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Will Rogaine Help Thinning Hair

Side Effects Of Minoxidil

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As mentioned, shedding hair in the first few weeks after treatment is a normal response to using minoxidil. Given that less than 2% of minoxidil is absorbed by the body when applied topically, serious side effects are rare. Side effects of minoxidil include :

  • Scalp irritation
  • Allergic contact dermatitis at the site of drug application
  • Hair growth in untreated places
  • Headaches

Side effects, especially hypertrichosis, are more common with the higher 5% dose than the 2% formulation .

Can Rogaine Work For Me

To reiterate: Rogaine® is ONLY a hair loss treatment option for people with genetic hair loss. So we need to reframe the question from will Rogaine® work for me? to Am I experiencing genetic hair loss?

For decades, people had to play the guessing game of trial and error, spending hard-earned money and taxing their emotional wellbeing only to be disappointed with a lack of results.

How can you find out if you have the SULT1A1 enzyme necessary for Rogaines efficacy?

Our research led us to the startling realization that the hair-growth industry is riddled with misinformation. And thats what led us to the patented development of Rogaine® Minoxidil testing with the Minoxidil Response Test.

How Does Rogaine Work How Long Does It Take To Work

Minoxidil, the primary active ingredient in Rogaine, is an anti-hypertensive vasodilator medication. Quite a mouthful really. This is just a fancy way to say it widens the blood vessels and increases blood flow. You may have heard that minoxidil first came about in the 1950s. It was created by the Upjohn Company and was initially thought to be a cure for ulcers. It was not successful, but was found to be a potent vasodilator.

This eventually led to FDA approval of minoxidil in the form of oral tablets for high blood pressure. It was given the name Loniten. During this road, scientists found that minoxidil had an unusual side effect: unexpected hair growth. This ultimately culminated in FDA approval for hair loss prevention in 1988 under the name Rogaine.

Rogaine works by massaging the medication solution into the scalp, usually twice daily. You want to get about 1ml worth per treatment. That is the equivalent to about half the hollow cap that pops off the top. Rogaine says users should expect to see results in about 4 to 6 months.

Rogaine acts to promote hair growth by causing hyperpolarization of cell membranes. This means it expands blood vessels and potassium channels. The result? Hair follicles are infused with a greater amount of nutrients, oxygen, and blood. This is thought to revive old dormant hair follicles, and keep existing ones healthier by stimulating follicles into an anagen phase. Hairs in the anagen phase are thicker and more robust.



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How Does Rogaine Work

Rogaine stands out from among the crowd of similar products because it definitely works. According to WebMD, no matter how many products claim to be able to grant you the ability to stop hair loss, there are only four things that can do that:

1. Propecia, a prescription pill that blocks the balding hormone

2. Laser light treatment

3. PRP

4. Rogaine.

Hair naturally thins as we grow older. Slowed down hair growth and hair that is not as thick as it used to be are among the first signs of aging. However, this process can sometimes happen prematurely, when you are in your 20s or 30s. By using Rogaine, the process is slowed down and your hair regrows thicker.

Rogaine is a vasodilator. Its active ingredient is Minoxidil. Minoxidil works by reviving and enlarging hair follicles and making it possible for them to regrow thicker hair. Rogaine also contains plant extracts that condition your scalp, and AHA acid to exfoliate the scalp. When these three components work together, the result is amazing. Perfect for both male and female baldness, Rogaine has been proven to grow over 25% more hair within just 3 months.

If you are using Rogaine or any other Minoxidil based product, you need to stick with the required doses at all times. For Rogaine, that means applying twice a day. Also, most Minoxidil products may cause watery eyes due to their high alcohol content when used for the first time, so it is completely normal if your eyes water a little.

Do You Have To Use Rogaine Forever


Yes. If youre having success using Rogaine® treatments for hair loss, youll need to continue with topical application indefinitely. Otherwise, ceasing treatment will send your hair back to the original condition it was in when you began treatments. Without Rogaine®, the scalp remains untreated, and the progression of hair loss will resume.

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Who Is Rogaine It For

Rogaine works better for some people than it does for others. This is because it is not a blanket solution for all hair loss problems. It only prevents hair loss due to pattern baldness in men and women. Pattern baldness is hair loss due to genetic baldness, which runs in families. It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women.

Furthermore, if you are experiencing hair loss at the vertex of the scalp, or at the back of your head just under the crown, then you are the perfect candidate for Rogaine. It is not effective for people dealing with receding hairlines at the front of the scalp. It also works better for women than men.

Finally, it is most effective among people who are experiencing premature hair loss below the age of 40. Immediately you notice the first signs of hair thinning, begin using Rogaine. It only works when there is some healthy hair to work with. However, it is important to remember that it only slows down hair loss, it cannot stop it completely. Especially when it is genetic, hair loss can only be delayed by Rogaine, not cured.

It will not work for you if:

1. You have gone completely bald

2. You are under 18

3. Your hair loss is due to itchiness, an infection, or if you have a painful scalp

4. Your hair is suddenly falling off in patches

5. Your hair loss is not hereditary

6. You are planning to use it for beard growth

Does Rogaine Work On Frontal Baldness

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Rogaine. One of the best hair loss treatments of the last 30 years. Aside from perhaps Propecia, no other treatment has worked as well as minoxidil . Its the only over the counter hair loss treatment thats FDA approved, which speaks for itself. But one of the main issues I see people questioning is whether minoxidil can work on frontal baldness as well as it can for balding at the temples and crown. This is a common question, and one that desperately needs answering.

The correct answer is that yes, minoxidil definitely does work on frontal baldness. To be successful, you must be in the early stages of male pattern baldness and have some hair left at the front of your head.

Anywther between 50 and 60 % of guys will end up balding at some point throughout their lives, with many of them starting to bald at a young age. Whilst you definitely dont need to go on a haircare regime if youre comfortable being bald, minoxidil can slow down your receding hairline considerably. If you want to cling on for a little longer, then its a good choice.


For this reason, youll have to keep applying minoxidil for as long as you want to keep your hair. This can be one of the main reasons that people opt against using it, but it isnt so bad once you get used to it.

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Can Rogaine Be Used By Women

When Rogaine was initially approved by the FDA, the product was only approved for men. Eventually, Rogaine became available to women in the 2 percent concentration .

When Rogaine foam first came on the market, the same applied. It was initially approved for men at both 2 percent and 5 percent, but developers soon rolled out a Womens Rogaine foam formulation.

The Womens Rogaine liquid is available with 2 percent minoxidil, while the Womens foam is available with 5 percent minoxidil. However, women should only use the foam once daily to avoid any complications associated with its use .

Can Women Use Minoxidil

Rogaine Hair Loss & Hair Thinning Treatment

According to the American Academy of Dermatology , minoxidil is the most recommended hair regrowth treatment for women. Studies have shown that it significantly increases the total hair count leading to fuller hair after using it for 24 weeks .

Minoxidil is FDA-approved for use in women in two forms: a 2% topical solution and a 5% topical foam . A 5% topical solution also exists, but it is currently only FDA-approved for use in men. Using the 5% topical solution in women is considered off-label usage of the medication, and it is not fully clear what the benefits or side effects would be.

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What Products Should I Use Along With Rogaine

Since hair growth shampoos tend to be a misnomer, we recommend trying shampoos that instead boost the appearance of the hair your already have. To combat thinning hair, try a hair volumizing shampoo or serum, which work by adding space between your strands so it looks like you have more hair than you actually do. “The diameter of the hair shaft diminishes as we get older,” explains Zoe Draelo, M.D., a North Carolina-based clinical and research dermatologist, and thickening serums increase the diameter of individual strands by forming a semi-permanent coating around each hair to create a plumping effect. Volumizing products also contain less of the heavy moisturizing ingredients that can weigh down your hair.

Treatments For Hair Thinning That May Actually Work

Want to do something about your thinning hair? The first thing you should do is talk to a dermatologist or trichologist. They can figure out whatâs causing your hair loss, and they can recommend treatments that might be right for you. They may suggest options including:

1. Minoxidil . This medication is a foam or a liquid that you put on your scalp. You can buy it over the counter without a prescription. You may have to use it for several months before your hair starts to thicken. If you do regrow hair, youâll lose it again if you stop taking minoxidil.

2. Finasteride . This prescription medication is a pill you take by mouth. You may have to take finasteride for months before you see results, and youâll lose new hair if you stop taking it.

3. Microneedling. A device with hundreds of tiny needles that you use on your scalp may help hair grow, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The site says research suggests that microneedling may work better if you use it along with another hair loss treatment. You can buy one of these devices without a prescription, but talk to a dermatologist first. They can let you know if itâs safe for you, and they can recommend a specific microneedling device.

5. Low-level laser therapy. The American Academy of Dermatology says research suggests that this scalp treatment may help the following conditions:

  • Male-pattern hair loss
  • Hair loss from chemotherapy
  • Healing and hair growth following a hair transplant

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What Causes Minoxidil Shedding

Minoxidils side effects are typically mild. Common side effects include mild itching and burning as well as flaky skin. Minoxidil can also cause your hair to shed, especially when you first start using it.

As minoxidil speeds up the resting phase of your hair, sometimes it falls out more quickly than it normally would.

However, minoxidil also extends the growth phase of your hair. That means that even though some hair shedding is to be expected at first, new hair growth should soon replace the hair that youve lost.

Not everyone will experience shedding as a side effect of minoxidil, while some may experience it severely. There arent statistics currently available that explore how common this particular side effect is.

You cant do much to prevent minoxidil-related shedding or even predict if youll experience it when you first start using the product.

One thing to be aware of is that the higher the concentration of minoxidil you use, the more powerful the side effect is likely to be. Using a foam with 2 percent concentration of minoxidil, for example, could cause fewer side effects than with a 5 percent concentration.

If youre seeing a lot of hair loss, you might want to switch to a less powerful dose of minoxidil. If youre concerned about hair loss and havent started using minoxidil yet, start with a lower concentration and work up to a higher one if you need it.

Minoxidil And Hair Shedding


Because minoxidil causes your hairs to prematurely enter into the anagen phase of the growth cycle, it may cause your hair to look worse before it looks better.

By this, we mean that you might notice that your hair loss increases during the first few weeks or months of treatment with minoxidil.

This is because your hairs need to rapidly go through the telogen and shedding phases of the hair growth cycle before starting the anagen phase.

When you first begin using minoxidil, you may notice more stray hairs on your pillowcase or in your hairbrush than normal.

This is normal and generally isnt a reason to panic. Instead, its best to keep applying minoxidil like usual. Over the course of several months, the shedding will end and youll begin to develop new hair growth.

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Does Rogaine Work For Beards

The research on beard growth effectiveness is budding. In a controlled study in Thailand, researchers evaluated the safety and success rate of applying 3% minoxidil to people struggling to grow a beard. Of 46 participants applying minoxidil lotion twice daily, results showed moderate increases in hair diameter and hair count in the 3% Minoxidil group.

The study deemed Rogaine® safe, but effectiveness is still in question.

How Long Does It Take For Rogaine To Work

Seeing results from Rogaine® is a different experience for everyone and depends on the stage of hair loss youre experiencing. The general perception is that Rogaine® takes only a few months to take effect, but the evidence in clinical studies says otherwise.

In the original FDA study, it took 6-9 months to see results. Why invest 6-9 grueling months of waiting on the chance that the product might work?

Gender also influences results, as it can take longer for women to see regrowth than men.

What does the latest science show?

Our clinical research shows that androgenetic alopecia patients respond to 5% topical minoxidil after about 3-6 months of daily application. Again, you have to know that you have genetic hair loss and the enzyme to see results.

Why gamble? You can know for sure if Rogaine® will work for you by taking our quick and effective Minoxidil Response Test.

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