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HomeCauseCan Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss

Get The Facts About Low Testosterone In Women

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss In Males

All that said, it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of low testosterone in women. Its not something many women think of when they see physical changes or are not feeling well.

Low testosterone in women, while quite possibly a factor in female hair loss, causes a lot of other symptoms you would probably prefer to live without click the button below to find out more.

Hair Loss Treatments Medications

This is also a complicated area. I have attempted to distill the research down to the best treatments for hair loss or thinning hair. The point that I also want to get across is that any time we put a medication in our body, there are other effects aside from the desired effect we want. Patients need to understand this, and make an informed decision before they decide to use a medication. Too often the adverse effects are not understood or reviewed before a medication is started. It makes sense to think of each medication in terms of not only its benefit, but also the unintended side effects.

This is not a complete list, but rather a review of the most proven methods to help slow or stop hair loss. There are essentially two categories of medications DHT blockers and medications that stimulate hair growth. I also review newer medications that show some promise.

1. Oral Finasteride

The Good: Finasteride works by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase type 2 . As a results Finasteride has been shown to decrease hair loss, increase hair growth and improve hair quality . Most guys who take it, will tell you thats exactly what they experience. Finasteride has a short half-life , which means it needs to be taken daily, but overall it seems to be very effective.

2. Topical Finasteride
3. Dutasteride
4. Topical Dutasteride
5. Topical Minoxidil

How To Treat Hair Loss Caused By Testosterone

Testosterone hair loss is complex. When not treated properly, it can lead to permanent hair loss.

Thus, a working and effective long-term treatment is favorable. Moreover, the treatment varies with the intensity and condition of hair loss caused by testosterone.

Testosterone and Hair Growth are connected as Low Testosterone and Hair Loss are. So, the first job of treatment is to stabilize T-level. Afterward, the doctor begins the hair regrowth treatment.

Generally, experts employ the combo of the two treatments to effectively reverse testosterone hair loss.

Here are some of the popular testosterone-hair loss therapies!

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Why Am I Still Experiencing Gyno On Dutasteride If My Estrogen Is In Range

Question: hey bro, this is litteraly the most interesting video of youtube! you are a damn khowlege machine! Are you still on duta ?

Did you measure your oestradiol level while on duta+200 mg test per week?

You didn’t need an AI to avoid gyno?

I might be ultra sensitive to gyno and hair loss, because even with Finasteride i keep losing my hair so I have added duta 5 month ago.

However even if my E2 level is only 25pg/ml i experienced bad gyno with duta

My DHT level was like yours unreadable. Do you know why I am experiencing gyno?

And i will link you a study of 1996 by imperio did on the pseudo hermaprhodite, which showed that they had low DHT level but really high test level, and no hair loss and body hair.

Derek: My E2 is in range at all times without an AI at therapeutic dosages, even up to 200 mg per week.

This is largely due to my administration frequency, as well as my diet and body composition.

DHT antagonizes Estrogen and helps alleviate issues that may otherwise be present at receptor binding sites in breast tissue.

Without DHT present, it’s a lot easier to get gyno.

Your issue could be an imbalance of Test:Estro, it could also be prolactin related , it could be a variety of things, but I’d need to see comprehensive bloods to make a more accurate assessment.

Just because one guy has high test in his system and doesn’t lose his hair, it doesn’t mean Testosterone doesn’t miniaturize hair follicles.

How To Lower Testosterone In Women

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

What lowers testosterone in women? If you’re looking for natural ways to increase testosterone, it can help to know that several herbs and other plant-based foods may be able to naturally decrease T levels in women:

  • Licorice â The root of a legume plant native to the Middle East , licorice may lower testosterone levels when taken daily.
  • Green tea â Aside from being an all-around delicious tea, green tea may also be able to block testosterone from turning into a hormone called DHT â which is similar to testosterone but has much stronger effects on the body.
  • Spearmint â Often consumed in tea form, spearmint may decrease levels of free testosterone in the bloodstream.

Also, keep in mind that if you’re experiencing high testosterone, it’s a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider to learn what their recommendation is.

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Treatments For Testosterone Hair Loss

Hair loss caused by testosterone is complicated. It can lead to permanent hair loss if not treated properly.

As a result, a long-term treatment that works and is successful is advantageous.

Furthermore, the procedure varies depending on the severity and condition of testosterone-related hair loss.

These treatments for testosterone hair loss range from hormonal treatment for hair loss to testosterone injections hair loss treatments.

Here are some of the available treatments for such hair loss:

Can These Medications Be Combined For Better Effects

The answer is yes and they do seem to work better together. This study looked at the combined effects of topical minoxidil and finasteride, compared to minoxidil alone. They concluded: Treatment with topical solution of 0.25% finasteride admixed with 3% minoxidil was significantly superior to 3% minoxidil solution for promoting hair growth in male androgenetic alopecia, and well tolerated.

This makes sense, as blocking the DHT at the follicle and increasing the blood supply to the follicle, attack the problem from different angles and should provide superior results, compared to either one alone.

Topical dustasteride & minoxidil

As you might have guessed, the ultimate combination for hair loss is likely a combination of minoxidil and dutasteride. This combination is not currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss. Therefore it is not available at a regular pharmacy like Walgreens. The only way to obtain this combination would be through a compounding pharmacy. This is can be obtained from a physician or PA or is comfortable prescribing it.

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What Is A Dht Blocker And How Does It Work

Hormones are regularly in flux. DHT blockers target the receptors responsible for generating imbalanced amounts of testosterone and slow them down so you can enjoy a richer head of hair.

These synthetic hormones are powerful and effective when taken as prescribed, able to encourage steady hair growth and fill out hairlines. Blockers keep DHT from forming at all, while inhibitors slow down the production rate. It may sound like a negligible detail, but this minor difference is key in knowing which solution will work best for you. Testosterone supplements are usually taken daily, sometimes twice a day, to effectively change your bodyâs natural functions.

DHT blockers can be prescribed in pill form or in specialized shampoos provided by your doctor. You may be advised to bolster your diet, as well, since there is evidence of vitamin B12 deficiencies contributing to the onset of hair loss.

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss In Males

Does Low Testosterone cause Hair Loss?

Men with low testosterone levels might sometimes wonder Can testosterone cause hair loss?

Although the causes of male pattern baldness vary, the most common cause is genetics, with a family history of baldness being common.

In short, the cause of hair loss is primarily due to some abnormality in the genetic code interfering with DHTs ability to function inside the body.

It seems that it interferes with DHTs ability to perform well and allows it to muck up stuff in our body and its functionality that keeps us looking young, attractive, and energized.

A stable and optimized endocrine system, consisting of optimized testosterone and other hormones nicely functioning in harmony with one another, is most likely not contributing to hair loss.

Thus, imbalanced testosterone levels cause hair loss in men which are scientifically termed as Male Pattern Baldness .

Male pattern baldness takes on a distinct form. The front hairline disappears first, forming an M shape known as frontal baldness.

This eventually results in crown baldness, forming a U pattern. MPB has been known to spread to the chest hair in some instances.

In reality, hair in different parts of the body reacts to hormonal changes in different ways.

Face hair, on the other hand, develops in response to hormonal changes, while other hair recedes and contributes to baldness.

The effects may differ in their symptoms and characteristics.

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Total Testosterone Vs Free Testosterone Vs Bioavailable Testosterone

If youve ever searched for information about testosterone levels, you may have come across terms like total testosterone, free testosterone and bioavailable testosterone.

These terms refer to testosterone thats either freely floating in your blood or bound to certain proteins.

Free testosteroneas its name suggestsfreely circulates in your blood without being bound to any proteins.

This type of testosterone accounts for a relatively small percentage of your total testosteroneand generally, only about one to two percent of your total testosterone is in this state at any particular time.

Most of the testosterone in your body is bound to a protein called sex hormone binding globulin, or SHBG.

This testosterone isnt free to access your cells and is generally thought of as inactive. However, its still measured as part of your total testosterone.

Finally, about half of the leftover testosterone in your bloodstream is bound to albumin, a protein thats produced by your liver.

Unlike testosterone bound to SHBG, this testosterone can freely access cells and work its effects throughout your body.

Total testosterone is a term used to refer to all of the testosterone thats circulating in your blood, whether its free, or bound to albumin or SHBG.

Free testosterone refers only to testosterone thats freely circulating without being bound to any type of protein. Finally, bioavailable testosterone refers to testosterone thats free or bound only to albumin.

Does Low Testosterone Cause Baldness

Hair on your body grows out of an organ called follicles. Hair follicles is a tiny hole in your skin and head that contains a single strand of hair. The hair in the follicles goes through a growth cycle of two to six years. They reach a resting phase at the end of each cycle, then fall out, and the cycle repeats.

Both high or low testosterone can cause hair loss and baldness. Although DHT is the main hair hormones in the human body. But the low testosterone levels in your body can cause hair loss even if you have an average level of DHT. A high or low level of testosterone reduces the size of your hair follicles, resulting in thinning of hair in both men and women. As the size of follicles reduces, the hair becomes thinner with each cycle which results in baldness.

An abnormal level of testosterone can cause androgenetic alopecia in both men and women in a different form. The hair loss occurs in a specific format which leads to balding in the long run.

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Does High/low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss

If the function of hormonal glands in your body is affected by an irregular diet or an erratic lifestyle, they secrete abnormal hormone levels. It reverses the average amounts of hormones required by the body. In this case, excess androgen levels decrease scalp hair growth and increase body hair growth.

In other cases, even though your hormonal glands secrete the right amount of hormones, your hair follicles may be sensitive to the potent androgens. It is either because you are aging or the genetic inheritance of your hair follicle cells.

Testosterone may act as an antidepressant and an aid to memory. However, too much of it is dangerous.

Decreased Volume Of Semen

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?  Treatments ...

Testosterone is produced in the testicles, as well as sperm.

In fact, testosterone is responsible for the prostate and seminal vesicles to work effectively.

Someone who has low testosterone levels will experience some degree of sperm reduction because the above mentioned organs responsible for the production of sperm will not be capable of functioning at optimum performance within this environment.

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Symptoms Of High Testosterone In Women

Signs of high testosterone levels in women can include:

  • Excess acne

  • Abnormal hair growth throughout your body

  • Male pattern baldness

  • An enlarged clitoris and smaller breast size

  • Menstrual irregularities are another sign of high levels of testosterone

  • And if you put on pounds super easily, you might want to get your testosterone levels checked: elevated testosterone contributes to weight gain

High female testosterone levels are also linked with an increased risk of obesity and infertility. Post-menopausal women with elevated testosterone may be more likely to experience insulin resistance, which can make diabetes more likely. If you have high levels of testosterone, speak with your healthcare provider to learn about hormone imbalance treatment options. In some cases, hormone therapy or medication can help get levels back to a balanced state.

Accounting For All Androgens In A Hair Loss Prevention Protocol

As you can gather by now, Testosterone also causes hair loss .

It contributes to the miniaturization of hair follicles period, just to a far lesser extent than DHT, as its significantly less androgenic.

You need to account for this though when you use a 5-Reductase inhibitor and assume you are covered.

Youre not, if you have a high enough sensitivity to androgens that Testosterone also causes miniaturization, you will eventually start losing ground again, or the 5-Reductase inhibitor may never work for you in the first place as there is all of this free Testosterone in your body still wreaking havoc on your hair follicles.

This explains why some guys are seemingly Finasteride/Dutasteride non-responders.

Not to mention that Finasteride leaves 30% of your systemic DHT in tact that can also still cause damage.

Does this mean that every one should be using Dutasteride, RU58841, systemic anti-androgens, or any other crazy new experimental chemicals?

No it doesnt, but Im just trying to explain how this scenario unfolds so you can more accurately assess your own personal hair loss, interpret your blood work, and figure out what the best course of action is for you personally.

Theres nothing worse than being told to take , taking it and putting yourself at risk of side effects, and then still watching your hair loss progression worsen because you dont fully understand whats going on in your body.

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