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How To Care Hair Loss

What Are The Available Treatments For Hair Loss


Treatment for hair loss may include:

  • Medications like minoxidil that is approved for both men and women, finasteride for men, and other drugs like spironolactone and oral contraceptives for women.
  • Hair transplant surgery or restoration surgery that includes taking skin patches with multiple hair follicles and implanting them onto bald patches.
  • Laser therapy to improve hair density.

While these treatments may help you deal with hair loss, there is a high chance of recurrence if the cause is hereditary. Also, most of the medications used to treat hair loss come with side effects like reduced libido, scalp irritation, and an increased risk of prostate cancer in men. The other treatment methods like hair transplant surgery and laser therapy may be heavy on your pocket and may have side effects like scarring.

Hence, instead of investing your time and money in such treatments, if you have mild hair fall, it is better to opt for natural alternatives that are completely safe for your scalp and skin. Listed below are some excellent home remedies that are proven to help with hair fall.

Viviscal Hair Growth Supplement

The popular Viviscal Hair Growth Supplement promotes normal, healthy hair growth while reducing hair loss. This supplement is scientifically formulated with star ingredients such as biotin and zinc, which contribute to healthy hair growth from the inside. In addition to these ingredients, common to many hair supplements, Viviscal also contains AminoMar C, an exclusive marine protein complex. The second version of the product, Viviscal Man, has a nutritional formula developed exclusively for male pattern hair loss.

Whether you take the regular Viviscal supplement or Viviscal Man, it is recommended that you take 2 tablets every day for 3 to 6 months. If youre simply trying to maintain results, then take 1 tablet daily.

Be Mindful Of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are a form of contraception that works by suppressing ovulation and/or making it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant into the lining of the uterus. Hormonal hair loss in women may occur when women start or stop taking certain kinds of contraceptives. The hormones that make birth control pills effective may also cause hair thinning in women who use them. You are more likely to experience this side effect from birth control pills if you have a family history of hair loss. Stopping the pill is also a cause of hair loss in women. Hormones are not the only medication that may be associated with hair loss. Blood thinners and blood pressure medications may do it, too. So can drugs used to treat depression, heart disease, and arthritis.

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Questions To Ask The Health Care Team

You may want to ask your cancer care team the following questions.

  • Is my specific cancer treatment plan likely to cause hair loss?

  • If so, when will my hair loss happen? Will I lose hair over time or all at once?

  • How should I care for my hair and scalp during hair loss?

  • When will my hair grow back? What can I expect when my hair does return?

  • Is there a counselor, oncology social worker, or other team member who can help me cope with hair loss?

  • Are there any programs that provide free or low-cost wigs or other head coverings?

How To Deal With Cancer

The Effective Hair Loss Treatments in 2020

When you’re struggling with cancer, treatments and the challenges that come with a diagnosis, it may be difficult to adjust to hair loss and other changes to your body and appearance. But there are ways to prepare for and deal with hair loss when it occurs. Here are 12 ways to help cope with cancer-related hair loss:

Give yourself time. Losing your hair may be difficult to accept. It may take time to adjust to how you look, then more time to feel good about yourself again. Its okay to feel upset. At the same time, understand that losing your hair is usually temporary and hair will re-grow after you complete treatment.

Remember youre still you. Losing your hair and experiencing other physical changes brought on by cancer and its treatment may come as a shock. It may be disorienting to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself. Remember that youre still the same person on the inside. Try to celebrate who you are and focus on those qualities.

Prepare ahead for hair changes. Before you begin cancer treatment, prepare in advance for changes to your hair. Talk to your doctor about what to expect. Meet with a stylist who is familiar with cancer-related hair loss. Some people choose to wear head coverings, and others dont. Choose whatever feels most comfortable for you. It also helps to think about how you will respond to reactions from others.

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Clean Your Scalp After Sweating

Whether you exercise regularly or just sweat a lot, you dont want to let a lot of sweat accumulate and sit on your scalp. Not only can sweat dehydrate your hair, but it can also lead to clogged pores, bacterial growth, and even fungal issues

Do you have any tips or tricks for stopping hair loss?

Read This Next

Switch To Products With Gentler Ingredients

In many cases, hair breakage results from using harsh products on your hair. If you frequently bleach your hair or use chemicals to curl or straighten your hair, it can become damaged and look thin. Even everyday synthetic hair products, such as gels and hairsprays, can dry your hair out and cause it to break off. To reduce the risk of hair loss and maintain your healthy hair, limit your use of hair products or ask your hair care professional to recommend some natural products to treat and style your hair.

Also Check: What Can Cause Hair Thinning In Females

The Look Good Feel Better Program

The Look Good Feel Better program is designed to help people cope with the effects that cancer treatment can have on their appearance. During weekly sessions, makeup artists teach makeup techniques, skin and nail care, and hair styling and head-covering options. To register for a class, call Look Good Feel Better at 800-395-LOOK or visit

Men can find information at

How To Prepare For Hair Loss

Hair Care Tips : How to Stop Hair Loss for Women
  • Each person is different. Ask your health care team if hair loss is likely to happen. If it is, ask if it will happen quickly or gradually.
  • If you are going to get chemotherapy that might cause hair loss, talk to your health care team about whether a cooling cap might help reduce your risk. More research is being done to understand how effective and safe cooling caps may be. There are some side effects of cooling caps to consider, such as headaches, scalp pain, and neck and shoulder discomfort. Talk to your health care team about the benefits, limitations, and side effects of cooling caps.
  • If the thought of losing your hair bothers you, you might choose to cut your hair very short or even shave your head before it starts falling out.
  • If you think you might want a wig, buy it before treatment begins or at the very start of treatment. Ask if the wig can be adjusted you might need a smaller wig as you lose hair. To match hair color, you can cut a swatch of hair from the top front of your head, where hair is lightest..
  • Wigs and other scalp coverings may be partially or fully covered by your health insurance. If so, ask for a prescription for a cranial prosthesis. Do not use the word wig on the prescription.
  • Get a list of wig shops in your area from your cancer team, other patients, or from the phone book. You can also order the American Cancer Societys tlc Tender Loving Care® catalog by visiting tlc or by calling 1-800-850-9445.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

  • What is the cause of my hair loss?
  • How many strands of hair am I losing per day?
  • What type of hair loss do I have?
  • Will my hair loss be permanent?
  • Whats the best treatment for me?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hair loss may cause you distress whether it happens because of genetics, a disease, or even stress. Know that there are some treatments you can try, and expert dermatologists are there to help you. Your hair loss may be able to be reversed. See your healthcare provider as soon as you notice something wrong because the sooner you start treatment, the better.

What Is The Relationship Between Hair Loss In Women And Menopause

During menopause, you might see one of two things happen with your hair. You might start growing hair where you didnt before. Or, you might see the hair you have start to thin. One cause may be changing levels of hormones during menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, meaning that the effects of the androgens, male hormones, are increased.

During and after menopause, hair might become finer because hair follicles shrink. Hair grows more slowly and falls out more easily in these cases.

Your healthcare provider will do a thorough examination and take a detailed history to help you deal with changes in hair growth. You may be directed to have your iron levels or thyroid hormone levels tested. Your medications might be changed if what you take is found to affect hair loss or growth.

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Healthy Diet And Regular Exercise To Prevent Hair Fall

We have mentioned before how nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss, so you must eat a balanced diet! Make sure you include food items that are rich in Vitamins A, C, D and E, Zinc, B Vitamins, Iron, Biotin, Protein, and Essential Fatty Acids.

You can try adding an iron and multivitamin supplement to your diet if you feel like you are still lacking. When it comes to exercising, at least 20-30 minutes of cardio will help make a difference. Exercise helps in balancing out your hormones, helping those who suffer hair loss due to hormonal imbalances.

Why Hair Falls Out

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Hair grows and eventually falls out as part of its normal cycle. It can build up on hair brushes, pillows, or shower drains.

Most people will not notice the natural hair loss that occurs daily. Hair thickness and the hairline usually remain the same.

People are more likely to notice excessive hair loss. This is a good time to take action as it may be due to an underlying condition. Symptoms of excessive hair loss include:

  • sudden loss of hair
  • noticeable thinning

There are several possible reasons for excessive hair loss.

One of the most common causes is due to genetics. According to a 2019 review, pattern baldness affects up to 50% of men and women.

Commercial products could help to slow and treat this type of balding. One example of these products is Rogaine.

Pattern baldness occurs slowly with aging. Some more immediate causes of hair loss include:

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How To Stop Hair Fall

For most of us, a good hair day instantly puts us in a good mood. Such is the importance associated with the appearance of our hair. When even an occasional bad hair day can seriously put a damper on our mood, imagine how dreadful its to deal with your precious hair locks beginning to fall off.

Hair loss and hair thinning have become increasingly common in a majority of people these days. While for some, its the genes that are to blame, for others, its the chemicals present in their hair styling and colouring products.

So, how do you deal with this problem and eliminate it from the root? Should you use medications? Or should you try out natural alternatives? If you are currently struggling with hair fall or hair thinning – regardless of your gender – you might find this article useful as we have compiled our best advice on managing hair loss at its early stages.

Is Hair Loss Normal

We all lose hair. Some hair loss is perfectly normal, as hair falls out after it completes the 2 to 6 year growth phase. You may notice loose hairs that have fallen out on your clothes or in your comb or hairbrush. The average person loses about 50 to 100 hairs per day. This is normal. What is not normal? Excessive hair loss in women may be apparent by the following: If your hair starts to fall out in clumps, especially when you brush or comb it or are in the shower, you should see your doctor. If you notice that you can see larger areas of your scalp or that your hair is thinning, see your dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment of your hair loss condition.

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Hair Oil Scalp Massage

Massaging your hair with coconut oil, argan oil, peppermint oil, and castor oil can help reduce hair fall and stimulate hair growth . You can also heat the oil for hot oil treatment. It enters the deepest layers of your scalp, revives the hair follicles, and strengthens the hair from the roots.

Gently massage your scalp in a circular motion for 20 minutes. Do this at least twice a week.

Style Your Hair Right

Hair Loss Treatments For Men (According To Science)

Hair stylists are a great resource for help for hair loss in women. A new haircut or hairstyle may be just what you need to make your hair appear fuller. Ask your stylist for advice about getting a shorter cut, parting your hair in a different location, or adding curls or waves to add volume to your hair. Products for hair loss in women include using styling products designed for thin hair. Some products are added to the roots while hair is damp before blowing dry. Some cosmetic products can help disguise the appearance of bald spots. Keratin fiber hair cosmetics have a static charge that makes hair appear fuller than it is. Ask your stylist or dermatologist for recommendations about the products and strategies that will work best for you.

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Use Chemical Free Shampoos

You really cant control all the environmental factors that damage your hair, but what you can control is the kind of shampoos you use. Lesser the number of chemicals in your shampoo, healthier your hair. Go for gentle shampoos that suit your hair type.

Sulfates and parabens in shampoos are used for lathering and preserving respectively, but they can cause skin irritation over time and increase the risk of hormonal disruptions.


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