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HomeCauseDoes Latuda Cause Hair Loss

Does Latuda Cause Hair Loss

Can You Stop Or Reverse The Hair Loss

Stress can cause hair loss: Here’s what you can do to stop it

Where possible, the best way to treat drug-induced alopecia is to stop taking the medication responsible for the hair loss. However, people should not stop taking a medication without their doctorâs agreement.

The doctor will discuss any alternative treatment options and ensure that a person switches safely to any new medications.

Once a person stops taking the medication that caused the alopecia, it can take half a year for the hair to stop shedding.

People usually notice new hair growth within 3â6 months. However, it may take up to 18 months for a personâs hair to recover cosmetically.

People who think that they may be experiencing drug-induced alopecia should speak to a healthcare professional.

Early signs of excessive hair loss include:

  • noticing hairs on pillows
  • finding extra hairs in combs or hairbrushes
  • losing more hair than usual when showering

When diagnosing drug-induced alopecia, a doctor will take a complete medical history that takes into account the following factors:

  • any new medications that the person is taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements
  • any change in medication dosages
  • the personâs general health and nutrition status
  • whether the person has had any recent illnesses or surgeries
  • whether there is a family history of hair loss

A doctor may also perform the following tests to assist the diagnosis:

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Itraconazole comes as a capsule, a tablet, and a solution to take by mouth. If you are taking itraconazole to treat fungal infections in the lungs, the capsules are usually taken during or right after a full meal one or two times a day for at least 3 months. However, if you are taking itraconazole to treat a serious fungal infection in the lungs, the capsules may be taken with a meal three times a day for the first 3 days of treatment and then taken once or twice a day with a meal for at least 3 months. If you are taking itraconazole to treat fungal infections of the toenails , the capsules or tablets are usually taken once a day with a full meal for 12 weeks. If you are taking itraconazole to treat fungal infections of the fingernails only, the capsules are usually taken twice a day with a full meal for 1 week, skipped for 3 weeks, and then taken twice a day with a meal for a week. Itraconazole oral solution is usually taken on an empty stomach once or twice a day for 1 to 4 weeks or sometimes longer. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take itraconazole exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Swallow itraconazole capsules whole do not open, chew, or crush them.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s information for the patient.

Could I Experience Hair Loss During Latuda Treatment

Yes, under certain conditions, you may experience hair loss while using Latuda. But this side effect wasnt reported in studies of the drug.

Hair loss is a possible side effect of other mood stabilizers used to treat bipolar disorder. When used for bipolar depression in adults, Latuda may be prescribed along with the mood stabilizers lithium or valproate. And hair loss is a common side effect of these drugs.

So if you use Latuda with lithium or valproate, you may notice hair loss. But its likely that this side effect is caused by lithium or valproate, not Latuda.

If youre concerned about hair loss while using Latuda, talk with your doctor.

Learn more about some of the side effects Latuda may cause.

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Side Effects In Children

Latuda is used to treat bipolar depression and schizophrenia in some children.

Most side effects of Latuda in children are expected to be the same as the side effects seen in adults. However, abnormal dreams may be more common in children taking Latuda than in adults.

Latuda also has a boxed warning for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children and young adults. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. For more information, see the Side effects explained section above.

How To Deal With Hair Loss

Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss ...

Unwanted hair change can be traumatic at any age and for any reason. These strategies from patients who’ve experienced it may help.

Prepare others. Reassure family and friends, especially children, that although you may look different with no or thinner hair, you’re getting healthier thanks to your medical treatmentwhether it’s chemotherapy, surgery, or medication.

Do what’s important to you. If you feel comfortable in a fuchsia wig, wear it. If you have no problem with your hairless dome, raise your head proudly. “Don’t be afraid of your choices,” says Rohina Hoffman, a neurologist-turned-photographer and author of Hair Stories . “Don’t let fear of judgment hinder your needs or wishes.”

Seek support. Consider seeing a professional therapist, leaning on friends and family, or joining an online support group. “Hair loss is emotionally challenging, and support is crucial,” says Kelly Baker, who lost her hair after taking divalproex sodium for epilepsy. Her hair grew back after her neurologist adjusted the dose.

Find an understanding stylist. Baker has high praise for both her current hairstylist and the one who worked with her when her formerly straight hair came in curly, although they had very different approaches. Her current stylist has shown Baker how to shape her curls and what products to use, while her previous stylist tried to remove the curls with relaxers and gelsbut both provided much needed support.

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Ways To Head Off Hair Loss

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The more you know about hair loss as a possible side effect of prescription medications for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, migraine, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis, the more you can take steps to prepare for or mitigate it.

  • Educate yourself. Find out a prescription’s side effects profile to determine the incidence of hair loss. Ask your neurologist how a diagnosis, treatment, medication, procedure, or therapy may affect your hair. Will it change the thickness or texture? Will it make it fall out? Kelly Baker, an epilepsy patient, started losing her hair soon after she was prescribed antiseizure medication. Her doctor expressed little surprise, and she wished he had mentioned it as a possible side effect. “I was totally unprepared,” she says. After her doctor adjusted the dose, her hair stopped falling out.
  • Report hair loss. Talk to your prescribing doctor as soon as you notice signs of hair changes, says Patricia A. Gibson, MSSW, associate professor in the neurology department of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. “Many patients don’t mention hair loss to their doctors because they don’t think it’s related to medication, and doctors don’t always ask about it.”
  • Eat a balanced diet. Protein is crucial, says Dr. Khetarpal, who advises consuming one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a 150-pound person, that translates into 68 grams of protein daily.
  • Do Not Eat Grapefruit Or Drink Grapefruit Juice

    Grapefruit and grapefruit juice are prohibited when taking Latuda. Grapefruit has substances that increase the amount of lurasidone absorbed by the body, increasing the risk and severity of Latuda side effects. Other drugs and substances may also increase the concentration of Latuda in the body, so make sure to discuss with the prescribing provider all the medications, supplements, and herbal remedies that are being taken.

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    But I Thought I Had Unipolar Depressioni Don’t Understand

    Bipolar depression is often misdiagnosed as unipolar depression by many doctors. It is part of a larger condition known as bipolar disorder. But unipolar depression does not have “high” moments. Bipolar disorder has mainly lows, but also has some “highs” mixed in, which you may also be experiencing.



    • Recurrent episodes of lows.

    Latuda Used As Adjunctive Therapy For Bipolar Depression

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    Latuda is FDA-approved to treat major depressive episodes related to bipolar I disorder. For this purpose, Latuda is used with the drugs lithium or valproate in adults. In this case, Latuda is referred to as an adjunctive treatment because you take it with other medications.

    For information on depressive episodes and bipolar I disorder, see the section above, Latuda used alone for bipolar depression.

    Effectiveness when used as adjunctive therapy for bipolar depression

    In a 6-week clinical study, adults took Latuda with lithium or valproate, or a placebo with lithium or valproate. Researchers used the MADRS to evaluate symptoms of bipolar depression.

    The symptoms of depression improved more in adults treated with Latuda and lithium or valproate than in adults who took a placebo with lithium or valproate:

    • Adults treated with Latuda and lithium or valproate had an average improvement of 17.1 points on the MADRS.
    • In comparison, adults who took a placebo plus lithium or valproate had an average improvement of 13.5 points.

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    Discontinuing Medication To Stop Hair Loss

    You may need to stop taking your medication in order to stop your hair loss. If you do not wish to discontinue your medication, however, talk with your doctor about the possibility of taking a lower dose or changing to a different brand of bupropion. It could be that you are reacting to one of the inactive ingredients in the pill, rather than the bupropion itself.

    An inactive ingredient is not a compound that has no actions the term “inactive” simply means that the ingredient does not play a role in the purpose for which the medication is prescribed. These inactive ingredients have been known to cause side effects as well as allergic reactions at times. If this is the case, it could be that your hair loss is caused only by the generic version of the drug, or vice versa.

    Keep in mind that another hair-loss trigger may have occurred at the same time at which you started the medication. Stress alone may sometimes cause telogen effluvium.

    Trintellix Vs Effexor Xr

    Trintellix and Effexor XR are both prescription antidepressant medications. They both affect serotonin, a chemical messenger in the brain, but Effexor XR also affects norepinephrine.


    Trintellix and Effexor XR are both FDA-approved for treating major depressive disorder in adults. Effexor XR is also approved for other uses, including:

    boxed warning regarding the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in certain people. A boxed warning is the strongest warning required by the Food and Drug Administration . Boxed warnings alert doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

    In an indirect comparison of antidepressants, users were less likely to stop taking Trintellix because of side effects than Effexor XR.


    The only condition both Trintellix and Effexor XR are used to treat is MDD. The effectiveness of these drugs in treating MDD hasnt been directly compared in clinical studies. However, an showed that Effexor XR may be slightly more effective than Trintellix.


    Trintellix is only available as a brand-name drug. Effexor XR capsules are available as a brand-name drug and in a generic form called venlafaxine.

    Effexor XR is similar in price to Trintellix. Generic Effexor XR is typically less expensive than both brand-name products. In any case, the actual amount you pay will depend on your insurance plan.

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    Finding Help For A Latuda Lawsuit Near Me

    If you intend to file a prescription medication litigation related to Latuda, you need an attorney who will help you get the desired settlement. For expert help when embroiled in such a lawsuit, contact Consumer Alert Now via . The company serves clients throughout the U.S. and can connect you with a trusted legal partner.

    Drug Forms And Administration

    Lamictal Hair Loss

    Latuda comes as a tablet that you swallow. Youll likely take the medication once a day with a meal.

    Abilify is available in several forms:

    • a tablet that you swallow
    • a tablet that dissolves in your mouth
    • an oral solution that you swallow
    • an intramuscular injection given by a healthcare professional

    Youll likely take Abilify once a day, with or without food.

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    What Warnings Are Associated With Latuda

    Latuda is associated with several warnings regarding its use. According to the medication guide, one of the most significant is the increased risk of death in elderly patients suffering from dementia-related psychosis. Although people with dementia or Parkinson’s Disease may demonstrate symptoms of psychosis due to confusion and memory loss, they should not be treated with Latuda due to an increased risk of death.Like other medications used for the treatment of depression, Latuda can increase the incidence of suicidal thoughts or behaviors in children, teenagers, and young adults in the first months of treatment or following a dosage change. Patients and their caregivers should be aware of the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors and should monitor for new or worsening depression symptoms. Sudden changes in mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings should be reported immediately to your healthcare professional.

    Additionally, schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition that requires continuous treatment. Patients should not stop taking Latuda even when they start to feel better, and it is important to avoid missed doses of the medication, as a relapse in symptoms may occur. Patients should not change their dose or stop taking their medication without the approval of their doctor.

    Warning Disclaimer Use For Publication

    WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

    DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

    If you use this eHealthMe study on publication, please acknowledge it with a citation: study title, URL, accessed date.

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    The Doctor Discussion Guide

    Take this printout to your next appointment, and share the answers with the doctor. This may help you talk about how youre doing. Together, you can find the right treatment to help with your symptoms.

    Please note: For your security, we do not collect or save your personal information. Also, the answers shown on this printout will not be saved.

    Questions About Taking Latuda

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    Below, we answer some common questions about taking Latuda.

    • What if I miss a dose of Latuda? If you miss a dose of Latuda, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. But if its close to when your next dose is due, just skip the missed dose. Then, take your next scheduled dose as usual. If youre unsure about when to take your next dose, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
    • Will I need to use Latuda long term? It depends on what youre using Latuda to treat. For schizophrenia, youll likely use the drug long term if Latuda works to manage your symptoms. For depressive episodes related to bipolar disorder, you may use the drug either short term or long term. Your doctor can discuss with you how long you should take Latuda.
    • Can Latuda be chewed, crushed, or cut in half? No, you should not chew, crush, or cut Latuda tablets in half. Instead, you must take the tablets whole.
    • Should I take Latuda with food? Yes, you should take Latuda with food that contains a minimum of 350 calories.
    • How long does Latuda take to work? How long it takes for Latuda to work may vary from person to person. Talk with your doctor to find out how long Latuda will take before it starts working for your condition. Studies looked at Latudas effectiveness for schizophrenia and bipolar 1 disorder after 6 weeks of treatment. But your condition may respond to treatment sooner than that.

    Find answers to some commonly asked questions about Latuda.

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