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HomeCauseDoes Norvasc Cause Hair Loss

Does Norvasc Cause Hair Loss

What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Is Hair Loss A Post-Covid Symptom?

Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store the tablets at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture . Store the suspension in the refrigerator and avoid freezing protect it from light.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location â one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.

Unneeded medications should be disposed of in special ways to ensure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, the best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmacist or contact your local garbage/recycling department to learn about take-back programs in your community. See the FDA’s Safe Disposal of Medicines website for more information if you do not have access to a take-back program.

Side Effects Requiring Immediate Medical Attention

Along with its needed effects, amlodipine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking amlodipine:

More common

  • Swelling of the ankles or feet

Less common

  • fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
  • feeling of warmth
  • redness of the face, neck, arms, and occasionally, upper chest
  • tightness in the chest
  • twisting movements of the body
  • uncontrolled movements, especially of the face, neck, and back
  • unpleasant breath odor
  • yellow eyes or skin

Few Things To Keep In Mind If You Are Taking This Drug

  • You can take it with or without food.
  • Be careful when going from sitting to standing as, during this transition, the blood pressure may drop.
  • Report to your doctor immediately if any signs of dizziness, tiredness, flushing, nausea, indigestion, shortness of breath, excessive weight gain, muscle rigidity or tremors, or edema arise.
  • It is preferable to slowly decrease the dosage of Amlodipine rather than stop taking it abruptly.
  • It is wise not to let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.
  • You should have all your medications documented, preferably written, somewhere along with any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements you are taking. You should show this to your doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital.

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Hair Loss Due To Amlodipine


I had been on Amlodipine 5mg for some years,during this time I had begun to notice my hair thinning and becmoing fine and lifeless.After regular checks earlier this year my b/p was unacceptably high consistently and the dose was increased to 10mg.My b/p was still not within normal limits after 4-6 weeks and I was prescribed in addition 5mg was then that I started to notice a drastic increase in HAIR LOSS .I would like to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience,as I would like to change to a medication that doesn’t have this devastating side effect!

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  • Posted 6 years ago

    I too have been on high blood pressure for a number of years. Amlodipine has been one of them. I had very thick and long hair and over the last few years I notice that the top especially has thinned out considerably. I met someone that new me and when I mentioned the state of my hair thinning loss , she asked if I was on blood pressure meds , she confirmed that she also had the same hair loss problem.I had also had an allergic reaction to the med and had stopped for a while. When I restarted a couple months after the reaction resurfaced. This included dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea.But definitely the hair loss has become an issue.

  • what are you taking now?


  • hi….what did you end up taking instead?

    thank you

  • No Proven Link To Hair Loss

    Amlodipine benazepril side effects hair loss, amlodipine ...

    Hair loss is not among the side effects listed on valsartans label. A review of FDA reports found that out of more than 29,000 people reporting side effects while taking the drug, 297 people reported hair loss. Its not clear whether those people might have experienced hair loss without taking the medication.

    Some side effects of the blood pressure medication are more serious than others and require medical attention. Possible serious side effects include allergic reactions and rare instances of liver damage.

    Less serious, but more common, side effects include headache and dizziness. The medication poses a serious risk to the unborn if taken during pregnancy.

    Suffering from liver damage, tumors or cancer after taking Valsartan?

    • Hyperkalemia

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    Medications That Cause Hair Loss In Females

    Hormone therapies can trigger hormone imbalances in women, causing hair loss and potentially causing permanent female pattern baldness.

    Birth control pills used for contraception and hormone replacement therapies , like progesterone and estrogen, are examples. Women who have undergone a full hysterectomy, for example, require ongoing HRT after surgery.

    What To Do About Metoprolol

    Before we get into this, here is some good news: drug-induced alopecia is usually reversible . This also applies to metoprolol.

    So, what should you do about it?

    First, talk with your doctor. You know your body better than anyone. If you feel your medication is causing you to lose hair, be firm with your doctor about looking further into it.

    Warning:Do not alter your medications on your own! Stopping or lowering medication can cause serious health problems. You only want to do this under proper supervision.

    Hair loss can be caused by a wide variety of factors. You want to make sure you cancel out any other possible causes. These could be things like hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or emotional stress. This way, your doctor can treat the root cause of your thinning if it is not the medication.

    If your doctor is unable to determine another cause, ask them about the possibility of switching your medication or lowering the dosage.

    Again, be sure to follow the doctors orders. It might be tempting to just stop the medication altogether, but that can cause more harm than good.

    Remember, drug-induced hair loss is generally reversible once you stop the medication. Be patient and your hair should soon grow back.

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    How Long Does It Take For Amlodipine To Work

    Calcium chain blockers like Amlodipine begin working 2 to 4 hours after intake of the first dose.

    This means, after taking amlodipine you should expect to experience the effect at least within 2 hours.

    However, different foods and beverages however affect how amlodipine works. For this reason, itâs advisable to seek guidance from your doctor on the best diet while taking amlodipine.

    Taking amlodipine at night greatly reduces blood pressure compared to taking it in the morning.

    How Do Drugs Cause Hair Loss

    Hair Loss and High Blood Pressure, is there a connection ?

    Drugs cause hair loss by interfering with the normal cycle of scalp hair growth. During the anagen phase, which lasts for two to seven years, the hair grows. During the telogen phase, which lasts about three months, the hair rests. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by new hair.

    Medications can lead to two types of hair loss: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium. Learn more about other causes of baldness.

    Telogen effluvium is the most common form of drug-induced hair loss. It usually appears within 2 to 4 months after taking the drug. This condition causes the hair follicles to go into their resting phase and fall out too early. People with telogen effluvium usually shed between 30% to 70% more than the normal 100 and 150 hairs a day.

    Anagen effluvium is hair loss that occurs during the anagen phase of the hair cycle, when the hairs are actively growing. It prevents the matrix cells, which produce new hairs, from dividing normally. This type of hair loss usually occurs within a few days to weeks after taking the medication. It’s most common in people who are taking chemotherapy drugs for cancer and is often severe, causing people to lose most or all of the hair on their head, as well as their eyebrows, eyelashes, and other body hairs.

    The severity of drug-induced hair loss depends on the type of drug and dosage, as well as your sensitivity to that drug.

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    Top 5 Reasons To Go Abroad For A Hair Transplant

    1. Save at least 60% on the cost

    2. Europe has some of the most experienced surgeons in the world

    Europe has more clinics, which have been established and running for much longer than clinics in the UK. The price is also lower, making it more accessible for people.

    Surgeons in Europe will have carried out hundreds, if not thousands more procedures than UK based surgeons. Because of this some UK clinics will bring in surgeons from Europe to carry out your procedure.

    3. Hair restoration clinics in Europe are state or the art

    Many facilities in Europe are dedicated hair restoration clinics. They only perform that type of treatment. As such all equipment, facilities, techniques and staff are specialists in hair restoration.

    Hair restoration is only now becoming more popular in the UK, so many UK clinics are general cosmetic facilities that carry out various procedures.

    4. Get even more value by making your transplant into a holiday

    Europe is such a popular holiday destination for many reasons, the culture, history, sights, cuisine, shopping, great weather, your money goes further, its widely English speaking, and its just 2 or 3 hours away by plane.

    The list goes on! So why not travel a few days earlier, grab a low cost Airbnb or hotel, take a friend or partner and enjoy the city for a few days before your transplant.

    5. Hassle free process

    Top 5 Hair Transplant Tips

    1. Know your post-op timeline The key dates!

    • You need to take the upmost care in the first 7 days
    • You can leave the house after 7 days, but I advise you take at least 2 weeks off work.
    • You wont be able to wear a hat or exercise for up to 4 weeks after.
    • Around 2 4 weeks your new hair will fall out, youll look a little red and sore similar to sunburn.
    • Around 4 months your new hair starts growing and looking good.

    2. Pick the right time to schedule your treatment

    Good clinics will be busy, so you may have to wait 2 months to get an appointment this is a good thing. So knowing that and knowing your post-op timeline means you can plan the perfect time around your social or work calendar.

    If you have important social events coming up, particularly if you know youll be photographed then you may plan your transplant 6 months in advance, or wait until your calendar is free.

    3. Set your expectations

    If your hair has receded at the front youll want the clinic to draw an expected hairline on your head or on pictures of you as soon as possible. Theyll then also talk about the number of grafts or hairs youll need and how thick the result will look.

    The sooner you can establish this, the sooner youll know exactly what to expect. A good clinic will also take into consideration a natural looking hair line for your age and your face and head shape. Have an honest conversation and be open to their expert feedback.

    4. Knowing what the journey home looks like

    John M

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    Should I Stop Amlodipine Now

    If your doctor prescribed you blood pressure medication, they have determined that the benefits of the drug outweigh any potential side effects. On top of that, blood pressure issues are life-threatening.

    If you stop taking amlodipine abruptly, you could be opening yourself up to adverse health events such as strokes and heart attacks. So, we strongly urge you to continue taking your amlodipine as prescribed regardless of the amount of hair loss youre experiencing.

    Only your doctor can tell you whether stopping your blood pressure medication is a good idea. Another option is to ask your doctor to consider alternative drugs for your specific needs. You could also ask about potential natural remedies.

    Blood Pressure Drug May Help Grow Hair

    Norvasc and hair loss

    Upjohn is now trying to develop a topical solution that can be applied directly th bald or balding scalps — in sufficient strength to stimulate hair growth there without also lowering blood pressure by absorption through the skin. The company conducted a prelimiary experiment two years ago on some 40 inmates of the state prision at Jackson, Mich. It used solutions of vary strength, testing both for effectiveness and safety. The results officially are described as inconclusive. But that is mainly because hair grows slowly — and the experiment lasted only 14 weeks. The data the researchers did get were “interesting enough” to make it worthwhile for Upjohn to continue the research. Upjohn is now conducting further experiments that will mainly involve topical treatment for longer periods of time.

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    Thinning Hair Linked To Blood Pressure Pill

    Q. I have had thinning hair since I started on blood pressure meds. I had to switch to a short haircut. Since then I have been put on atenolol, Norvasc, Diovan and enalapril. I suspect the beta-blocker is responsible for the fact that you can see more scalp than hair.

    Even with the shortest punkiest cut, you see scalp and it is embarrassing. I now own a myriad of wigs, but I cant seem to get used to them.

    When women lose hair due to chemo, it is met with empathy. Saying its my blood pressure pills doesnt provoke the same reaction. I am now 62 so this has been going on for years but it has become much worse since I started atenolol.

    A. Hair loss is frequently an under-appreciated side effect of medications. Prescribers may not mention this complication.

    You are right that atenolol, like other beta-blockers, can cause hair loss. Diovan, amlodipine and enalapril are somewhat less likely to trigger this reaction. Finding the best blood pressure treatment that does not do this will require some sleuthing by your doctor.

    To help you with this discussion we are sending our Guide to Hair and Nail Care with a list of medications that cause hair loss.

    Do You Need To Consult Your Doctor

    Amlodipine is only part of a treatment plan. It is not the only medication. Thus, factors like diet, exercise, weight control, and other medications will potentiate its actions greatly.

    For that, you have to follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely. If need be, you might seek professional help as well.

    If after the medication you suffer from chest pain, consult with your doctor. Your doctor must know about your daily medication before prescribing Amlodipine. If your chest pain is severe or ongoing, seek immediate medical attention.

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