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Why Is My Hair Thinning At The Front Female

How To Hide Bald Spot On Top Of Head Woman Tip #4

5 Reasons Why Your Natural Hair Is Thinning | HOW TO FIX IT!

4. Hair loss fibers spray For severe hair loss, hair concealer can help hide bald areas. These concealers are directly applied to the area with severe hair loss, and they help thicken thin hair. This kind of product Toppik spray can be found in your local on . It can be bought without the need for any prescription from a certified physician.

What Causes Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is much more common than many realize. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of women will experience significant hair loss at some point in their lives.

But what are the most common causes of hair loss in women? Read on to find out how hair loss affects women, along with what you can do to encourage fuller, thicker locks ASAP.

There Are Different Types Of Hair Loss Genetic And Reactive


There’s a chance you’re genetically predisposed to hair thinning, which means you may see a progressive, gradual reduction in hair volume. “In these instances, certain hair follicles are sensitive to male hormones and this sensitivity causes follicles to gradually shrink and produce slightly finer and shorter hairs with each passing hair growth cycle.” Explains Anabel Kingsley.


This means your hair loss is the result of a trigger. “Excessive daily hair shedding is not reliant on having a genetic predisposition, it occurs as the result of an internal imbalance or upset, such as a nutritional deficiency, severe stress, crash dieting or an illness” says Anabel Kingsley.

Also Check: What Should I Take To Stop Hair Loss

What To Do About Hair Thinning During Menopause

Many women experience hair thinning or loss during menopause, and while this is a natural occurrence, losing or thinning hair is a distressing side effect that, on top of the slew of hormonal changes the body goes through, is the last thing anyone needs. Because changes to hair during menopause can be a scary thing, weve created a helpful guide about what it is, why it happens and offer up some ways to help alleviate its side effects.

This article was created in partnership with Nutrafol, a company in which Unilever is an investor.

When To Seek Help

My barber noticed my hair thinning from the front but ...

You should consult your doctor if:

  • You are losing hair in an unusual pattern
  • You are losing hair rapidly or at an early age
  • You have any pain or itching with the hair loss
  • The skin on your scalp under the involved area is red, scaly, or otherwise abnormal
  • You have acne, facial hair, or an abnormal menstrual cycle
  • You have additional symptoms which concern you.

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Matching Patterns Of Hair Loss To Appropriate Treatment

The task force report offers clear clinical guidance covering various presentations of hair thinning that commonly arise in women who experience hormone dysfunction. The recommendations also address approaches to identify the cause of hair loss and lead to improved diagnoses and efficacious treatment that is more targeted to a variety of hair loss problems encountered in young women.

There is a distinct difference in the androgen-excess related alopecia in women who premenopausal as opposed to the hair loss experienced during menopause, which is usually a more diffuse hair thinning that occurs more evenly across the entire scalp.2

A Closer Look at the Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Hair Thinning in Women

The guidelines committee identified multiple potential reasons for female pattern hair loss including possible molecular, inflammatory, genetic, and hormonal issues.1 Still, not everyone who is experiencing hair loss is facing other problems. Some women do present with hair loss that has no apparent or obvious reason as such, age and ethnicity, all of which play a role in who is more susceptible to excessive hormone-driven hair-thinning.1

However, you will want your doctor to take a concern about hair loss seriously, and to rule out any treatable problem as early in the process as possible. So state your case strongly, insisting if necessary, that this isnt an issue of vanity but a need to get to the root causeliterally!

Things You Should Know About Male Hair Loss

Answers to male hair loss questions you need to ask

If youre one of the 25 per cent of men who start going bald by the time they are 30 years old, things can seem pretty hopeless. However, if your hair is ending up in the plug hole each morning, it may not be as bad as you think.

For a start, University of Manchester researchers, writing in PLOS Biology, claimed a drug originally intended to treat osteoporosis could eventually provide a cure for baldness.

While were all waiting for that, and before you go to the expense of paying for a hair transplant, take a look at our list of the ten things you need to know about losing your hair. Follow these rules and you just might keep your untamed locks for a while longer yet.

Also Check: What Should I Take To Stop Hair Loss

Don’t Miss: How To Stop Hair Loss During Menopause

What Steps Can I Take To Prevent Or Slow Hair Loss

Unfortunately, certain types of hair loss are genetic, and very little can be done to prevent them. Genetic types of hair loss include alopecia areata and female pattern hair loss.

But other types of hair loss can be brought on by stress and a poor diet. Do your best to eat a balanced diet, and find ways to take care of your mental health.

For added benefit, stay up to date with your routine checkups. Anemia, low levels of vitamin D and abnormal thyroid hormones can all affect the health of your hair. Simple bloodwork from your primary care physician can determine if these conditions are contributing to your hair loss.

Black women in particular are prone to a type of hair loss called traction alopecia, which is caused by heat, chemicals and tight styles that pull at the hair root, including some braids, dreadlocks, extensions and weaves.

Treatment For Hair Loss Is Out There

Why Is My Hair Thinning? 5 Tips To Find Hair Loss Causes in Women – Why is MY Hair Falling Out?

Most cases of increased shedding will gradually resolve on their own without treatment, Dr. Schlosser says. But if your hair doesn’t return to its normal fullness within nine months, see a doctor for an evaluation to find out whether something else is going on. And if you have other worrying symptoms, like itching, pain, burning, flaking, or redness, you should seek help sooner.

See your primary care provider or go directly to a dermatologist who specializes in treating hair loss. They can determine what type it is and what the right treatment approach is for you based on which therapies are currently available for your specific issue.

In addition to changes in products and hairstyling habits, your doctor may prescribe topical treatments to treat hair loss, like minoxidil, or direct you to an over-the-counter version, like Rogaine . They might also recommend treatments like platelet-rich plasma injections , which can be helpful for some patients, SELF explained previously. If youre curious about your options, check in with your doctor or dermatologist.

All products featured on SELF are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.


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Hormonal Changes: The Most Common Reason For Thinning Hair In Older Women

As women age, the levels of estrogen they produce begin to decline. Estrogen does several things that promote thick hair. Therefore, the loss contributes to thinner hair in several ways as well. First, estrogen lengthens the growth stage of hair. This means more follicles of hair are growing at a given time when estrogen production is at an ideal level. It also stimulates the growth of new hair, after the old hair has shed.

Estrogen plays an important role in the overall appearance of hair. It is easy to see why an imbalance could cause hair to begin to look thinner over time. There is very little that can be done to increase the natural production of estrogen once menopause has started. However, phytoestrogens, bioidentical, or synthetic estrogens can be utilized to support estrogenic activity in the body.

If You Have Hair Loss Start Here

Treating your hair loss starts with addressing the underlying cause. So if you have signs of hair loss, see a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible. They can help you pinpoint the problem and address the issue. No matter what the reason, the sooner you get treatment for hair loss, the better the result will be.

Since the hair is an extension of your body, living a healthy lifestyle can also help. Some measures you can take are:

  • Eating a balanced diet

  • Avoiding traumatic hair care

  • Seeing your primary care provider regularly for preventative medical care

Topical solution or foam is the first-choice medication for most types of hair loss. For hereditary hair loss, your dermatologist may recommend pills like or . Other treatment options include cosmetic and surgical procedures at a dermatologists office. Some of these treatments are still experimental, but they show promise. Alternatively, many women cover thin areas with topical products, scalp tattooing, or wigs.

No matter what your age, the good news is that most causes of hair loss are treatable. Addressing the root cause early is key to stopping the process and regrowing hair.

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How Thinning Hair Occurs In Women Vs Men

A healthy scalp has around 80 percent of its hair follicles in the growing stage while the other 20 percent is in the resting stage. Hair thinning and loss occur when that vital growing state either slows down considerably or stops.

What causes hair to thin out for women? Just like our bodies change with age, most women notice some hair thinning as they get older. This is quite natural. Its said that by the age of 50, half of women will complain of hair loss. If a womans thinning hair is related to female-patterned hair loss, then the thinning is believed to be 90 percent genetic and 10 percent hormonal. Youll probably be surprised to learn that female-pattern baldness affects about 30 million American women. You cant change your genetics, but thankfully, you can work on the hormonal aspect .

Thinning hair in women typically occurs slowly all over the entire scalp without a recession of the hair line . If a woman has female-pattern hair loss, it can lead to extreme hair thinning but rarely leads to baldness.

What about thinning hair in men? For men, hair thinning can start as early as puberty and progress for many years to come after that. The thinning usually begins above the temples and travels around the perimeter and top of the head. Ultimately, this can result in a ring of hair often referred to as a horseshoe remaining along the bottom of the scalp. For a lot of men, hair thinning continues until there is no hair left resulting in a completely bald scalp.

Massage Your Edges Nightly With Castor Oil

Miri boheme: Thin hair. Sick of it! My Hair Regrowth Journey

Have you ever thought of using oil for edge growth? Carrier oils, like castor, are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. These promote a healthy scalp and strengthen hair strands. In the end, this means thick edges and healthy hair.

To use, simply pour a quarter-sized amount of castor oil into a small dish. Dip your fingertips into the dish, and then apply the oil to the edges of your hair. You may massage in small, circular motions and apply varying amounts of pressure.

The castor oil will hydrate and moisturize the scalp. It will also fortify the hair strands to protect against stretching and breakage. When done consistently over a period of months, it may even help your edges grow back.

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Recommended Reading: What To Do About Male Hair Loss

And Here’s What You Can Do To Fix It:

Ok, so now you know what triggering the hair loss, here’s how to deal with it…

Recognise the problem

Hair loss doesn’t happen fast, our strands grow in cycles, which means it can take up to 3 months for hair to fall out after a trigger has caused it. “If you notice excessive daily hair shedding for longer than 3 months, see a trichologist or your GP, there could be an underlying factor that needs to be addressed”, Anabel advises. “Very importantly, try not to panic. Telogen effluvium is almost always self-eliminating and hair will start to grow back as usual once any internal imbalance is put right”.

Change up your diet

1) Get More Protein

“Hair is made of protein, making adequate daily intake of protein rich foods essential. Include at least a palm sized portion of protein at breakfast and lunch .” Anabel recommends.

2) Complex carbohydrates are essential

“They provide our hair with the energy it needs to grow. Snack on a healthy carbohydrates if longer than four hours is left between meals as energy available to hair cells drops after this amount of time.”

That being said, Anabel explained that if you are losing your hair because of something other than diet, like stress or an illness, changing what you eat will not remedy it.

Take a supplement

Anabel recommends looking out for the following ingredients: Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, and the essential amino acids, L-Lysine and L-Methionine.

Head message = more than self-care

Signs And Symptoms Of Female Hair Loss

After looking at what causes female hair loss at temples, we now examine some of the common signs and symptoms that signify the problem. Below are some of the common signs and symptoms of the female hair loss:

1 Gradual thinning of the hair

The most notable sign of hair loss is the gradual thinning of the hair. This, for a large part, is the first indicator of the issue of hair loss. If left unmitigated, it often boils over to affect the entire head. Thus, it is great if you can take the first step to do something while at it.

2 Circular or Patchy Bald Spots

If the hair loss persists beyond the first stage described above, it graduates to the circular or patchy bald spots. At such times, the skin becomes itchy and painful. It is also not uncommon for some red spots that are ghastly to behold to arise at such times also.

3 Sudden Loosening of the Hair

Some people experience more rapid hair loss than others. For them, the head loses the hair faster and without any prior notice. This in many cases is brought about by a sudden and unexpected emotional or physical shock. Luckily, it is temporary and reverts back to the original state after the shock has come to an end.

4 Full-body Hair Loss

5 Scaly Patches

Also Check: How To Stop Hair Loss During Perimenopause


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