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HomeCauseDoes Brilinta Cause Hair Loss

Does Brilinta Cause Hair Loss

Where To Learn About Other Drugs That Affect Brain Function

Does smoking cause hair loss? Secondary hair loss cause

Many other drugs that affect brain function, but they are either not used as often as the ones above, or seem to affect a minority of older adults.

Notably, there has been a lot of concern in the media about statins, but a meta-analysis published in 2015 could not confirm an association between statin use and increased cognitive impairment. In fact, a 2016 study found that statin use was associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimers disease.

This is not to say that statins arent overprescribed or riskier than we used to think. And its also quite possible that some people do have their thinking affected by statins. But if you are trying to eliminate medications that dampen brain function, I would recommend you focus on the ones I listed above first.

For a comprehensive list of medications identified as risky by the experts at the American Geriatrics Society, be sure to review the 2019 Beers Criteria.

You can also learn more about medications that increase fall risk in this article: 10 Types of Medications to Review if Youre Concerned About Falling.

Fix Your Thinning Hair

Sometimes, medications that keep us safe from a dangerous disease or condition, can also cause unwanted side effects. Anticoagulants, or blood thinners, help to protect us from blood clots, they can also cause troubling side effects sometimes. These side effects can range from mild, like a headache, to severe, like uncontrolled bleeding. Side effects can vary from person to person, and are different for different blood thinners. If you have any side effects while taking blood thinners, its important to have a conversation with your doctor about what you are experiencing.

Although listed as a rare, or even nonexistent, side effect for most blood thinners, some people experience hair loss, or hair thinning, while taking them. Its important to let your doctor know if you are losing your hair, just in case something else is going on. Keep in mind that many things can cause hair loss, such as nutrient deficiencies, other diseases, hormonal imbalances, other medications, stress, and genetics. Its important to remember that not all medications will affect everyone the same way, and not everyone experiences hair loss, or hair loss to the same degree. The bottom line is, if you are experiencing hair loss or hair thinning to any extent, it can be devastating to your self-esteem during what is already a difficult recovery from blood clots. No matter what the cause might be, I am going to share my top tips to help fix your thinning hair.

How Should I Take Vascepa

Vascepa is usually taken 2 times per day. Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Use the medicine exactly as directed.

Take with food.

Swallow the capsule whole and do not crush, chew, break, or open it.

You will need frequent blood tests.

Vascepa is only part of a complete treatment program that may also include diet, exercise, and weight control. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

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How To Deal With Hair Loss

Unwanted hair change can be traumatic at any age and for any reason. These strategies from patients who’ve experienced it may help.

Prepare others. Reassure family and friends, especially children, that although you may look different with no or thinner hair, you’re getting healthier thanks to your medical treatmentwhether it’s chemotherapy, surgery, or medication.

Do what’s important to you. If you feel comfortable in a fuchsia wig, wear it. If you have no problem with your hairless dome, raise your head proudly. “Don’t be afraid of your choices,” says Rohina Hoffman, a neurologist-turned-photographer and author of Hair Stories . “Don’t let fear of judgment hinder your needs or wishes.”

Seek support. Consider seeing a professional therapist, leaning on friends and family, or joining an online support group. “Hair loss is emotionally challenging, and support is crucial,” says Kelly Baker, who lost her hair after taking divalproex sodium for epilepsy. Her hair grew back after her neurologist adjusted the dose.

Find an understanding stylist. Baker has high praise for both her current hairstylist and the one who worked with her when her formerly straight hair came in curly, although they had very different approaches. Her current stylist has shown Baker how to shape her curls and what products to use, while her previous stylist tried to remove the curls with relaxers and gelsbut both provided much needed support.

Does Hair Grow Back After Stopping Gabapentin

Propecia FAQ

Yes. It is likely that once you stop taking the drug, hair growth may resume.

There are only two instances where the researchers indicated that gabapentin-induced hair growth could resume once the medication is discontinued. On the contrary, another review suggests that gabapentin may lead to permanent hair loss . The manufacturing company does not list this long-term side effect.

None of the studies are conclusive, and further research is needed to verify whether or not gabapentin-induced hair loss is reversible.

Gabapentin usage may also cause other side effects. Scroll down to learn more.

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Direct Oral Anticoagulants And Hair Loss

A literature search of Medline and Embase using terms alopecia or hair loss in conjunction with either rivaroxaban, dabigatran,apixaban or edoxaban was conducted on 15 July 2015. Out of the three results, one was excluded as the focus of the case report was on fibrinolysis rather than anticoagulants and its side-effects. Of the two valid publications, one was a poster presenting findings from the real-world Dresden DOAC registry. At the time of publishing the poster, the registry held 938 patients who were anticoagulated with either dabigatran or rivaroxaban for over 3 months. During phone follow-up, which was done at day 30 and quarterly thereafter, 12 female patients spontaneously reported hair loss. The mean treatment duration until the onset of hair loss was 68 ± 76 days . As a result, the authors calculated an alopecia incidence of 4.4 per 100 patient years. The final valid publication was a conference abstract presenting findings of a prospective study, which examined the value of follow-up for patients treated with DOACs. Loizou and colleagues followed 37 patients prescribed rivaroxaban or dabigatran over a 12-month period. During that time patients attended the anticoagulation clinics at 2, 4 and 26 weeks into treatment where they were asked about adherence and adverse effects. One out of the 26 patients who were prescribed rivaroxaban had to discontinue the treatment after 2 weeks due to tiredness and hair loss .

Warning Disclaimer Use For Publication

WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

If you use this eHealthMe study on publication, please acknowledge it with a citation: study title, URL, accessed date.

Recommended Reading: Can Hair Extensions Help With Thinning Hair

Does Gabapentin Cause Hair Loss

Yes. A few studies indicate that gabapentin may cause hair loss. However, further research is required to establish if it is a widespread side effect. Although alopecia is an occasional side effect of antiepileptic agents, there are only two cases reported for gabapentin.

A case study involving a 28-year-old woman found that gabapentin induced significant hair loss. The woman reported hair loss after a week of taking 1800 mg/day dose of gabapentin 00650-7/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 2).

Another study also observed hair loss and alopecia in three patients after six months of starting treatment . In both cases, hair fall stopped after discontinuing gabapentin.

However, further case studies are required to determine the extent of hair loss induced by gabapentin. Like any other drug-induced hair loss, gabapentin-induced hair loss is also reversible.

What To Do If You Or Your Relative Is On These Medications


So what should you do if you discover that your older relative or you yourself are taking some of these medications?

If its an over-the-counter anticholinergic, you can just stop it. Allergies can be treated with non-sedating antihistamines like loratadine , or you can ask the doctor about a nasal steroid spray. PM painkillers can be replaced by the non-PM version, and remember that the safest OTC analgesic for older adults is acetaminophen .

If you are taking an over-the-counter sleep aid, it contains a sedating antihistamine and those are strongly anticholinergic. You can just stop an OTC sleep aid, but in the short term, insomnia often gets worse. So youll need to address the insomnia with non-drug techniques.

You should also discuss any insomnia or sleep problems with your doctors its important to rule out pain and serious medical problems as a cause of insomnia but be careful: many of them will prescribe a sleeping pill, because they havent trained in geriatrics and they under-estimate the risks of these drugs.

If one or more of the medications above has been prescribed, dont stop without first consulting with a health professional. Youll want to make an appointment soon, to review the reasons that the medication was prescribed, alternative options for treating the problem, and then work out a plan to reduce or eliminate the drug.

Now go check out those medication bottles, and let me know what you find!

Recommended Reading: Can Hrt Help With Hair Loss

Why We Think Sanofi

Millions of women diagnosed with breast cancer have been administered Taxotere during chemotherapy, and lawsuits state that if Sanofi-Aventis had properly warned the public about the risks of Taxotere treatment, cancer patients would have been prescribed another chemotherapy drug called Taxol, which may be more effective than Taxotere and does not result in permanent hair loss. Before the FDA updated the Taxotere warning label in 2015, the drugs label indicated that hair generally grows back after completing chemotherapy treatment, but research conducted by Sanofi-Aventis itself suggests that 3% of patients administered Taxotere may experience long-term alopecia. As a result of hair loss side effects from Taxotere, users of the cancer drug may pursue claims against Sanofi-Aventis for:

  • Making and distributing a defective medication
  • Misrepresenting the safety of Taxotere therapy
  • Failing to provide adequate warnings about the alleged risk of permanent alopecia from Taxotere treatment
  • Withholding information about the potential for Taxotere to cause permanent baldness in users
  • Robbing chemotherapy patients of their risk to make an informed decision about their cancer treatment
  • Misleading the public by claiming that Taxotere users hair would grow back

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What Is The Dosage Of Clopidogrel Vs Warfarin


Clopidogrel bisulfate usually is taken once daily. It can be taken with or without food. Clopidogrel is activated by enzymes in the liver to its active form. Individuals who have reduced activity of liver enzymes that activate clopidogrel due to liver disease may not adequately respond to clopidogrel. Alternative treatments should be used for these patients. The recommended dose for treating unstable angina or heart attack is 300 mg initially followed by 75 mg daily in combination with 75-325 mg of aspirin. Peripheral arterial disease or recent stroke is treated with 75 mg daily.


  • Warfarin may be taken with or without food.
  • Since warfarin is metabolized by the liver and then excreted by the kidneys, dosages need to be lowered in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction.
  • Frequent blood tests are performed to measure the effect of warfarin and to adjust dosing.
  • There are published INR ranges for the various uses of warfarin.
  • Treatment usually is started at 2 to 5 mg once daily and the dose is adjusted based in INR tests.
  • Patients typically require 2 to 10 mg of warfarin daily.

Brilinta To Reduce The Risk Of Stroke Of High

  • In studies, Brilinta or placebo was given to patients with an acute ischemic stroke or TIA within 24 hours of onset. Treatment was continued for a median of 30 days.
  • Brilinta was found to be superior to placebo in reducing the rate of a composite of stroke and death .
  • The manufacturer suggests treatment be continued for up to 30 days. The treatment effect accrued early in the course of therapy

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Side Effects Cause Some To Stop Taking Blood Thinner Brilinta

Side effects like bleeding or shortness of breath cause some heart attack survivors to stop taking a potentially lifesaving new blood thinner during clinical trials, researchers report.

About one in five people assigned to take the highest dose of the blood thinner Brilinta during clinical trials stopped taking the drug due to side effects, the new research found.

Even a lower dose of Brilinta caused one in six patients to stop using the drugs because of side effects.

Researchers classified the majority of side effects as minor, and urged doctors to counsel patients to stay on the medication.

“You can tell a patient that this side effect is not harmful, and if you can tolerate it you will receive benefit from this drug,” said lead researcher Dr. Marc Bonaca, a cardiovascular medicine specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

However, Bonaca admitted that patients may have a hard time seeing these side effects as minor, even if they aren’t life-threatening.

“As doctors, we have to realize bruising and nosebleeds may be a big deal for patients, and we need to make the effort to explain the benefits of the drug,” he said.

The clinical trial and follow-up research was funded in part by the maker of Brilinta, AstraZeneca.

In the study, the researchers found that heart attack survivors who kept taking Brilinta along with aspirin for three years had a 15 percent reduced risk of a second heart attack, stroke or heart-related death.

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