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HomeCauseDoes Zinc Cause Hair Loss

Does Zinc Cause Hair Loss

Potential For Hair Loss

Zinc For Hair Growth – Does It WORK?

There are no published clinical studies that report hair loss following Head & Shoulders usage. As per the public record, no researcher has investigated this. This means we must look for indirect evidence of a link between this shampoo and hair loss.

The first piece of such evidence is the large number of harsh chemicals in the Head & Shoulder bottle. The manufacturer breaks these into the following categories:

  • the active ingredients against dandruff
  • cleansers and lather-building agents
  • stabilizers and preservatives
  • thickening and pH balance
  • color and scent additives

This long list explains the subjective impression a user will get when pouring the product out of the bottle: a highly processed, artificial white color, and rich texture. Many of these ingredients make for a pleasant, easy to use, manufacture, and store product. They will not however be beneficial to the health of the scalp or hair follicles.

For example, many shampoos use either SLES or SLS as the main surfactant. Head & Shoulders uses both. This makes for a rich foam. On the other hand, these are harsh chemicals, and using both might not be ideal for the health of the scalp. Some individuals may be particularly susceptible to these chemicals harmful effects. Over time, these chemicals could theoretically exacerbate any underlying hair loss.

Horsetail Plant Extract Oil

Horsetail plant oil is an extract oil, not an essential oil. It contains silica, which is thought to improve hair growth speed and strength along with potentially reducing dandruff.

While no studies have evaluated horsetail oil used topically, a 2015 study found that oral tablets containing the oil improved hair growth and strength in women with self-perceived thinning hair.

It can also be effective as a topical treatment, with anecdotal evidence and theory suggesting that it may help boost circulation to the scalp and have the same benefits as the oral tablet. You can buy it online or at your nearest health food store.

Follow the manufacturers directions. It can be added to shampoo or massaged into your scalp.

How Much Zinc Should I Take A Day

For adult men, the Recommended Dietary Allowance for zinc is 11mg per day, or 8mg per day for adult women .

Most animal proteins are rich in zinc, meaning you shouldnt have any difficulties reaching this level if you eat at least one normal-sized serving of poultry, fish or red meat per day.

If youve been diagnosed with low levels of zinc, your healthcare provider may recommend that you take a zinc supplement.

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for zinc is 40mg per day for men and women aged 19 or older. If you exceed this amount over the long term, you could see adverse effects.

As always, its best to talk to your healthcare provider before taking zinc or any other nutritional supplements.

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Are You Having Problems With Thinning Hair Or Hair Loss

If so, it could be because you have too much zinc in your diet. There have been many studies that show how too much zinc can lead to hair loss and other issues. Why is this? Even though we need to have a certain amount of zinc in our diets, there are many problems that can arise, including hair loss, if we have too much.

How Can You Reduce Hair Loss When On A Keto Diet

Why Zinc Deficiency Cause Hair Loss (How to Correct It ...

The ketogenic diet may help you shed pounds quickly, but it may not be wholesome in terms of nutrition. The same goes for expensive keto supplements. The nutrient deficiency during ketosis triggers side effects like hair loss.

To reduce the risk of hair loss when on a keto diet, it is best to compensate for the nutrient deficiency. This can be done by either using dietary supplements or introducing foods rich in micronutrients to your diet.

Here are a few foods and their nutrients you should consider adding to the keto diet to reduce hair loss:

  • Biotin: To compensate for ketosis-caused biotin deficiency, you need to have an adequate intake of about 30 mcg of biotin. Foods high in biotin are :
  • Beef liver
  • Cod liver oil
  • Eggs

You can also use dietary supplements to control hair fall. However, consult your nutritionist/doctor for the right dosage. Apart from addressing nutrient deficiency, ketosis-induced hair fall can be reduced by:

  • Frequently nourishing the scalp with oils and vitamins.
  • Being gentle while washing the hair.
  • Avoiding heat and harsh chemical treatments.
  • Following medical advice.
  • Treating hormonal imbalance issues .
  • Avoiding stress and tension

In Summary

It may, however, take a few months to recover from ketosis-induced hair loss. Talk to your nutritionist or healthcare provider about treatment options. Stop stressing about hair fall and focus on nurturing your body and mind because that is all that matters.

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How Much Zinc Should I Take

But before I answer that, I want to tell you that supplements are only supplements and they cannot replace eating fresh fruits, vegetables, lentils, nuts and other real foods.

If you think you are not getting enough zinc from your diet or you are at increased risk, you can take the pills. They are available in capsule or tablet form.

The amount of zinc you need is about:

  • 11 mg for men
  • 8 mg for women

This is the recommended dietary allowance for zinc in the United States. For the UK is also very similar: 9.5mg for men and 7mg for women .

Many forms of zinc supplements are available, including zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, and zinc acetate, zinc citrate and zinc picolinate. They all are believed to work in very similar way, so one type is not thought to be better than the other. But if you ask me, I prefer the last two.

Where to Buy Zinc Supplement

Its available every where. In pharmacy, supermarkets, health food stores and online here.

Zinc has many health benefits, but too much zinc can be bad for you.

Its so easy to overdose if you find out you are zinc deficient. But for love of your hair dont do it. Why?? Because like too little zinc can cause hair loss, too much also can cause hair loss. Yikes!! yes and you dont want that, right? So stick to the recommended dose .

Zinc supplement also interferes with medication such as antibiotics and diuretic. And it can lower blood sugar levels.

That is all about zinc for now, before we end lets recap:

Until next time

Zinc Deficiency And Hair Loss

Research shows that zinc deficiency may cause hair loss . Such hair loss can most often be treated with zinc supplementation. In another study, participants with male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss, and telogen effluvium were deficient in zinc . Individuals with alopecia areata were also found to have low zinc levels .

While zinc seems to have an important role in combating hair loss, more research is warranted. Certain other studies suggest an insignificant relation between zinc deficiency and hair loss , , .

If you are wondering how zinc can improve your hair, here are some of its benefits.

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Risks And Potential Complications

The biggest risk of essential oils is skin irritation or allergic reactions. This is especially common when an essential oil is applied directly to the skin, so its vital to always use a carrier oil to dilute it.

Allergic reactions are also more common in those with sensitive skin or those who have allergies to the essential oil.

Symptoms of skin irritation include:

  • burning, discomfort, or painful tingling
  • redness in the affected area

Signs of an allergic reaction include:

  • severe dermatitis
  • difficulty breathing
  • swelling of the tongue or narrowing of the throat

Only older teenagers and adults should use essential oils topically for hair health. If you think essential oils could benefit your child, ask their pediatrician first to make sure its safe.

To evaluate for irritation, remember to test a small amount of the mixture on a small patch of skin before full use.

Clary Sage Essential Oil


Clary sage oil contains the same linalyl acetate that helps make lavender oil so effective in increasing hair growth. It can improve hair strength, in addition to increasing hair growth, making hair more difficult to break.

Mix 3 drops of clary sage oil with your favorite conditioner, or with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. If using it daily, rinse out after 2 minutes. If using it once or twice per week, leave it on for 10 minutes.

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Keep Up With Vitamins And Nutrients

While many companies promote vitamins or supplements for hair growth, they dont always directly affect hair length. But the body does require a lot of energy to make your hair grow. Missing out on balanced meals and nutrients can affect hair growth.

Its best to get your vitamins and nutrients from your diet, but supplements you may be interested in include:

Vitamin or nutrient
  • ketoconazole shampoo

How Does Magnesium Help Grow Thick Hair

Even though our hair is dead outside, theres a lot of work going on inside the hair follicles to build hair. Since magnesium takes part in making protein as well as the growth of cells, adequate supply of magnesium ensures that our hair is growing stronger and thicker and theres no interruption in the hair cycle to cause premature hair fall.

Moreover, magnesium is beneficial for the health of the blood vessels. It helps to relax and dilate the arteries and also reduce its calcification . Thats good news for the entire circulatory system of our body. And for our scalp too. This means that the small, tiny blood vessels of our scalp work better. And bring essential nutrients to the hair follicles and remove harmful waste from them.

Besides, magnesiums calming role is also very beneficial in reducing hair loss.

Stress can wreak havoc in our body. It brings about hormonal surge to make us ready to fight or flight. So if you get super stressed over an argument with a friend or a work deadline, your body reacts just as strongly as if youre facing a real life-or-death situation which is rarely the case. Frequent episodes of stress stimulate adrenal glands to produce more cortisol and androgens. And too high levels of androgens are harmful to our hair. They can trigger inflammation of hair follicles, causing them to shrink over time. And shrunk follicles will produce thin, weak hair that will fall out easily.

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Are Zinc Deficiencies Common

According to the National Institutes of Health, zinc deficiency in the United States is rare, though some people are more likely to become deficient.

Supplementation may be necessary to fill in gaps in diet, particularly for those with limited diets or increased needs . Another at-risk population for low zinc levels are people with digestive disorders where the absorption of zinc may be impaired, shared Ms. Wiegand.

Aside from hair loss, signs that you might have a zinc deficiency include:

  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Lack of energy
  • Problems with taste and smell
  • Skin lesions

The Cause Of Dandruff

Zinc and Testosterone

Scientists do not know for sure what causes dandruff. One potential factor is a fungal species called Malassezia . This fungus is present in the scalp of all people. It is part of the scalp microflora: numerous bacteria and fungi that live on our skin without causing problems. In people with dandruff though, Malassezia multiplies out of control. It essentially takes over the scalp.

Scientists do not understand exactly how Malassezia causes dandruff . One possible reason lies in its metabolites, i.e. the chemicals it secretes as part of its biological processes. These might irritate the scalp cells and lead to the abnormal flaking.

There is more to dandruff than Malassezia, as many people with dandruff dont have abnormal levels of Malassezia. Other likely factors are genetic predisposition and environmental triggers . Yet Malassezia is almost certainly involved, at least in most dandruff cases.

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Magnesium Oil For Hair: Everything You Need To Know



If youâre just now delving deep into the supplement world, youâve likely learned that magnesium is very, very good for you and your body. The mineral helps keep your blood pressure regulated, builds strong bones, and is great for your heart health. And if youâre getting into supplements, itâs likely youâre aware that a lot of people donât get the recommended amount of magnesium in their bloodstream. There are plenty of foods that are high in magnesium, like green leafy vegetables or nuts.

What you might not know, however, is that magnesium can be great for your hair and your scalp. Because itâs a mineral, magnesium can help break down calcium deposits caused by hard water, support hair growth, and itâs considered an anti-inflammatory. Wondering how you can integrate magnesium in oil form into your haircare routine? We consulted with Nava Greenfield, MD, of Schweiger Dermatology Group in Brooklyn, NY, to find answers to all the things youâve been wondering.

Meet the Expert

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Summary And Final Conclusion

There is a lot we have learned about zinc so far and here is a lot we still need to learn when it comes to zinc.

For most people, taking zinc doesnt have any effect on the hair in any way. However, there will be some people who experience a reduction in daily shedding – especially if they had low zinc to begin with. For a very small proportion a bit of shedding might occur for 1-4 weeks but this is not something that is seen commonly. We do see it in patients with early androgenetic balding – but again even then its not common. Most individuals with androgenetic hair loss who use zinc either have no effects or experience a slight improvement.

Your question suggests you have a degree of underlying androgenetic alopecia and what you are experiencing is a telogen effluvium of the hairs in that area. Of course a dermatologist can help confirm this.

Hairs that are found in the balding areas of the scalp are notiously more loose than hairs that are found in other areas. They wiggle out of the scalp very easily. We refer to this medically by saying that the hairs are in the telogen phase. Taking zinc supplements certainly gives the hairs some 50 to 250 reasons to wiggle out but why this happens for some people and not other is not clear.

Thank again for the question.


Giacconi et al. Effect of ZIP2 Gln/Arg/Leu Polymorphism on Zinc Homeostasis and Inflammatory Response Following Zinc Supplementation. Biofactors.. Nov-Dec 2015 41:414-23.

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