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What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss

Viviscal Hair Growth Programme

Here’s What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss & Shedding

To minimise postpartum hair loss, products to consider would include a well-balanced hair supplement such as Viviscal, says Dr Wade. Its packed with nutrients and proteins including zinc, biotin and iron, all of which have a direct impact on hair health and growth. Just remember, this isnt a quick fix, so youll need to be patient to see results.

How To Stop Or Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

If the hair loss youâre experiencing is caused by hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, the hair loss may simply stop on its own without any treatment at all.

Still, there are steps you can take to help prevent some of the hair loss:

  • Get enough vitamins and nutrients by eating lots of fruits and vegetables

  • Be gentle when you wash and brush your hair

  • Donât wear tight hairdos that can pull on your hair

  • Use only the cool setting on your hair dryer.

Above all, try to be patient with yourself. You have lots on your plate right now and there might not be much more you can do than wait it out. For some tips on handling your hair, you might like to try some of these easy hair styling cheats for new moms.

Taking Care Of Yourself

The postpartum period is one of the best times while also being one of the toughest times.

During the postpartum period, it is important to take good care of yourself. Taking care of yourself will help to reduce your postpartum hair loss.

Good nutrition is important, as you read about in this post. But you need to take care of your whole self. It can be tough but you should also pay attention to what you are putting on your body.

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What Causes Hair Loss After Giving Birth

All hair on our bodies grows in a cycle that can last anywhere from two to seven years. The active or growing phase of a strand of hair is called anagen and determines the length of our hair. After a period of time, the hair follicle enters a transition phase before entering its resting phase . Shedding occurs and the process starts all over again.

Changes related to your hormone levels before, during and after pregnancy can affect hair growth. Its completely normal to experience hormonal imbalance after giving birth, and one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance is postpartum hair loss.

The medical term for postpartum hair loss is telogen effluvium. The condition, which is also referred to as postpartum alopecia, is relatively common, affecting between 40-50% of women in the months following childbirth.

Postpartum hair loss occurs after childbirth because of the sudden change of hormones in your body, particularly the change between progesterone and estrogen.

How Bad Does It Get

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It can vary from woman to woman, and it also depends on how full your hair was, to begin with. Women who had a thick mane before pregnancy may be the only ones to notice their hair loss because theyll still have a lot of hair. If your hair was on the thin side before pregnancy, the loss will be more noticeable, but you certainly wont attract stares when youre out in public.

Keep in mind, were often our own worst critics and we tend to notice things we dont like about ourselves way more than anyone else notices them.

Think about when you get an inch or two cut off the ends of your hair and you feel like its a radical change. Then you go out and no one, not even your partner, notices it. Your hair loss may be exactly like that something you notice way more than anyone else does.

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Postpartum Hair Loss: Your Guide To Shedding After Pregnancy

You might notice some excessive shedding soon after welcoming your baby, and thats totally normal. Heres what new parents need to know about postpartum hair loss.

During pregnancy, you might have been blessed with a thick and lustrous mane of hair. After having the baby, however, your locks could start shedding excessively. This normal symptom results from hormonal changes in the body. So how long does postpartum hair loss last, and can you prevent it from happening? Keep reading to learn more.

Is Postpartum Hair Loss Normal

Yes, it is. In a study involving 98 patients, 88.7% experienced hair loss within 8 to 16 weeks after delivery . It continued for 4-6 months, and later, the hair growth became normal.

Although hormonal changes mainly affect the scalps frontal area, there is no evidence that it is the primary affected area in postpartum hair loss. The study also found that out of 98 patients, 59.1% experienced hair loss at the back of the scalp, 20.4% throughout the scalp, and only 11.2% had frontal hair loss . Now, the question is, how long does it last?

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What To Do About Postpartum Hair Loss

You can’t prevent postpartum hair loss. It’s a normal part of the recovery from pregnancy. There aren’t any treatments to stop telogen effluvium or to speed up new hair growth. Doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet. This may help hair grow after the shedding phase ends.

The hair you shed after having a baby will grow back over time. However, you may notice that you have a lot of new hairs that are much shorter than the rest of your hair. These are the new strands growing in, and they are a normal part of the postpartum hair growth process.

You may not like the look of your hair during the shedding and regrowth phase. In that case, you can use styling products or techniques to improve the way your hair looks. Try lightweight conditioners to avoid weighing hair down and making it look limp. Volumizing products can make your hair appear fuller. A fresh cut or new color can also improve how your hair looks. Your stylist might be able to suggest styling tips that would help as well.

Hair Falls Out For Many Reasons


Many new moms experience excessive hair shedding after pregnancy. Hair shedding usually peaks about four months after giving birth. By their childs first birthday, most women regain their normal hair growth. If your hair does not regain its normal fullness after one year, you may want to see a dermatologist. Something else may be causing your hair to fall out. People lose hair for many reasons, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment.

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If youve experienced childbirth, youve probably experienced some or all of the weird things that happen to your body before, during, and after you give birth. One of those weird things is postpartum hair loss, usually starting six to eight weeks after giving birth.

How To Combat Postpartum Hair Loss

May 15, 2020

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Self-care routine is a cherished novelty for all new moms. So when you finally get to indulge in your hair-care routine and find clumps of hair tangled in large bunches in your hairbrush, it can be quite an alarming discovery.

We are here to assure you that the shedding of hair post newborn delivery is quite a normal process. Postpartum hair loss is a general occurrence for most women in the six months that follow giving birth.

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Can You Go Bald From Postpartum Hair Loss

Dont panic. While it might feel frightening to see such a huge amount of hair shedding, postpartum hair loss will not leave you bald.

Women do not go bald with postpartum hair loss but the degree of loss can be significant and distressing, says Dr Wade. It is important to remember that this is an alteration of the hair cycle and that there has not been permanent loss of hair and so full regrowth should be possible

If your hair loss seems severe, it could be down to a mineral or vitamin deficiency or stress, adds Hannah. Visit your GP, or make an appointment with a trichologist if you think your postpartum hair loss is lasting for longer than youd expert, just to make sure there are no other factors or conditions at play.

Can Postpartum Hair Loss Be Prevented

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Because postpartum hair loss is a normal result of hormonal changes, its not something you can immediately stop. However, there are habits you can instill to minimize the effects of postpartum hair loss. In turn, hopefully promoting healthy hair growth.

In the weeks and months following delivery, ensure you are getting gentle-to-moderate exercise , incorporate lifestyle-centric stress support strategies , consume a healthy diet, rich in nutrients to support healthy hair, and be consistent with postpartum vitamins or supplements. Furthermore, take gentle care of your hair. While your follicles are in the telogen phase, they are in their most fragile state. To avoid additional shedding, be gentle while brushing, washing, and drying. When possible, avoid tight hairstyles, as they place too much traction on follicles. To make things even easier, get a haircut before your baby arrives. Prevention tips are equally as important as postpartum hair treatments.

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What Causes Hair Loss After Baby

The body experiences soaring estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy, says Salinger, which causes hair to remain in an ongoing stage of growth, creating thicker, more lustrous strands. Then your hormones level out in the months following childbirth. Hair remains in this resting stage for approximately three months before it falls out and new growth shows itself, says Salinger. Typically the regrowth is in the form of baby bangs appearing along the hairline.

Making The Most Out Of A Hairy Situation

Theres no doubt about it postpartum hair loss can be a tough pill to swallow. It can shake your confidence and make you self-conscious at a time when youre already undergoing so many changes.

But try not to let it get you down too much. Sometimes the best attitude to adopt during times of adversity is gratitude, even when its hard to do. There are worse conditions you could be dealing with, and I tried to keep that in mind when I faced this problem.

Luckily, until your body corrects itself, there are ways to disguise the severity of your hair loss. Use the tips mentioned above, particularly finding a good volumizer, blow-drying your hair upside down, and freshening up your layers or going with a shorter style.

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When To Visit Your Healthcare Provider

If you notice that your hair loss is particularly severe or that youâve been shedding hair for longer than about half a year, it might be time to see your healthcare provider.

In some cases, a thyroid issue such as having an underactive thyroid may be causing the hair loss. Some thyroid conditions are also linked to pregnancy or the postpartum period. If your healthcare provider diagnoses a thyroid condition, she will be able to offer you treatment.

As you already know all too well, pregnancy and the postpartum period are filled with lots of wondrous â and not so wondrous â changes in your body.

Although it may seem as if thereâs no end to how many ways your body is changing, when it comes to your hair things will soon return to normal.

How We Wrote This ArticleThe information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum Hair Loss while Breastfeeding | My Hair Care Routine

Everyone sheds on a daily basis, says dermatologist Sejal Shah, M.D., but pregnancy changes things up. “There are lots of hormonal shifts happening, and one thing that those hormonal shifts do is promote hair growth,” Dr. Shah explains. In other words, pregnancy hormones actually prevent you from shedding.

Once your hormones return to normal after pregnancy, there’s a drop in estrogen, which causes hair shedding to resume. But keep in mind: You’ve stopped shedding for several months, so the hair that’s been sticking to your head needs to come out, explains Dr. Shah. This phenomenon is called telogen effluvium.

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How Much Postpartum Hair Loss Is Normal

As we mentioned before, it can be difficult to establish what is normal as the rate varies from person to person with some not experiencing anything noticeable at all. But on average a person loses anywhere between 50-150 hairs a day, however, post pregnancy you can experience hair fall of up to 400 hairs a day, which is why its quite noticeable.

Switch Up Your Shampoo And Conditioner

We all have our favorite hair products, but you may want to consider switching it up during this time. Your average shampoos could be overly clarifying, meaning theyre stripping your hairs moisture too much. Your hair maintaining moisture is necessary to see any type of growth after postpartum hair loss.

Nioxin System 1 Cleanser Shampoo for Natural Hair

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you want to use a gentler shampoo, maybe consider a more moisturizing one.

For as conditioning, youll also want to use a very moisturizing one and make sure youre using it after every shampoo. So, for those of you that try to get lazy on wash day and hope a leave-in conditioner alone will do the trick, think again. Youll need to incorporate both types of conditioner into your hair routine for postpartum hair loss.

ArtNaturals Argan Hair Growth Conditioner

Postpartum hair loss is not a pretty part of the pregnancy aftermath, but it is quite common. Its easy to get down on yourself during this trying time, but you are not alone in the struggle. To learn more about hair growth, read How To Grow Long Healthy Strands Naturally.

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Michael Van Clarke No1 Brush

Aggressive brushing can also accelerate the thinning and breakage, explains hairdresser Michal Van Clarke. You need something gentle, that will glide through hair without snagging or tugging, and this flexible nylon brush is just the ticket. Style is key too. So, instead of brushing hair into a centre-parting, consider a side-swept style that will disguise any sparse patches.


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