you are not aware of any exposure to anything out of your usual routine, and you have skin irritation that lasts more than a day or two, you should seek medical attention.

When in doubt, call your doctor or medical provider. If nothing is wrong, you will at least have peace of mind.

How To Overcome Hair Loss From Diabetes

As noted above, the first step you need to take to reverse hair loss is to manage your blood sugar carefully. The following steps may be advisable from your doctor in order to optimize your blood sugar control and your health:

  • Check your blood sugar when your doctor recommends it. Many people may need to check it before each meal and bedtime, whereas others may only need to follow up with specific lab tests like Hemoglobin A1c.
  • Take your medication as prescribed. Many people require insulin-type medications that need to be dosed based on their current blood sugar. Follow those instructions carefully, so you do not underdose, or worse overdose, on your insulin. Other people may be on a daily medication like metformin.
  • Follow an appropriate diet with the assistance of a nutritionist who specializes in helping people with diabetes.
  • Get regular exercise and work toward weight reduction if you are overweight. While there is no cure to type 2 diabetes, weight loss can help keep your blood sugars more stable.

While treating your diabetes is the critical first step toward combatting hair loss related to this condition, you can simultaneously take steps to improve hair growth on your scalp. Using products that help boost circulation in your scalp is key, and it is also helpful to add ingredients to your hair regimen that boost hair growth.

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The Role Of Insulin In Diabetes Hair Loss

Insulin is a hormone created in the pancreas that allows your body to utilize glucose from carbohydrates. The insulin moves those sugars from the bloodstream to the cells, where they are either used as energy or stored for later use.

If you have diabetes, either your body doesnt produce this vital hormone , it doesnt use it effectively , or both. This can result in a buildup of sugar in the bloodstream.

This excess sugar can cause a variety of problems including:

  • Damaging the bodys organs including the eyes, nerves and kidneys.
  • Damaging the blood vessels, which may prevent them from delivering enough oxygen to nourish organs and tissues, including hair follicles.

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can cause hair loss.

How Does Diabetes Trigger Hair Loss

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that permits your body to use glucose from carbohydrates. Insulin transports glucose from the bloodstream to cells, where they are either consumed for energy or stored for later use. If you have diabetes, your body either does not create insulin or does not utilise it well , or both. This is the case.

This can cause sugar to accumulate in the bloodstream. High blood sugar levels can lead to a number of issues, including:

  • Endangering the bodys organs, such as the eyes, nerves, and kidneys.
  • Blood vessel damage may limit blood vessels from providing adequate oxygen to nourish organs and tissues, including hair follicles.

Hair loss can occur in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

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What Are The Signs Of Abnormal Hair Growth

All humans have different types of hair follicles on the body. However, the hair growth in males and females is unique.

Following are the three main types of hair follicles found in women:

  • Head & genitals: These hair cells produce coarse, dark and thick hair in a dense manner.
  • Limbs: The follicles on arms or legs promote sparse growth of soft, light, and thin hair.
  • Torso: This type facilitates short hair growth on the chest, abdomen, and back region.

We shed about 100 to 150 hairs every day, which is completely normal.

So dont freak out over losing a few strands.

What you DO need to look out for is sudden dramatic hair loss were talking a whole bunch of hair falling out for no apparent reason!

This usually leaves small bald spots or noticeable patches with little to no hair on the top of the head.

Diabetes hair loss is perhaps the most common reason behind abnormal or patchy hair growth in your body.

You may also observe visible thinning in the parting region. Many people may suffer hairless patches on other body parts too, such as legs, arms, and face, including eyelashes and eyebrows.

Bottomline, you might want to note how often and how much hair youve lost to determine whether its serious or not.

Only then you can figure out whether it has something to do with diabetes and hair loss.

Thinning Hair Care Tips

If your hair is thin and you want to promote hair growth, here are some hair care tips which can be beneficial:

  • Keep your hair shorter, about the length of your shoulders.
  • Avoid ponytails or braids as they will damage your hair.
  • Avoid hair dryers or curling irons.
  • Use widely spaced bristle hair brushes for your hair.
  • Use gentle hair care products.
  • Avoid sun exposure, wind or chlorine.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet.

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Getting Blood Sugar Under Control

The main reason why diabetes causes hair loss is because of high blood sugar levels damaging hair follicles. One way to combat the issue is by getting your blood sugar under control.

After you receive your diabetes diagnosis, it can be hard to adjust to the lifestyle guidelines your doctor recommends, which usually include a balanced diet, adequate exercise, and blood sugar monitoring. In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe medications to help with blood sugar control, which you should take as prescribed to get the best results.

How Do Doctors Diagnose

Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

The location of your hair lossis it on your scalp, legs, or elsewhere?influences your diagnosis. Does it fall out in clumps or patches? A sex-specific hair loss feature frequently causes hair to fall out in male and female patterns.

Other aspects to consider are:

  • Differentiating between sudden or gradual hair loss
  • Trauma
  • Medications
  • Ethnicity

Your doctor may order blood tests to see if youre deficient in vitamins and minerals. A dermatologist can also use a dermoscopy to determine the reason for hair loss. Theyll also take a look at your nails.

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Diabetes And Hair Loss

Diabetes may be a risk factor for hair loss, as well. Consistent high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels, which, in turn can decrease the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to cells and tissues. Hair can also be impacted by a lack of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in decreased hair growth, hair thinning, and hair breakage. Other factors related to diabetes can lead to hair loss, as well.

The Link Between Metformin And Hair Loss

As mentioned above, some medications are used to treat diabetes or another associated condition that could be causing hair loss. These also interfere with the hairs natural growth cycle, which leads to less hair produced or hair thinning.

Metformin is a common drug used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes. It is also prescribed to treat those suffering from PCOS . This drug functions to lower the amount of sugar produced in the liver and improves the muscle cells sensitivity to insulin.

Some research suggests that using this long-term could cause vitamin B12 and folate deficiency. Lack of these nutrients can cause hair loss. However, more studies are needed to establish the link between metformin and hair loss.

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How Can You Know If Your Cat Is On The Verge Of Death Due To Diabetes

The cat begins to wilt in the final stages, with the body breaking down its own fat and muscle in order to survive. Lethargy/limpness and breath that smells like acetone are both severe signs of ketoacidosis and/or dehydration and represent a medical emergency. Diabetes, if left untreated, progresses to unconsciousness and eventually death.

Reduce High Blood Sugar Levels

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss and What Can You Do?

And as we know, hair loss happens for various reasons which are genetic, nutritional and physiological in nature. If you suffer from a condition like diabetes that leads to the breakage of hair strands/stems it can result in hair loss.

So it is important not only to control blood sugar levels but also have to take care to strengthen hair roots and prevent breakage from occurring in the first place.

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Other Reasons For Diabetic Hair Loss

It has been established that diabetes itself can cause hair loss. Know that hair loss may also occur due to the stress of a chronic illness, including diabetes.

Some people with diabetes might experience hair loss as a side effect of their diabetes medications. Other diabetics have thyroid disorders or hormone-related problems, which can lead to hair loss, as well.

Furthermore, if you have diabetes and you are also taking an anticoagulant, anticonvulsant, certain beta blockers, or antidepressants, this can lead to hair loss.

How Does Hair Loss Normally Happen

Hair loss may be classified into three types: alopecia androgenetica, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.

Alopecia androgenetica is defined by male pattern baldness, and it may occur in both males and females as a result of hormonal fluctuations. An autoimmune disease known as alopecia areata happens when the immune system assaults hair follicles, while telogen effluvium is a kind of temporary hair loss that occurs as a reaction to stress.

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What Medications Can Help With Hair Loss

Your diabetes doctor may prescribe a topical medication such as minoxidil , which you apply to your scalp and other areas of hair loss. To regrow hair, men can take a pill called finasteride . I also use it off-label for women at a lower dose on occasion. In women, we sometimes use Aldactone or spironolactone to block the action of testosterone.

Wigs are your last resort, but they are an option.

If your diabetic hair loss affects a large area of your scalp, you may want to cover it temporarily with a wig or hairpiece. The cost is reasonable, and you can take the wig off when you no longer require it. I hope that by watching this video, you will never get to that point!

So, everyone, thank you for tuning in. Well catch up with you in the next article.


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