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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Hair Loss

Can Allergies Cause Hair Loss

Is It Normal To Lose Hair Seasonally

Causes Of Hair Loss Like Allergy And Inflammation Besides DHT

The precise cause of seasonal hair loss is unclear, but research shows that seasonal shedding affects more women compared to men. If you have been properly caring for your hair and scalp, seasonal hair shedding usually shouldnt be a concern.

The shedding will stabilize back to normal daily levels with time, and hair growth will continue.

But, seasonal hair loss can quickly turn to long-term hair loss if you do not have a good hair and scalp maintenance culture.

Seasonal shedding often occurs during the fall months, such as September and October, and at some point in the spring, like April and May.

This timeline often coincides with the second half of the hair growth cycle, where more hairs are shed. For a better understanding, this is an overview of how the human hair cycle works:

  • Anagen – Where 85% of your hair is vigorously growing.
  • Catagen – In this cycle, hair starts to transition by removing from the bulb and getting ready to shed.
  • Telogen – Here, 15% of old hair is resting as new hair strands begin to grow.
  • Exogen – New strands eject old hair from the scalp in this cycle. Leading to excessive hair loss.

Allergies Can Affect Hair Growth

Allergic reactions dont stop at scalp conditions. If left untreated, seasonal allergies can have major effects on hair growth. According to Dr. Samolitis, hair growing in follicles affected by inflammation can be weakened, leading to breakage or, in serious cases, hair loss. If youre experiencing scalp allergies, youll want to treat them ASAP.

Specific Tests For Skin Disease

If your dog is suffering from skin disease and has been losing hair or scratching, there are several tests your veterinarian may recommend performing. These include:

  • Skin scrapings to look for evidence of the mites that cause mange
  • Skin cytology looking for evidence of yeast and bacterial infections in the skin
  • Fungal cultures that check for ringworm and other fungal infections
  • Skin biopsies if skin cancer or other serious skin disease is suspected

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The Link With Hair Loss

What does that have to do with hair loss?

The primary reason delayed allergic reactions can cause hair loss is an increased immune response. This may cause our own bodies to attack the hair follicle as well as cause inflammation in the scalp. These two combined often lead to hair loss.

The good news? If you find out which foods are triggering immune reactions, you can avoid them and treat the issue at its source. The best way to do this is under the guidance of an allergist.

An allergist will likely perform a few tests, including blood tests. These will help determine which foods you might be sensitive to. You and the allergist can also develop a plan to test out possible food allergies.

The safest and most common technique is known as the elimination diet.

While on the diet, youll eliminate all foods which you and your doctor suspect are triggering allergic reactions. A few common ones include dairy, gluten, corn, soy, pork, beef, and tree nuts.

For six weeks or so you will eat a rather bland diet. You will then gradually introduce the potential allergens back into your diet, one by one. Your allergist will guide you in this. The goal is to reset your body and your immune system. This way, when you introduce the potential triggers back into your diet, the allergens will stand out clearly.

Once you have a list of your allergens, make sure to avoid them completely. This will prevent further reactions and chronic inflammation.

How Does Mold Cause Hair Loss

Can Food Allergies Cause Hair Loss?

By Vincent Yu

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America states that as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children suffer from allergies.

Whether its food, dust, pollen or mold, a wide variety of allergens can trigger reactions in individuals, and these allergic reactions can range from the mild to the extreme.

Some sufferers experience respiratory problems, while others experience significant hair loss. In fact, increasingly, many individuals who are allergic to mold experience dramatic hair losswhich is both embarrassing and stressful.

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Hair Loss From Pressure Sores

Older or less mobile dogs are more prone to pressure sores, caused by the pressure of lying in one spot for an extended period of time. These sores usually show up on a dogs hip, elbows or sides and can become a chronic condition, much like bedsores in humans.

Signs of pressure sores include:

  • Thickened, irritated skin
  • Open wounds

Pressure sores can be difficult to treat, so prevention is key. Try to keep your dog mobile, consider getting them a wheelchair if necessary, and make sure they have clean, soft, comfortable bedding at all times. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you notice pressure sores anywhere on their body.

Food Allergies And Hair Loss

Food allergies of varying severities affect large portions of the American population and often manifest themselves in different ways.

Some people have very mild reactions such as swelling, while for others allergies can be deadly. Hair loss is cited as a potential effect of allergies, but is there science to back it up?

The short answer is that there is no solid scientific link between food allergies of any kind and hair loss. Importantly, this refers to a direct link between an allergic reaction to food and hair loss.

While there is an outside chance that allergies can cause alopecia areata , this would need to be caused by repeated reactions, and like many types of alopecia, the response would be delayed by weeks or months.

For other conditions that may be tangentially related to food allergies, such as hormonal imbalances, thyroid imbalances, and adrenal fatigue, hair loss is a real possibility.

Furthermore, food allergies can also affect how you eat and may lead to certain nutrient imbalances. In this case, especially in the case of protein, zinc, and iron, a lack of nutrients going to the scalp can lead to hair loss.

Whether you are suffering from hair loss as a result of a nutrient deficiency, a stressful event or just genetics and old age, there are many hair loss treatments out there that promise results.

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What Are Hair Loss Related To Allergies

Fur loss in a dog is known as alopecia. It is common for the cause to be an allergy whether a food allergy, environmental allergy, or parasite allergy. It can happen anywhere on the body at any stage of your dogs life. However, allergies are not the only cause and we also have to consider e.g. endocrine disorders, fungal infections and mange.

If you are able to determine the cause of the allergy, his treatment process will be more successful. Keep in mind if you do not treat his thinning hair coat, it is likely to worsen and spread to larger regions of his body.

It is normal for your dog to shed some fur, but it is not normal for him to lose large amounts to where his fur is thinning or even bald. If your dogs coat is thinning or balding, take him to his veterinarian for an evaluation.

Medical Treatments For Mold Allergies

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A mold allergy may be treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and other symptoms. Allergy shots, also called immunotherapy, may be recommended in some cases.

Immunotherapy involves receiving weekly injections with a customized serum designed to stimulate your body to develop resistance to allergens, similar to the way vaccines work.

In order to recover fully, however, and stop losing hair, youll need to arrange to have the mold removed from your home as well.

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Causes Of Hair Loss Related To Allergies In Dogs

Hair loss in your dog from an allergy can be from one of many things. One very common cause is flea allergic dermatitis. This is when your dog is allergic to the flea saliva. When the flea bites your dog, it causes intensive itching and therefore scratching. The scratching and irritation cause the hair to fall out, leading to your dog having a sparse hair coat.

Another common cause is atopic dermatitis. This primarily causes the skin to develop scaly, itchy patches which affect the fur as a result. Your dog will chew and scratch himself to where he scratches off his fur. Also, if the skin is unhealthy, it does not produce as healthy of a fur coat as usual. Atopic dogs react to a range of triggers including certain foods, dust mites, pollen and grass.

Of course a food or environmental allergy can also cause your dog to lose his fur. A food allergy can develop slowly over time so that you do not associate your dogs hair loss with what he is consuming. It may also develop years after being on the same food so many people do not believe this to be the cause, when in reality it is. Environmental allergies can also affect your dog when he comes into contact with it or by inhaling it. Allergies tend to develop between the ages of 1 and 5.

Is There A Connection Between Allergies And Hair Loss

In recent studies, allergy has also been proposed to be associated with the progression of alopecia. While following patients with a diagnosed history of alopecia areata it was found that a subset of patients had one or more prevalent allergic conditions. These included atopic rhinitis, asthma, and dermatitis, etc. In many instances, the severity and flares of these allergic conditions correlated with the severity and onset of Alopecia areata. These findings were supported by the fact that both alopecia areata and allergy share a similar genetic background of dysfunctional immune reaction.

Literature also shows that alopecia areata is associated with atopy in 1022% of patients, which is two times more prevalent in the general population. On the other hand, a higher risk of allergic diseases is also reported in patients with alopecia areata such as atopic eczema, hay fever, asthma, and rhinitis, etc. in comparison to the general population.

A study conducted on Chinese population concluded that allergy to dust mites can also contribute to early-onset and severity of alopecia areata by affecting the immune system.Another analytical study conducted in Taxes in 2009 revealed that a history of atopy and autoimmune disease was associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata. These results were found consistent for both A and that the severe subtype of AA and the localized subtype .

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Do Hair Care Products Have Natural Allergenic Ingredients

Hair care products can contain natural allergenic ingredients like lavender or fruit extract to give a pleasant odor to the product and for hair rejuvenation. However, people with specific food allergies should be aware of this and make sure to check the components before accidentally exposing their hair to possible allergens.

What If That Doesnt Work

Can Food Allergies Cause Hair Loss?

In much more severe cases of an allergic reaction to the spring weather, the bodys immune system may conserve energy to protect other organs by stopping the hair growth process temporarily. This can cause hair follicles to stop growing new hair and become weak, which leads to breakage.

Other temporary skin conditions, such as hives or a rash, can affect the scalp and cause hair in affected areas to fall out. Scratching the area will speed up the hair loss, but once the rash is gone, the hair should grow back shortly after.

Climate conditions can also impact your hairs health throughout the year, but spring and autumn are usually the most problematic. Due to a rise in humidity, mold grows rapidly, and airborne spores are abundant. Household mold can be hard to detect but breathing in their spores can cause an allergic reaction. This reaction produces histamines in the body, which cause the blood vessels that nourish your scalp and hair not to function properly. Hair loss caused by mold will usually regrow after the mold issue is taken care of, but laser hair therapy has seen success in bringing those blood vessels back to health.

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Will Your Hair Grow Back

Of course, it will grow back but at a relatively slow speed or even slower depending on how long you were exposed to the moldy environments. Visiting a doctor early enough will sure heighten the chances of your hair re-growth. Mould exposure tends to make your hair follicles dormant for some time but if unfortunately, the hair follicle dies, then chances of your hair growing back in full swing are strangled.

How Can I Treat My Dog’s Hair Loss Naturally

One of the most common treatments for losing hair in dogs is medicated shampoos, but some natural remedies can also work.

Apple cider vinegar can be helpful, but you should always dilute it.

Other potential options include aloe vera, vitamin E, and coconut oil. Ideally, you will consult your dog’s vet before treating any skin conditions.

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Symptoms Of Hair Loss Related To Allergies In Dogs

Symptoms of this condition may include:

  • Hair loss anywhere on the body
  • Constant scratching
  • Brown feet – also known as saliva stains from licking his feet constantly
  • Crusty skin


Hair loss can happen at any location on the body. Flea allergies typically start out by causing fur loss on the hind end which slowly works its way up the trunk to the rest of the body. If it is from a contact allergy, the fur loss will most likely originate where your dog comes into contact with the item. For example, if he is allergic to the grass, his feet will itch first. This will cause him to chew at his feet to where he eventually chews off the fur. If it is a food allergy, the most common starting point of fur loss is the belly, face and paws.

Causes Of An Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss

DOG HAIR LOSS | allergies black skin disease infection

Everyone has an itchy scalp from time to time, and its normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. However, it may be concerning when scalp itchiness is excessive or constant, you notice crusty areas on your scalp, or you experience more-than-normal hair loss. Here are some common causes of itchy scalp and hair loss.

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Diagnosing Hair Loss And Scratching In Dogs

Your veterinarian will begin the search for the cause of your dog’s hair loss by asking you some basic questions. Prepare to answer these questions:

  • When did your dog start to lose hair?
  • Is your dog itchy?
  • Has your dog suffered from similar problems in the past? If so, when?
  • Is your dog currently taking any medications? Herbal supplements?
  • What is your dog eating at meals and in the environment?
  • Have you noticed symptoms other than scratching or hair loss?
  • Are there other pets in your home and, if so, are they experiencing similar problems?
  • Are family members noticing any abnormal skin lesions?

Can Eating Gluten Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss can be quite a devastating condition for anyone. After all, it can cause significant loss of self-esteem and even lead to emotional problems like anxiety and depression. What many may not realize is that hair loss can be the result of the type of food that you eat. Thats because foods, which contain gluten, can have a detrimental effect on hair health and growth.

Gluten generally refers to proteins that are found in wheat, barley, triticale, and rye. It helps food retain its shape by holding its composition together. Today, gluten is found in several types of food. Unfortunately, not everyone can tolerate this in their bodies. In fact, one study published in the journal Digestion has found that gluten sensitivity affects as many as 18 million people in America. That number accounts for roughly six percent of the population. For some of them, the consequence is hair loss.

Image by from Pixabay

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Hair Loss And Glycemic Loads

Chronically elevated blood sugar also damages the blood vessels. This is important to our hair because hair follicles are small-scale organs in their own right. This makes them fully dependent on an adequate supply of blood to receive all the necessary nutrients. Without this, problems can develop, including hair loss.

Also, insulin is found in hair follicles. It is possible that it plays a role in the regulation of androgen metabolism, including DHT.

Tellingly, scientists have now established a strong link between male pattern baldness and the risk of heart disease . This data suggests that men with baldness might be damaging their hearts through poor lifestyle choices, of which the most important ones are dietary.

The data also shows that on average, men with pattern baldness tend to weigh more, have larger waists, higher BMIs, and have higher fasting blood sugar levels. All this suggests a possible link between pattern baldness and insulin resistance .

Causes Of Itchy Scalp Leading To Hair Loss

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The following conditions can cause an itchy scalp and hair loss:

  • P.Capitis Simplex: Commonly called dandruff, this condition results in itching and small white flakes on the scalp and shoulders.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: Like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis causes itchy skin on any area of the body along with yellow greasy flakes and redness. When it affects the scalp, it causes hair loss because of the inflammation and irritation of hair follicles.
  • Tinea Capitis: Ringworm causes rings with raised bumps on the skin, making it dry and itchy. When it affects the scalp, the fungal infection damages the hair shafts and leads to their brittleness thus they break off easily leaving a bald patch of skin.
  • Lichen Planopilaris: It is a skin condition that can cause itching and burning sensation in its acute phase followed by purplish papules, follicular plugging and scarring hair loss.
  • Psoriasis: An autoimmune disorder that can affect all areas of the body including the scalp. It causes the formation of white or silvery scales over underlying red and inflamed itchy patches or plaques.
  • Allergic Reactions: When chemical products such as hair dyes, hair gels, hairspray and mousse do not suit your skin, the resultant allergic reaction may cause an itchy scalp and hair loss.
  • Sensitive Scalp: Tingling, burning or prickling sensations with or without pain or itching due to variations in pollution, stress or hormone levels characterise sensitive or reactive skin.
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