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HomeFactsCan Thyroid Disease Cause Hair Loss

Can Thyroid Disease Cause Hair Loss

How To Treat Thyroid

Can hair loss occur due to thyroid issues? Will it grow back? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

If your healthcare provider diagnoses you with a thyroid condition, youll likely be prescribed medication to treat your condition.

For hypothyroidism, your healthcare provider may prescribe a synthetic thyroid hormone such as Levo-T® or Synthroid®. These medications work by bringing your thyroid hormones up to a normal level.

For hyperthyroidism, your healthcare provider may prescribe an anti-thyroid medication such as Tapazole® or propylthiouracil. These medications stop your thyroid gland from producing overly high levels of thyroid hormones.

Depending on your symptoms, treatment for hyperthyroidism may include radioactive iodine and/or beta-blockers. Severe cases of hyperthyroidism are occasionally treated by removing some or all of the thyroid gland in a procedure known as thyroidectomy.

Most of the time, thyroid-related hair loss resolves on its own after you successfully treat the underlying condition. After treating your thyroid condition, it can take several months for your hair to start growing again.

You might be able to speed up this growth using minoxidil, a topical medication that improves blood flow to the scalp. Because thyroid-related hair loss isnt caused by DHT, finasteride isnt effective at treating or preventing this form of hair loss.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome / Tendinitis

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and tendinitis are both indicators of a thyroid problem.

It is not just these problems if you are suffering from aches and pains in your muscles and joints, and if your arms are becoming weaker, you could well be suffering from a thyroid problem.

When coupled with hair loss, you have another reliable indicator.

How I Solved Hair Loss And Grew Longer Thicker Hair

After tracking medications, symptoms, and history, I discovered the hair loss became worse when I did these three things:

  • Increased my thyroid medication dose too high
  • Staying too long on a physiological dose of hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue
  • Starting a DHEA supplement for hormone balance

With this valuable information in hand, I worked with my doctor to methodically solve each issue and grow full, thick hair. As well as feel healthier and solve other thyroid health issues.

If I can grow my hair back at age 45, there’s hope for you too!

While it’s easy to focus on treatments, supplements, and testing, the essential steps for stopping my hair loss meant learning to be kinder to myself, love myself, allow myself to grieve, and take action even if that meant one small step.

Not sure where to start? Take the Thyroid Quiz.

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Hair Loss And Thyroid Disorders: What You Need To Know

As upsetting as it can be, hair loss is a pretty common occurrence in both women and men. In fact, it’s believed that almost 50% of women will struggle with hair loss at some point in their lives. You might experience hair loss if you’re pregnant, going through menopause or dealing with any life-altering change. And while you might also blame a year of COVID stress, an iron deficiency or perhaps your family history for any sudden hair loss issues, one possible cause could be a thyroid condition.

According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12% of Americans will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. And 60% of those living with thyroid disease are unaware of their situation. Plus, women are up to eight times more likely to experience a negative effect.

Though a thyroid issue can be tricky to spot, there are a few telltale signs to watch out for, and hair loss is one of them. If you’re pulling more strands than usual from your shower drain and you just can’t work out why, it could be time to check in with a health care professional or doctor.

To help you understand more about thyroid conditions and the symptoms that come along with them, VEGAMOUR spoke to the professionals to untangle facts from fiction.

Thyroid Hair Loss Takeaways

Can Thyroid Disease cause hair loss?

While thyroid hair loss can be distressing, with proper treatment, your hair should experience regrowth.

“In order for the hair to return from the hair loss of hypothyroidism, thyroid levels of both T4 and T3 must be returned to normal, preferably with a TSH of 2.5 or less,” said Goode-Kanawati. “It’s also important to eat a diet high in minerals and protein, which are the building blocks for hair production. We often recommend a mineral supplement as it is difficult to get enough minerals from one’s diet.”

Whether you’re dealing with thyroid hair loss or another form of temporary hair loss, it’s essential to make your overall wellness a priority to help encourage hair regrowth. A 360° approach to hair wellness, a well-thought-out diet, keeping stress levels low and good sleep hygiene can help you get your body back to where you need it to be. And always talk to your doctor if you have any specific concerns.


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Thyroid Function And Hair Loss

A Brief ExplanationThyroid hormone accurately controls cellular metabolism and effects virtually every cell in the body, powerfully impacting multiple organ systems and precisely regulating metabolism and our Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. BMR is the amount of energy, or calories, all of the cells in our body require, at rest, to support normal cellular function. Thyroid abnormalities can therefore cause, or make worse, a multitude of health problems.

Hair follicles are especially vulnerable. The rapidly replicating cells, located in each hair follicle require an extraordinary amount of energy, nutrients and ideal condidtions to function effectively. A minor change or disruption of these requirements can have profoundly detrimental effects on the delicate milieu required for normal healthy hair growth.

The hair follicle is therefore a sort of barometer of our overall health and well-being and, as such, our hair is especially vulnerable to the numerous metabolic, physiologic, and hormonal changes caused by thyroid disease.

Having optimal thyroid function is therefore essential for healthy hair growth. Sub-optimal thyroid function can cause hair shedding, hair loss, brittleness, frailness, as well as adverse changes in the overall morphology and appearance of the affected hair strands.

Thyroid Hormone ProductionThe thyroid produces two types of hormone, thyroxine and triiodothyronine . T4 is first produced and then converted to T3, the more active form of thyroid hormone.

Your Thyroid May Be Causing Your Hair Loss: Here’s How

If youâre seeing more hair than ever before stuck in the drain or your hairbrush, you may begin to worry that youâre losing your hair. Hypothyroidism is a fairly common cause of hair loss, and hypothyroidism-related hair loss can also be reversible.

âA blood test to rule out thyroid abnormalities should always be a part of the diagnosis for hair loss due to medical conditions,â Abraham Armani, MD, a hair-restoration surgeon and hair loss specialist in Dallas, Texas, tells WebMD Connect to Care.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. If your hair is thick or long, a few dozen strands might look like a large clump, even if the number of hairs youâre losing is completely normal. But what if you are losing your hair?

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis And Hair Loss: Everything You Need To Know

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1% to 2% of the U.S. population has Hashimotoâs thyroiditis. It occurs more often in women than in men and is the most common cause of underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism, in the U.S. Hair loss is, for many, one of the most distressing symptoms of thyroid disorders and may be challenging to treat if you have Hashimotoâs thyroiditis.

What If You Have Thyroid Hair Loss

Thyroid Problems and Hair Loss| Dr Hagmeyer explains Some of The Causes

Because the hair growth cycle IS months long it is easy to misinterpret the cause of hair loss which may actually appear several months after the initial cause. This can lead to people wrongly blaming their thyroid medication rather than the medical condition. Unfortunately if they then stop the medication the hair loss will become more significant.

It is very rare indeed for anti-thyroid drugs or treatment to cause hair loss.

In most cases, loss of scalp or eyebrow hair is temporary but regrowth can take several months whilst the medication normalises the cycle of regrowth. When it does grow back it is possible that it may be different in both texture and colour.

The loss of hair can obviously be extremely traumatic, but the key is to be patient and not to be taken in by miracle cures. You can also do several things to help you get through this most challenging time

  • Join a local alopecia support group
  • Or find help via an alopecia forum of the Facebook Group @AlopeciaUK
  • You might want to consider a wig or a medical tattoo to restore your eyebrows
  • Do listen to tips from qualified hairdressers
  • Dont stress your hair – avoid straighteners and use wide tooth combs
  • Check out product guidelines from the British Association of Dermatologists
  • Eat a healthy diet and make sure it is rich with calcium and iron.

I hope this has been helpful.

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Blood Flow And Hair Regrowth

Losing your hair can be distressing, but if it is caused by thyroid disease it is most likely reversible. To help you on the journey towards healthy hair, it is key to focus on blood flow to scalp as it directly impacts hair follicle. If one of the symptoms of thyroid gland you are experiencing is hair loss, scalp stimulation becomes even more important as your body naturally produces less hormones to stimulate your hair follicles, so dont skip on additional support to your scalp.

If Your Hair Feels Like This Get Your Thyroid Checked Experts Warn

The texture could be a sign of an issue with this key gland, according to doctors.

Your thyroid gland is one of the most important parts of how your body functions day to day. Its responsible for creating and producing hormones that control everything from your metabolism to the health of your heart, bones, and GI system. If things arent right, your thyroid can be both over- and underactive, issues an estimated 20 million Americans experience, according to the American Thyroid Association. Unfortunately, women are up to eight times more likely than men to have some kind of thyroid disease.

If your body is creating too much thyroid hormone, you have hyperthyroidism too little and its hypothyroidism. The most commonly observed symptoms that come from an overactive thyroid are hypersensitivity to hot temperatures, weight loss, and a racing heart while an underactive thyroid leads to tiredness, weight gain, and a hypersensitivity to cold temperatures. However, the impact of too much or too little thyroid hormone on your body can be felt in many other areas too. If your thyroid isnt working right, even your hair can feel different, with experts warning that certain changes to your locks may be a sign that somethings amiss. For the full story of how your hair can function as an early warning sign of a thyroid issue, read on.

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What Types Of Hair Loss Can A Thyroid Disorder Cause

The thyroid hormone is essential in the development of a healthy hair life cycle. It helps maintain the hair follicles from which your hair grows. And when the body has an excessive amount of the thyroid hormone or not enough of it, it can shock the body into a telogen phase. Telogen effluvium is a condition that occurs when the hair follicle enters the resting stage of the hair regrowth cycle too early. When this happens, you could experience more hair loss and alopecia patterns in a short space of time.

Alopecia areata differs from the shedding effect of telogen effluvium because it’s more patchy. It can be triggered by a thyroid disorder. This is because many people who have a thyroid disorder also have autoimmune thyroid disease. And when you have one autoimmune disease, you are more likely to develop another one, like alopecia areata.

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Hyperthyroidism And Hair Loss

Thyroid Disease Can Cause Hair Loss

The most common form of hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disease called Graves disease and its not unusual for people with one autoimmune disease to develop another. This is the likely explanation for hyperthyroid patients developing the autoimmune disease Alopecia areata during which there are small, often circular areas of hair loss. In most cases this does not progress but in severe cases it can cause significant baldness .

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How Common Is It To Experience Hair Loss From Thyroid Medication

It’s fairly common to see some hair loss due to thyroid medication. Usually, this is due to overmedication, which leads to hyperthyroidism, because hair loss is a symptom of both low and high levels of thyroid hormone. In most people, this is a short-lived side effect that occurs in the first month of treatment.

Visit Your Doctor For A Thyroid Blood Panel

The very first thing to do is book a trip to your primary care doctor or endocrinologist to run a series of thyroid panel testing. If you have never been diagnosed or tested for this, arrive at the appointment with all of the symptoms you have been experiencing written down. This symptom tracking can help you in the long run.

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Thyroid Conditions And Hair Loss: What You Need To Know

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Is your hair starting to look thinner than usual? Its common for men to experience some degree of hair loss at some point in our lives. In fact, one form of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia is thought to affect 50 million men in the United States alone.

While androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss men experience, hair loss can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions.

If you have a thyroid condition such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, its possible that this could contribute to hair loss. Thyroid conditions can also occur in conjunction with autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata, which can affect the growth of your hair.

Hair loss from thyroid conditions can vary in severity, from mild diffuse thinning to almost total loss of hair on your scalp. Below, weve explained why and how thyroid-related hair loss occurs, as well as what you can do to treat hair loss thats caused by a thyroid condition.

Tell Me More: How To Know If Your Thyroid’s Causing Your Hair Loss

Thyroid Disease : Thyroid & Hair Loss in Women

Losing your hair can be a symptom of many things. And, often, when people start to notice thinning hair or shedding, they wonder if theres something wrong with their thyroid gland. This concern isnt necessarily unwarrantedthyroid conditions such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hashimotos disease, and Graves disease can cause hair loss, after all.

To explain the link between your thyroid gland and your hairand to help you figure out if your hair loss is, in fact, thyroid-relatedwe spoke to hair loss experts and Keeps medical advisors Dr. Jerry Shapiro and Dr. Antonella Tosti.

Thyroid disorders and excessive thyroid supplementation can cause increased hair shedding, also known as telogen effluvium , explains Dr. Tosti. This is because the thyroid hormones are directly involved with hair follicle functioning, thus affecting hair growth and strength. If you have an overactive or underactive thyroid for any reason, your thyroid hormone levels will be off and your hair will suffer.

Its worth noting that TE can also happen when someone experiences extreme stress, rapid weight loss, or a severe illness. So, if youre seeing signs of hair loss, you shouldnt automatically assume somethings wrong with your thyroid. And Dr. Shapiro adds that, even if you arent experiencing any of those other TE-inducing conditions, you shouldnt blame your thyroid right away.

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