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What Specialist To See For Hair Loss

What Causes Hair Loss

Which doctor should I see if Im losing my hair?

Many instances of hair loss are linked to genetics. If you have a family history of hair loss or balding, you may be more likely to experience these issues with age. Hair loss can also occur due to changes in hormones, particularly during pregnancy and menopause, and because of any thyroid issues. Stress may play a factor in hair loss as well.

Medical conditions and medications have been linked to certain types of hair loss. Alopecia areata, for example, is a common condition that causes hair loss in patches. Infections can have a similar effect. If youre taking medications for conditions like depression, heart disease, and high blood pressure, hair loss could be a side effect. So, its important to talk to your doctor about any concerns. Hair loss is a common side effect for cancer drugs like chemotherapy, as well as cancer treatments like radiation to the head region.

Should I See A Dermatologist Or Hair Restoration Surgeon

This blog is still pretty new, and Ive already received this question a number of times from readers.

A few of my readers have received hair loss misdiagnoses from doctors theyve also received some peculiar recommendations.

Ultimately, I dont think title matters here. You want to visit the best, most experienced doctor in your area who specializes in hair loss and whether that doctor is a hair restoration surgeon or a dermatologist is largely irrelevant.

That said, there are pros and cons to seeing a dermatologist, just like there are pros and cons to seeing a surgeon. In this post, Ill review the advantages and disadvantages in each case, and hopefully help you determine which doctor is the best fit for you. Lets begin.

What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

  • What is the cause of my hair loss?
  • How many strands of hair am I losing per day?
  • What type of hair loss do I have?
  • Will my hair loss be permanent?
  • Whats the best treatment for me?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hair loss may cause you distress whether it happens because of genetics, a disease, or even stress. Know that there are some treatments you can try, and expert dermatologists are there to help you. Your hair loss may be able to be reversed. See your healthcare provider as soon as you notice something wrong because the sooner you start treatment, the better.

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Answer: Who Treats Hair Loss

A dermatologist is a good starting point for individuals with hair loss. Some hair transplant surgeons offer comprehensive evaluations as well and that can also be a good starting pointBut you want to find a hair specialist who can properly diagnose why you are losing hair, order the correct blood tests and determine if you need a biopsy or not . There are many options for treating hair loss and step1 is to be 100 % clear on what your diagnosis are. Different diagnoses need different treatments

Causes Of Excessive Hair Loss

What Kind Of Doctor Do You See For Hair Loss ...

Improper Hair Cosmetic Use/Improper Hair Care Many men and women use chemical treatments on their hair, including dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These treatments rarely damage hair if they are done correctly. However, the hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. If hair becomes brittle from chemical treatments, its best to stop until the hair has grown out.

Hairstyles that pull on the hair, like ponytails and braids, should not be pulled tightly and should be alternated with looser hairstyles. The constant pull causes some hair loss, especially along the sides of the scalp.

Shampooing, combing and brushing too often, can also damage hair, causing it to break. Using a cream rinse or conditioner after shampooing will make it more manageable and easier to comb. When hair is wet, it is more fragile, so vigorous rubbing with a towel, and rough combing and brushing should be avoided. Dont follow the old rule of 100 brush strokes a day that damages hair. Instead, use wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips.

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What Is The Relationship Between Hair Loss In Women And Menopause

During menopause, you might see one of two things happen with your hair. You might start growing hair where you didnt before. Or, you might see the hair you have start to thin. One cause may be changing levels of hormones during menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, meaning that the effects of the androgens, male hormones, are increased.

During and after menopause, hair might become finer because hair follicles shrink. Hair grows more slowly and falls out more easily in these cases.

Your healthcare provider will do a thorough examination and take a detailed history to help you deal with changes in hair growth. You may be directed to have your iron levels or thyroid hormone levels tested. Your medications might be changed if what you take is found to affect hair loss or growth.

How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Hair Loss

Because so many things can cause hair loss, a dermatologist acts like a detective and begins by asking questions. The dermatologist will want to know whether your hair loss happened suddenly or gradually. Knowing this helps to determine the cause.

A dermatologist also will ask what medicines you take, what allergies you have, and whether you have been dieting. It is important to give the dermatologist accurate information. Like a murder mystery, the slightest clue can solve the case. Women may be asked about their menstrual cycles, pregnancies, and menopause.

The dermatologist also will carefully look at your scalp and hair. During an exam, the dermatologist may pull on your hair. Sometimes a dermatologist needs to pull out a hair to get the necessary evidence. And sometimes a dermatologist needs to look at the hair on the rest of your body to see whether there is too little or too much hair in other areas.

Sometimes the evidence lies in your scalp. The dermatologist may remove a small piece of the scalp. This is called a scalp biopsy. A dermatologist can quickly and safely perform a scalp biopsy during an office visit. A scalp biopsy can be essential to solving the case. Sometimes, a blood test is necessary.

Because so many things can cause hair loss, it can take time to find the cause.

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What Hair Loss Doctors Should I See

Endocrinologist focus on the endocrine organs which are responsible for hormone secretion. The endocrine organs consist of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes, and pancreas. An endocrinologist is able to first diagnosis the problem and then also provide treatment to restore hormone balance. Endocrinologist mainly treats:

When it comes to hair loss, these are great doctors to see if you believe you have an underlying issue as to why you are losing hair. In general, we would suggest seeing them just to rule out there is not an underlying issue.

Dermatologist focus on the skin and appendages . They study the structure, function, and diseases. They can perform medical examinations as well as surgery. This would include laser surgery, skin cancer surgery, photodynamic therapy and cosmetic procedures such as botox, soft tissue fillers, sclerotherapy, and liposuction. Within this field of study, there is dermatopathologist who look at the skin, usually a biopsy of skin, under a microscope. Immunodermatologist focus on the diagnosis and management of skin disease driven by an altered immune system.

A dermatologist is great to see regarding hair loss if we know there is no underlying issue with our endocrine system.

How To Determine What Kind Of Hair Loss Doctor You Need

Hair Loss Treatment on The Doctors

As with any other potentially serious physical ailment, the best way to determine what kind of doctor you need, as well as which treatment options are most suitable for your situation, is to obtain multiple opinions on the matter. Comparing and contrasting between a wide variety of medical perspectives will help you make as informed a decision as possible when it comes to your health. You should also always keep your GP in the loop when it comes to anything that could affect your health or be perceived as a symptom of something else. In fact, your GP should always remain an active member of your medical team and hair loss treatment because they can provide some helpful insights regarding your overall health to the other medical professionals working on your case. Every little tidbit of background information is essential to implementing a strong, all-encompassing, and fitting treatment plan to combat and reverse hair loss.Think of your DNA, your family history, and your own medical history as a metaphorical roadmap to your own good health. All of these components work together to reveal telling clues about your body and why it behaves the way it does.Whats beneficial about Cialis is its safety read more about this at HowMed. A properly selected dose can be effective for erectile dysfunction treatment, even for men who are diagnosed with accompanying or underlying heart disorders, diabetes, and similar abnormalities.

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An Overview Of Hair Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is experienced by both men and women. We all lose hair every day around 500 hairs a day, that is, but when you notice bald patches forming or a serious thinning of the hair, it is probably a hair loss case at the question.

The most common cause of hair loss is genetics when a hereditary hair loss happens. But hair loss also happens due to stress, pregnancy, menopause, thyroid issues, iron deficiency anemia, and much more. Unfortunately, not all cases of hair loss are fully treated. However, there are some treatment options that you can try, as not all hope is lost. The first step would be scheduling a visit to your dermatologists office.

What Is A Dermatologist

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails. These medical experts are able to identify and treat the many thousands of conditions affecting these parts of the body, but the most common conditions they treat include eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer. Because hair emerges from follicles in the skin, hair loss and hair conditions tend to fall under the expertise of these highly trained specialists.

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How Can Hair Loss In Women Be Prevented

Preventing hair loss is not possible when it is due to disease, aging, heredity or physical stressors like injuries. You can prevent hair loss caused by caustic chemicals or tight hairstyles by avoiding them. You might be able to prevent some hair loss by eating a healthy diet that provides necessary nutrients in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein. You can stop smoking.

What Are The Cycles Of Hair Growth

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Hair goes through three cycles:

  • The anagen phase can last from two years to eight years. This phase generally refers to about 85% to 90% of the hair on your head.
  • The catagen phase is the time that hair follicles shrink and takes about two to three weeks.
  • The telogen phase takes about two to four months. At the end of this phase, the hair falls out.

Your shorter hairs like eyelashes, arm and leg hair and eyebrows have a short anagen phase about one month. Your scalp hair can last up to six years or even longer.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy For Hair Thinning

Frequently asked questions about PRP Therapy.

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a restorative treatment that uses plasma from your own blood to stimulate re-growth of your hair. PRP therapy stimulates the bodys inactive hair follicles to re-grow healthier, thicker hair and aids in the bodys natural healing process. Performed in our office, PRP is a simple, non-surgical treatment that takes less than hour per treatment.

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

PRP has proven effective for common non-scarring forms of hair loss, which are also known as:

  • Female pattern hair thinning

What Is The Prognosis/outlook For Women With Hair Loss

Your diagnosis determines the prognosis:

  • Anagen and telogen shedding may stop with time.
  • Treat any diseases associated with hair loss.
  • Disguise or cover your hair loss using a wig or hat.
  • Early treatment of alopecia may reduce the speed of thinning and may promote regrowth.

While hair loss is not itself dangerous, women with hair loss tend to be very upset by the changes to their appearance. These negative feelings can affect self-esteem and social lives. Recent studies suggest that FPHL can be associated with conditions that include metabolic syndrome, endocrine disorders and diabetes.

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Female Pattern Hair Loss

Patients have a history of increasing hair shedding when washing or brushing their hair. Their ponytail or bun becoming less full and gradual thinning is noticed especially over the crown. It is normal to lose hair daily however most females seem to realise reasonably quickly that the hair fall has increased and isnt normal for them. In the early stages, hair loss can be stopped and sometimes reversed with hair appearing thicker after 2-3 years of treatment. If the hair loss is significant at presentation, realistically, we could slow down further loss but reversing the loss is much more difficult.

Should I See A Dermatologist For Hair Loss

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Of course, you can ask for advice from your dermatologist online, but we would recommend seeing him/her personally. Do not make the mistake of thinking that a dermatologist is only trained to take care of any skin issues. Your dermatologist is able to recognize and treat any issues that are linked, not only to your skin but also to your nails and hair. That is why, during your visit at the dermatologist, you will be asked to take away most of your clothes, so that your doctor can inspect the whole skin, your scalp and hair, and your nails to look for any irregularities.

Of course, your dermatologist will also ask you about your medical history and perform a physical exam. Other tests such as a blood test or a hormone test might be required as well. For example, if your dermatologist discovers that it is really a serious hair loss case that you are dealing with, he/she would naturally want to investigate further and discover the reason behind it. You might be instructed to expand your visit to an endocrinologist or even another dermatologist due to the importance of a second opinion.

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