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HomeCauseWhat Can Cause Hair Loss In Teenage Girl

What Can Cause Hair Loss In Teenage Girl

How Long Does Hair Loss Last

What Causes Hair Loss in Teenage Girls and How to STOP IT!

In half of patients with alopecia areata, individual episodes of hair loss last less than one year, and hair grows back without treatment. These patients may experience recurrent episodes of hair loss that spontaneously regrow or respond quickly to treatments.

Other patients have a progressive course with more stubborn hair loss that does not grow back on its own and may not respond to different treatments.

At this time, there are no means to predict which patients will have limited and brief involvement and which patients will have extensive hair loss of a longer duration.

Talking To Your Child About Hair Loss

Losing hair can be upsetting for anyone, at any age. But it can be especially traumatic for a child.

Explain to your child why the hair loss happened and how you plan to fix the problem. If its the result of a treatable disease, explain that their hair will grow back.

If its not reversible, find ways to conceal the hair loss. You might try a:

  • new hairstyle
  • hat
  • scarf

Get help managing hair loss from your childs pediatrician, as well from as a hairstylist trained to work with kids whove lost their hair. If you need help paying for a wig, contact an organization such as Locks of Love or Wigs for Kids for help.

Counseling can also help kids cope with hair loss. Ask your pediatrician to recommend a counselor or therapist who can help talk your child through the experience.

Limit Your Exposure To Chemicals

If you color or treat your hair with chemicals on a frequent basis, exercise caution. Hair follicles could be damaged and weakened by chemical procedures like straightening or perming, resulting in breakage and hair loss. Pool chemicals can have a similar impact if exposed to them for a long time.

Chemical hair treatments should be avoided wherever possible. To preserve your hair when swimming, wear a swim cap. If youre a regular swimmer, use hair treatments designed for swimmers to replenish the moisture lost on your scalp and hair.

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Does Your Child Need To See A Doctor About Hair Loss

Yes. You should take your child to see your GP if your child has:

  • significant hair loss or thinning for no apparent reason
  • an itchy or tender scalp
  • a spongy lump under the area of hair loss
  • hair loss and also has a fever, is drowsy, is in a lot of pain or is generally unwell.

If your child is losing hair from large areas and is feeling upset or stressed about it, it might be a good idea to ask your GP for a referral to a dermatologist.

Teenage Hair Loss Treatments

5 common causes for hair loss in teenage girls

When it comes to teenage hair fall solutions and treatments, the age factor plays a major role as not every treatment is suitable for teenagers. Teenagers suffering from hair loss can be prescribed medication, procedural treatments, or a combination of both.

Listed below are some effective treatments which can help resolve the problem of teenage hair loss.

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A Note About Hair Loss In Teens

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man’s understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Hair loss during adolescence generally means that either dietary requirements have not been met , or it can signal an illness. Certain medications or medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, will also cause hair loss, albeit loss that can be reversed.

Also, many teens try hairstyles – such as tight braids or cornrows – that can put stress on hairs for long periods and damage the delicate hair shaft, leading to temporary hair loss. Though episodic hair loss will be a disconcerting situation for an appearance conscious teen, most hair loss in teens can be reversed.

The following include some of the most common reasons for hair loss in teens:

Alopecia areata

Androgenetic alopecia

Disruption of the hair growth cycle

Traction alopecia

Poor nutrition or diet

Common Hair Loss Causes In Teenage Girls

While uncommon, hair loss in teenage girls does happen. This can be emotionally traumatizing for a teenage girl. During this time of her life, teens are just discovering who they are so it can be difficult to deal with something that makes them stand out from their peers. Especially when its something they have no control over.

Hair loss can happen for several reasons. Here are some of the most common:

Hormones All teens go through changes in their body and hormone levels. These hormones can cause fluctuations in emotion, eating habits and hair growth. Sometimes, a hormone imbalance can trigger hair loss. The hormone that causes hair loss is called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Men usually have high levels of DHT but woman and girls can have low levels of testosterone as well. DHT can shrink hair follicles causing them to fall out. Hormone levels normally balance themselves out so hair loss is temporary but in some cases, it can be more severe.

Medicine Some medication can cause hair loss, especially ones that alter hormone levels. Some teenage girls take birth control to control acne or for Polycystic ovary syndrome . Anytime you are altering hormone levels, a side effect can be thinning hair.

Deeper Medical Condition Sometimes, hair loss can be caused by medical conditions like scalp infections, thyroid issues, skin disorders or trichotillomania. If you have symptoms like scaly, inflamed skin or hair loss in big patches, consult a doctor immediately.

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What Can I Do About Traction Alopecia

To protect your hair from traction alopecia and prevent further damage:

  • Ask your stylist to create looser braids or dreadlocks.
  • If you have braids, remove them after three months.
  • If you wear a weave or hair extensions, remove them after eight weeks.
  • If you have relaxed or dyed hair, make sure these treatments are applied by a professional. If you still notice breakage or hair shedding, avoid chemical treatments completely.
  • Minimize heat styling, including hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons. These wear out the hair and can lead to major hair loss.

Treatment For Hair Loss

How to stop hair fall & causes of hair loss in teenage girls or women | HairMD, Pune

Hair loss treatment usually works well. Also, most cases that are treated early wont cause scarring.

The type of treatment your child needs will depend on the underlying cause of the hair loss.

Many children with small patches of alopecia areata will have hair regrowth without treatment. If your childs bald patches are getting worse, your doctor might prescribe corticosteroid cream or another treatment for the affected area for a few weeks. If your child has complete or rapid hair loss, your doctor might prescribe an oral medicine.

Some older children might feel upset or stressed about their bald patches. Talking with a GP or counsellor might help.

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Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenage Females

Different types of vitamin deficiencies are one of the most common reasons for hair loss. To be healthy and grow hair properly, your body requires specific nutrients. If you dont receive enough of these vitamins and minerals, your overall health will suffer. Hair loss has been linked to a variety of vitamin deficits. Let us look at a few of them.

Hair Loss In Teenage Girls: Causestreatment And 8 Home Remedies

Hair Loss is one of the most common problems faced by teenage girls nowadays. Almost every 2 in 5 girls suffer from this issue in their teenage days. Some come to a point in their life where they finally accept that they will lose hair, no matter how many remedies they try out. However, this is not the truth. By trying a couple of effective home remedies and proper medicines, you can get away from hair loss in teenage girls efficiently.


Moreover, there are several reasons why teenage girls face hair loss problems, and if they start working on them, they will stop losing their precious hair. Hair loss is also noticed to cause some emotional trauma in girls.

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How To Prevent Hair Loss In Teenage Girl

Teenage girls often lookout for solutions to their hair loss problems. We will share a few amazing remedies that can help reducing hair loss in teenage girls.

  • Keep your scalp clean to the extent possible. Dont let oil and dirt accumulate on your scalp, which blocks the way for nutrients from deep inside the hair follicles. Dont use a harsh shampoo, instead use a mild one and keep your scalp clean.
  • Include more green leafy vegetables in your diet, and also enrich it with lots of proteins.
  • Wait for an hour or so after washing your hair. Dont comb wet hair. They are more prone to damage, and as a result, you will lose more hair. Let them dry before you comb them.
  • Give yourself a nice oiling massage every week. Oiling is essential for the proper growth of your hair. Your hair gets needed nutrients from hair oil, and hence you mustnt skip this step. Apply any hair oil of your choice and leave it for quite some time before you rinse it off.
  • Keeping yourself hydrated and maintaining hygiene is crucial to ensure good hair health.
  • Avoid too many styling products, and avoid using them at all. Heat damages your hair, and when used too often, they cause irreparable damage.

Messed Up Sleep Cycle

Hair Loss in Teenage Girls: Causes,Treatment and 8 Home ...

Everything including sleep rhythms seems to be thrown up when a teen hits puberty. Teenage girls and boys will experience significant shifts in their circadian rhythms which largely affect their sleep. While children tend to go to sleep quite early between 8h00 and 9h00 pm, at the commencement of puberty, teenagers will experience a couple-of-hour-later shift in their bedtime . To react to this new pattern, many of them will have insomnia before completely adapting to a new sleep schedule. What should be done is to go to bed on time and guarantee that the body still gets at least 8 hours of sleep at night.

Not sleeping enough might be one of the most common reasons for teens to lose hair. In modern life with all the possible distractions that can draw youngsters away from his or her sleep, teenage girls and boys might find it hard to sustain enough sleeping hours to have enough energy for a day. Chatting with their friends, being on the internet, doing homework, can make them stay up later than they should. The consequence is the form of an unstable and disrupted sleep schedule instead of a healthy one.

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What Causes Hair Loss In Teenage Girls And How To Stop It

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, shedding 50 to 100 hairs in a day is normal . But when there is an abnormal hair loss in teenage girls, it might be a matter of concern because we do not usually expect hair loss to occur during teenage years. However, excessive hair loss can happen due to various reasons.

Most causes for hair loss are temporary, so do not panic. In this post, we tell you about some natural ways to prevent hair loss in teenage girls, the possible causes of excessive hair loss and the treatment options.

Hair Loss In Teenaged Girls Going Through Puberty

Aside from the vast hormonal changes associated with puberty, there are other potential causes of hair loss that young girls might experience. These include the following:

  • Certain medications that alter hormonal functions or cause imbalances such as birth control
  • A lack of a nutritious diet can also cause hair loss. Not getting enough vitamins and essential nutrients or proteins through the foods you consume can actually damage your hair, making it brittle and causing it to dry out. Eventually, your hair follicles could even become so inflamed that theyre completely incapable of producing new hair strands
  • Over-styling your hair and using too many heated styling tools such as curlers, straighteners, and blow dryers in addition to chemical-laden products can hinder the overall health of your hair and cause it to prematurely fall out. Also, tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, and buns can place a great deal of pressure on the hair follicles because the hair strands are constantly being pulled back and this can cause hair to fall out in clumps, leading to unsightly and embarrassing bald spots.

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Medical Causes Of Hair Loss In Children

For the majority of children 26 months or older suffering hair loss, one of the following conditions is the cause. Your child’s pediatrician or a pediatric dermatologist should be able to diagnose these conditions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Tinea capitis. Tinea capitis, commonly known as ringworm of the scalp, is a fungal infection often seen in children. It can show up in a number of ways, but often as scaly patches of hair loss on the head. The patches are usually round or oval. The hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin and look like black dots on the scalp.

If your child’s doctor suspects tinea capitis, a microscopic examination can confirm the diagnosis. Treatment usually involves an oral antifungal, such as griseofulvin taken by mouth for eight weeks. Your child should also use an antifungal shampoo such as selenium sulfide or ketoconazole to decrease shedding of the fungus.

Because ringworm is contagious, your child should be careful not to share any objects that touch the head such as hats, pillow cases, hair clippers, or brushes.

Alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a non-contagious condition of hair loss thought to be caused by the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss. The patches are slick or smooth, without scaling or broken hairs. About 25% of children also have pitting and ridging of the nails.


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