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HomeCauseWhat Supplements Can Cause Hair Loss

What Supplements Can Cause Hair Loss

You Lost A Lot Of Weight Very Quickly


Sudden weight loss is a form of physical trauma that can result in thinning hair. This could happen even if the weight loss is ultimately good for you. It’s possible that the weight loss itself put unnecessary stress your body, or that not eating right can resulted in vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Loss of hair along with noticeable weight loss may also be a sign of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

This type of hair loss, too, will correct itself once after a while. “Sudden weight loss seems to shock the system and you’ll have a six-month period of hair loss and then it corrects itself,” says Dr. Hammonds.

It’s ‘pointless’ Taking Supplements Your Body Doesn’t Need

Unless you are deficient in a certain nutrient, it’s “pointless” taking a supplement, Lambert said because, “the body will only take what it needs.”

Many people opt for multivitamin tablets, which can be counterproductive because the vitamins and minerals compete and it’s too much for the body to use in one go, Lambert said.

“It can really disrupt your digestive system,” she said.

Lambert said she often sees clients who are struggling with stomach cramps and think they have IBS, but once they stopping taking their multivitamin, the problem goes away.

Medically Endorsed Hair Loss Treatments

In the UK, only two hair loss medicines are actually endorsed by the medical community, and have been proven to treat hair growth.

Prescription tablets:Finasteride

The most effective treatment for male pattern baldness is Finasteride . This prescription treatment is not available on the NHS, but you can order it through affordable services like our own LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor. Finasteride has been proven to stop hair loss in 90% of men with male pattern baldness.

Medicated foam/lotion:Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a lotion or foam that is applied to the scalp every day as an effective hair loss treatment. It is not as effective as Propecia, but has still been proven to stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth in 60% of men with male pattern baldness. Minoxidil is available without a prescription, through high street pharmacies or supermarkets. You can also order it online from our website.


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Can You Stop Or Reverse The Hair Loss

Where possible, the best way to treat drug-induced alopecia is to stop taking the medication responsible for the hair loss. However, people should not stop taking a medication without their doctorâs agreement.

The doctor will discuss any alternative treatment options and ensure that a person switches safely to any new medications.

Once a person stops taking the medication that caused the alopecia, it can take half a year for the hair to stop shedding.

People usually notice new hair growth within 3â6 months. However, it may take up to 18 months for a personâs hair to recover cosmetically.

People who think that they may be experiencing drug-induced alopecia should speak to a healthcare professional.

Early signs of excessive hair loss include:

  • noticing hairs on pillows
  • finding extra hairs in combs or hairbrushes
  • losing more hair than usual when showering

When diagnosing drug-induced alopecia, a doctor will take a complete medical history that takes into account the following factors:

  • any new medications that the person is taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements
  • any change in medication dosages
  • the personâs general health and nutrition status
  • whether the person has had any recent illnesses or surgeries
  • whether there is a family history of hair loss

A doctor may also perform the following tests to assist the diagnosis:

What Deficiencies Cause Hair Loss

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss? Muscles Or Hair?

At the top of the list of essential vitamins for hair growth is biotin, also known as Vitamin B7. Whenever you see vitamins for hair growth, biotin is at the top of the list. Its also important for healthy nail growth. A vitamin deficiency involving biotin causes hair loss, brittle nails, and nerve damage.

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When Can Supplements Help

As stated above, hair loss vitamins may be effective if your hair loss is caused by a deficiency in a particular vitamin. However, if you are suffering from a severe vitamin deficiency which is causing symptoms as extreme as hair loss, it is very likely that you will need medical treatment. If you believe you have a vitamin deficiency then please see your doctor.

Do Hair Vitamins Genuinely Work

Growing and maintaining hair health is complicated, as many internal and external factors influence the process. Despite this, many swear by hair vitamins and supplements to help support hair health throughout the day.

Essentially, hair supplements work by producing keratin and supporting the internal structural structure of hair, like cysteine, proline, threonine, and arginine, which are amino acids. In most processes throughout the body, keratin production is impacted by free radicals and oxidative stress-both of which are alleviated or mitigated by antioxidants.

The real question here is, do they truly work? Well, there is no clear answer. While essential nutrients and bioactive could support the synthesis and protection of hair, there arent many clinical studies taking into account healthy populations. Research on hair supplements for the average person is scarce, with most published studies dealing with people with various nutrient deficiencies. It is also difficult to track how much they influence hair growth since their mechanism is more about creating optimal conditions for hair health.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of supplements depends in part on the formulation. However, customer reports can still be considered valid: Peer-reviewed publications are ideal, but many customer reports are also worth considering.

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What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Creatine

Now that we have begun making some inroads in the long-held myth that creatine causes hair loss, it’s only natural for one to wonder., are there any creatine side effects hair-related signs that I need to look out for? Here’s a quick primer on that.

You see, creatine is found naturally throughout the human body. 95% of your creatine stores is in the muscles and it can be sourced from fish and meat if not synthesized naturally from amino acids in the body. That being said, your natural creatine levels plus your diet do not usually optimize the muscle stores of this unique compound. While the average stores oscillate around 120mmol/kg, taking creatine supplements can elevate these levels to about 140-150 mmol/kg.

Besides this, during and after a high-intensity exercise, the stored creatine maximizes the production of useful energy in the muscle cells. And this is actually one of the main reasons athletes are likely to find out that creatine has the ability to bump up their level of physical performance during training or in the field.

To most experts, creatine is considered generally harmless if used within acceptable limits since any excess of this compound that is not stored in the muscle stores is promptly excreted via the liver. But this leads to the question, what are the possible side effects of creatine use?

Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

Vitamin D and HAIR LOSS| Dr Dray

If you are worried about a lack of hair, the good news is that you can control hair fall with a proper diet. There are many foods that cause hair loss, and just as many that curb it. The right foodswill boost your nutrition and, therefore, reduce hair fall.

1. Vitamin C

First of all, is Vitamin C. This compound is necessary for overall well-being. It not only helps us fight the flu but also synthesizes collagen. The lemons and oranges that we take in support hair follicles and keeps the scalp healthy.

Researchers explored the effects of an oral supplement, which contained Vitamin C, on women who experienced hair fall. They compared two groups of women, one which took a placebo, and another that consumed the supplement. The women who tried the supplement had less hair fall.

2. Load Up On Protein

We can attribute many of our hair loss problems to a lack of protein. Consuming more lean meat builds muscles and helps with weight loss. Doing so also helps reduce hair fall. This study shows that nutrient deficiency and reduced protein can lead to alopecia.

3. Take Vitamin B

The B group of vitamins also has a part in preventing hair fall. Shellfish and poultry have a good supply of pyridoxine, which prevents the graying of hair. Such foods aid in forming hemoglobin that stops hair loss.

4. Eat foods with Silica

5. Copper And Zinc

6. Sulfur

7. Iron

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Does Dhea Cause Hair Loss

DHEA is a supplement some people take because it supposedly provides general athletic improvement. Like creatine, the supplement DHEA is rumored to contribute to male pattern baldness, and the route by which androgenetic alopecia would occur is the same: DHEA would raise the amount of testosterone in your blood, which would lead to those who are predisposed to male pattern baldness to start losing hair due to the presence of DHT. The logic checks out, but the evidence just isnt there.

A 1987 study by the Journal of the Academy of Dermatology identified serum elevation of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate associated with male pattern baldness in young men. When writing about Dehydroepiandrosterone and Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate, the University of Rochester Medical Center explains that DHEA is turned into DHEA-S when its processed by your liver and adrenal glands. Every participant in the study was experiencing male pattern baldness and also had elevated DHEA-S, so the authors inferred that adrenal hyperactivity may be the culprit behind male pattern baldness among those who are genetically predisposed to androgenetic alopecia. See how the scientists covered all their bases by using the word may?

Avoid Foods That May Lead To Hair Thinning

You’ve got plenty of reasons to limit your sweet tooth habit to dark chocolate and ease up on refined carbs, like maintaining your energy throughout the workday. But heres another motivator to quit most processed snacks: Eating pro-inflammatory foods like sugar and refined grains can also hamper our hair growth and contribute to loss, Marlowe says.

Foods that are high in sugar, high-glycemic foods like bread and pasta, and unhealthy oils can all lead to thinning hair. “When your body pumps out insulin in response to a blood-sugar spike caused by sweets or high-glycemic foods, levels of dihydrotestosterone and other androgens increase, which can make the hair follicle shrink and cause hair loss, Marlowe explains.

And if youre a huge sushi or lobster-roll fan, you may want to pay attention to your exposure to mercury. Mercury buildup in your body can also lead to brittle nails and thin hair. Marlowes tip: Limit sushi and fish to 2 to 3 times a week max, and stick to low-mercury fish and a serving size of 3 to 4 ounces.

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What Causes Female Pattern Baldness

Androgenetic Alopecia in women is due to an increase in androgens , following a decrease in female hormones during or following the menopause, in combination with a predisposed sensitivity of the hair follicle to androgens. Some women suffer androgenic alopecia before the menopause due to polycystic ovarian syndrome . Androgenetic alopecia in women does not normally result in extensive baldness as with men, but the hair density can become quite poor.

The associated symptoms of androgenic / androgenetic alopecia in women can help determine the diagnosis. In younger women supposedly diagnosed with female pattern baldness one would expect to see some of the symptoms below:

  • Excess facial hair growth.
  • Acne.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome .

If you have none of the above its unlikely you have this condition. Tests for PCOS and high testosterone levels can be carried out by your GP to aid the differential diagnosis. It is also possible to have female pattern baldness and Chronic Telogen Effluvium at the same time.

Female Pattern Hair Loss And Te

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Data on vitamin D in female pattern hair loss and TE contradict data derived from studies indicating that women with FPHL or TE have lower levels of vitamin D than controls, and studies showing no correlation or even opposite results . To elucidate the role of vitamin D in FPHL and TE, additional large-scale trials are necessary .

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Foods That Cause Hair Loss

So, which are the foods that cause hair loss? Some foods are just bad for us in every way possible. Besides harming us physically, they take our crowning glories away.

1. Sugar

There isnt much research on why sugar triggers hair loss, but experts believe that it may cause inflammation. Furthermore, foods like carbohydrates, like potatoes, bread, white rice, and pasta have a high glycemic index. They break down into sugars quickly and have the same effect.

Sugar produces insulin and androgen, the male hormone that shrinks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

2. Fish with Mercury

Dermatologists advise that fish like tuna and mackerel, which have high mercury levels, may cause hair loss. This study backs their theories and adds that the mercury in these fish converts to methylmercury, which is toxic.

3. Fried Foods

Also, high-fat, fried foods that have hydrogenated oils may trigger hair loss. Diets that are high in fat lead to an increase in testosterone levels, which lead to male pattern baldness.

4. Selenium

Another group of foods that cause hair fall is selenium. Your body needs this micromineral in small amounts. Consequently, too much of it can lead to hair loss. A potent source of selenium is the Brazil Nut. You will also find selenium in tuna, oysters, and whole wheat bread.

A review by Margaret Rayman, a Professor of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey, shows that selenium is responsible for hair fall.

5. Foods high in Vitamin A

6. Aspartame

Taking Too Much Vitamin C Can Cause Digestive Issues

Overdoing water-soluble vitamins is less dangerous than overdoing fat-soluble ones, but overdosing on vitamin C, for example, while rare, can still cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps, according to Lambert.

Vitamin C has many benefits, including keeping the immune system healthy, but most people don’t need a supplement if they’re eating a decent amount of fruit and vegetables, she said.

An orange or a cup of strawberries, chopped red pepper, or broccoli provides the recommended daily 65-90 milligrams of vitamin C, according to the Mayo Clinic.

A post shared by RHIANNON LAMBERT BSc MSc RNutr

Lambert and other experts recommend a “food first” approach to nutrition, because it’s easier for your body to absorb vitamins from food, rather than in supplement form.

Some capsules don’t disintegrate quickly enough for the body to use the nutrients, especially if the coating is shiny or waxy, she said.

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