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What Foods Are Good For Hair Loss

Best Foods For Healthy Hair


It has been observed that the lack of vitamins and minerals can drastically affect our hair. To compensate the lack of nutrients, you can either consume supplements or natural products. Here are some recommended Indian foods for hair growth and thickness that should be a part of your diet.

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Essential Nutrients For Healthy Hair Growth

When we talk about essential nutrients for hair growth, were not merely emphasizing certain ingredients because they are healthy. Instead, essential means that biologically, your body depends on these nutrients to enact its normal functions. Essential nutrients must be eaten or incorporated with an oral or sublingual supplement to create the best diet for hair growth.

Foods Good for Hair Growth

Best Foods To Prevent Hair Fall

Hair fall is extremely common among women, especially because our hair goes through three cycles: growth, transition and shedding. Which is why, on any given day about 25 to 100 hair fall off simply due to a natural process. However, hair fall becomes a concern when we lose more hair than this number. And like most other things in life, we only think of treating this problem when itâs out of control, rather than preventing the issue before it becomes too serious. I am here to help you change that. But first, letâs understand what causes hair fall.

Hair fall can be caused due to a lot of things, including lifestyle, diet, stress, hormonal change, among others. However, unless the cause is medical or genetic, itâs possible to give your hair the inherent strength it needs to prevent hair fall. And this can be done with a balanced diet. As it will ensure your hair is strong from its roots and stays like that due to the nutritional fortification you provide it. Here are a few things you can start adding to your diet to ensure this.

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Healthy Hair Tips: Foods Nutrients Herbs And Essential Oils

There are only two times in my life that Ive given serious thought, energy and concern to having healthy hair. The first was back in 2005 when I was dealing with symptoms of Crohns Disease and my hair began falling out, and the second was three months postpartum, again as my hair began falling out by the handful. Both times it grew back healthier than before, and I carried on not thinking about it.

I am not one to spend a lot of time styling my wavy hair. I dont colour it and havent in over ten years, I stopped straightening it a few years ago, and recently put my blow dryer away, likely for good. And though this may come as no surprise, it is the one area of health that gets better the less attention you give it. The less you do to and with your hair, the healthier it will be. Of course, how you live will come into play. Your diet has a huge effect on your hair, just as it does on your skin, teeth, nails, and every other part of you. And just like the rest of our body, the more chemicals we use, the more damage we cause.

Though beauty care isnt a topic I dive into that often, mainly because I dont use a lot of products and am not so into makeup and whatnot, I thought this was a topic worth addressing.

Ready to dive into the mane event? Get it? 🙂

Factors Affecting Healthy Hair

  • Chlorine

Which Nutrients Are In Foods For Hair Growth

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There are multiple nutrients that encourage hair growth:

  • biotin: a B vitamin that may help hair grow and strengthen
  • vitamin D: it can help stimulate hair follicles that have become dormant
  • vitamin E: its potent antioxidant activity helps to reduce oxidative stress in the scalp, which is known to be associated with alopecia
  • iron: iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss
  • vitamin C: it makes it easier for your body to absorb iron
  • omega-3 fatty acids: their anti-inflammatory effects can counteract any inflammation that’s causing hair shedding

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Diet And Hair: The Basics

  • Your hair is made up of several different proteins, including keratin. A variety of nutrients play a role in the production of keratin, including common proteins and vitamins.

  • If youre deficient in certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients, this may affect your ability to grow hair and cause thinning, shedding and other symptoms.

  • Since male pattern baldness is caused by hormones and genetics rather than nutrients, changing your diet wont stop you from getting a receding hairline or going bald if youre genetically prone to hair loss.

  • However, eating a hair-friendly diet may improve your results if you use medications like finasteride and/or minoxidil to treat male pattern baldness.

  • Many common foods have the potential to improve hair growth, including eggs, seafood, red meat and certain fruits and vegetables.

  • Many of these foods are inexpensive, meaning you dont need a big budget to add them to your diet on a regular basis.

Foods That Cause Hair Loss

So, which are the foods that cause hair loss? Some foods are just bad for us in every way possible. Besides harming us physically, they take our crowning glories away.

1. Sugar

There isnt much research on why sugar triggers hair loss, but experts believe that it may cause inflammation. Furthermore, foods like carbohydrates, like potatoes, bread, white rice, and pasta have a high glycemic index. They break down into sugars quickly and have the same effect.

Sugar produces insulin and androgen, the male hormone that shrinks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

2. Fish with Mercury

Dermatologists advise that fish like tuna and mackerel, which have high mercury levels, may cause hair loss. This study backs their theories and adds that the mercury in these fish converts to methylmercury, which is toxic.

3. Fried Foods

Also, high-fat, fried foods that have hydrogenated oils may trigger hair loss. Diets that are high in fat lead to an increase in testosterone levels, which lead to male pattern baldness.

4. Selenium

Another group of foods that cause hair fall is selenium. Your body needs this micromineral in small amounts. Consequently, too much of it can lead to hair loss. A potent source of selenium is the Brazil Nut. You will also find selenium in tuna, oysters, and whole wheat bread.

A review by Margaret Rayman, a Professor of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey, shows that selenium is responsible for hair fall.

5. Foods high in Vitamin A

6. Aspartame

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Consuming Foods Rich In Processed Sugar:

Processed sugar has many adverse effects on the body and deteriorating hair and nail quality is one of them. High sugar intake leads to an increase in blood glucose which means the body has to produce more insulin. This further leads to an increase in androgens, or male sex hormones, which can result in shrinking of the hair follicles and eventually lead to early baldness.

Why Is Diet Important When It Comes To Hair Growth

BEST Foods for Healthy HAIR GROWTH and HAIR LOSS

Your hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in your body . To add to this, you have roughly 120,000 hairs on your scalp, all of which need nourishment in order to grow. But because hair is not a vital organ or tissue, your body will never prioritise its nutritional needs. So, due to hairs expendable nature, a nutritional imbalance will often show up first in the form of hair loss.

Both deficiencies, as well as excesses, of certain things in your diet can result in hair loss. For example, in our London and New York Clinics, we often see hair loss caused by iron and ferritin deficiency. We have also seen hair loss resulting from an overload of vitamin A .

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Diet And Hair Loss: Must Have Foods For Hair Health In Your Diet Plan

  • Diet and Hair Loss: Must have Foods for Hair Health in your Diet Plan

Before you begin losing your calm and sleep over the hair loss, you have to face it. When it is about Hair Health, it is always a good idea to have a closer look at the diet and nutrition you are having through your food choices. There is a high chance that small modifications in your diet will make a huge impact. Although genetics and lifestyle have an upper hand, here are things that you include in your diet that can help with the receding hairline.

If Your Hair Is Thinning

Eat: ChickenYou may not be able to stop normal, everyday hair loss , but you can help build the count back up by taking in enough protein, the building blocks for hair. Without enough protein, your body cant replace the hairs that you naturally shed every day, says Kazin. Try chicken: A 4-ounce serving packs 35 grams, more than 75% of a womans daily recommended intake . Vegetarians can reach for quinoa , chickpeas , or lentils instead.

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Does Your Diet Affect Your Hair

The answer to that question prompts a brief investigation into our biochemistry and anatomy. Hair strands are indeed lifeless. Yet the cells living within hair follicles are some of the fastest-growing cells in the human body, second to intestinal cells. And what do these hair cells depend on for optimal growth? If you guessed nourishment for foods to prevent hair loss, you are right. Yet any old form of nourishment wont do. See, hair isnt a living organism, which means it wont demand nourishment the way that vital organs and tissues do. When theres a nutritional deficit or poor diet, the bodys cellular response is to go into self-preservation mode. Instead of seeking out nutrients, it cuts off energy to specific functions to preserve energy for more essential functions like digestion and circulation. And whats one of the first functions on the chopping block? Hair growth.Simply put: a restricted diet thrusts your body into preservation mode to protect vital life functions and as a result, prohibits cells within the hair follicles from growing.

Why Glycemic Index Is Important


The glycemic index of foods measures how much a food will cause blood sugar levels to rise after being digested. Foods rich in highly processed carbohydrates have high glycemic indices, as do carb-rich junk foods. On the other hand, natural, plant-based and whole or unprocessed foods have low glycemic indices.

Processed cereals have a very high glycemic load because the natural fiber from the plant has been removed. Normally, the fiber would cause it to be digested and absorbed into our bodies more slowly.

With the removal of this natural fiber, the food sugars go straight into the bloodstream. This causes a huge spike in blood sugar levels.

In response, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. This hormone attaches to cells in our body, instructing them to absorb the sugar from the bloodstream and use it up as energy. Insulin also helps store sugar into the liver for future use, to be released when blood sugar levels drop too low.

In summary, insulin is essential to keep the levels of blood sugar under control.

When we live on a chronic diet of high glycemic load foods, our body often cannot cope with all this flood of sugar.

Our cells then develop resistance to the effects of insulin, and our blood sugar levels stay permanently elevated. Doctors call this insulin resistance .

There is also evidence linking insulin resistance to hair loss.

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Best 5 Foods That Prevent Hair Fall

Better-looking hair can commence at your next meal. According to researchers just like every other part of the body, the processes and cells that support strong, vibrant hair mainly depends on a balanced diet.


The uses of carrot juice for weight loss is well known but the best tips to prevent hair fall also include carrots. Carrots are known to add thickness to the hair and make the hair grow faster. Regular eating of carrots helps stimulate hair growth, make hair lustrous, improve blood circulation, strengthen the hair, protect hair from external damages like pollution and also help prevent breakage of hair and hair fall.

One can eat a carrot a day, or drink fresh carrot juice to see instant results in the hair growth and texture. Daily using carrot externally and internally, will surely give you healthy and strong hair.


The best home remedies to prevent hair fall must include eggs. Conditioning the hair with eggs increases hair growth, as, eggs are one of the richest natural protein sources. Hair is composed of 68 percent keratin protein, so egg protein helps rebuild the damaged hair by filling in the weakened spots along the hair strand that temporarily strengthens the hair.

Eggs retain a large amount of proteinranging from 4.0 to 7.2 g per egg that makes egg conditioning an intense natural protein treatment. Including egg conditioning in the hair regiment can help you to maintain strong hair, which is essential for hair growth.



Food Fixes For Thinning Hair

Eat your way to fuller, stronger hair with these essential eats

Dealing with dull, weak, or thin strands? Take a look at what you’re putting on your plate. Theres a strong link between your overall nutrition and the state of your strands.

“One of the first ways I can tell how healthy someone isand if theyre eating nutritiouslyis by looking at their hair,” says Whitney Bowe, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City. Dull, thinning, or breakage-prone stands can be dead giveaways that you aren’t getting all the nutrients you need.

Load up on the following 7 foods to make sure you’re getting the key nutrients your hair’s craving.

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Are Hair Growth Products Effective

There are tons of products, pills, and treatments that claim to help with hair loss. But how do you do know what actually works? Are all of them too good to be true?

Maybe you have started to notice that a lot more strands of hair are falling out when you brush it. Or your shower is filled with hair after you use it. It’s normal to lose about 15o strands of hair every day, anything more can mean that you are having a hair growth problem.

Pregnancy, medications, and age can also affect the average amount of hair you lose per day. It’s normal to lose more hair when pregnant, or while taking certain medications where that is a side effect, and as you get older. However, if this isn’t the case and you are noticing that your hair isn’t as thick, luscious, and full anymore it may be time to try out some hair growth products and supplements.

There are some great, effective hair growth products on the market that are worth the try. Keep reading to see which ones are popular and/or true to their word.


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