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HomeCauseDoes Cervical Cancer Cause Hair Loss

Does Cervical Cancer Cause Hair Loss

For Cervical Cancer That Has Spread Or Come Back After Treatment

Local breast cancer survivor says chemotherapy drug caused permanent hair loss

Chemo may be used to treat cervical cancer that has spread to other organs and tissues . It can also be helpful when cervical cancer comes back after treatment with chemoradiation .

The chemo drugs most often used to treat cervical cancer that has come back or spread to other areas include:

Combinations of these drugs are often used.

Some other drugs can be used as well, such as docetaxel , ifosfamide , 5-fluorouracil , irinotecan , gemcitabine and mitomycin.

Bevacizumab , a targeted drug, may be added to chemo.

Hair Loss During Cancer Treatment

Most of the time, as you might already be aware, the cause of hair loss for cancer patients isnt the cancer itself, but the treatment.

According to a 2015 review, approximately 65 percent of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy experience hair loss during treatment.

Thats a huge percentage of the population who experience the same, severe side effect.

The specific mechanism of hair loss from chemotherapy is actually a type of hair loss telogen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium is a hair loss disorder in which one of the three phases of your hairs growth cycle is interrupted.

The primary phase of the hair growth cycle is called the anagen phase. This is where the hair grows, and 90 percent of your hair should be in this phase at any time.

After that it enters a rest phase, called the catagen phase, before then entering hibernation in the telogen phase.

As many as nine percent of your hair follicles could be in this phase normally more is a cause for concern.

More, as you may have guessed, is the definition of telogen effluvium a sudden shift in the number of follicles actively hibernating on your head.

Visually, it looks like even thinning across your entire scalp, making your hair look sparse.

Telogen effluvium is typically caused by a stressor, which could be surgery, major trauma, extreme stress or chemotherapy.

How Is Chemotherapy Given

Chemo drugs for cervical cancer are typically given into a vein , either as an injection over a few minutes or as an infusion in a vein over a longer period of time. This can be done in a doctors office, infusion center, or in a hospital setting.

Chemo is given in cycles, followed by a rest period to give you time to recover from the effects of the drugs. Cycles are most often weekly or 3 weeks long. The schedule varies depending on the drugs used. For example, with some drugs, the chemo is given only on the first day of the cycle. With others, it is given for a few days in a row, or once a week. Then, at the end of the cycle, the chemo schedule repeats to start the next cycle.

Sometimes, a slightly larger and sturdier IV is required to give chemo. These are known as central venous catheters , central venous access devices , or central lines. They are used to put medicines, blood products, nutrients, or fluids right into your blood. They can also be used to take blood for testing.

There are many different kinds of central venous catheters . The most common types are the port and the PICC line.

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Taxotere Lawsuit: I Was Not Warned

Dodson is one of more than a thousand women who have sued Sanofi over allegations that the company failed to adequately warn breast cancer patients that Taxotere causes permanent hair loss.

I meet women all the time who are suffering varying degrees of hair loss from Taxotere, and some of them have heard about the lawsuit a lot of them havent, Dodson said. There are thousands more who just havent realized. It took me five years to realize this was permanent and no amount of specialty shampoo was going to help. There are a lot of women who have been harmed.

More than 1,600 Taxotere lawsuits are pending in the Eastern District of Louisiana under what is known as a multidistrict litigation, or MDL. Four of those cases are expected to go to trial in 2019.

Lawsuits say Sanofi-Aventis sold Taxotere without properly testing it, failed to determine whether the drug was safe and manufactured a dangerous drug. Plaintiffs also allege the company misled the public in advertising and marketing, downplayed the dangers associated with the drug and kept information from the public.

I have a piece of paper where I jotted down notes when I was talking to my oncologist in 2010 about the various side effects of the different chemos he was suggesting to me, and I wrote down Taxotere: short-term hair loss, Dodson said. I wrote down all kinds of very specific details and nowhere on that page does it mention possible permanent hair loss. I was not warned.

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Cervix: Hpv And Cancer Symptoms

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Depending on the type of HPV a female has, they will present with different symptoms.

If they have low risk HPV, warts may develop on the cervix, causing irritation and pain. In some people, these warts could cause bleeding.

High risk HPV usually presents with no initial symptoms. However, if the virus remains within the body for many years, infected cells can change and begin to divide uncontrollably. This would result in cancer.

The presence of early cervical cancer or precancerous cells may not cause any symptoms. This is why it is important for females to undergo a Pap test every , depending on their age and other risk factors.

Some symptoms of advanced cervical cancer

  • a cluster that looks like a cauliflower
  • a scatter of bumps that are darker than unaffected skin
  • growths that may be raised, flat, smooth, or rough

Warts are usually indicative of low risk HPV. A specific type of vulvar cancer may present as cauliflower-like growths, so a person should speak to a doctor if they see any unusual growths around the vulva.

Without treatment, high risk HVP may cause vaginal or vulvar cancer. Females may not experience any symptoms when they have precancerous cells or during the early stages of vaginal or vulvar cancer.

How often someone needs a Pap test depends on their age and other risk factors.

Some symptoms of vaginal cancer

can detect precancerous cells and HPV.

The National Cancer Institute list three types of screening tests:

A doctor may treat genital warts with:

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Treatment For Advanced Cervical Cancer

When the cancer has spread beyond the cervix, surgery is not usually an option.

Doctors also refer to advanced cancer as invasive cancer, because it has invaded other areas of the body. This type of cancer requires more extensive treatment, which will typically involve either radiation therapy or a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In the later stages of cancer, healthcare professionals provide palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

What Is The Cervical Cancer Vaccine

The HPV vaccine is approved for children and adults ages 9 to 45 and protects against the development of cervical cancer. The vaccine works by triggering your body’s immune system to attack certain human papillomavirus types, which have been linked to many cases of cervical cancer. It is best to get the vaccine before the start of sexual activity. The vaccine is given in a series. The number of shots you need varies depending on the age you are at your first dose. Check with your healthcare provider to see if you’re eligible for the vaccine.

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Tests To Find Out The Stage And Treatment

Tests to find the extent of cervical cancer include:

  • A chest X-ray to check your lungs.
  • A CT scan, which uses X-rays to look inside the body.
  • An ultrasound, which uses sound waves to check internal tissues and organs.
  • An MRI, which uses magnets to see inside the body.
  • A PET scan to check for cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.
  • A biopsy using fine-needle aspiration.

What Are Rare Cervical Cancer Symptoms

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As cervical cancer grows, it can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Back pain: Back discomfort, which can also lead to leg pain, may be due to the pressure of the enlarging tumor . In these instances, your doctor would likely be able to see the tumor with an imaging test, such as an X-ray.
  • Leg swelling: Swelling can occur if the tumor puts pressure on the lymph nodes , which can cause a backup of blood and fluid in the legs.
  • Bowel and bladder symptoms: Symptoms may include painful urination or bowel movements, as well as loss of bowel and bladder control.

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What Is The Outlook For Cervical Cancer

The survival rate is close to 100% when you find and treat precancerous or early cancerous changes. The prognosis for invasive cervical cancer depends on the stage.

  • More than 90% of women with stage 0 survive at least 5 years after diagnosis.
  • Stage I cervical cancer patients have a 5-year survival rate of 80% to 93%.
  • Women with stage II cervical cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 58% to 63%.
  • The survival rate for women with stage III cervical cancer is 32% to 35%.
  • Sixteen percent or fewer women with stage IV cervical cancer survive 5 years.

Health care providers who treat cancer often use the term “remission” rather than “cure.” Many women who have cervical cancer recover completely, but it can still come back.

Prognosis For Cervical Cancer

It is not possible for a doctor to predict the exact course of a disease, as it will depend on each person’s individual circumstances. However, your doctor may give you a prognosis, the likely outcome of the disease, based on the type of cervical cancer you have, the test results, the rate of tumour growth, as well as your age, fitness and medical history.

Cervical cancer can be effectively treated when it is found early. Most women with early cervical cancer will be cured.

Treatment for cervical cancer may make it more difficult, or impossible, to become pregnant. If fertility is important to you, talk to you doctor before treatment commences.

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The Bottom Line On Cancer And Hair Loss

We know that losing your hair is a hard thing to cope with, particularly during an even tougher experience like fighting cancer.

If we can leave you with two takeaways, its this:

First, for the largest majority of people, hair loss from cancer treatment is not permanent.

And since most of the hair loss experienced during cancer is from the treatment itself, you have a very, very small chance of not regrowing your hair.

The second thing we need to remind you: hair is not who you are. Losing your hair has the chance to sap your confidence and really undermine those recovery efforts. Dont let it.

Own it. Own the look, own the chance to try new hats dont let it own you.

We know that if youre currently in cancer treatment, you already have one or more healthcare professionals walking you through everything.

That said, if youre feeling anxious or depressed because of any issues related to cancer treatment, talk to someone.

Just because your body is getting all the attention doesnt mean your mind doesnt deserve some, too.

If youre feeling down, talk to an online therapy provider. Not ready to talk to someone? We have more resources for you.

Check out our Mental Health Guide for links to more stories and options for treatment.

Can Hpv Be Prevented

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A vaccine can keep you from getting it. Itâs best if youâre vaccinated before youâre sexually active so your immune system can be prepared to fight it off. The CDC recommends that girls and boys get vaccinated at age 11 or 12. Older kids should get the HPV vaccine up to age 26. If youâre older, are already having sex, and have gotten one type of HPV, the vaccine can protect you against other types. Adults through age 45 may also get the vaccine, but it may provide less benefit because of prior exposure to HPV in this age group. Pregnant women shouldnât get the vaccine, however.

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Swollen Legs And Leg Pain

Swollen legs and leg pain may be a symptom that occurs in individuals affected by cervical cancer. This symptom occurs when the cervical tumor grows large enough or metastasizes into the nearby tissues or lymph nodes. Because cancer by definition is an uncontrollable mass of replicating non-functional cells, it only becomes larger when it is left untreated. The tumor and lymph nodes can compress nearby tissues that may squeeze several nearby veins and arteries. The femoral artery is the main artery that delivers oxygenated blood to the legs and feet. If this artery becomes pinched or compressed due to encroaching cervical cancer, the tissues in the leg will not receive adequate amounts of oxygen. When the oxygen supply is cut off from the cells, the individual will feel the pain that is associated with dying tissues from oxygen deprivation. Cervical cancer can also cause the compression or squeezing of the iliac vein or main vein that returns oxygen-poor blood to the heart from the legs and feet. When this vein becomes compressed, the blood is unable to be pushed back up to the heart by the valves inside of the veins. The pool can pool up in the ankles and legs, causing them to swell.

Continue reading to discover not only a common symptom of cervical cancer but also a leading cause of it.

Will Cervical Cancer Treatment Affect My Sex Life

Yes, cervical cancer can impact your sex life. There are physical and emotional changes people experience during and after treatment for cervical cancer. Certain physical changes like having your uterus or ovaries removed or vaginal dryness can affect sex. Other times it’s the emotional side effects of cancer treatment that leave a person feeling less desirable or anxious. It’s normal to feel nervous about having sex after cervical cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider about how you’re feeling so they can recommend how to best treat you.

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Screening For Cervical Cancer

Cervical screening is routinely offered to anyone with a cervix in Scotland, between the ages of 25 and 64, every 5 years. You may be recalled more often depending on your test results.

Those on non-routine screening will be invited up to 70 years of age.

If you have unusual discharge, or bleeding after sex, between periods or after the menopause, contact your GP practice. These symptoms are not usually caused my cancer but it’s important to have them checked.

You will be sent a letter confirming when your screening appointment is due. Contact your GP if you think you may be overdue for a screening appointment.

What Is Cervical Cancer Pain Like


Pain from cervical cancer may not feel like much in the early stages of the disease if you feel anything at all. As cancer progresses and spreads to nearby tissues and organs, you may experience pain in your pelvis or have issues urinating. Other people will feel generally unwell, tired or lose their appetite.

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Who’s Affected By Cervical Cancer

Following the success of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme and the early detection of cell changes, the number of cervical cancer cases in the UK has reduced. Around 3,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in the UK each year.

It’s possible for women of all ages to develop cervical cancer, but the condition mainly affects sexually active women aged between 30 and 45. Cervical cancer is very rare in women under 25.

Radiation Therapy Is A One Of The Best Options For Treatment Of Breast Cancer For Multiple Reasons:

  • Its just as good if not better than traditional mastectomy treatment at eliminating cancer and reducing recurrence, but
  • Its much faster and incredibly more convenient when compared to several surgeries
  • its completely safe as the radiation is highly targeted, no other organs or tissue is ever at risk
  • The cosmetic results are tremendous, you dont need new breasts or reconstruction surgery
  • And when detected early has a 95% success rate
At the Innovative Cancer Institute there is no one-treatment-fits all approach to patient care, especially when it comes to Breast Cancer, the most common cancer diagnosed in the US.

Dr. Beatriz Amendola along with our radiation oncology staff will partnerwith you throughout your entire course of treatment and provide the best individualized cancer therapy using the latest treatment techniques. We work directly with your referring doctors and jointly guide you throughout your treatment course.

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Ive Been Treated Can I Get Syphilis Again

Having syphilis once does not protect you from getting it again. Even after youve been successfully treated, you can still be re-infected. Only laboratory tests can confirm whether you have syphilis. Follow-up testing by your health care provider is recommended to make sure that your treatment was successful.

Treating Cancer Treatment Hair Loss


The good news is that, generally speaking, telogen effluvium corrects itself.

Essentially, when the stressor is stopped, the follicles in telogen effluvium will gradually return to the anagen phase as theyre ready and no longer inhibited.

Of course, as long as your cancer is active, your first priority should be treating it, and so as much as you may not want to lose your hair, chemo is almost certainly a necessary evil.

But there are other things you can do during and after treatment to help the problem.

During the treatment, the most important thing you can do is simply take care of yourself.

Reduce additional stressors physical and psychological from your life. Take it easy, and do things that are good for your body.

Eat well seriously. Evidence suggests that alopecia during chemotherapy may be exacerbated by poor nutritional health.

As exhausting as it may be, taking care of your health during this most taxing period makes it all the more important that you follow through.

After the chemo has concluded, the story is different. Your hair will begin to return to normal on its own, but helping it along is an option.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, two products in particular can help you reduce and potentially reverse hair loss: finasteride and minoxidil. They work slightly differently, and complement each other well in most cases.

Weve talked more about DHTs role in hair loss in our guide to DHT and male hair loss.

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