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What Can Cause Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss

What Causes An Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss

Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss (5 Big Causes!)

Before we move on to this section, its good to know that average hair loss is between 50 and 100 hairs a day. This is what you see while combing and washing your hair.

However, if you notice that you lose more hair than usual or crusty spots on your scalp, its undoubtedly a sign of alarm!

Here are the main culprits for an itchy scalp and hair loss:

  • Dandruff, also known as seborrhea, occurs when oil glands on the scalp become overactive. This is the most common enemy of the majority of men and women worldwide. Seeing it on your black shirt or a new black dress can be very embarrassing, but the dandruff problem doesnt stop here. Its also one of the most frequent reasons for itchy scalp. Dandruff rarely leads to hair loss, only if left untreated for a long time.
  • Allergic reactions to hair care products can irritate the scalp and cause itching. In most examples, these reactions are temporary, and the best solution is to change the shampoo respectively other hair products, such as conditioner, gel, or hair dye. However, if the irritation continues, it can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss. The cause of allergies is usually a chemical called paraphenylenediamine , one of the ingredients found in many black hair dyes. Irritation is usually treated with creams or medications, and in most cases, leaves no severe consequences.
  • Scalp Massage Feels So Good

    Theres no evidence that massaging your scalp will slow hair loss or improve any scalp conditions but it can do wonders to relieve stress. Your scalp is covered with nerve endings that make it super-sensitive to touch. Rubbing your scalp may help release tension. Massage may also trigger the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

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    Be Gentle With Your Hair

    Although its easier said than done, avoiding the temptation to excessively scratch the itch will help you evade any hair loss until youve dealt with the underlying cause.

    To make sure youre treating your hair gently, you should also steer clear of:

    • Wearing your hair in a tight ponytail or top knot
    • Wearing tight-fitting hats
    • Exposing your hair and scalp to high heat
    • And excessive amounts of gels or styling products.

    Instead, simply wash your hair with a gentle shampoo before air drying. And if youre still looking for relief from a dry, flaky scalp, try apple cider vinegar. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce itching. Dilute it in warm water and rinse your hair after shampooing.

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    What Your Dry Flaky Scalp Is Trying To Tell You +6 Fixes

    May 31, 2021 ·One of the easiest ways to get rid of excessive buildup and dandruff is to try our favourite dry, flaky scalp treatmentthe scalp scrub. Our Hair & Scalp Detox Scrub is specifically formulated to help remove product residue, excess oils, and hard water minerals and get your scalp back in |Verified:6 days ago |376 People Watched

    Top 10 Reasons For Itchy Scalp

    Sores on Scalp Causes, with Hair Loss and Treatments ...

    People face many hair problems every day, and an itchy scalp is the most common one. When your scalp is itchy, thinking about other things can be challenging. To get rid of itching, first, find out the cause of itchy scalp. Itchy scalp always makes us feel uncomfortable and unsafe in front of others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn more about this problem, including its causes and treatment methods. Itchy scalp can be caused by many diseases, such as dandruff, ringworm or bacterial infections and autoimmune diseases. Sometimes it is the healing effect of sunburn or the temporary lack of proper hygiene.

    In this article by Hairsure Clinic, you will know the common causes of itchy scalp. The list of causes is the most common causes as tested by dermatologists. This article aims to provide more information about this disease. Read on to understand these reasons and take care of your hair and scalp quickly and effectively by yourself.

    Note: Scratching the scalp can cause temporary hair loss and rarely permanent hair loss.

    Top 10 Reasons for Itchy Scalp

    After reading this article on the ten most common causes of itchy scalp, I hope you can learn more about the reasons that make your scalp itchy every day so that you can understand the reasons.

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    Experiencing Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss Read This

    Having a healthy head of hair can have a positive effect on your self-esteem. But healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp, and an itchy scalp can put a damper on things.

    Unfortunately, there are all sorts of conditions that can lead to an itchy scalp. Some have serious consequences and can affect hair growth and result in hair loss, while others come and go with no major consequences. But if scalp itching becomes persistent and intolerable, know that you could experience unusual scalp conditions and even fungal infections. To help you combat excessive scratching and any consequential hair loss, VEGAMOUR spoke to the experts to find out what you can do to ease your itchy scalp.

    Dirt Dust Or Pollutants

    Dirt, dust and other irritants found in the environment can become stuck in your hair and cause your scalp to become irritated, itchy and uncomfortable.

    If your scalp is dirty, you may find that it starts to itch. Make sure to wash your hair frequently to remove dirt, dust and other pollutants that can become trapped against your skin, as well as the natural oils that can build up on your scalp over time.

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    What Is Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia areata is a form of alopecia . Its a non-life-threatening disease of your immune system that affects the hair on your scalp. With this condition, your body mistakenly views your hair follicles as an enemy. Your body attacks the hair follicles. This causes some or all of your hair to fall out. It usually begins with the hair on your head. There are three severe forms of alopecia, including:

    • Areata
    • Totalis
    • Universalis

    Alopecia is not contagious. It occurs in people of all ages. However, it is more common in children and adults in their early 20s.

    Alopecia is different than telogen effluvian, which is hair loss that can be caused by physical stress such as rapid weight loss or pregnancy. Telogen effluvian is more common and usually, your hair does grow back after this type of hair loss.

    How Is Itchy Scalp Related To Hair Loss

    Itchy Scalp, Hair Loss and HOW TO STOP IT (2020 Guide)

    When you are scratching your scalp, youre actually weakening your hair follicles. Scalp pruritus or itchy scalp can be a result of fungal infections, allergic reactions to hair care products or inflamed hair follicles. All these may damage the hair follicles and cause hair loss.

    Scalp itching, which is a result of dandruff, can cause itching and scratching. Scratching can lead to damage of hair follicles and hair loss.

    This kind of hair loss is usually temporary. Permanent hair loss like male pattern baldness may or may not be accompanied by itching. Scratching does not affect this hereditary form of hair loss.

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    How Can Itchy Scalp Be Prevented

    If you have chronic conditions such as dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis or psoriasis, you might need regular treatment to prevent the condition from coming back. Some shampoos can help talk to your pharmacist.

    For tinea, good personal hygiene, careful drying after washing and choice of the right clothing and footwear can help prevent a tinea infection.

    Head lice are more difficult to prevent, especially in primary school children. One way to minimise the spread of head lice is to avoid sharing brushes and combs.

    So Can Dry Scalp Cause Hair Loss

    If your dry scalp is a simple case caused by lack of moisture, it wont typically cause hair loss, but it’s possible.

    A dry scalp can be an itchy scalp, said Dr. Daniel Boyer, a medical doctor and researcher with Farr Institute. This might cause you to scratch your scalp frequently and aggressively, which leads to damaged skin on your scalp and hair follicles. This could result in hair loss.” Thankfully, this doesn’t typically lead to permanent hair loss. Getting the moisture levels of your scalp normalized can slow hair loss and eventually stop it.

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    A Surprising Side Effect

    Among the medications that list hair loss as a side effect are anticlotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , and drugs for menopause, birth control, and antibiotics. Usually, hair grows back when the medication is stopped, but may not in some cases.

    Can Dry Scalp Syndrome Cause Loss Of Hair

    Dry Scalp Cause Hair Loss / Natural and Alternative ...

    Dry scalps are usually itchy and irritating, this can initiate scratching which may aggravate the situation. Though there are different causes, the symptoms may be virtually the same. it is a common problem for many people especially Americans. Its causes include harsh hair care products, dehydration, climatic conditions, stress and anxiety and medical conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and fungus among many others.

    So, you have been wondering whether it can really contribute to your this loss, yes it can but in rare cases. However, hair loss causes have a wide range that involves issues to do with skin disorders, scalp infections, hormonal disorders, and certain medications especially those used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart failures, and birth control.

    Having explained all these, the good news is that, there are many ways to heal this dryness and stop further loss. We`ll discuss them later in this article. Now, you major concern is how dry scalp causes hair loss right? Good, just scroll below to explore the whole theory.

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    Less Severe Causes Of Itchy Scalp Related Hair Loss

    As mentioned, there are many causes of an itchy scalp. Some of the less severe causes include:

    • Allergic reactions to some chemicals These may include perms that can contain harsh chemicals, or topical hair loss treatments such as minoxidil.
    • Hormonal changes They are common in women of child-bearing age and result from reproductive hormones interfering with general body metabolism, including the area around the scalp.
    • Age The older you get, the drier your skin becomes. This makes the scalp susceptible to cracks resulting to itching. The injured scalp can also be attacked by other skin infections causing hair loss and pain.
    • Folliculitis An infection of the hair follicles that causes red pimples that are itchy and which may leak pus or blood.
    • Certain medications These are usually anti-depressants which cause itching of the scalp in some individuals, especially women .
    • Exposure to too much direct sunlight Direct sunlight causes a rough, dry scalp which is susceptible to cracks and attacks by fungal infections.

    If youre suffering from any of the above, seek out the help of your physician or see a specialist such as a dermatologist.

    An Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss: Are They Related

    Do you have an itchy scalp? Youre not alone. Scalp itching, or scalp pruritus, is a common skin issue that affects just about everyone from time to time.

    An itchy scalp can develop for a range of reasons, from washing your hair with a shampoo thats formulated using harsh chemicals to several common skin conditions.

    The good news is that an itchy scalp isnt likely to cause hair loss, at least not directly. However, some skin conditions that cause you to develop an itchy scalp may affect your hair follicles and contribute to hair shedding or, in some cases, permanent hair loss.

    Below, weve listed some of the most common causes of an itchy scalp, as well as the effects of these conditions on hair loss. Weve also explained what you can do to treat scalp itching.

    Finally, weve talked about why an itchy scalp generally isnt a sign of male pattern baldness, as well as the steps that you can take if youre starting to lose your hair

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    What Are The Best Products For Thin Hair

    When looking for hair lightening products, look for shampoos and conditioners that add volume on the label and contain ingredients such as wheat or rice protein to thicken the strands. Pureology PureVolume Shampoo and Sally Hershberger Supreme Head Shampoo are recommended products for thinning hair.

    Why Can An Itchy Scalp Lead To Hair Loss

    Does Dandruff Scalp Cause Hair Loss? Treatment For Dry Itchy Scalp

    Normal, everyday scratching is not going to lead to hair loss. You do not scratch hard enough to pull your hair out or damage the hair follicles. Most of the time, individuals who experience hair loss from an itchy scalp have an underlying medical condition that is causing excessive irritation.

    Individuals who scratch their scalp excessively and aggressively can damage the skin and hair follicles. This results in pulling hair strands out of the follicle and damaging the follicle to the point where it cannot grow new hair. Certain conditions cause scarring of the scalp, which can also lead to damaged hair follicles and prevent new growth.

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    How To Treat Itchy Scalp With Hair Fall

    Oral or topical steroids reduce scalp inflammation. You can also use antifungals to combat scalp infections caused due to fungus.

    Immunotherapy can help with autoimmune scalp conditions. Your hair can be regrown using minoxidil , finasteride or hair transplantation treatments.

    Here are some home remedies for itchy scalp and hair loss:

    • Essential oils like rosemary and peppermint soothe itchy scalp and can reduce hair fall. Always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil.
    • A balanced diet containing proteins, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins, biotin and amino acids can promote healthy hair growth. Include eggs, fish, walnuts, legumes, spinach, broccoli and nuts in your diet.
    • Use anti-dandruff shampoos containing ingredients like salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole and selenium sulfide to treat dandruff.

    Reaction To Hair Care Products

    Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema that makes your skin red with scales on your scalp . It does not directly cause hair loss, though it can provoke one to scratch their scalp excessively, causing temporary hair loss. It is common among children but can occur at any age. It also can cause scalp burns .

    Allergic reactions to shampoos, conditioners, dyes, and hair gels may also cause an itchy scalp.

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    Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia

    Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia may occur as a result of hair products or styling techniques that damage hair follicles. The use of hair relaxers, blow dryers, curling irons, and hair extensions can cause central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, as can the process of creating a permanent wave, or a perm.

    The frequent application of oils, gels, or pomades can also cause this condition, which may be reversible if you stop using these hair products or styling techniques. Our dermatologists may recommend taking medication to help hair grow back.


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