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HomeHelpDoes Magnesium Help With Hair Loss

Does Magnesium Help With Hair Loss

Prevents Cell Death In The Scalp

Magnesium For Hair Growth – Does It Stop Hair Loss?

Calcium deposits restrict blood flow to the scalp. Proper blood flow is necessary to allow nutrients into hair follicles. When blood flow to cells slows or stops, cells begin to die. Hair loss is a result of cell death in the scalp. That sounds scary. Magnesium chloride benefits cellular health by restoring the blood flow.

Taking Magnesium For Hair Growth

Magnesium is found in a lot of the foods we normally eat. Meeting your daily intake requirements is very achievable if you know what to eat.

A good rule of thumb: foods high in fiber usually have high magnesium content as well.

Everyday foods like beans, seeds, rice, seafood, dark leafy greens, and nuts are great sources of magnesium. Even desserts like dark chocolate can be a good source of magnesium. Note that a high-fat diet may inhibit your bodys ability to absorb magnesium, and cooking can reduce the magnesium content in food.

There are also a number of supplements that supply the recommended daily amount of magnesium. And many calcium supplements also supply magnesium to aid in calciums absorption.

Theres no doubt that getting magnesium through your diet and with supplements is practical, but it might not be the most efficient way to deliver the mineral to your follicles. In fact, magnesium is surprisingly inefficient at being absorbed when consumed orally.

Background Of Magnesium Oil

Despite its importance for human health, an analysis performed with data from a 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that at least half of the U.S. population had inadequate intakes of magnesium.

Even though it is present in a wide array of dark leafy greens, nuts, grains and fruits, oral magnesium is surprisingly poorly absorbed.

Because of this, magnesium oil is becoming an increasingly popular and effective method of increasing ones levels.

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Magnesium Deficiency And Hair Loss

Its clear how magnesium helps promote hair growth. But what happens when were not getting enough magnesium?

According to medical research, the average male should be consuming about 400 mg. of magnesium per day and women should be getting at least 310 mg. So how is the average American doing on their magnesium intake? In a word, not great.

Its estimated that well over 80% of adults do not get even the minimum amount of magnesium that they need. And almost none of them know they are magnesium-deficient.

Can a magnesium deficiency cause hair loss? Absolutely.

A magnesium deficiency gives calcium the freedom to run wild. In other words, those small calcium deposits in and around the hair follicles can cause hair loss. Premature graying is also a side effect when protein synthesis isnt functioning properly and creating enough melanin.

We can also ask the opposite question can too much magnesium cause hair loss?

Thats unclear. But the reality is that more and more experts now say that even the RDAs of magnesium 400 mg. for men and 310 mg. for women might be too low, and that they likely should be closer to 500 mg. and 400 mg., respectively. So the chances that you are getting too much magnesium are very low. There seem to be very few doctors with patients experiencing hair loss from having too much magnesium in their diet.

The real problem is magnesium deficiency, and most people are completely unaware if theyre deficient. But there are ways to fix a deficiency.

Critical For Energy Production

raw thymus glandular hair loss

Adenosine Triphosphate is the energy currency of the whole body. It powers every single cell function.

The process of ATP production, called the Krebs Cycle, is a multi-step process that involves a myriad of enzymatic and chemical reactions. One of these reactions is the production of ATP from ADP. Magnesium is a co-factor in the conversion of ADP to ATP .

Magnesium is also required for ATP to be biologically active. Without it, ATP cannot provide energy to the body.

The Krebs Cycle takes place in the mitochondria, a small cellular organelle. The importance of magnesium-dependent mitochondrial ATP production is evidenced in one relatively new animal study .

In this study, rats were genetically programmed to have the genetic material needed to assemble the mitochondrial ATP production system. These rats exhibited marked reductions in ATP production.

Interestingly, researchers found that these rats started to lose their hair and develop wrinkles. When their mitochondrial function was restored, the researchers were able to reverse the visible signs of aging.

Although this was an animal study, mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with signs of aging in humans.

These findings suggest that improving mitochondrial function and energy production may help reverse hair loss associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Considering that magnesium plays a critical role in ATP synthesis, it may help support mitochondrial function and reverse hair loss.

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Vitamin D3 And Magnesium Ratio: Things To Consider

Since they work together, it is important to get the ratio of Vitamin D and magnesium correct when supplementing. The best course of action is to test your Vitamin D and magnesium levels and consult your doctor before beginning a supplementation regimen.

Here are some things to keep in mind when considering dosing ratios of Vitamin D and magnesium.

The recommended dosage of Vitamin D supplementation varies based on the age of the patient. The rough breakdown is as follows:

  • â0â1 year: 10 mcg â
  • 1â13 years: 15 mcg â
  • 14â70 years: 15 mcg â
  • 71 years and older: 20 mcg â
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 15 mcg

While Vitamin D toxicity cannot be caused by overexposure to sunlight, it can result from over-supplementation. Doctors also recommend a daily upper limit of supplementation, which again varies by age:

  • â0â1 years: 25 mcg to 38 mcg â
  • 1â13 years: 63 mcg to 75 mcg â
  • 14 years and older: 100 mcg â
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 100 mcg

Vitamin D toxicity springs from over-calcification of the veins. Symptoms include nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, bone pain, and kidney stones.

As far as magnesium goes, doctors recommend the following doses of magnesium, with variations between the sexes at older ages:

  • â1â3 years: 65 mg â
  • 4â8 years: 110 mg â
  • 9 years and older: 350 mg

Hair Loss Due To Magnesium Deficiency Why Can Magnesium Work Against Hair Loss

The mineral magnesium helps with countless metabolic processes. Three of these are known to counteract the dreaded hair loss:

  • Magnesium promotes blood circulation
  • Magnesium helps against stress
  • Magnesium inhibits inflammation

In case of circulatory disorders on the scalp, the hair root is poorly blooded and the hair loses strength and becomes dull the hair loss is programmed. Stress is a source of hair loss here too, magnesium is helpful to reduce it. Once the scalp is sensitive, the bellows become more easily inflamed. At the end of it is the hair root. These are also affected and the hair disappears. Here helps another bonus of magnesium. It is a natural anti-inflammatory.

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Prevention Is Better Than The Cure

Using just a dab of magnesium oil on your hair every time your shampoo, will prevent graying, unless you have an incident involving overwhelming stress, like a heart attack or developing diabetes.

And if you have had hair color disasters when you tried to cover up gray at home, keep some magnesium oil on hand for hair repair.

It wont undo an overdose of, say, Hair for Men.

But it will keep hair from tangling and frizzing and looking even worse. It also works for eyebrows and beards.

What about other natural products for bringing color back to gray hair?

The Chinese herb used for treating gray hair is he sho wou, but he shou wou is always used in a formula with other herbs, never by itself.

Go with products that are made by Chinese over the counter product makers in Taiwan or the USA. Dont bother with two-herb combinations like he shou wou and fenugreek seed.

They wont hurt, but they wont help.

Special Offers And Product Promotions

How to Apply Magnesium Oil for Hair Loss, Hormones, Cramps, Muscle Recovery
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Magnesium Oil For Hair Loss

As the name suggests magnesium oil is not a true oil. Its a concentrated solution of magnesium crystals mixed with water. But when it goes on the scalp or skin it tends to feel somewhat like an oil. Hence, its called magnesium oil.

Magnesium oil is a great way to nourish scalp tissue and make hair thicker and stronger. Plus, it will also boost scalp circulation, bringing more nutrients for healthy hair growth.

You can make your own magnesium oil, its as simple as dissolving salt in water. But since we live in a busy world, you might want to buy a readymade magnesium oil. Your choice.

To make magnesium oil, you will need:

  • ½ cup magnesium chloride crystals
  • ½ cup distilled or filtered water
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • A spray bottle

How to Make:

  • Bring water to boil, then turn off the flame.
  • Now add the magnesium chloride crystal to the hot water and stir until completely dissolved. It will take only a few seconds.
  • Let it cool down and pour it in a spray bottle.
  • You can store this at room temperature. It will keep for 2-3 months.
  • How to Apply:

    Just spray magnesium oil directly on your scalp and rub it in. Let it soak for 30 minutes before you wash your hair. Use twice a week. You might feel a warm, tingling sensation, but then it fades away.

    May Reduce Scalp Tension

    Scalp tension is believed to be one of the culprits behind AGA . Proponents of this theory suggest that chronic tension of the scalp muscles is the trigger for the downstream effects that lead to AGA progression.

    There is a good amount of evidence to support this theory. What is less clear, though, is what causes the chronic scalp tension in the first place.

    Magnesium deficiency may contribute to muscle tension . With its calcium-blocking properties, magnesium counteracts the muscle tension that results from increased cellular calcium.

    Due to these muscle relaxing properties, magnesium oil may help reduce scalp tension that theoretically leads to hair loss. But, again, this hasnt been directly tested.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Scalp tension is believed to be one of the culprits behind AGA. In theory, it triggers downstream effects that lead to AGA progression.
    • Its not clear what causes chronic scalp tension, but magnesium may help. Magnesium blocks calcium influx to muscle cells that causes contraction.
    • Due to these muscle relaxing properties, magnesium oil may help reduce scalp tension that theoretically leads to hair loss.

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    Signs You Could Be Magnesium Deficient

    I write about Magnesium quite a lot. Im a big fan of this mineral. I often refer to it as a miracle mineral because of the amazing transformations I see it make to my patients health regularly.

    Magnesium deficiency can be difficult to diagnose because it can cause such a wide range of different symptoms and health problems. It is also difficult to test whether a person has sufficient magnesium in their body. Blood tests are not useful because only approximately 1 percent of the bodys magnesium is present in the bloodstream. Most magnesium is in the bones, muscles and organs.

    Not many people realize just how critical magnesium is to your body. This mineral is responsible for approximately 300 metabolic processes in your body.

    Many people associate magnesium deficiency with anxiety, insomnia and muscle cramps. This is certainly true, although magnesium is also required for energy generation in your body and is brilliant for helping to overcome fatigue. Heart conditions can be improved with magnesium, particularly palpitations, which are extremely common in post menopausal women.

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    Hair Loss lack of magnesium and hair loss

    There are many products, vitamins and treatments on the market that promote hair growth. But have you considered trying minerals? Magnesium is an essential mineral for our bodies, and one that you may have overlooked. Not only does magnesium strengthen our bones and hearts, but it also has benefits for your hair and scalp.

    Are you getting enough magnesium?

    Magnesium consumption can be overlooked, which makes it possible to have magnesium deficiency. Signs of magnesium deficiency include fatigue, anxiety, inflammation, dizziness and more. How do we become deficient of magnesium? If you eat highly processed foods that lack nutrients, this can lead to a magnesium deficiency, so making sure that you include foods in your diet that contain magnesium will help you meet your recommended daily intake. The recommended amount will vary based on your age and gender, so for a full list check out this factsheet by the National Institutes of Health.

    Magnesium for the scalp
    Ways to consume magnesium

    You can find magnesium supplements and magnesium oil at your local drug stores, or make your own with the recipe below. You can also incorporate magnesium oil in your lifestyle by including it in your diet. If you feel you have a magnesium deficiency, then the next time you make a trip to the grocery store, bring a list of magnesium enriched food items, such as:

    • Seeds and nuts
    • Glass bowl or glass measuring cup
    • Spray bottle
  • Stir well until completely dissolved.
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    Improves Sleep And Reduces Stress

    Your body goes to work when you go to sleep. In fact, your body does much of its rebuilding while you are asleep. Not enough restful sleep inhibits the bodys ability to rebuild bone and grow new cells. Magnesium chloride benefits sleep. It produces a calming effect in the body that helps you relax.

    Emotional stress is an important factor to consider when treating hair loss. Stress and anxiety affect your health. A magnesium deficiency can make matters worse. Magnesium chloride is a natural way to calm your nerves.


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