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Will Bioidentical Hormones Help Hair Loss

Pros And Cons Of Different Dosing Forms Of Bioidentical Hormones

Dr. Hotze – Bioidentical Hormones

by DonnaWhite | Oct 16, 2020

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is considered by many experts to be an effective treatment to help balance hormones and relieve symptoms of menopause and other hormone-based health issues.

Here we outline the pros and cons of dosing forms of bioidentical hormones to help you offer your patients thorough and accurate information on formats and dosing.

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The Natural Way To Balance Hormones

Dr. Monte Slater has over 30 Years of Experience in Womens Health and in the last decade devoted himself to the study and implementation of Anti-Aging, Regenerative Medicine and Aesthetics. It seemed only natural for Dr. Slater to offer healthier solutions to Men and Women experiencing issues associated with aging. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women can be ideal for most patients in their 40s and up but sometimes even younger. Hair Loss, sleepless nights, and lack of energy are only some of the first symptoms of imbalanced hormones.

Balancing Your Hormones With Biote Pellet Therapy Can Reverse Thinning And Regrow Lost Hair

Rarely, women with extremely high levels of androgens may experience male pattern hair loss if they genetically convert testosterone to DHT in the scalp/hair follicle. Lowering the dose or providing DHT-blocking supplements tends to resolve this. Also, too little estrogen may contribute to hair loss. Estrogen may be prescribed in women who do not make enough estrogen from testosterone.

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The Difference Between Synthetic And Natural

While we are on the topic of bioidentical hormones, we should also spend some time talking about the difference between synthetic hormones and natural hormones.

Most people automatically make the assumption that any hormone which is natural is automatically better than one that is synthetic.

But what you may fail to realize is that you can have a bioidentical hormone that is synthetic and a non-bioidentical hormone that is natural.

In other words, the term natural or synthetic shouldnt really play a role in which hormone you are using.

Instead, whether or not it is bioidentical should always take precedence over the source of that hormone and whether or not it is natural or synthetic.

The term natural and synthetic only refers to the SOURCE of that hormone.

Synthetic hormones, also referred to as artificial hormones, are created in a laboratory.

These are manufactured and designed using chemical processes that result in a target compound.

This target compound can either be bioidentical or not. The term synthetic doesnt automatically mean that the hormone created is one way or the other.

Take Synthroid or Estrace , as an example. Both of these compounds are synthetic in that they were manufactured in a laboratory, but they are still bioidentical because they exact copies of the hormones that your body produces naturally.

Other synthetic hormones that are bioidentical include Humulin , and Cortisone .

Take, for instance, the prescription medication Premarin.

How Hormone Imbalances Affect Women

Hair Loss Due To Hormones

Women of all ages can suffer hormone imbalances.

  • Do you have PMS, heavy or irregular periods?
  • Have you suddenly gained weight and are unable to lose it?
  • Do you have mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats?
  • Are you feeling stressed, tired and have trouble sleeping?

Hormones affect women throughout their lifetime and an imbalance can start at any age. In younger women it is often poor nutrition, emotional stress, an erratic lifestyle, too much alcohol, the use of birth control pills, or the early onset of menopause that leads to hormonal imbalance. In mature women, perimenopause and menopause are the most common causes of hormonal symptoms.

Other contributing factors at any age include heredity, lack of exercise, obesity, poor quality sleep, trauma, inflammation, thyroid and adrenal problems, ovarian failure, as well as exposure to pesticides, chemicals, environmental pollution and toxins.

In some cases, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance can be greatly improved through lifestyle changes and natural therapies. In many cases, however, a personalized bioidentical hormone therapy program may be required for optimal lasting results.

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Christmas Can Indeed Make You Want To Tear Your Hair Out With All The Stress And Pressure That Can Accompany This Time Of Year But Hair Loss Is No Joking Matter With Millions Of Women Being Affected And Suffering The Physical And Emotional Distress That Can Accompany It

Low progesterone levels means the body responds by increasing its production of adrenal cortical hormones some of which convey some androgenic properties such as male pattern hair loss. When progesterone levels are raised through supplementation the adrenal cortical hormones levels will gradually fall and normal hair growth eventually resume, though this an take 4-6 months for the effects to be apparent.

The Hormone Connection

David Jockers shares his thoughts here on this increasing phenomenon:

The latest research has shown that hormones seem to be the major player in this embarrassing condition. Fortunately, there are solutions in both nature and nurture that support hormone balance and a return to normal function.

While classic baldness has always been associated with men what has become increasingly more common today is the female pattern hair loss. Women rarely lose hair to the extreme that men do, however, many experience a significant reduction in the diameter of the hair shaft leading to an overall hair thinning. This pattern most often develops around the onset of menopause. Before menopause 13% of women experience hair thinning compared to 37% that experience this after menopause.

Other Factors In Hair Loss

What You Can Do

Lets Talk About Hormone Replacement Treatment For Menopause

At HerKare, our focus is to help women feel their best with personalized health care solutions. We understand the many ways menopause can impact your life, so we work with you to find treatments that are tailored to you. Our providers take the time to listen, then well work together to find ways to help you improve your physical, emotional, and sexual health. Were here to help you enjoy life, not just push through unwanted menopause symptoms. Schedule an appointment online today!

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapys Role In Prevention

Often we think of replacing hormones as way to balance things, as a way to address immediate nagging symptoms and it does. However there is a much bigger role that having adequate levels of hormones plays, it helps us not only to age well but also it helps to prevent many of the diseases of aging such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, gynecological infections and conditions, Alzheimers disease dementia, memory loss, and even some cancers.

Why Bioidentical Hormones Could Be Banned In The Near Future

Hormonal Imbalances Contributing to Hair Loss and Sagging Skin

If you are reading this blog, you are most likely interested in natural hormones and other therapies as a way of maintaining your health. Perhaps you have used some or all of the bioidentical hormones I mention above. And maybe you even prefer these proven therapies over prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications to treat illnesses.

If so, here is something you need to know: On July 9, 2020, the FDA made an announcementseemingly out of the bluestating that bioidentical hormones are a public health concern and that a ban is likely. This statement could not be more false. All estrogensbioidentical includedthat bind to the alpha estrogen receptor can act as growth promoters in estrogen-sensitive tissue, including breast and uterine tissue. This is why some women prefer herbal approaches instead. However, bioidentical hormones have long been found to be safer and more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts. In fact, a review of the studies found that compounded bioidentical hormone therapy is associated with lower risks of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease and is more effective than synthetic or animal-derived hormones. And there are many women who have comfortably stayed on low doses of bioidentical hormones for years with great results.

Finally, the committee recommends increased oversight of traditional pharmacies by the federal government and the State Boards of Pharmacy to ensure quality standards for every cBHT preparation dispensed.

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Menopausal Hair Loss: Is It Reversible

Menopause is a time of extreme hormonal changes that typically occurs around the late 40s and early 50s. After menopause, many different physical symptoms can appear, including menopausal hair loss. These symptoms can also include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

Many people want to know if hormonal hair loss can be reversed. The answer is yes! Fortunately, unlike genetic hair loss, most hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances is reversible.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones And How Can Bioidentical Hormones Replacement Help

Bioidentical hormones have the exact same molecular structure as hormones that are naturally produced by the body. They are made using natural ingredients and are available through standard prescriptions or through certified compounding pharmacists who must adhere to strict regulations. The types, combinations and dosages of bioidentical hormones are customized to fit each individual patient and will be discussed in the course of your treatment. Hormones are powerful chemical messengers that must be prescribed thus it is very important to receive a comprehensive individual medical risk assessment before proceeding with treatment. On-going monitoring with blood work is important to ensure that patients are optimized and are well within safe limits. The frequency of the monitoring is entirely depends on the case.

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Hair Loss Or Androgenic Alopecia: How Does It Happen

Androgenetic alopecia is the term used to call the hair loss phenomenon that occurs in both men and women. Individuals may also experience temporary hair loss or shedding due to telogen effluvium, a disorder that is caused by different triggers like stress or shock. To better understand how female pattern and male pattern hair loss happens, lets look at the three important phases of hair growth:

  • Anagen – During this first phase, the follicles will push and grow hair from the roots until it reaches its maximum length. This phase may last between 2 to 7 years.
  • Catagen – This is usually a transition period where the hair follicles begin to shrink and the growth of new hair slows down. This typically marks the end of the anagen phase.
  • Telogen – The hair cycle begins its resting period and sometimes hair shedding is common in this phase as the hair falls from its roots. It is also during this stage that new hairs grow inside the follicle to prepare for the new cycle of hair growth.

The entire hair growth cycle and the composition of the hair follicle are influenced by hormones. There are two main types of hormones: androgen and estrogen hormones. In male pattern baldness, androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone can affect the size of the hair follicle. Low testosterone and the presence of DHT may cause hair loss in men.

How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Works

Hair Loss as a Side Effect of Hormone Replacement ...

Whats the difference between bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and regular hormone therapy? Bioidentical is exactly how it sounds. These are hormones that are tailored to match the hormones that are currently being produced by your body. Instead of just general testosterone or estrogen from questionable sources, bioidentical hormones are carefully constructed to match your hormones for optimal effects.

Essentially, you undergo a screening to determine your levels of hormones currently being produced by your body. Once our doctor knows what your general production rate is and what it should be a dosage is formed. There are many different ways to take hormones. Some can be taken through a pill, or rubbed into the skin with a gel or patch, while others can be injected into the muscle. You can learn how to inject yourself or have a nurse do it for you. Dosages need to be taken every few weeks, although the exact dosage is left for our doctor to prescribe and your needs.

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Hair Thinning And Loss Is Common With Aging Women Typically Notice An Increase In Hair Loss At Menopause

A variety of factors including ovarian cysts, high androgen index birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause can cause imbalanced androgen levels. Hair loss in postmenopausal women is closely associated with testosterone or androgen deficiency . Testosterone and thyroid deficiency can also lead to dry, brittle hair that appears finer and breaks easily.

How Can Bioidentical Hormones Help Me

Bioidentical hormones can help both men and women with low hormone levels or hormone imbalances. By increasing or balancing hormone levels, it can reduce or eliminate problematic symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, for women, and low testosterone for men.

Some people report that bioidentical hormones also help reduce wrinkles, improve skin quality, and reduce your risk for tooth loss and cataracts.

Both bioidentical hormones and hormone replacement therapy have risks. For certain people, such as women who have had breast, ovarian or endometrial cancers or blood clots, neither type of hormone replacement therapy is advised.

Bioidentical hormones came in patches, pills, pellets, creams, gels, and shots. The providers at The Well for Health can help you choose the best form of hormones to relieve your symptoms. They will monitor you closely to determine the best dose and the right amount of time for you to take hormones.

For more information about bio-identical hormones and if theyre right for you, call The Well for Health in Davidson, North Carolina. You can also make an appointment online through this website.

Every patient receives a free 15 to 30-minute telephone consultation with a member of the team before visiting the clinic.

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Why Are These Restrictions Happening Now

The FDA has always had the authority to regulate the substances used in making compounded drugs however, until now, the agency has chosen to leave oversight to the states. Now, all of a sudden, the FDA has decided to regulate substances used in compounding. By doing this, the FDA is, in effect, regulating the practices of medicine and pharmacy rather than regulating the drugs being prescribed and sold. In my opinion, this is a huge overreach of power, and it waves a big red flag for me during this time of increasing government control over our bodies and our lives.

Further, the committees calling for the education of health care providers and pharmacists who currently prescribe, compound, and dispense cBHT is nothing more than a thinly veiled threat against these practitioners, who will be forced to practice medicine the way Big Government and Big Pharma dictate or risk losing their licenses and practices.

And, according to a newly proposed rule on September 5, 2020, it appears that the FDA is on a mission to ban other compounded natural therapies as well, including homeopathic remedies and natural substances, such as curcumin, that have been proven safe and effective for decades!


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