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Does Mirena Iud Cause Hair Loss

But There Are Potential Cons Too

Mirena IUD Hair Loss
  • The insertion procedure can be mildly to moderately painful. I recommend that people take ibuprofen beforehand, says Dr. Brant. It doesnt actually help with the pain during the insertion, but it does help with the cramping afterward.
  • With either type, during the first few months, you may experience irregular bleeding and/or cramping. You can continue to take 600 to 800 mg of ibuprofen every six to eight hours for this as well, Dr. Brant says. (NOTE: If the pain persists or gets worse and ibuprofen isnt cutting it, and/or youre soaking through a pad or more an hour, youll need to see your doctor right away.
  • Irregular bleeding and/or cramping that hasnt gone away after three months may result in your doctor putting you on ibuprofen for one to three months to alleviate pain and decrease bleeding or temporarily prescribing birth control pills to help regulate your cycle.
  • If you do get pregnant with an IUD , your risk of ectopic pregnancy is higher.
  • Youll need to see your doctor for another procedure to get the IUD taken out.
  • An IUD isnt recommended if you have an abnormally shaped uterus since placing it is more difficult and increases the risk of perforation.

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Women Share Stories Of Hair Loss On The Iud

All it takes is a Google search to find numerous stories from women sharing their hair loss experiences with the Pill and other forms of hormonal birth control. More recently, women on the IUD are noticing similar bad side effects.

In threads on Reddit, women share experiences and advice on hair loss while on the hormonal IUD Kyleena and other birth control methods.

I got the Kyleena inserted in November. My hair started falling out lightly a couple months back, and heavily as of this month. I am FREAKING. OUT. Ive always had thin hair, but I have filled a brush every single day for the last couple weeks and clumps fall out every time I touch it. Ive done nothing different, so I know its the Kyleena. I can see through to my scalp from all over my head now, and Im having to part my hair differently today

Ive had a difficult road with my Kyleena. I spotted for the first two months pretty much continuously, and had horrible brain fog for the first month and a half. And four weeks in, my hair started falling out badly. I thought it would lessen now that my side effects are easing up , but the hair loss is getting worse. I thought it was stress I moved and my job has been really stressful- but my hair is so thin I cant wear it down anymore. I havent had hair loss like this since I came off Accutane almost a decade ago. Honestly, Im scared. Will it stop?

New Jersey Lawsuits Consolidated

Like the New York MDL, Mirena lawsuits in New Jersey say the IUD migrated and caused injuries. The court consolidated these cases into a multicounty litigation in New Jersey Superior Court Bergen County. In July 2018, there were more than 1,800 active cases.

But on May 9, 2018, Bergen County Superior Court Judge Rachelle L. Harz dismissed a large group of cases because they had passed the statute of limitations. Shortly after, Bayer and the remaining plaintiffs entered into a confidential master settlement with a deadline to respond by June 29, 2018. However, attorneys for plaintiffs said many of their clients didnt respond.

In a case management order dated Aug. 31, 2018, Judge Harz ruled that plaintiffs who do not appear before the court or respond with their intent to join the settlement by Oct. 9, 2018 will have their cases dismissed. The outcome of that hearing wasnt immediately available.

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The Health Risks And Side Effects Of The Iud

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease a bacterial infection that may cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy or constant pelvic pain. In serious cases a hysterectomy is needed.
  • May cause ovarian cysts which may go away on their own or may need to be surgically removed.
  • Embedment this is when the IUD attaches to the uterine wall. Surgery may be needed for removal.
  • Perforation the IUD may go through the uterine wall. This may cause scarring, infection or damage to other organs.
  • Ectopic pregnancy this is where the fertilized egg implants on the fallopian tubes when the IUD fails.
  • Expulsion about 10 out of 100 IUDs are pushed out . This requires frequent checking of the device to ensure its placement and therefore protection from pregnancy.

Mirena Hormonal IUD Specific Risks/Side Effects:

  • Irregular bleeding or periods, or absence of periodVaginal dryness, flushing, headache, nausea and acne
  • Weight change, hirsutism , mood changes, skin discoloration and breast tenderness
  • Lower back pain
  • May cause weight gain, acne and breast tenderness

History of Contraception

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The Mirena Crash Is Very Real And Its Hurting Countless Women

Can mirena cause hair loss MISHKANET.COM

MITCHELL LATTOF | January 6, 2021 | Personal Injury

Mirena is a form of hormonal birth control that can prevent pregnancy for up to five years. The hormonal IUD is inserted into the uterus through the vagina, where it releases a synthetic form of progestin.

The Mirena IUD is most commonly used to prevent pregnancy but may be prescribed to treat excessively heavy or painful periods. The T-shaped IUD is made from flexible plastic and should be mostly undetectable if inserted correctly. Users should be able to feel a short string inside the vagina that signals whether the IUD is correctly positioned and helps with removal.

Mirena is widely used and can be easily implanted and removed. However, some women experience side effects after removing the IUD, a condition commonly referred to as the Mirena Crash.

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Cons Of The Hormonal Iud:

Hormonal IUDs can damage the vaginal microbiome and increase the risk of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Hormonal IUDs suppresses ovulation some of the time.

Hormonal IUDs can cause irregular bleeding and spotting during the first three to six months of use. After that, they may suppress bleeding entirely or permit a light natural menstrual period.

Insertion might be painful. But just to clarify: IUD is an in-office procedure that takes just a few minutesits not surgery. Youll probably be instructed to take a painkiller like ibuprofen to ease the cramping, or your doctor may decide to use a local anesthetic .

Hormonal IUDs can come out. The chance of expulsion is 5 percent but more likely immediately following childbirth and during breastfeeding.

Hormonal IUDs carry a small risk of uterine perforation, which could lead to surgery. The chance of perforation is 0.1 percent but more likely if during breastfeeding.

Hormonal IUDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease but only during the first three weeks after insertion, and only if you have a pre-existing infection with gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Hormonal IUDs must be removed by a doctor. See my copper IUD post for more information about IUD removal.

Hormonal IUDs cannot protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Hair Loss Can Be Very Challenging For Women Since Many Women Associate Their Hair With Not Only Perceptions Of Beauty But Also Their Very Identity

If you are experiencing hair loss, remember you are not alone. In this powerful personal story of hair loss, the founder of the Womens Hair Loss Project shares how learning that there are others going through the same struggles helped her cope and reconnect with a sense of self.

Other online communities of women experiencing hair loss include the Facebook group Hair Loss and Hormonal Birth Control.

Wherever you are in your journey, remember: your story matters, and you are not alone.

If you have experienced hair loss or another bad side effect on the IUD, vaginal ring, or other birth control method, .

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Does Mirena Cause Hair Loss

The product label for Mirena lists alopecia as one of the side effects reported in less than 5 percent of women who received the IUD during clinical trials. Alopecia is the clinical term for hair loss.

While hair loss isnt very common in Mirena users, the number of women who reported hair loss during clinical trials was noteworthy enough to list it as a relevant adverse reaction on the products label.

Following Mirenas approval, there have only been a few studies done to find out if Mirena is related to hair loss.

One large Finnish study of women using an IUD containing levonorgestrel, like Mirena, noted hair loss rates of nearly 16 percent of participants. This study surveyed women who had a Mirena IUD inserted between April 1990 and December 1993. However, the study didnt rule out other possible reasons for their hair loss.

A later review of post-marketing data in New Zealand found that hair loss was reported in less than 1 percent of Mirena users, which is in line with the Mirena product label. In 4 out of 5 of these cases, the timeframe in which hair loss occurred was known and started within 10 months of IUD insertion.

Since other possible causes of hair loss were ruled out in some of these women, the researchers believe theres reasonably strong evidence to suggest that the IUD caused their hair loss.

Does Mirena Cause Weight Gain And Bloating

Mirena IUD causing my hair-loss

As Mirena is a hormonal IUD , there are chances of weight gain . This weight gain is mainly due to the hormone progestin that causes water retention and bloating . Some lifestyle changes may be necessary to avoid weight gain , such as exercising regularly, eating healthy, and other weight loss methods.

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The Mirena Iud’s Side Effect Of Hair Loss

The manufacturers of the Mirena IUD will tell you that less than five percent of women will experience hair loss while taking or after taking this form of birth control. The reality is that 1,300 women do a Google search for “hair loss + Mirena IUD” every month. That’s at least 15,000 women every year since the Mirena IUD has come out on the birth control market. Are you one of these women who are searching for the link between your hair loss and birth control?

I have been in your shoes, and I am still suffering the repercussions of the Mirena IUD. The actual truth is that the synthetic hormone used in the Mirena IUD wreaks its havoc on your body’s natural hormones and therefore, your own natural endocrine system. Because of this synthetic hormone, you may either experience hair loss while the IUD is in place or after it is removed. Just look up “telogen efluvium” and its potential causes, and you will see that an abrupt change in hormones can lead to sudden hair loss in females.

Now that we know what’s causing it, how do we stop shedding too much hair? How do we grow back what we’ve lost? Here are some personally proven ways that will help stop your hair loss and promote regrowth.

What Is An Iud

An IUD, or intrauterine device, is a small, T-shaped plastic device placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. With less than 1% risk of pregnancy each year, IUDs are the most effective form of birth control available. IUDs are a great choice for those who often forget to take their daily birth control pills. After insertion, an IUD lasts anywhere from three to 12 years. It can be used by women of all ages, according to the CDC. They are also a reversible contraception option, allowing you to go back to regular fertility once your IUD is removed.

There are two types of IUD products: copper and hormonal. While both are effective in preventing pregnancy, there are some key differences to keep in mind.

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Can The Mirena Iud Cause Depression

Some people experience mood changes while using hormonal contraception. Data suggest that around 6.4% of people who use the Mirena IUD experience low mood or depression within 5 years.

However, it is also worth noting that some people use hormonal contraception to manage mood changes caused by conditions such as premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder .

For people who experience significant mood changes due to hormonal fluctuations, a long-acting contraceptive such as the Mirena IUD may have a stabilizing effect.

In very rare cases, people using the Mirena IUD experience:

  • a severe allergic reaction

Is It Okay To Suppress Periods

shortdarkhair: Hair Loss Iud

Hormonal IUDs suppress bleeding, which raises the question: Is it okay to suppress periods?

Theres no medical reason to bleed monthly, and certainly, no reason to bleed monthly on the pill because pill-bleeds are not periods.

There is, however, a reason to ovulate monthly because ovulation is how women make hormones. Normally, ovulation leads to a bleed , except in the case of a hormonal IUD, which permits ovulation but can suppress bleeding.

Tip: With the pill, you bleed but dont cycle. With the hormonal IUD, you can cycle but not bleed.

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  • 371

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What Are Mirena Iud Side Effects

Mirena and other hormonal intrauterine devices like it release small amounts of a synthetic form of progesterone called levonorgestrel, which can produce systemic effects that might include acne, mood changes, weight gain, a decreased sex drive and yes, hair loss. Bayer noted that alopecia occurred in 1% of users during clinical trials.

In 2007, doctors in New Zealand conducted a review of data in the Intensive Medicines Monitoring Programme . The IMMP is a national reporting tool used to monitor medicines’ safety during their post-marketing periods. The researchers found 5 reports of alopecia associated with levonorgestrel IUDs .

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Pros Of Hormonal Iuds:

Unlike all other types of hormonal birth control, hormonal IUDs do not completely suppress ovulation . According to one study, Mirena suppresses ovulation in 85 percent of cycles during the first year , and then in 15 percent of cycles after that. Lower dose IUDs permit ovulation more of the time.

Compared to pills and implants, hormonal IUD delivers a lower dose of a contraceptive drug. The blood level of levonorgestrel in Mirena-users is about one-tenth of pill-users. Unfortunately, even that low dose can cause side effects .

Hormonal IUDs are more effective than almost any other method of contraception, with a failure rate of just 0.7 percent.

After insertion, you dont need to do anything or take anything, and IUDs lasts three years or five years .

In theory, fertility returns to normalalmost as soon as a hormonal IUD is removed.

Hormonal IUDs reduce menstrual flow by at least 90 percent, and thats a huge pro for heavy menstrual bleeding.

Hormonal IUDs can relieve some of the symptoms of endometriosis. For other endometriosis treatment ideas. .

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