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What Causes Massive Hair Loss

What Is Androgenetic Or Androgenic Alopecia

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This type of alopecia is often attributed to genetic predisposition and family history. Androgenic alopecia appears in both men and women. The hair loss in men is often faster, earlier onset, and is more extensive.

Doctors refer to common baldness as “androgenetic alopecia” or “androgenic alopecia,” which implies that a combination of hormones and heredity is necessary to develop the condition. The exact cause of this pattern is unknown.

Male-pattern baldness

Even men who never “go bald” thin out somewhat over the years. Unlike those with reversible telogen shedding, those with common male-pattern hair loss don’t notice much hair coming out they just see that it’s not there anymore. Adolescent boys notice some receding near the temples as their hairlines change from the straight-across boys’ pattern to the more “M-shaped” pattern of adult men. This normal development does not mean they are losing hair.

Some “myths” about male-pattern baldness

There are few scientifically proven and FDA-approved treatments for hair loss. There are thousands of unproven claims and products to help with hair regrowth.

Autoimmune Diseases That Affect Hair

Alopecia areata is often associated with an autoimmune disease, so it’s thought that some forms of hair loss can be caused by one of these medical conditions or is at least somehow related to it. Diabetes and lupus are two autoimmune diseases that can result in hair loss. This type of hair loss may not always be reversible it may sometimes be permanent. But medications and hair restoration surgeries may help compensate for any hair loss.

Is There A Way To Prevent Telogen Effluvium

Unfortunately, there is no proven way to prevent or stop an episode of telogen effluvium, and it should resolve on its own with time.

However, there are a few things that may help to support overall hair health. Eat a balanced diet, and in particular, consume an adequate amount of protein . Hair is made up of primarily protein , so its no surprise that sufficient protein is vital to maintain and grow hair. Also, be sure to avoid very tight hairstyles, excessive heat styling, or chemical-based treatments, as these can contribute to hair loss or cause hair breakage.

Tending to emotional health and practicing coping strategies, like meditation, may also be helpful to reduce the impact of a stressor.

If you hair loss is chronic, patchy, or associated with redness, itching or pain, seek medical care from a dermatologist.

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Changes In Birth Control

Going off hormonal birth control or changing to a different type of hormonal contraception can also cause hormone-induced shedding. “Whether you’re just starting it, discontinuing it, or changing brands, your body can react by causing the hair to go into an increased shedding mode,” Dr. Fusco says.

This is another form of telogen effluvium, which means that its usually temporary. You can rely on volumizing products and styling tricks while you wait for your hair to regain its fullness.

Causes Of Sudden And Rapid Hair Loss

Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss

Now that you understand how hair grows and what happens when it falls out, lets explore some of the possible causes of sudden and rapid hair loss:

1. Medical Conditions

If you suddenly go from a full head of hair to rapid thinning, its possible that theres a medical condition to blame. For example, an overactive or underactive thyroid can lead to hair loss. Likewise, chronic or inflammatory disorders, chronic infections, and/or autoimmune diseases can cause diffuse telogen hair loss.

In other situations, certain nutritional deficiencies can lead to hair loss. This is especially common when people go on crash diets and dont consume adequate amounts of protein, zinc, iron, fatty acids, or vitamin D.

2. Medications

Certain medications can cause sudden hair loss. This is most commonly seen in anticancer drugs and/or chemotherapy treatments. Hair loss is typically noticeable within a week and becomes total and widespread by month number two.

In addition to chemotherapeutic drugs, medications that can sometimes cause hair loss include warfarin, steroids, birth control pills, lithium, amphetamines and vitamin A supplements, though hair will most often grow back when the offending medication is stopped, The New York Times explains. If youve recently started on a new medication and you notice hair loss during this period, consult with your doctor to see if there is an alternative option available.

3. Stress

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How Extreme Stress Causes Hair Loss

Stress levels are high, and for some, that could mean less hair on your head.

Indeed, science supports the notion that significant emotional stress may be linked to at least one type of hair loss: telogen effluvium. Here is what you need to know about this common type of stress-induced hair loss.

Excess hair shedding may be a sign of telogen effluvium.


What Is Generalized Hair Loss

This is an overall hair thinning without specific bald spots or patterns. While this type of hair loss may not be noticeable to others, often the individual will feel their hair is not as thick or full as it previously was. Common conditions in this category are

Under normal conditions, scalp hairs live for about three years they then enter the telogen or resting phase. During the three-month telogen period, the hair root shrivels up into a small “club,” then the hair falls out. It is therefore normal to lose about 100 hairs every day, more of them on days when shampooing loosens the hairs that are ready to fall out. The body then replaces the hairs.

Sometimes people who worry about losing their hair start noticing hairs on their pillow or in the sink, not realizing that they’ve always been there. A close look at these will usually reveal the club at the end, showing that these hairs are shed normally.

  • Normally, about 10% of scalp hairs are in the telogen phase.

Several circumstances produce a “shock to the system” that alters the hair growth rhythm. As a result, as much as 30%-40% of the hairs can cycle into telogen. Three months later, hairs come out in a massive shedding , especially near the front of the scalp. These include

  • severe illness,
  • severe emotional stress or loss.

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Can I Prevent Abnormal Hair Loss

Most types of hair loss cant be prevented. However, there are a few things you can do that may help keep your hair healthy and strong for longer, including to avoid:

  • tight hairstyles, such as braids, buns or ponytails
  • twisting, rubbing or pulling your hair
  • hair lotions that are heavily perfumed
  • excessive heat treatments
  • undue exposure to ultra-violet light from the sun or sunbeds, which expose you to higher levels of UV radiation than the sun.

Other useful actions to take involve stopping smoking. as well as having a balanced diet. This should include eggs, berries, avocados and nuts all are thought to help healthy hair grow, along with Vitamins A and C, biotin and, in some cases, vitamin B12.

What Is Alopecia Areata

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Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition in which the body attacks its own hair follicles. Most patients, however, do not have systemic problems and need no medical tests. While people frequently blame alopecia areata on “stress,” in fact, it may be the other way around that is, having alopecia may cause stress.

  • A common skin condition, alopecia areata usually starts as a single quarter-sized circle of perfectly smooth bald skin.
  • These patches usually regrow in three to six months without treatment.
  • Sometimes, white hair temporarily regrows and then becomes dark. The most extensive form is alopecia totalis, in which the entire scalp goes bald. It’s important to emphasize that patients who have localized hair loss generally don’t go on to lose hair all over the scalp.
  • Alopecia areata can affect hair on other parts of the body, too .

Alopecia areata treatment

  • Treatments for alopecia areata include injecting small amounts of steroids like triamcinolone into affected patches to stimulate hair growth.
  • Although localized injections may not be practical for large areas, often this is a very effective treatment in helping the hairs return sooner.
  • Other treatments, such as oral steroids, other immunosuppressives, or ultraviolet light therapy, are available for more widespread or severe cases but may be impractical for most patients because of potential side effects or risks.
  • In most mild cases, patients can easily cover up or comb over the affected areas.
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    Treatment For Hair Loss

    Most hair loss does not need treatment and is either:

    • temporary and it’ll grow back
    • a normal part of getting older

    Hair loss caused by a medical condition usually stops or grows back once you’ve recovered.

    There are things you can try if your hair loss is causing you distress. But most treatments are not available on the NHS, so you’ll have to pay for them.

    No treatment is 100% effective.

    Symptoms Of Excessive Hair Loss

    For most people, excessive hair loss is gradual, which means it happens over a long period of time. This is especially true of male-pattern baldness. Hair loss is considered excessive when it results in bald spots or hair that is noticeably thinning. In some cases, hair can fall out suddenly. This is typically caused by sudden or prolonged stress, either physical or emotional.

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    How Can Hair Loss In Women Be Prevented

    Preventing hair loss is not possible when it is due to disease, aging, heredity or physical stressors like injuries. You can prevent hair loss caused by caustic chemicals or tight hairstyles by avoiding them. You might be able to prevent some hair loss by eating a healthy diet that provides necessary nutrients in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein. You can stop smoking.

    Medical And Other Conditions

    Hair Thinning: Causes and Treatment â Freewill

    If hair follicles are uniform in size, or if the hair loss is sudden, it is likely to be caused by something other than heredity, like a medical condition, Rogers says.

    There are a wide range of conditions that can bring on hair loss, with some of the most common being pregnancy, thyroid disorders, and anemia. Others include autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome , and skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis, Rogers says.

    Though there has been a link between menopause and hair loss, Roberts says she doesnât think there is a direct correlation. It could be that menopause and hair loss just occur at the same age.

    Other reasons for hair loss include extreme stress physical trauma like surgery or intense illness dramatic weight loss over a short period of time and taking too much Vitamin A, Roberts says. And hair loss can occur a couple of weeks to six months after any of these experiences.

    âSomeone can have surgery and be just fine and then two weeks later their hair starts falling out,â Roberts says. âIt can be very scary when it starts falling out in big clumps.â

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    Seasonal Hair Fall Myth Or Reality

    Many people tend to notice hair shedding in the late fall and winter. During this period, hair shedding in men and women tends to increase. According to medical research, our scalp responds to changes in daylight hours. The longer daylight hours in summers triggers the telogen phase and therefore hair shedding occurs in late autumn or winter. The process is completely normal and can be prevented by taking the vitamins essential for healthy hair growth.

    Sudden Hair Loss: The Basics

    • Sudden hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including illnesses that cause fever, severe stress and even certain medications.

    • If youve recently lost weight due to a crash diet or dont get enough of certain essential nutrients, you may experience sudden hair shedding.

    • Although most types of sudden hair loss are reversible, its important to seek out expert help to get an accurate diagnosis and learn about the best treatment options.

    • Your healthcare provider may recommend several treatments for hair loss, including the hair regrowth medication minoxidil.

    • Our Complete Hair Growth Kit includes numerous science-backed products to help you regrow hair, decrease shedding and improve your hairs strength.

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    Causes Of Sudden Female Hair Loss

    There are many reasons why individuals may lose their hair. For men it maybe due to heridity or old age.For women, the same reasons listed above can apply for their own personal hair loss in addition to other reasons. Some of those reasons can include changes in hormone balance, medicaton, diseases, etc.

    Causes Of Hair Loss And How To Treat Them

    COVID-19 and MASSIVE Hair Loss…it’s a thing. Here’s why

    Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Health

    Whether your hair is long, short, straight of curly, hair is an expression of our own individual style, personality and attitude. Research does show that hair and self-image are closely linked. if you are noticing an unusual and prolonged hair loss, then you should visit your doctor. If you are curious about the causes of hair loss, then look no further than the page you are reading right now: unexplained, excessive hair loss can be worrying and scary but the good news is, theres often a way to fix it. Here are 10 causes of hair loss and how to treat them.

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    Chronic Telogen Effluvium Long Term Diffuse Hair Shedding

    Chronic Telogen Effluvium, is the most common form of hair loss in women, particularly young and middle age women. CTE is an increase in hair loss and decrease in hair thickness over a long period of time. You may have always seen excessive hair in the brush or shower and thought it was normal. Its only when you see your scalp is visible you ask yourself why is my hair falling out? But in reality it would have been thinning long before you noticed.

    Chronic hair loss affects approximately 30% of pre-menopausal women. So if you think your hair is thinning, youre not alone! Stopping female hair loss and regaining hair thickness, depends on establishing the true cause and treating it.

    Key Points About Temporary Or Abnormal Hair Loss

  • Abnormal or temporary hair loss can be due to many causes, including nutritional deficiencies, health conditions, medicines, reactions to hair products, stress or pregnancy.
  • In abnormal hair loss, you may notice your hair suddenly sheds in a large amount, or sheds a lot after combing or brushing, or that it is broken or unable to grow longer.
  • See your doctor if you experience sudden hair loss at the same time as having fever, pain, weight loss, poor appetite, breathing problems, gut problems or skin problems.
  • Treatment depends on the cause of your hair loss. Removal of the cause usually stops your hair loss. Your doctor will advise the most suitable treatment for you.
  • Temporary hair loss cant be prevented, but there are things you can do to help protect and keep your hair healthy.
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