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HomeCauseCan Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair Loss

Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair Loss

Does Anesthesia Make You Lose Hair

Can Lack of Sleep Lead to Hair Loss?

While some doctors believe there might be a link, the correlation does not prove causation and only a limited amount of research has been done regarding this issue. Anesthesia can slow down cellular division which can adversely affect your hair follicles. This has the potential to also cause telogen effluvium, which again is potentially temporary hair loss though it could still be significant.

The surgery youre under anesthesia for may have a stronger correlation to potential hair loss. While your body is in a more relaxed state during the surgery under anesthesia, depending on the length and severity of the recovery time, your body and mind may be under significantly heightened levels of stress which could accelerate the risk of hair loss.

A Closer Look At Stress And Hair Growth

Stress deserves quite a bit of recognition when it comes to hair loss because there is actually a condition where high stress levels can cause a significant portion of your hair to shedand we will likely all have this condition at some point.

Telogen effluvium is a condition where a stressful event or circumstance forces a large number of your hair follicles to immediately transition from anagen to telogen. Most hair follicles stay intact for 3 months once they switch into telogen, which is the final resting phase of the hair growth cycle. Therefore, people often do not experience hair shedding until 3 months after a stressful event.

When we are particularly stressed, our sleep patterns are often disrupted. Indeed, lack of sleep and stress often go hand-in-hand. And unfortunately, the less sleep you get, the more stressed you will become.

One of the best things you can do when you are stressed is to actually get more sleep so that your body feels better and you prevent complications like hair loss.

Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair To Fall Out

The short answer is yes, but its complicated. A lack of sleep can lower your hormone levels. While youre sleeping, your body is producing human growth hormone. If you arent sleeping enough to have full sleep cycles or your sleep cycles are getting interrupted causing you to wake up throughout the night, then you might not be producing enough human growth hormones. A lack of sleep can also create stress on your body which increases your chance of telogen effluvium, a significant, albeit potentially temporary, loss of hair on your scalp.

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How Lack Of Sleep Effects Hair Loss

Insufficient amounts of sleep have been shown to have significant negative consequences on the body, which can lead directly and indirectly to conditions of hair loss and thinning hair.

The lack of sleep can result in higher levels of stress which is shown to cause hair loss.

In the image below we can see how scalp tension corresponds with the typical male pattern baldness.

So if stress and tension go together, its clear that there can be a direct impact.

Research published in the American Journal of Pathology discusses the relationship between stress and the process of hair growth.

The prolonged stress response can have a negative impact on the skin and its capacity to function appropriately which can directly impact the hair follicle.

The study also suggests that the release of hormones, neurotransmitters, and cytokines during a stress respond can significantly influence the growth of hair.

There is evidence to suggest that hair follicles and the hair growth cycle are significantly impacted by stress, which can lead to unhealthy hair growth and hair loss.

An article from the National Institutes of Health further suggest that sleep plays a role in hair growth. The activity of adult stem cells relies on the internal circadian clock to orchestrate the proliferation of the hair growth cycle.

The inability of the body to function normally due to lack of sleep reduces overall physical health and wellness.

The Relationship Between Hormones And Sleep

Hair Loss Lack Of Sleep

Failure to get adequate amounts of sleep can affect the hormone levels in your body, causing them to become imbalanced. For instance, sleep deprivation causes reduced levels of the human growth hormone and increased levels of cortisol . Hormones play a large role in hair growth. Increased levels of cortisol can inhibit hair follicles from growing health strands of hair, while insulin affects the storage of nutrients that play a part in the growth of your hair. Ensuring you are getting enough sleep is important for maintaining hormonal balance, which in turn, promotes healthy hair growth.

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Does Getting More Sleep Help With Hair Growth

Yes! If ever you needed a good reason to get more sleep, here it is. Getting plenty of consistent rest every day is crucial for restoring hair growth. If you struggle with hair loss related to poor sleep and chronic stress, better sleep will surely help turn things around for you. And, if you have a condition that causes hair loss, you will have a better chance of re-growing your hair if you can restore your body back to its normal homeostatic state.

If you do have a condition like androgenic alopecia or alopecia areata , you should know that sleep alone will not change the course of your hair loss. However, it will help you keep the hair you do have healthy and serve as an excellent adjunct for the treatments you are using to correct hair loss.

What To Do Next

To learn more about your hair restoration options, download Bosleys FREE info-kit, The Complete Book on Hair Restoration, to see how great your hair can look. If youre ready to do something about that bald spot or thinning hair now, schedule a FREE in-person or video consultation with a trained Bosley hair restoration specialist. Together with a Bosley Physician, we can help you find out whats causing your balding and what treatment solution is right for you.

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Does Sleep Deprivation Cause Hair Loss

There’s no question that and can be caused by a number of factors, including heredity, age, stress, medications, and more. But what about how well you sleep at night? Could not getting enough sleep be contributing to your hair loss or thinning? Here’s what you should know about the role that quality sleep can have on your luscious locks and how to treat hair thinning and loss from the experienced team at LH Hair.

Lack Of Sleep Interrupts Cell Regeneration


Cell regeneration is one of the processes regulated by our circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle. Insufficient and irregular sleep that is neither restful nor rejuvenating can disrupt this cycle. When it does, new cell growth, cell division, and cell differentiation are also disrupted.

These processes all take place in the hair follicle, where the only living hair cells are located. If the hair cells cannot develop as they should, then stunted growth and the inability to replace lost hairs will be the result.

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Your Growth Hormones And Hair Loss

As the name suggests, our growth hormones are responsible for the way we grow. We produce more of them in our earlier years, which is when we need to develop. As time goes on, we naturally produce less. But, by not sleeping enough, the number of growth hormones we circulate drop even further still.Although there are many ways to create more growth hormones, sleep is the one were focusing on here. Getting more sleep allows you to produce more growth hormones, and when you produce more growth hormones you encourage your body to return to the way it was before the hair loss process began. By restoring that balance, theres a chance you could encourage more hair to grow.

We All Know That Sleep Is Necessary For A Heap Of Reasons Did You Know That Hair Health Is One Of Them Keep On Scrolling To Find Out How Your Slumbering Is Affecting Your Hair

Poor sleep quality leads to a number of health issues, whether its stress, skin issues, energy levels or a poor immune system. Did you know that your sleep cycle affects your hairs overall health? A good and restorative nights sleep is required for the protein synthesis of the hair + the release of enzymes and growth hormones that are necessary for overall hair health.

The way that sleep affects your bodys natural hormones is probably the most important part of preventing hair loss. Your body produces a hormone called melatonin. This hormone helps your body regulate your sleep cycle, and it also has been shown to increase hair growth. If your body decreases in its melatonin levels, its possible that this results in hair loss.

Sleep deprivation can eventually lead to stress, and stress has been known to result in telogen effluvium hair loss. This is when stress pushes the hair follicle into a premature resting state, which is then followed by a premature “shedding phase.”

Weve put together a list of some good sleep hygiene rules to follow every night to promote a deep and restorative sleep:

  • Set your room to a cooler temperature
  • Stop going on your phone at least an hour before youd like to fall asleep
  • Make the room as dark as possible
  • Dont nap for longer than 15-30 minutes during the day
  • Find the right mattress for you that makes you feel cozy and comfy
  • Try to stick to a consistent bedtime & wakeup time

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What If Your Hair Loss Is More Than Lack Of Sleep

There are numerous causes of hair loss and sleep deprivation is only one. Other causes include genetics, medication, environment, and diet. If simply readjusting your schedule to ensure you are always getting a good night’s sleep won’t do the trick to restore your full head of hair, it may be time to seek professional hair restoration treatment.

New Look Institute is San Jose’s premier hair restoration studio. Whether you are in the beginning stages of thinning or experiencing complete balding, our hair loss specialists can help. After conducting a thorough hair and scalp analysis, you will be presented with viable options that fit your needs, goals, and budget. Potential solutions include , , , , and and .

Will A Good Sleep Solve My Hair Thinning Problem

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Hair Loss?

Having a good sleep routine for sure will make you feel better, but lets not forget that sleep deprivation is not the only reason that can cause hair loss, many other factors can influence your hair loss, such as extreme diet exceeding in protein, environmental factors like smoking, usage of contraceptive pills, or medicines used to control blood pressure.

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Sleep Stress And Hair Loss

Research published in the American Journal of Pathology discusses the relationship between stress and the process of hair growth.

The prolonged stress response can have a negative impact on the skin and its capacity to function appropriately which can directly impact the hair follicle.

Image: Hairbro

The study also suggests that the release of hormones, neurotransmitters, and cytokines during a stress respond can significantly influence the growth of hair.

There is evidence to suggest that hair follicles and the hair growth cycle are significantly impacted by stress, which can lead to unhealthy hair growth and hair loss.

> > Read More: What Happens To Your Hormones When Youre Asleep?

An article from the National Institutes of Health further suggest that sleep plays a role in hair growth. The activity of adult stem cells relies on the internal circadian clock to orchestrate the proliferation of the hair growth cycle.

This study suggests that disruptions to the sleep cycle of an organism can have a significant impact on the biologic functions taking place in the hair follicle where hair growth is initiated:The inability of the body to function normally due to lack of sleep reduces overall physical health and wellness.The fact that lacking sleep is a significant source of stress may also trigger the beginning of genetically-influenced hair loss such as male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss.

Can A Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair Loss

  • productivity

Indirectly Speed up genetic hair loss – including male pattern baldness Directly trigger a form of temporary hair loss cause Telogen EffluviumBUT WERE ALSO

  • Brain functioning
  • Preventing Depression
  • Lowering risk of heart disease

Telogen Effluviumhair growth cycle. stress is under controlChronic Telogen Effluvium

  • neurotransmitters, and

What to do:Sleep at regular timesWind down

  • A warm bath helps your body reach a temperature that’s ideal for rest.
  • Writing “to do” lists for the next day organise your plans and clear your mind of distractions.
  • Light relaxing yoga stretches help to relax the muscles. Avoid vigorous exercise as this has the opposite effect.
  • Try reading a book or listening to the radio as it relaxes the mind by distracting it.

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Does A Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair Loss 5 Ways Poor Sleep Can Negatively Affect Your Hair

Everyone knows that a regular sleep schedule with adequate hours is good for your mental and physical health. But, what most people donât know is that skimping on your Zzzs can possible take a toll on your hair, too.

Below, we will cover the potential consequences of not getting enough sleep for your hair, review the 5 ways that inadequate rest can impact your hair, address if a lack of sleep can directly cause hair loss, and look into if fixing your sleep schedule will lead to hair improvements.

How Lack Of Sleep Impacts The Body

How to prevent hair loss while sleeping

When we sleep, our body repairs, restores, regenerates and rebalances. The impact of sleep deprivation on the human body can be likened to trying to grow a healthy plant without sunlight. The more restful the sleep we achieve, the better we function and feel. Brain function, emotional wellness and hormone levels are all negatively impacted by lack of sleep.

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Hair Raising Facts: Does Lack Of Sleep Cause Hair Loss

While failing to get a certain number of hours of sleep each night wont automatically cause hair loss, lack of sleep does put you in a position where youre more likely to suffer from thinning and baldness.

As mentioned above, lack of sleep promotes high levels of stress, which makes hair loss more likely. There are various ways stress created by lack of sleep can cause hair loss, including:

Telogen Effluvium

When the body is stressed due to lack of sleep, various natural cycles, including the cycle of hair growth, are disrupted. Your scalp is covered in thousands of hair follicles consistently going through four stages of growth:

  • Anagen phase: This is when your hair grows, and the stage usually lasts 2-7 years.
  • Catagen phase: A 2-week period when the hair follicle shrinks
  • Telogen phase: The 3-month resting period with no growth
  • Exogen phase: When the follicle sheds the hair and starts the growth again.

Telogen Effluvium, or TE occurs when the number of hair follicles growing hair suddenly changes. If the change happens during the Telogen stage, it can also result in shedding.

Alopecia Areata

AA, or Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease, which involves your immune system mistakenly attacking hair follicles. AA can definitely be triggered by stress. It can cause hair loss across the entire scalp, and even in various other parts of the body.


How Is Sleep And Hair Loss Related

Your body requires sleep to recharge itself with electrolytes and replenish your energy. When that time is cut short, your bodys immune system can become in disarray. This can cause you to feel weak and cause your body to not properly absorb nutrients that it needs to stay healthy.

Your body is now more vulnerable to diseases, which further weakens you. When your body is in a weakened state, your hair can fall out from a lack of nutrients that can be utilized by your scalp. When your hair is deprived of nutrients, it begins to fall out easily. The only way that you can prevent this from happening is to make lifestyle changes to help you get a good nights sleep.

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Five Ways Lack Of Sleep Can Lead To Hair Thinning And Hair Loss

Your body and your brain are very active while you sleep. There are many vital processes that take place during sleep to keep your body functioning and developing as it should. One of those processes is the hair growth cycle and it is very negatively affected by chronic lack of sleep. Here are five ways that happens.

Lack Of Sleep Stress And Hair Loss

Lack of Sleep Can Cause Hair Loss

Lack of sleep and stress are a little like the chicken and the egg. Its hard to tell which one came first, but knowing that doesnt really matter. Why? Because if you sleep less, you feel more stressed. When you feel more stressed, you get less sleep.

Therefore, we need to focus on why stress leads to hair loss and how to address it. Some of the reasons have already been discussed above. When youre releasing more CRH, youre experiencing your bodys natural hormonal response to the stress cycle. As we already know, more CRH means poor hair growth.

If you encounter a lot of stress, you may experience telogen effluvium. As a temporary condition, telogen effluvium encourages some of your scalps follicles to go into a form of paralysis. When this happens, patches of your hair begin to fall out.

Another condition is called alopecia areata. Again, this involves an extreme form of stress that encourages your bodys immune system to attack the cells on your scalp. Although experts dont know why alopecia areata does this, they do know that sleep is a contributing factor.

Finally, if your poor nights sleep is causing you to form stress-related habits, you might start attacking your hair yourself. Trichotillomania is a condition which involves an urge to pull out hair that you just cannot fight. Although most people attack their eyebrows or eyelashes, some will reach for their hair too.

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