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Why Does Hair Loss Occur

How To Determine Hair Shedding Vs Hair Loss

Zinc Deficiency Signs & Symptoms (ex. Hair Loss, Acne, Infections) & Why They Occur

If you want to self-diagnose between hair shedding, which is completely normal, and hair loss, which needs the assistance of a dermatologist, you can try this simple trick. Take up about 40 strands of hair about an inch from the scalp and tug gently, running your fingers down the full length of your hair. If more than about 6 strands fall out easily, you may be experiencing hair loss.

Incorporate A Protein Source At Every Meal

Protein after surgery is imperative for recovery, healing, sustained weight loss, and prevention of muscle loss.

Some sources of high-quality protein include eggs, fish, poultry, legumes, or dairy, as long as you can tolerate them well. Your stomach size is smaller following surgery, making it important to eat a solid protein source at every meal throughout the day. Find some of my recommended protein-rich, bariatric-friendly recipes here.

Generally speaking, protein intake should be between 60-100 grams per day, but your surgical team and registered dietitian will offer personalized guidance for your recovery. Its possible that supplemental protein drinks will be recommended to help you meet your needs temporarily.

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How Long Will It Last

Hair shedding can occur from around 3 months postpartum and should slow down around 6 months postpartum. If you find that it doesnt subside, there may be another underlying issue, and we suggest you speak with your doctor. Do remember that pregnancy, having a newborn, and breastfeeding all take their toll on your body and you must be patient while it resets itself.

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What To Expect At Your Office Visit

A careful medical history and examination of the hair and scalp are usually enough to diagnose the cause of your hair loss.

Your provider will ask detailed questions about:

  • Symptoms of your hair loss. If there is a pattern to your hair loss or if you are losing hair from other parts of your body as well, if other family members have hair loss.
  • How you care for your hair. How often you shampoo and blow dry or if you use hair products.
  • Your emotional well-being and if you are under a lot of physical or emotional stress
  • Your diet, if you have made recent changes
  • Recent illnesses such as a high fever or any surgeries

Tests that may be performed include:

  • Blood tests to rule out disease
  • Microscopic examination of a plucked hair
  • Skin biopsy of the scalp

If you have ringworm on the scalp, you may be prescribed an antifungal shampoo and oral medicine for you to take. Applying creams and lotions may not get into the hair follicles to kill the fungus.

Your provider may advise you to use a solution, such as Minoxidil that is applied to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Other medicines, such as hormones, may be prescribed to decrease hair loss and promote hair growth. Drugs such as finasteride and dutasteride can be taken by men to decrease hair loss and grow new hair.

If you have a certain vitamin deficiency, your provider will likely recommend that you take a supplement.

Dont Overdo Your Vitamin A

Thinning Hair In Women: Why It Occurs And What Can Be Done

While you want to increase your protein and iron consumption, too much vitamin A can stifle hair growth. Typically, excessive vitamin A intake is the result of taking medicines or too many vitamin supplements. Its all about moderation when it comes to getting the right nutrients your body requires.

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Key Points About Temporary Or Abnormal Hair Loss

  • Abnormal or temporary hair loss can be due to many causes, including nutritional deficiencies, health conditions, medicines, reactions to hair products, stress or pregnancy.
  • In abnormal hair loss, you may notice your hair suddenly sheds in a large amount, or sheds a lot after combing or brushing, or that it is broken or unable to grow longer.
  • See your doctor if you experience sudden hair loss at the same time as having fever, pain, weight loss, poor appetite, breathing problems, gut problems or skin problems.
  • Treatment depends on the cause of your hair loss. Removal of the cause usually stops your hair loss. Your doctor will advise the most suitable treatment for you.
  • Temporary hair loss cant be prevented, but there are things you can do to help protect and keep your hair healthy.
  • Image credit: Canva

    What Support Is Available With Abnormal Hair Loss

    Hair loss can be distressing and difficult to accept initially. Talking with others who have experienced hair loss may help. If you need to talk to someone, ask your doctor about counselling sessions available in your area, or for a referral to a counsellor.

    Below are also some support groups you may find helpful.

    NZ Alopecia Facebook support groupNZ Alopecia website Information from fellow New Zealanders living with alopecia. Links to support groups, personal experiences through to information about the wig subsidy.Wigs and hairpieces subsidy Information from the Ministry of Health regarding wigs and hairpieces subsidy for people who suffer from serious hair loss because of a medical condition or from certain cancer therapies.

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    Why Is My Hair Falling Out 7 Causes Of Male Hair Loss

    Medically reviewed by Vicky Davis, FNP

    Its a common situation: after taking a shower or brushing your hair, you notice that a little more of your hair has fallen out and collected around the drain or stuck to your brush . You may even start to wonder how much hair loss is normal.

    While everyone sheds a certain amount of hair on a daily basis , shedding more hair than normal could be a sign that youre beginning to lose your hair as a result of male pattern baldness.

    It may also be a signal that youre losing hair due to a medical condition, such as chronic stress, an infection or a nutritional deficiency.

    Below, weve shared seven common causes of male hair loss. For each potential cause, weve explained how it can occur, as well as the effects that you may notice on your hairline and scalp if youre affected.

    Weve also listed some common misconceptions about hair loss, as well as factors that typically dont cause hair loss or hair shedding in men.

    Finally, weve shared several proven, evidence-based approaches to treating hair loss that you can use if youre starting to notice excessive hair loss and want to do something about it.

    What Is The Relationship Between Hair Loss In Women And Menopause

    The different types of balding and why they occur

    During menopause, you might see one of two things happen with your hair. You might start growing hair where you didnt before. Or, you might see the hair you have start to thin. One cause may be changing levels of hormones during menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, meaning that the effects of the androgens, male hormones, are increased.

    During and after menopause, hair might become finer because hair follicles shrink. Hair grows more slowly and falls out more easily in these cases.

    Your healthcare provider will do a thorough examination and take a detailed history to help you deal with changes in hair growth. You may be directed to have your iron levels or thyroid hormone levels tested. Your medications might be changed if what you take is found to affect hair loss or growth.

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    How To Prevent And Manage Hair Loss

    If youre receiving treatment for breast cancer that can cause hair loss, its important to know you have options. Below, you can learn about ways to prevent and manage hair loss as a side effect of breast cancer treatments.

    If chemotherapy medicines that will cause hair loss are part of your breast cancer treatment plan, there are steps you can take to prepare, possibly lessen hair loss, and protect your hair as it grows back. Learn more about Managing Hair Loss From Chemotherapy, including tips for hair loss on your head, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

    Cold caps and scalp cooling systems are tightly fitting hat-like devices filled with a cold gel or liquid coolant. Cold caps and scalp cooling systems have helped many people keep some or quite a bit of their hair during chemotherapy. Learn more about Cold Caps and Scalp Cooling Systems

    Many people find that wearing a wig is a good solution for them if they experience hair loss from breast cancer treatment. A wig can provide a sense of normalcy, consistency, and privacy during cancer treatment. Experimenting with different wig styles and colors can also be quite fun! Not sure if a wig is right for you or where to begin looking for one? Read more about wigs to learn about where to buy a wig or get one for free, how to choose one that suits you, how to care for a wig, and more.

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    How to Treat Hair Loss From Medication

    Most of the time, hair loss thats caused by medication will gradually get better on its own after you stop using the drug thats responsible for the hair loss.

    In other cases, you may be able to avoid or limit the severity of your hair loss by adjusting your dosage. This is something youll need to talk about with your healthcare provider, as changing your dosage on your own may increase your risk of side effects or other health issues.

    If youre convinced that a medication youre prescribed is causing you to lose hair, dont make any changes without first consulting your healthcare provider.

    Your healthcare provider may suggest changing your dosage or switching to a different type of medication thats less likely to affect your hair. In some cases, they may recommend taking an additional type of medication to control any hair shedding that occurs during treatment.

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    So What Causes Hair Loss During Menopause

    Menopausal hair loss is caused by a decline in hormones. Estrogen helps to stimulate hair growth, especially on your head. It also helps to stimulate the T3 receptors in your hair follicles. Which helps to keep your hair healthy. If you have high levels of testosterone as your estrogen levels start to fall, you can actually lose hair much more rapidly. Especially if your body is converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. You can experience male pattern balding. Excessive shedding due to unbound testosterone and less hair growth due to less estrogen can lead to significant generalized hair loss in menopause.

    Why Does Hair Loss Happen When We Lose Weight

    Why Does Hair Loss Happen

    The reasons your hair might start falling out can be down to nutrient deficiencies, if you are trying to lose weight and youve cut out certain food groups, this can lead to hair loss. Its best to make sure youre eating enough food packed full of nutrients to prevent any deficiencies. Another way to keep your body healthy while losing weight is to combat stress and hormonal changes.

    Exercise is your key to stopping getting stressed and making sure your hormones are balanced out. You can also practice meditation, relaxation breathing, and yoga to keep your stress levels under control. Its important to lose weight gradually and not rapidly, as this might confuse your body and stress you out. Weight loss surgery and restrictive diets can lead to hair loss. Making sure you avoid controlling your diet too much will mean hair loss is less likely to happen when youre losing weight. Stock up on vitamins and eat the crucial foods you need for a balanced diet.

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    How Will A Healthcare Provider Diagnose Hair Loss In Women What Tests Are Done

    The tests performed to diagnose hair loss in women can be simple or complicated:

    • Gently pulling on your hair to see how many hairs come out.
    • Blood tests. These check for vitamin and mineral levels and hormone levels .
    • Scalp examination under a microscope and trichoscopy.
    • Scalp biopsy to remove and examine a very small piece of scalp skin.

    Why Does Hair Loss Occur And What Are The Treatment Options In The Uk

    Sadly, hair loss can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender , and social rank. After all, even prince William and prince Harry were not forgiven! Furthermore, there are solid studies that suggest that male pattern baldness is quite common in men over the age of 50 and, as they reach the age of 70, over 80% of men tend to go bald.

    But why does this happen?

    First of all, hair loss is normal its the natural way of things and a healthy human being will lose between 50 and 200 hairs a day. This is why you find hairs on your hairbrush, pillow, or all over the house.

    Baldness occurs when the hair follicles cant produce and grow any new hairs, and this can have several causes. Still, when it comes to men, the most common causes of baldness are genetics and lifestyle.

    Luckily, science is advancing at a fast pace, which is why people who want to try their chances at getting their hair back in shape have access to modern treatments and procedures that can help.

    In this article, we will discuss the treatments available in the UK, and their level of efficiency.

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    Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

    Thereâs no doubt that a healthy you begins with a healthy lifestyle that goes beyond what you put on your plate. It also involves managing physical, mental and emotional stress, getting plenty of exercise and seeing your doctor regularly.

    Also, if you experience hair loss, you will likely feel stressed about it, which can make the problem worse. Discuss these concerns with your medical doctor, and consider taking a little downtime to destress.

    How To Prevent Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

    Nuvira – Why Hair Loss Occurs

    The most important point to keep in mind if you lose hair after surgery is that hair loss is very common and treatable post surgery. In most cases, time will take care of the issue within 6 months or so.

    Nevertheless, it doesnt hurt to ensure you keep up a healthy diet after your bariatric surgery, not just for your hair, but also for your overall health and recovery.

    If you want to aid your recovery and hair loss, you should make efforts to:

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    Causes Of Hair Loss And Baldness

    A variety of factors from illness to poor nutrition to hormonal imbalances to major stress can contribute to hair loss. If you’re experiencing thinning hair or baldness, you need to get to the root of the problem to determine the best treatment.

    Hair loss whether baldness or noticeably thinning hair can occur for a number of different reasons. Sometimes hair loss is a side effect of a health problem that needs to be addressed and will remedy itself when the health problem is properly treated. When hair loss is due to a condition involving the hair itself, as in the case of alopecia, the hair loss can be permanent.

    Symptoms Of Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia areata primarily affects hair, but in some cases, there are nail changes as well. People with the disease are usually healthy and have no other symptoms.

    Hair Changes

    Alopecia areata typically begins with sudden loss of round or oval patches of hair on the scalp, but any part of the body may be affected, such as the beard area in men, or the eyebrows or eyelashes. Around the edges of the patch, there are often short broken hairs or exclamation point hairs that are narrower at their base than their tip. There is usually no sign of a rash, redness, or scarring on the bare patches. Some people say they feel tingling, burning, or itching on patches of skin right before the hair falls out.

    When a bare patch develops, it is hard to predict what will happen next. The possibilities include:

    • The hair regrows within a few months. It may look white or gray at first but may regain its natural color over time.
    • Additional bare patches develop. Sometimes hair regrows in the first patch while new bare patches are forming.
    • Small patches join to form larger ones. In rare cases, hair is eventually lost from the entire scalp, called alopecia totalis.
    • There is a progression to complete loss of body hair, a type of the disease called alopecia universalis. This is rare.

    In most cases, the hair regrows, but there may be subsequent episodes of hair loss.

    The hair tends to regrow on its own more fully in people with:

    • Less extensive hair loss.
    • No family history of the disease.

    Nail Changes

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    What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss And When Does It Start

    Hair will most commonly begin to shed about three months postpartum. After birth, hair is usually stable and then the telogen effluvium or intense hair shedding starts around three to four months postpartum, says Dr. Mariwalla. Unfortunately, that often coincides with poor sleep and overall exhaustion from having a new baby in the house.

    This combination can make hair loss an emotional event. It can sometimes make new parents feel vulnerable and uneasy.Dr. Mariwalla tells her patients to remain calm during this time. The key thing is reassurance that they will not go bald but it can take almost a year for all of the hair to grow back, says Dr. Mariwalla.

    Unfortunately, there are still questions as to why hair loss happens, aside from the hormone fluctuations new parents experience. What we do know is that hair loss is a very real side effect.

    Postpartum telogen effluvium remains understudied and is lacking hard data to prove any theory , says Bridgette Hill, founder of Root Cause Scalp Analysis, and a certified trichologist.The theories range from increased levels of progesterone and increased iron intake to nutritional deficiencies.”

    Breastfeeding is also a factor for hair loss, since it can be quite taxing on the body.”Breastfeeding can also impact the hormonal and nutritional balances, which can result in hair shedding, Hill notes.


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