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HomeMust ReadHow To Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy

How To Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Surgery: Why Does It Happen And What Can You Do

Preventing Hair Loss After Pregnancy & in General

Most invasive surgeries, as necessary as they may be, arent easy on the body. The trauma of surgery is why we need sedation and anesthesia during procedures and why it takes days or weeks to recover. After surgery, the disruption to the bodys normal functioning can linger and manifest itself in many ways, including temporary hair loss.

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Go Easy On The Styling

When youre experiencing hair loss after pregnancy, the best way to stop hair shedding is to just leave your hair alone. That means minimal styling for a while until things go back to normal.

When possible, let your hair air dry instead of using a hairdryer, which dries your hair out and weakens it further. Heat-styling implements like curling irons and flat irons also make your already-fragile hair brittle and dry, and they can actually make the appearance of thinned-out hair more obvious.

Also, avoid anything that pulls or puts tension on your hair. This includes hairstyles like braids, weaves, and cornrows, and hair accessories like rubber bands or barrettes. Minimize hair brushing to just once a day, and use a wide-toothed comb when possible. Headscarves and bandanas are a great way to cover bald patches or uneven hair while still looking stylish.

Causes For Hair Loss In Young People

Hair loss can happen for all sorts of reasons, for example, it can be related to diet, exercise, illness, stress, disease, or hereditary causes.

For younger women, thinning hair is usually a result of poor nutrition, stress, disease, or changes in medications, like birth control.

Crash diets, weight loss, and low iron levels are all reasons why you may notice hair falling out or changes to hair growth. Make sure you are eating healthy foods for hair growth and exercising regularly to help yourself avoid this. A poor diet is the easiest thing to change when it comes to preventing hair loss.

Diseases more common to women, such as thyroid disease and lupus, are also culprits that contribute to hair loss. If you notice other symptoms besides thinning hair, consult with a doctor to find out what the issue could be.

Oral contraceptives can also contribute to hair loss. The hormones in birth control that suppress ovulation can sometimes cause thinning hair and hair loss. This is more likely to happen if you have androgenetic alopecia, but a hair loss cure is possible if you switch birth control or go off of it all together.

Thinning hair and hair loss in younger men is usually a result of androgenetic alopecia, but it can also be brought on by poor nutrition and stress.

Men have more DHT than women in their body. Since hair loss is a result of the hair follicles sensitivity to DHT, thinning hair and hair loss often begins at an earlier stage for most men than women.

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Viviscal Hair Growth Programme

To minimise postpartum hair loss, products to consider would include a well-balanced hair supplement such as Viviscal, says Dr Wade. Its packed with nutrients and proteins including zinc, biotin and iron, all of which have a direct impact on hair health and growth. Just remember, this isnt a quick fix, so youll need to be patient to see results.

How To Prevent Hair Loss During Chemo

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Chemotherapy works by attacking cancer cells in your body. As a side effect, chemotherapy kills the cells that make your hair grow. Hair usually begins falling out within two to four weeks after treatment.

Some people choose to prepare for this side effect by shaving their hair off before treatment starts. Many people are more comfortable with this choice. But not everyone who undergoes chemotherapy will lose all of their hair as a result. Sometimes hair simply thins out or recedes.

You may also ask your doctor about a scalp cooling cap. These caps slow blood flow to your scalp during treatments. While its not completely effective, scalp cooling caps can help you retain more of your hair.

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Postpartum Hair Treatments To Try

Its normal for your hair to thin out after pregnancy. If its not worrying you, you dont need to do anything to treat it. And, unfortunately, there is nothing that has been shown to prevent or slow postpartum hair loss. But if your hair loss is bothering you, there are treatments you can try to make your hair appear fuller and healthier.

How Your Hormones Change During Pregnancy And Postpartum

During pregnancy, your hormones change dramatically.

One of the first to spike is human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. Thats the hormone your pregnancy test measured and its rising levels indicated that you were pregnant. Pregnancy also causes several other hormone levels to rise, including estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and prolactin. Your blood volume also rose during pregnancy, to as much as 50 percent greater volume than normal by your due date.

Immediately after your baby is born, several of your hormone levels drop quickly, including estrogen and progesterone. Those hormones will be almost back to normal levels within 24 hours after birth, although prolactin will stay high as long as youre breast-feeding.

Your blood volume also decreases, but its drop is more gradual. It gets back to normal a few weeks after your baby arrives.

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Hair Loss Prevention Tips For Black Women

Hair loss doesn’t have to be permanent. In most cases of hair loss in women, hair can regrow by treating the underlying cause and making changes to day-to-day habits. Moreover, there are many ways you can slow down natural hair loss.

If you have a medical condition like alopecia areata or scalp psoriasis, the best thing you can do to prevent hair loss is to get proper treatment for the underlying condition. So, if you suspect that you have a condition causing your hair to fall out, see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Whether or not you have an underlying medical condition, making changes to your lifestyle and hair care habits can help prevent hair loss and female pattern baldness. Here are the best ways to prevent female hair loss for black women:

Causes Of Postnatal Hair Loss

5 Tips to reduce hair loss after the birth

On average we all shed between 50 to 100 hairs a day we just dont really notice. In pregnancy this number is less due to rising oestrogen levels. As trichologist Anabel Kingsley tells Bazaar, this keeps hairs in the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle for longer than usual hence why hair often feels thicker and fuller when youre expecting. However, once the baby is born, or breastfeeding is stopped, oestrogen levels drop and return to normal, causing about 50 per cent of us to experience postpartum hair loss around six to 12 weeks later. Here, hairs that were kept in the growth phase move all at once into the telogen phase, creating substantial hair fall.

Trichologist Eva Proudman adds that its not only fluctuations in hormones at play, but multiple factors. Postnatal hair shedding, she reveals, can also be caused by a loss of blood during the birth, a lack of sleep, increased anxiety and diet. While it doesnt matter what type of delivery you have, you do find different types of pain and physical discomfort from the different births , blood loss and fatigue can also really vary and these two factors will affect postpartum shedding, she explains. A very traumatic birth with a greater blood loss may impact underlying blood stores, that in turn exacerbate hair loss and may be a factor in a slow or non-recovery of the excessive hair shedding.

2) Supplements

3) Scalp care

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Causes Of Postpartum Hair Loss

Normally, about 80-90% of the hair on your head is in the growth phase , while the rest is in the transition state and the sleeping phase . During the telogen phase, hair falls out. We see it every day when combing and washing our hair .

During pregnancy, your hormonal balance goes through many changes. One of the many symptoms is the changing life cycle of your hair. The growth phase significantly extends. Thats why your hair becomes thicker: hair was not in a rush to leave the head, visually increasing the volume.

After birth, the hormonal balance begins to change smoothly toward the prenatal state. All the hair that received the additional months of life go back into the telogen phase, and fall out.

Therefore, hair loss after pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon. The so-called hair-centenarians are finally leaving the head, which should have happened a long time ago, and there is no way to prevent it.

Why Does Hair Loss Happen After Pregnancy

After you have given birth, the excess hair that was not shed during pregnancy will be lost. It may seem as though you are losing abnormal amounts of hair, but in actual fact your hair is simply returning to normal.

Its also believed that childbirth can be a trigger for telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss which causes widespread thinning on the head. Telogen effluvium is associated with intense physical or emotional stress.

More severe hair loss, including hair loss that causes patchy bald spots, may be a sign of another problem such as a vitamin deficiency.

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What To Do About Postpartum Hair Loss

You can’t prevent postpartum hair loss. It’s a normal part of the recovery from pregnancy. There aren’t any treatments to stop telogen effluvium or to speed up new hair growth. Doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet. This may help hair grow after the shedding phase ends.

The hair you shed after having a baby will grow back over time. However, you may notice that you have a lot of new hairs that are much shorter than the rest of your hair. These are the new strands growing in, and they are a normal part of the postpartum hair growth process.

You may not like the look of your hair during the shedding and regrowth phase. In that case, you can use styling products or techniques to improve the way your hair looks. Try lightweight conditioners to avoid weighing hair down and making it look limp. Volumizing products can make your hair appear fuller. A fresh cut or new color can also improve how your hair looks. Your stylist might be able to suggest styling tips that would help as well.

Add Essential Nutrients To The Hair

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When being pregnant, necessary nutrients are given to the fetus so that so the mothers body often deficient in vitamins and minerals. That is the reason why hair follicles do not get enough nutrients, so it is easy to hurt and fall off a lot.

The most effective treatment during this period is to enhance the bodys nutritional needs and to eat a full range of essential nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins. A, B, C, E, H and drink plenty of water.

Vegetables are a great source of nutrients

In particular, do not forget to add vitamin H and vitamin B5 because they are two indispensable friends of a strong, beautiful hair.

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Will Your Hair Grow Back And When

While the overall thickness of your hair can drastically decrease, particularly around your temple areas, postpartum hair loss is temporary the shedding should stop and growth resume as usual within a few months, reassures Anabel. How long it takes your hair to recover depends on the length of your hair and if there is anything else other than that initial shift in hormones that might be contributing.

Patience is your best attribute at this stage, and it can take hair some time to return to its former glory. Unfortunately hair falls out quickly and grows back a little more slowly. It must also be remembered that hair that is shoulder-length has been growing for three years, says Dr Wade.

In most cases the hair that grows back will be instantly recognisable. But there have been instances where women have found that the texture of their new hair is slightly different.

Some people report that their hair can seem thinner, thicker, curlier, finer or more prone to breakage when it grows back as your body is undergoing dramatic changes, says Hannah. Therefore its best to support your hair throughout the pregnancy with a good balanced diet and hair boosting supplements, as well as using volumising and nourishing products.

Make Your Hair Shorter

This is a common practice of many pregnant mothers after the delivery. Making your hair shorter will not minimize the hair fall but it has helped many pregnant mothers to have a sense of control over the hair. This makes it easy for them to treat the hair and maintain it accordingly with a busy schedule and the baby.

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Wear The Right Size Wig

Wearing the right-sized wig helps you keep your hair healthy and as moisturized as possible. A wig that fits too tightly on the scalp can exert excess force on your hair follicles, which can make them break and fall out. Moreover, choose an open cap wig for maximum ventilation and comfort.

It is also important to take off your wig carefully. Otherwise, you may be taking off your natural hair along with it. Use a good wig lace wig remover and be as gentle as possible when pulling off your wig. Better yet, have a hairstylist do it for you.

How Hormones Affect Your Hair

How To Stop Hair Loss after Pregnancy | Ways To Prevent Hair Fall After Pregnancy | Dr Deepthi

Hormones are the biggest reason for your pregnancy hair changes and postpartum hair loss.

During pregnancy, your high levels of estrogen prevented your usual rate of hair loss. Normally, your hair falls out in small amounts every day. During pregnancy, your hair loss decreases. The effect is compounded by your increased blood volume and circulation, which also causes your hair to fall out less than normal.

So after your baby arrives and your hormone levels drop, your hair makes up for lost time by falling out in much bigger clumps than it normally does. The total volume of your hair loss probably isnt more than you would have lost over the last nine months, it just seems like it because its happening all at once.

Postpartum hair loss can set in any day after your baby arrives, and it sometimes continues as long as a year. It usually peaks around the 4-month mark, so if your baby is a few months old and youre still losing clumps of hair, that doesnt mean its time to panic!

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