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What Can Doctors Prescribe For Hair Loss

Why Consider Prescription Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss: What You Can Do About It

Prescription treatments for hair loss can boost confidence, self-esteem and stimulate hair growth. Many women are reticent to take Minoxidil because of its association as a men’s solution to hair loss. However, it’s an especially effective solution for women with Female Pattern Hair Loss . Depending on your age, hair loss condition and receptiveness to other treatment options, prescription hair loss treatments have the potential to stimulate regrowth.

Will Finasteride Stop Hair Loss

In many cases, finasteride slows or stops hair loss. In some cases, it may even regrow hair.

In one European study, men treated with 1 mg finasteride over a five year period led to a 93% decrease relative to placebo in the 5-year likelihood of developing further hair loss.

It regrows hair less well but does provide a benefit for some men. In another study, the authors found that the chances of mild to moderate visible regrowth are 61% on the vertex after 2 years and 37% on the frontal area after 1 year.

Can You Buy Dutasteride Online

Ryan Quinn

Ryan Quinn

Ryan is an experienced health writer helping educate and inform people on all types of important health topics. He lives in Salt Lake City, UT and can be found recreating in the local mountains.

Certified by

Po-Chang Hsu, M.D.

Po-Chang Hsu, M.D.

Dr. Hsu received his medical degree from Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, and holds a Masters of Science degree from both Harvard University and Tufts University. Outside of the medical profession, Dr. Hsu loves to write, learn new languages, and travel.

6 minutes

Yes, you can buy dutasteride online. Do you need a prescription for dutasteride? Also yes. Dutasteride can be prescribed after a consultation with a licensed online doctor and then sent to the pharmacy of your choice, including online pharmacies.

EverydayDr is a proud partner of PlushCare, a top telehealth company. PlushCare offers same-day appointments with top online doctors who can prescribe dutasteride during your video consultation. You can book an appointment to get dutasteride prescribed online here.

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Will The Downward Trend Continue

Propecia is still regarded as the most effective treatment for hair loss. But given the rise of post-finasteride syndrome cases, alternatives to Propecia, and the fact that its simply not a very appealing option for many men, I believe the drugs popularity among prescribers and patients alike will continue to diminish over the next decade. It could even be phased out completely, provided that the next breakthrough arrives and becomes available to the masses. Heres to hoping.

Finasteride For Women’s Hair Loss

Hair loss drugs

Known commercially as Propecia, Finasteride is an oral medication for men’s hair loss. Doctors will prescribe it to women on a case-by-case basis. Finasteride is not commonly prescribed to women as it’s not safe for pregnant women or women who plan to get pregnant. The science to support Finasteride is new and evolving, but many women have experienced successful regrowth from consistent use.A 18-month study revealed that small doses of off-label Finasteride effectively prevents and ceases hair loss in premenopausal women. While Finasteride has proven to be an effective medication for hair loss, it’s only suitable for pre- or post-menopausal women, or women who do not wish to conceive. While many women have experienced positive results and regrowth from regular oral administration of Finasteride, it’s entirely situational.Finasteride blocks testosterone hormones from becoming DHT, the hormone linked to women’s hair loss. Because the drug is teratogenic, it can harm fetuses and cause birth defects. Most commonly, Finasteride is prescribed at 2.5 or 5 mg per day. If you aren’t family planning or pregnant, Finasteride may be an effective solution to women’s hair loss.

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Hair Loss: Diagnosis And Treatment

Dermatologist examining a patient with hair loss

To find out what’s causing your hair loss, a dermatologist may use a tool called a dermascope to get a closer look.

Effective treatment for hair loss begins with finding the cause. To get an accurate diagnosis, it helps to see a board-certified dermatologist. These doctors have in-depth knowledge about the many causes of hair loss and experience treating the diverse causes.

How Effective Are These Medicines In Treating Inherited Hair Loss

Finasteride and minoxidil and minoxidil have the best level of evidence for medicines used to treat inherited hair loss.footnote 1, footnote 2 How well finasteride or minoxidil works depends on your age and the location of the hair loss. These medicines don’t work for everyone, and you should not expect to regrow a full head of hair.

Both medicines must be used daily. It may take 6 months of treatment before you see results.

These medicines slow thinning of the hair and increase coverage of the scalp by growing new hair. They also thicken the shafts of your existing hair so that it grows in thicker. If you stop using the medicine, any hair that has grown in will gradually be lost. Within 6 to 12 months after you stop using the medicine, your scalp will most likely look the same as it did before treatment.

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How To Determine What Kind Of Hair Loss Doctor You Need

As with any other potentially serious physical ailment, the best way to determine what kind of doctor you need, as well as which treatment options are most suitable for your situation, is to obtain multiple opinions on the matter. Comparing and contrasting between a wide variety of medical perspectives will help you make as informed a decision as possible when it comes to your health. You should also always keep your GP in the loop when it comes to anything that could affect your health or be perceived as a symptom of something else. In fact, your GP should always remain an active member of your medical team and hair loss treatment because they can provide some helpful insights regarding your overall health to the other medical professionals working on your case. Every little tidbit of background information is essential to implementing a strong, all-encompassing, and fitting treatment plan to combat and reverse hair loss.Think of your DNA, your family history, and your own medical history as a metaphorical roadmap to your own good health. All of these components work together to reveal telling clues about your body and why it behaves the way it does.Whats beneficial about Cialis is its safety read more about this at HowMed. A properly selected dose can be effective for erectile dysfunction treatment, even for men who are diagnosed with accompanying or underlying heart disorders, diabetes, and similar abnormalities.

What Causes Excessive Hair Loss

What You Can Do about Hair Loss

A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.

Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treating your thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after theyve had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again.

Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss improves when you stop taking the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners medicines used for gout, high blood pressure, or heart problems vitamin A birth control pills and antidepressants.

Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in adults and children. The infection is treated with antifungal medicines.

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What Is A Dermatologist

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails. These medical experts are able to identify and treat the many thousands of conditions affecting these parts of the body, but the most common conditions they treat include eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer. Because hair emerges from follicles in the skin, hair loss and hair conditions tend to fall under the expertise of these highly trained specialists.

Personal Stories About Treating Hair Loss With Medicine

These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as you make important health decisions.

My father and grandfather are both bald. I decided to use Rogaine to see if it would slow down my hair loss. I don’t want to look like my dad just yet!

Johan, age 28

My hair began to thin when I was 28 years old. Now I am 44 and the top of my head is bald. Recently, I considered using medicine to treat my hair loss and see if any hair would regrow. After reading the literature and talking to my doctor, I decided not to take medicine because it is unlikely to make a huge difference in my hairâand I don’t want to take medicine forever!

Bob, age 44

My hair is very important to me and my appearance. I noticed that my hair was starting to thin. And because baldness runs in our family, I decided to take an aggressive approach to reduce my chances for more hair loss. I am willing to take a pill every day, and to pay for it.

I have noticed some thinning throughout my scalp. Although this is disturbing to me, I have decided not to take medicine for the hair loss. It seems that medicine works best for young males. So now I’m checking out hair transplant surgery. I think that in the long run, I may be happier with the results.

Stella, age 38

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Surgical Procedures For Hair Loss

The type of procedure that a dermatologist recommends depends on how much hair you have lost and the cause. While we do not currently provide the following surgical procedures, your dermatologist may refer you to a medical professional who does.

  • Hair transplantation: Skin on the scalp that has good hair growth is removed and transplanted to areas of the scalp that need hair.
  • Scalp reduction: Bald scalp is surgically removed and hair-bearing scalp is brought closer together to reduce balding. Scalp reduction surgery can be performed alone or in conjunction with a hair transplant.
  • Scalp expansion: Devices are inserted under the scalp for about 3 to 4 weeks to stretch the skin. This procedure may be performed before a scalp reduction to make the scalp more lax. It also can be performed solely to stretch hair-bearing areas, which reduces balding.
  • Scalp flaps: A hair-bearing segment of scalp is surgically moved and placed where hair is needed.

Hair Loss: Medications & Treatment Options

Hair Loss due to Medication

Medically reviewed by Carmen Fookes, BPharm. Last updated on April 9, 2021.

Hair loss refers to a loss of hair from the scalp or body. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. There are many different causes of alopecia, some permanent, others temporary. Hair loss is more common in men, affecting 60% of men and up to 40% of women.

Hair is composed of a protein called keratin. Hair grows everywhere on our skin, except for on our palms and the soles of our feet. The average adult head grows about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs, and 80 to 100 are normally shed each day. At any one point in time, around 90% of the hair on the scalp is growing. This is known as the anagen phase. There are three main phases of hair growth.

  • The anagen phase. On average, hair grows approximately 0.3-0.4 mm a day on average or around 12-15cm per year, and this is genetically predetermined. As people age, their rate of hair growth slows. The hair root looks long, white, and tapered during this phase.
  • The catagen phase. Hair growth stops during this phase and the hair root starts to shrink and become rounded. This phase may last from two to three weeks.
  • The telogen phase. This is also called the resting stage. The hair root is now fully rounded, and awaiting the growth of a new anagen hair to push it out of the scalp so it can be shed. This phase lasts around three to four months for scalp hair, but can be as long as nine months for hair on other parts of the body, such as the eyebrows.

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Talk To Our Hair Loss Doctors

Talking to a hair loss doctor is a quick, easy way to find out whats causing your hair loss and what you can do to stop it.

Are you worried about hair loss? Take an online consultation with one of our doctors to learn whats causing your hair loss, what treatment options are available and how you can prevent further hair loss.

What Prescription Medications Can Help With Thinning Hair

A dermatologist may prescribe one of the following oral medications to treat male-pattern baldness and female-pattern hair loss:

  • Spironolactone: Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a diuretic and for treating high blood pressure. Doctors have been prescribing spironolactone for decades to treat thinning of hair. However, as this medication can increase the potassium levels in the body, you should inform your doctor if you suffer from kidney or adrenal gland problems.
  • Finasteride: Finasteride is an oral medication approved for hair loss in men but not for women. It works by improving the levels of the hormone testosterone.

Both these medications can cause birth defects in male children. Hence, dermatologists usually do not prescribe them to women of child-bearing age. If they do prescribe them, they generally recommend taking birth control measures.

These medications are mostly reserved for menopausal women who do not respond to treatment with minoxidil.

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Importance Of Choosing The Right Doctor To Treat Hair Loss

If you live in Detroit and are seeking hair loss treatment, then the best place start your search is by speaking to your general practitioner . Theyll usually have a comprehensive understanding of your medical history, and they can run general tests that could reveal sudden physical irregularities in your system or indicate if your medications are triggering your hair loss. They should also be able to determine whether your hair loss is a natural genetic predisposition.

If your hair loss raises any concerns, your GP can refer you to other physicians who specialize in specific medical fields that are also related to hair loss. Its important to look into the problem immediately so that you can figure out whats causing your hair loss and quickly find effective treatment options. Keep in mind that doctors who treat hair loss might recommend different treatment options for different sexes depending on the cause of the issue. Certain medical conditions can have different adverse medical effects on men and women, and sometimes one of the sexes is naturally more prone to suffer certain conditions.


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