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Does Bariatric Surgery Cause Hair Loss

Lowering The Risk Of Post

Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery – Does it Come back? | Mexico Bariatric Services
  • Consume at least 60 to 80 grams of protein each day. It can be difficult to meet these protein needs every day after surgery since you will not be eating as much as you used to be able to eat. However, you can better meet such needs through protein supplement shakes and bars as well as through frequent protein-rich snacks. Such snacks may include string cheese, hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, tuna fish, jerky, and nuts, to name a few.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements daily as recommended by your doctor. Everyone after gastric bypass surgery will be asked to take a daily complete multivitamin. However, some people with identified nutrient deficiencies may be asked to take other supplements as well like zinc, iron, or vitamin D, for example.

Include foods in your diet that will provide needed nutrients to prevent hair loss. To prevent nutrient deficiencies that could increase your risk of hair loss it will be important to add the following foods to your diet.

In addition to the foods listed above, you can also obtain such nutrients from certain fortified foods like certain cereals, orange juice, and fortified cow or almond milks.

Along with such steps, it may also be helpful to have your B12, B1, folate, iron and zinc levels checked at least every year to be sure that any hair loss you may be experiencing is not from a nutrient deficiency.

What Nutrients Are Essential For Hair Growth And Repair After Gastric Sleeve

Many people typically turn to nutrition to try to prevent VSG hair loss. Although gastric sleeve hair loss may be inevitable, adding certain nutrients to your diet may contribute to your overall hair health. Iron, zinc, and protein are key nutrients that have demonstrated a correlation with hair health.

Follow your to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.

There are also other vitamins and minerals that may play a role in preventing hair loss. Vitamin A, B-6, folate, and calcium may all help with gastric sleeve hair loss. It is important to note there are no definitive answers as to how nutrients help hair health, and to what extent they help.

Hair loss is an expected side effect after vertical sleeve gastrectomy. If you are concerned about gastric sleeve hair loss, talk with your health care provider to determine if your hair loss is more than an expected side effect of gastric sleeve surgery. It is important to identify if there is a more serious cause, such as a nutrient deficiency.

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

Below are four simple tips to help prevent hair loss. Follow these tips and you will have a full head of hair to go along with the new you!

Tip #1: Protein, protein, protein! Our program emphasizes the need for protein from the initial appointment throughout the duration of the band. Protein is the building block of all cells, including the cells that make up your hair. Failing to meet our recommendation of 60g/day minimum per day could leave you with thinning hair as well as less satiety. Make sure you consume lean protein foods at each and every meal. This includes skinless chicken, lean red meat, grilled/baked fish, low-fat string cheese and cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, beans, protein bars, chia seeds, and flax. If you are a vegetarian, it is important to pair different vegetarian protein options at each meal to supply all of the necessary amino acids. Examples include beans, peas, quinoa, chia seeds and soy.

Tip #2: Take your vitamins. Many nutrient deficiencies can lead to hair loss, so think of your daily vitamins as medications. They are essential for avoiding nutrient deficiencies and provide the B-vitamins needed to keep your hair healthy and full. Take your chewable bariatric multiple vitamin consistently starting at two weeks before surgery to help prevent hair loss and fatigue associated with low nutrient status.

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Hair Loss Is Temporary

The good news hair loss is usually a temporary change after bariatric surgery.

Hair loss is caused by the sudden changes to less food, low caloric intake, and less vital nutrients absorbed into the body.

It also can be caused by stress to the body and hormonal changes that can occur after surgery regardless if you had gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery.

Hair loss can begin for patients as early as 8 to 12 weeks post-op. Hair falls out relatively fast for 4-8 weeks and then begins to slow down.

Hair loss almost never lasts for more than 1 year. Once the body acclimates to the smaller stomach and as the nutrient deficiencies balance out, it does grow back usually at the 8 to 12-month post-op mark .

Consult With Your Doctor To Ensure Recovery Is Proceeding Well

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Check in regularly with your doctor to ensure you are recovering well. He or she can prescribe other foods, supplements or medication to aid your healing process.

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    Micronutrients And Hair Loss

    Micronutrients, meaning vitamins and minerals, are vital to overall health and it cannot be emphasized enough how important they are in your long-term health after bariatric surgery.

    But to place even more importance on micronutrients, it turns out they play a roll in hair growth, too.

    You see, vitamins and minerals are major elements in the normal life cycle for hair follicles. The hair follicles need the micronutrients for healthy cell turnover.

    Just like skin cells, there is a constant turnover of old and new cells in the follicle bulb. Vitamins and minerals support natural cell turnover

    Research has found that providing proper amounts of micronutrients plays a significant role in genomic stability.

    Here are the most impactful micronutrients that support hair health:

    Incorporate A Protein Source At Every Meal

    Protein after surgery is imperative for recovery, healing, sustained weight loss, and prevention of muscle loss.

    Some sources of high-quality protein include eggs, fish, poultry, legumes, or dairy, as long as you can tolerate them well. Your stomach size is smaller following surgery, making it important to eat a solid protein source at every meal throughout the day. Find some of my recommended protein-rich, bariatric-friendly recipes here.

    Generally speaking, protein intake should be between 60-100 grams per day, but your surgical team and registered dietitian will offer personalized guidance for your recovery. Its possible that supplemental protein drinks will be recommended to help you meet your needs temporarily.

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    If Youre Worried About Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery And Want To Know Why Its Happening How To Fix It And When It Will End Keep Reading

    Hair loss is a complicated subject hair loss after bariatric surgery is even more complicated.

    Researchers and pharmaceutical companies have been trying for decades to find the solution to prevent and reverse hair loss without much luck.

    Today there are pills, shampoos, supplements and more that are supposed to help with hair loss. So whats the answer?

    Well, first its important to understand whats going on when our luscious locks start showing up on our pillows in the morning.

    Hair Loss Has Many Causes

    Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

    The most common type of hair loss after weight loss surgery is telogen effluvium. This can have nutritional and non-nutritional causes. Stress on the body can move more hair into the dormant phase which means a greater percentage of hairs falling out. Stress on the body can come in many forms, such as fever, infection,surgery, weight loss, deficiencies and some medications.

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    What Is Bariatric Surgery

    Bariatric surgery is surgery used to help those who have tried to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise but are struggling.

    There are several types of weight loss surgery. The most common types are

    • Gastric band a band which is placed around the stomach as you do not need to eat as much to feel full
    • Gastric bypass the top part of the stomach is joined to the small intestines, this makes you feel fuller sooner and you will not absorb as many calories from food
    • Sleeve gastrectomy some of the stomach is removed, this means you cannot eat as much as before and youll feel fuller sooner

    The Natural Hair Cycle

    Hair grows and sheds on our bodies in a natural cycle. The first step is the growth cycle, where hairs are actively growing. This is followed by the resting cycle, where hair follicles loosen and fall out. This process takes between one and six months.

    When your hair is healthy, you dont notice this process as only five to 15 percent of the hairs on your head will be in the shedding stage at any one time. However, after traumatic events such as surgery, more hair can shed.

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    Signs That Youre Nutritionally Deficient

    According to Dorothy McFadden, RD, LDN Bariatric Dietitian, you may be not getting enough nutrition if your hair loss continues more than one year after surgery, or if your hair loss didnt start until six months after surgery. Additionally, if your blood work indicates low levels of ferritin, zinc or protein, and if you have difficulty tolerating protein-rich foods and vitamin and mineral supplements. Post-op blood work is typically done at 6 weeks, 6 months and annually after bariatric surgery.

    Have you undergone bariatric surgery? How long did it take for you to regrow your hair? Was there anything you did that helped regrow your hair? Leave a comment below.

    More Ways To Prevent Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

    Pin by Mugdha Joshi on Sushruta

    First of all, if you do experience some hair loss, dont panic. Experiencing hair loss after weight loss surgery in Tijuanais normal. Your hair will grow back, and in fact, will grow healthier and stronger. Preventing hair loss is just a part of your recovery process, and while it can be daunting to think that you will have thinner or less abundant hair temporarily, just think about a life where you have met all of your weight loss goals and have taken control of your life and health.

    On the other hand, iron deficiency is the most common after surgery. So having your levels checked by our follow-up care physician can help prevent such side effects. Your diet will have to consist of protein-rich meals and supplements. Some side effects associated with iron deficiency include:

    • Depleted energy
    • Fatigue
    • Brittle nails

    Ensuring proper meals and following a list of recommended minerals and supplements can help fight these possible deficiencies. For example, eat iron-rich meals and supplements to prevent hair loss. Iron is the micronutrient most commonly related to hair loss. That makes checking your iron levels important 3-6 months after your surgery. Low ferritin levels in your body are associated with low iron levels. Low iron levels are a symptom most closely associated with hair loss.

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    Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

    Hair loss, or to give it its technical name can be a distressing and worrying side effect of weight loss surgery, gastric band, sleeve and bypass.

    It is a common type of alopecia where there is widespread thinning of the hair, rather than specific bald patches. Your hair may feel thinner, but youre unlikely to lose it all and your other body hair isnt usually affected. It can be caused by a number of factors and the body reacting to:Hormonal changesIntense physical stress, after the operationChanges in your diet, and the reduced energy intake

    It can occur after any weight loss surgery but tends to be more likely when your weight loss is rapid, which is more often the case with a gastric bypass. Hair loss will usually start at 6 months after the operation, you will notice when you wash or brush your hair that it is coming out in clumps which can be very upsetting. In most cases of telogen effluvium, your hair will stop falling out and start to grow back within six months.



    Minoxidil is available as a lotion you rub on your scalp every day. Its available from pharmacies without a prescription. Its not clear how minoxidil works, but evidence suggests it can cause hair regrowth in some men

    The Bariatric Group

    The Bariatric Group specialises in weight loss surgery. We started the service in 2003 and now have seven surgeons so meet The team, undertaking operations in four towns/cities in the South of England see all Locations.

    When To Talk With A Professional

    Discuss hair loss following bariatric surgery with your doctor if you still notice significant hair loss after 6 months or a year. This could be a sign that your body needs more nutrients.

    You should also see a doctor if your hair loss begins after 6 months, if you suspect you have nutritional deficiencies, or if any routine bloodwork shows that you have low levels of vitamins or minerals that can lead to hair loss.

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    Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery: Why It Occurs And How To Prevent It

    The decision to have bariatric surgery shouldnt be taken lightly. Your medical team will help you determine whether its right for you once youve made several sincere efforts to lose weight through diet and exercise. Along with speedy weight loss, patients will experience additional side effects of which they need to be aware to prevent distress. After having bariatric surgery like a gastric sleeve, hair loss is a common, and sometimes unexpected, occurrence. Its best to be prepared for the occurrence and know what you can and cant do to prevent it.

    Understanding the Cycle of Hair Growth

    Hair grows in two phases: anagen as the growth phase telogen as the resting phase. The telogen phase includes the period when normal hair loss occurs. Most strands have a life of between 1 and 6 years, and the duration of the shedding period is an average of three months. Factors that have an impact on the hair growth cycle include the following:

    • Childbirth
    • Severe dieting
    • Certain medications including anti-coagulants and beta-blockers

    While most of the time, a person has 90% of his or her hair experiencing growth and 10% resting, when this proportionality changes, obviously noticeable hair loss can occur.

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    How to prevent hair loss after gastric sleeve?
    The Vitamins That Could Affect Hair Loss

    Reasons For Hair Loss

    Post Op Hair Loss | Blossom Bariatrics | Las Vegas

    Hair loss is a natural condition that all people experience. Only when hair that falls out is not replaced with new hair, can we talk about the hair loss problem. There may be many hair loss causes including genetic, nutritional, or medical reasons for hair loss. Of course, it is important to diagnose which hair loss type we struggle with because it may help find its reasons, for example, the rapid hair loss causes may differ from temporary hair loss causes.

    Anyway, we present the most common reasons for hair loss below.

    It is very common that bariatric surgery patients are losing hair. It is a body reaction to the changes after a weight loss procedure

    Genetic hair loss

    Genetic hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia. As the name suggests, it is the genetic condition which limits the time of active hair growth, so naturally, the hair loss genetics is leading. People with genetic hair loss start noticing the signs in the hairline, temples, and crown the hairline is receding and the crown gets much thinner. After some time, the hairline reaches the crown, which makes the scalp totally bald.

    Illness hair loss

    There are some diseases that directly or indirectly influence hair loss. The hair loss illness examples are thyroid disease, scalp infections , autoimmune diseases , lichen planus, lupus, or trichotillomania. What is more, hair loss may result from hormonal changes connected with pregnancy, menopause, childbirth, or birth control pills.

    Stress hair loss

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