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How Do Dermatologists Treat Hair Loss

Hair Loss After Childbirth

How does a Dermatologist treat Female Pattern Hair Loss

After childbirth, the normal cycle of hair loss and hair growth may be affected, so that many hairs enter the resting phase early and are lost without immediate replacement. This lasts about nine months, and resolves on its own. Illnesses, especially associated with high fevers may again affect the hair growth cycle, and resolves on its own within a few months.

Vitamin B Complex Injections

Goldenberg explains that vitamin B complex injections are very important for hair health. “Many cannot absorb vitamin B from their diet, so injections of vitamin B complex may be the best way to receive this vitamin,” he notes. “Some patients with normal vitamin B levels can still benefit from these injections when it comes to hair loss and hair support.”

“Diet plays a very important role in scalp health and hair growth,” says Friese. “We are discovering more about the importance of a healthy gut and how it affects hair growth. Foods high in proteins and healthy fats are key to a good diet. Staying away from processed foods and those high in sugar are also very important.”

“I often recommend adding eggs , avocados, and nuts, which are easy and convenient options for attaining healthy fats,” says Friese.

Goldenberg continues, “Hair, like the skin, requires care. Avoiding harsh treatments with chemicals and heat will do a lot of good. Remember to maintain a well-balanced diet with good nutritional value to maintain hair growth.”

Treat Hair Loss With A Dermatologist

A dermatologist is specialized in the various skin, hair and nail problems that face both men and women. For women, the first sign of hair loss that they often notice is a widening of their part or their ponytail is smaller, explained , Mary Gail Mercurio, MD, FAAD, associate professor of dermatology and the program director of dermatology residency at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y.

Speaking at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, she revealed that more women than ever are seeking professional treatment for their hair loss and some of the most common methods of treating it today.

Medication wise, there is only one option approved by the Food and Drug Administration for female-pattern hair loss: Minoxidil 2%. This treatment takes time, Dr. Mercurio says, and women usually have to wait three to four months to see results after taking the medication twice a day.

Another major cause in many women who experience hair loss is hormone abnormality. A dermatologist can help test and diagnose any hormones that are causing the hair to shrink or fall out and provide further appropriate treatment.

Hair transplantation is another option for women with hair loss. However, Dr. Mercurio stresses the importance of finding a dermatologist who is experienced in female hair loss and transplantation in order to achieve optimal results.

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Can A Dermatologist Help Women With Hair Loss

While hair loss can be hard for men, hair loss in women can pose a significant psychological strain due to societys expectations on how they appear. These days, however, a visit to a dermatologist can lead to a diagnosis that can help to treat and even reverse the condition.

Because of the importance placed on long, thick hair in women, some who experience hair loss can experience severe problems with self-esteem that affects their quality of life. Although hair loss in women doesnt typically pose a risk to their physical health, many still find it worthwhile to visit a doctor that specializes in skin, hair and nails for help.

Should You See A Dermatologist For Hair Loss

is hair greying and hair loss related

Are you worried that you are losing hair rapidly? Are you overwhelmed and confused about what you are supposed to do and who you are supposed to talk to? Do you perhaps ask yourself Should I see a dermatologist for hair loss? Well, read on to discover the answer to that question in just a few minutes!

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Procedures To Help Regrow Hair

While at-home treatments offer convenience, a procedure performed by a board-certified dermatologist tends to be more effective. For this reason, your dermatologist may include one of the following in your treatment plan.

Injections of corticosteroids: To help your hair regrow, your dermatologist injects this medication into the bald areas. These injections are usually given every 4 to 8 weeks as needed, so you will need to return to your dermatologists office for treatment.

This is considered the most effective treatment for people who have a few patches of alopecia areata, a condition that causes hair loss. In one study of 127 patients with patchy alopecia areata, more than 80% who were treated with these injections had at least half of their hair regrow within 12 weeks.

Hair transplant: If you have an area of thinning or balding due to male pattern baldness, your dermatologist may mention a hair transplant as an option. This can be an effective and permanent solution.

Laser therapy: If using minoxidil every day or taking medication to treat hair loss seems unappealing to you, laser therapy may be an option. Also called low-level laser therapy, a few studies suggest that this may help:

  • Hereditary hair loss

  • Hair loss due to chemotherapy

  • Stimulate healing and hair growth after a hair transplant

Studies indicate that laser therapy is safe and painless but requires many treatment sessions. To see a bit of hair growth, you may need several treatments a week for many months.

How To Cover Minor Hair Loss

Once youve spoken to your doctor about a plan thats right for you, it will still take time to see noticeable regrowth. In the meantime, you may be interested in covering up any balding or hair thinning.

Luckily, root sprays exist that blend in with your hair color to conceal your scalp. Though it may not match your hair color perfectly, its a great quick fix.

If your hair loss is more pronounced, consider making an appointment for a wig consultation. Makers like Noah Scott create beautiful units with a natural-looking hairline.

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Diagnosing The Cause Of Hair Loss

To properly diagnose the cause of hair loss, a dermatologist will ask the patient for a detailed history. This includes medications, allergies, family history, and diet, and for women, their record of menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.

A thorough examination of the hair also will take place. This typically involves a detailed inspection of the hair and scalp. Hair distribution over the rest of the body also will be assessed to see if there is too little or too much hair in other areas. Scalp biopsies can be used to make or confirm a diagnosis of hair loss and can be essential in guiding therapy.

Thinning Hair Dont Panic Girl Your Dermatologist Is Here

How to treat hair loss for women: Dr. Sherry Ingraham of Advanced Dermatology

Are you or someone you know suffering from hair loss? Youre not alone. According toHarvard University, about one-third of women experience hair loss at some time in their lives and among postmenopausal women, as many as two-thirds suffer hair thinning or bald spots.

As dermatologists, twin brothers Dr. Kevin DeHart and Dr. Kelly DeHart have seen it all when it comes to hair loss. Typically, women wait longer than men to come in about their hair struggles. However, the sooner you see a dermatologist, the sooner you can begin the hair regrowth process.

Timeliness is a factor when it comes to hair loss, said Dr. Kelly DeHart. If you leave hair loss untreated for years, you may not see as much regrowth as you do when you see a dermatologist within a few months of noticing symptoms and beginning treatment.

When it comes to hair loss, treatment is indefinite. While there isnt a cure, there are some great treatment options that can make a big difference when it comes to hair regrowth.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy For Hair Thinning

Frequently asked questions about PRP Therapy.

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a restorative treatment that uses plasma from your own blood to stimulate re-growth of your hair. PRP therapy stimulates the bodys inactive hair follicles to re-grow healthier, thicker hair and aids in the bodys natural healing process. Performed in our office, PRP is a simple, non-surgical treatment that takes less than hour per treatment.

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

PRP has proven effective for common non-scarring forms of hair loss, which are also known as:

  • Female pattern hair thinning

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Causes Of Excessive Hair Loss

Improper Hair Cosmetic Use/Improper Hair Care Many men and women use chemical treatments on their hair, including dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These treatments rarely damage hair if they are done correctly. However, the hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. If hair becomes brittle from chemical treatments, its best to stop until the hair has grown out.

Hairstyles that pull on the hair, like ponytails and braids, should not be pulled tightly and should be alternated with looser hairstyles. The constant pull causes some hair loss, especially along the sides of the scalp.

Shampooing, combing and brushing too often, can also damage hair, causing it to break. Using a cream rinse or conditioner after shampooing will make it more manageable and easier to comb. When hair is wet, it is more fragile, so vigorous rubbing with a towel, and rough combing and brushing should be avoided. Dont follow the old rule of 100 brush strokes a day that damages hair. Instead, use wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips.

Pool chemicals can be hard on your hair. The following can help protect your hair:

  • Wear a swim cap

  • Rinse hair immediately after swimming

  • After rinsing your hair, wash your hair with a specially formulated swimmers shampoo and follow with a deep conditioner

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What’s The Best Doctor To See For Hair Loss

If you’ve started to notice your hairline receding or the hair on the crown of your head slipping away, you may be experiencing male pattern hair loss.

It’s a genuine medical condition that affects millions of men globally, and this type of hair loss is actually the most common cause of hair loss among men. Nearly 80% of men will experience significant hair loss in their lifetime because of it.

For most men, the process of losing their hair will start sometimes in their 30s, but it can start later or much earlier depending on genetic traits. In fact, genetics and heredity are key factors in whether you’ll be affected by male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia.

While male pattern hair loss is a progressive condition that results in continual hair loss over time, there are hair loss treatments that can delay loss and even stimulate new growth. The first step to treatment may involve seeing a medical professional.

But which is the best medical professional for hair loss?

Is Itchy Scalp An Early Sign Of Hair Loss

Visiting a Dermatologist for Hair Loss

Everyone has an itchy scalp from time to time, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, and 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. However, it may be a concern if the scalp itching is excessive or persistent, you notice scabs on your scalp, or more severe hair loss than usual.

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What Questions Might Your Healthcare Provider Ask To Diagnose And Categorize Your Hair Loss

Your healthcare provider might ask about your habits:

  • What kinds of hair products do you use?
  • What kinds of hair styles do you wear?
  • What types of food do you eat ?
  • Do you have a habit of pulling your hair out ?

They might ask about your history:

  • Has anyone in your immediate family experienced hair loss?
  • Is there anything stressful going on in your life?
  • What medications and supplements do you take every day?
  • Has hair loss ever happened to you before?
  • What foods are in your diet?

And, they might ask about your observations:

  • How long have you been losing hair?
  • Have you been shedding more?
  • Have you noticed hair loss in places other than your scalp, like your eyebrows? Leg and arm hair?
  • Does anything worsen your hair loss?
  • Does anything improve your hair loss?
  • Have you noticed hair loss occasionally or has it been going on continuously?
  • Have you noticed if your hair growth has changed?
  • Has your hair been breaking more often?

When Hair May Regrow On Its Own

Yes, your hair may regrow on its own. This can happen if you recently:

  • Had a baby

  • Recovered from a major illness or had surgery

  • Underwent cancer treatment

  • Lost 20 pounds or more

  • Developed a mild case of a disease called alopecia areata, which causes your immune system to attack your hair follicles

  • Got rid of psoriasis on your scalp

Your dermatologist can tell you whether your hair may start to grow again on its own.

Sometimes to see regrowth, you need to make some changes.

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Dermatologists Recommendations For Swimmers

Pool chemicals can be hard on your hair. The following can help protect your hair:

  • Wear a swim cap

  • Rinse hair immediately after swimming

  • After rinsing your hair, wash your hair with a specially formulated swimmers shampoo and follow with a deep conditioner

3. Drying your hair by rubbing it with a towel

Changes that can help prevent hair damage:

  • Wrap your hair in a towel to absorb the water.

  • Let your hair air dry.

4. Brushing your hair while it is wet

Changes that can help prevent hair damage:

  • Do you have straight hair? Let your hair dry a bit before you gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb.

  • Do you have textured hair or tight curls? Always comb your hair while it is damp, using a wide-tooth comb.

5. Using a blow dryer, hot comb, or curling iron

Changes that can help prevent hair damage:

  • Let your hair air dry when possible.

  • Use the lowest heat setting.

  • Limit the time a hot comb or curling iron touches your hair.

  • Use these tools less frequently, aiming for once a week or even less often.

6. Applying styling products that offer long-lasting hold

Change that can help prevent hair damage:

  • Try a hairstyle that does not require this product.

7. Pulling your hair back tightly, such as in a ponytail, bun, or cornrows

Changes that can help prevent hair damage:

  • Wear hair loosely pulled back.

  • Use covered rubber bands made especially for styling hair.

  • Try a different hairstyle that does not pull on your hair.

8. Wearing a weave or hair extensions


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