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How To Deal With Pcos Hair Loss

Avoid Washing Your Hair Everyday


Although it is tempting to step into the shower and lather up the hair that has been bothering you all day, research has shown washing your hair every day can actually have an adverse effect.

This is because the more you clean your hair, the more oil that is produced by your scalp to compensate. Take a step back from the shampoo and try at first to only to wash every two days or so. It may feel uncomfortable for a while but over time your scalp will adjust and stop producing quite so much oil. Whilst waiting for this to kick in, use the aforementioned dry shampoo or cover problem areas of your scalp with fun hairbands, hats or practical updos.

Not washing your hair every day has benefits beyond scalp hair, too. If you have bleached or damaged hair you will notice a difference. Over-washing strips your hair of its natural oils and encourages breakage and dryness, so giving it a break will allow the natural oils to nourish and permeate any problem areas.

Common Symptoms Of Pcos Hair Loss

Before we learn how to control PCOS related hair loss, lets have a quick look at some of its common symptoms

  • Thinning Hair: This is the first symptom observed in PCOS hair loss. Your follicles would shrink and result in hair thinning.
  • Widening At Hair Partitions: Although we all lose almost 100-120 hair a day, PCOS can lead to excessive hair loss in less time. This causes the widening of hair partition, thus resulting in increased visibility of the scalp.
  • Patchy Hair Loss: Since PCOS occurs due to the excess of testosterone, it leads to the development of female pattern baldness.
  • Balding At The Crown: The crown region suffers from acute hair loss resulting in localised balding.
  • Partial Balding: Gradually, it leads to partial baldness, which becomes quite visible for others as well.

Is Hair Regrowth Possible After Hair Loss Due To Pcos

Yes! PCOS hair regrowth is possible if you can address the underlying hormonal imbalance. Once you are rightly diagnosed with PCOS by your doctor and you are put on PCOS treatment, you will notice a significant improvement in the symptoms along with regrowing your hair.

However, if your hair is already damaged, you will need a separate hair care regime to fix it. It may also take time depending on how fast your hair grows. Along with it, having nutritious food will help your hair to be stronger and lustrous.

Wrapping Up

PCOS hair loss is a common symptom among women with PCOS. The good news is, it can be treated when the underlying issue is addressed with medication and other lifestyle changes. Speak to your doctor to understand your PCOS treatment plan.

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Is Pcos Hair Loss Reversible

Can hair loss from PCOS be reversed? Yes, PCOS-related hair loss can be treated if the underlying cause is remedied. If PCOS is the problem clinical symptoms, ultrasound, and blood tests can diagnose PCOS a health care provider can suggest PCOS treatment options.

Comprehensive treatment is necessary to avoid critical hair loss in PCOS. Treatment will help:

  • Balance hormone levels
  • Revive hair follicles

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a low-carb diet, and stress management practices may also be part of treatment.

Pcos Hair Loss Tip #1: Insulin

How to deal with PCOS induced hair loss

As aforementioned, women with PCOS often have insulin problems. Insulin-sensitizing agents are medications that make ones body more receptive to insulin, in turn keeping glucose levels in balance. If not checked, diabetes and other maladies can result.

Other benefits of insulin-sensitizing agents include: the clearing of acne and reduction of unwanted hair growth the growth of scalp hair weight loss lower cholesterol levels more regular periods and the reduction of infertility commonly associated with PCOS.

Regular ovulation should occur within four to six months of taking a medication. A common medication is Metformin.

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What Causes High Male Hormones In Women With Pcos

Firsts things first. All women have small amounts of testosterone, but women with PCOS are producing too much testosterone. But there isn’t one thing causing high male hormones in every woman with PCOS. In fact, there are three potential causes, they include high insulin levels, high cortisol levels and inflammation in the body.

Pcos Can Affect Hair Loss & Hair Growth

No matter the time or placethe era, the culture, the civilizationwomen tend to take great pride in their hair. Indeed, for women in many different cultures, their hair is among their chief sources of pride, one of the focal points of female beauty. Thats why, when something goes wrong with a womans hair, it tends to be more than a little vexing. Certainly, we all know how annoying a bad hair day can be. But of course, there are times when the problem is much more, and it isnt simply annoying, but rather a full-on medical problem. When it comes to hair growth women expect a full, healthy head of hair while having little to no growth in other areas. However, for women suffering from PCOS or sometimes called, PCOD , unusual hair growth issues are all too common. This condition, called hirsutism, deeply affects a womans experiences of her body in a negative way.4

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Medical Treatments For Hirsutism

There are medical treatments available to manage hirsutism involving drugs. These include:

  • Androgen Blockers,
  • Androgen Suppressors, and
  • Androgen Inhibitors

Birth control pills, corticosteroids, and insulin-sensitizing agents like Metformin are all prescribed for treating hirsutism. Yasmin or Yaz is also very common. All of these anti-androgens come with side-effects and none should be taken during pregnancy. They take up to 6 months to show effective results. Know that these results will quickly disappear when you stop taking the drugs if you havent addressed the underlying causes of PCOS and hirsutism in the meantime.

How To Style Pcos

My PCOS Hair Loss UPDATE | The Glam Belle

While youre treating your polycystic ovary syndrome, there are several techniques that you can use to improve your hairs appearance and make any thinning less obvious:

  • Try parting your hair differently. If you have hair loss around your part line, try moving your parting to make it less visible. Middle parts, deep side parts and other styles can all make thinning hair much less obvious.

  • Use volumizing hair products. Volumizing shampoos, conditioners, mousses, sprays and other products can all create the appearance of thicker hair. Just make sure not to use any products with harmful ingredients that could irritate your scalp.

  • Apply a root concealer. Root concealers and touch-up kits arent just for covering up gray hair theyre also useful for hiding thinning. Try applying these around your part line or hairline to create the appearance of thicker hair.

  • Choose a haircut that makes hair loss less visible. If you have hair loss around your hairline, try bangs to draw attention away from your forehead. Layered haircuts are also great for hiding thinning hair, receding hairlines and other forms of pattern hair loss.

  • Brush your hair over bald or thinning areas. Finally, if you have obvious bald spots or areas with significant thinning, try brushing your hair over them. You can also wear your hair in a top knot, loose braids or a ponytail to make thin areas less visible.

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Other Medications For Acne And Hair Loss


Isotretinoin can only be prescribed in Australia by a dermatologist for severe acne. It works by shrinking the sebaceous glands and by reducing sebum production .

This should be used only in women who are not trying to conceive, and effective contraception such as the oral contraceptive pill must be used when taking this treatment, as there is a possibility of foetal abnormalities . Side effects include dry skin and eczema.


Minoxidil is a liquid or foam that is massaged into the scalp and helps to prevent hair loss. Side effects include scalp dryness and itchiness. Some dermatologists prescribe minoxidil in tablet form, often together with spironolactone.

What To Expect From Treatment Of Hirsutism

Hormone treatment generally prevents new terminal hairs from developing and may slow the growth rate of existing hairs. Generally about 6 months of hormone therapy is required before the rate of hair growth decreases significantly. Once a hormone treatment has proven to be effective, it may be continued indefinitely. Electrolysis or laser can remove any hair remaining after hormone therapy. Because it usually is not possible to cure the hormonal problem that causes hirsutism, ongoing medical treatment is required to manage it. Hirsutism will frequently return if medical treatment is stopped. Sometimes a combination of treatment methods is needed for best results.

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Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Counter Pcos

Certain lifestyle changes can help reduce the impact of PCOS on your system. For instance, your diet! According to Dr Shah, Zinc reduces the effects of testosterone and androgens. Hence, it can be consumed as a supplement to arrest hair fall and boost new hair growth.

Similarly, biotin helps in hair growth and reduces hair fall. There is no clear data if biotin affects PCOS-induced hair fall, but it helps with hair loss and hair growth. Plus, when consumed in the proper quantity, it has virtually no side effects.

Another major aspect of winning the fight against PCOS is weight management. It is almost considered as the best treatment for PCOS as losing weight has been associated with lower levels of androgens in your body. Since there is no permanent cure for PCOS, managing it with a proper diet and healthy lifestyle can help counter its negative effect on your mane.

Written by Sumona Boseon Sep 23, 2020


Medical Treatments For Pcos Hair Loss

How can I deal with female pattern hair loss and PCOS ...

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, or specifically combined birth control pills with estrogen and progestin, are one of the primary ways to treat PCOS. This is because they help to regulate the menstrual cycle and rebalance hormones, which is the underlying cause of PCOS in the first place.


Your doctor may also advise taking anti-androgens. Anti-androgens work by inhibiting the effect of the excess androgens in your body, which are responsible for hair loss in women with PCOS. Your doctor may even prescribe an anti-androgen together with an oral contraceptive to maximize your hair regrowth chances.


Minoxidil, commonly known by the brand name Rogaine, is another possible medical treatment for hair loss due to PCOS. There is even a type of Rogaine designed specifically for women that is often recommended by dermatologists for patients with PCOS.

While a minoxidil solution like Rogaine does not address the underlying cause of hair loss, it can help with hair regrowth.

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Pcos Hair Loss: Causes Treatments And Regrowth Success Stories

by Shelby HaleAug 26, 2021

Approximately one in ten women of reproductive age have experience with polycystic ovarian syndrome . The condition is characterized by a hormonal imbalance of androgens, progesterone, and insulin, where androgen and insulin levels are typically higher than normal while progesterone levels may be lower than normal.

PCOS not only disrupts ovulation and the menstrual cycle, but it can also cause some frustrating side effects. This includes acne, weight gain, hirsutism , and hair loss.

In this article, we will examine PCOS hair loss including how it develops, symptoms to watch out for, and potential treatment options for reversing it.

Symptoms Of Pcos Hair Loss

A hormonal imbalance priorly reflects in your hair and skin. PCOS hair loss symptoms start showing up even before the diagnosis of your irregular menstrual cycle. Then again, you cannot predict the exact reason behind your hair loss as it can even occur without any serious cause.

FPHL and DHT hair loss show the following symptoms:

1. Excessive hair shedding, particularly when you brush your hair to remove tangles.

2. While you wash your hair, you can see clumps of hair strands on your palms that come out of your weaker hair follicles.

3. Your frontal hairline recedes, making the upper part of your forehead more visible.

4. The crown part of your scalp is exposed as the hair is thinner.

5. Dandruff builds up, making your scalp dry and itchy.

Other symptoms of PCOS include:

1. Irregular menstrual cycle

6. Increased risk of diabetes and thyroid

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How Is Pcos Hair Loss Diagnosed

If you havent yet been diagnosed with PCOS, a doctor will talk to you about other symptoms you might be experiencing. Hair loss on its own is rarely the only PCOS symptom. Women might also experience these common symptoms:

  • Ovarian cysts
  • High levels of male hormones
  • Irregular or skipped periods

PCOS is considered a set of symptoms, this is why it is referred to as a syndrome, explained Dr. Erum Ilyas, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Amber Noon. PCOS can also be difficult to pinpoint based on symptoms, since a woman may visit a dermatologist for increased signs of acne, their primary doctor for weight gain or an OB/GYN for irregular periodsnot realizing that any of these symptoms are a part of PCOS. Some women have several clear symptoms, while others might only have one or two that might not point directly to PCOS.

The two main criteria are irregular periods or problems with ovulation and high androgens. High androgens either present clinically or they will be high on the blood tests, explained Dr. Tara Scott of Revitalize Medical Group.

Since it can be tricky to diagnose, doctors will likely use a variety of tools to diagnose PCOS. Aside from examining your scalp when experiencing hair loss, they will probably carry out a full physical examination along with blood tests and an ultrasound to see if there are any cysts on your ovaries.

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Managing Your Symptoms As A Teen With Pcos

Dealing with acne and hair loss caused by PCOS by Dr Bindu

When youre a teen with polycystic ovary syndrome , dealing with the symptoms of the condition can seem overwhelming. Nevertheless, there are many ways that you can manage them, including lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, and prescription medications.

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How Can I Fix My Pcos Hair Loss

When she came to me, Lisas first question was, What should I be eating to make this go away?. I told her that the answer depends on whats causing the PCOS hair loss in the first place. More accurately, whats causing excess androgens.

Not all PCOS is the same and the cause of excess androgens differs between everyone. Asking what diet is best is kind of like asking what type of fuel you should put in your car. It depends on the make and model getting it wrong can bring you to a grinding halt. Like all PCOS symptoms, the key to fixing PCOS hair loss is treating the root cause of high androgens. This could be insulin resistance, high stress hormones, poor gut health, the pill, thyroid issues, or a combination of several of them.

The best thing you can do is find out whats causing your high androgens, then treat this root cause. If you havent read my article:Whats Causing Your PCOS, and Why You Need To Know, then do that now. It will answer a lot of your questions.

Here are some tips that I think everyone with PCOS hair loss can benefit from:


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