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HomeCauseCan A Magnesium Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

Can A Magnesium Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

What’s The Right Dose For Me

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Most Americans do not get the recommended amount of magnesium per day, Keatley says. Gannon adds that it varies based on gender, age, and life stage, but says, “For adults, the recommendation is 310 to 420 milligrams per day. The NIH suggests most women aim for about 310 to 320 milligrams a day, although pregnant women may need a little more.

And though that may sound high if you’re not used to thinking about magnesium, it’s pretty easy to hit that dose if you’re eating the right foods. Gannon adds, As a point of reference, one ounce of almonds contains about 80 milligrams.

Top Nutrients For Hair Follicles:

  • Iron: Eating iron is mandatory just in case you are thinking about healthy circulation. It simply helps deliver blood to the bodys cells. Carelessness in this regard would cause blunders as your blood would stop carrying enough oxygen to your scalp which is utmost important to stimulate hair growth.Food items rich in Iron: Whole grains, dark leafy greens, red meat, clams, oysters.
  • Vitamins A & C: Both of these vitamins lead to the production of sebum . It acts as a natural hair conditioner and also prevents hair from breaking off. Vitamin C is also known to enhance the amount of blood-boosting iron that our body can easily use. While all these nutrients are good for us but a overdose can result in hair loss too. Like: more than 15,000 IU of vitamin A can result in hair loss. Thus, the recommended daily allowance of the vitamin for men is only 5000 IU per day.Food items rich in Vitamin A & C: Pumpkin, Sweet potato, broccoli, spinach etc.
  • Magnesium: It is known to be the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and it is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions of which hair growth is just one. In case, an individual doesnt get enough of it, it causes increased inflammation and hair loss.Food items rich in Magnesium: Halibut, almonds, spinach, lentils, cashews, brown rice etc.

    What Is Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium deficiency is when the body does not get all the magnesium it needs for health.

    Health problems linked to magnesium deficiency are rare, but if your magnesium levels are low long-term due to other health conditions like alcoholism or taking some medications, you may be at greater risk.

    Magnesium deficiency can lead to health problems including:

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    Magnesium For Hair Loss: Two Main Functions

    Magnesium has a few key roles when it comes to healthy hair growth.

    Preventing Calcium Buildup

    First, magnesium helps prevent calcium buildup on your scalp. When calcium clogs hair follicles, your scalp will be dry, flaky, and you could even see some hair loss. These calcium deposits on and around the hair follicles can increase over time due to scalp inflammation.

    Magnesium counteracts with calcium, improving circulation and making sure calcium gets to your bones where its needed, rather than clogging up on the surface of your scalp. Better circulation also means that other nutrients from your diet are getting to your follicles.

    Protein Synthesis

    Second, magnesium helps with protein synthesis. Since hair follicles are made almost entirely of protein, this is key. Better protein synthesis means healthier hair and a predictable hair cycle with normal growing and resting stages. Protein synthesis also helps create melanin, which helps prevent your hair from going gray.

    Why Most Women With Pcos Are Lacking Magnesium

    Can Magnesium Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

    Women with PCOS and those with other metabolic conditions such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes tend to be deficient in magnesium. One theory is that chronic insulin lowers magnesium levels. While having these medical issues can have a direct effect on magnesium levels, there are many other factors that can affect levels of magnesium as well.

    People who eat diets that are low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to fall short in magnesium. High amounts of alcohol or refined foods in the diet such as breads, crackers, some cereals, and baked goods do not contain sufficient amounts of magnesium. High protein diets or eating too many foods that contain oxalic acid , or phytic acid , can affect the absorption of magnesium too.

    Sometimes other factors can affect the absorption of magnesium. Taking in too high amounts of certain nutrients such as sodium, calcium, or iron can affect the absorption of magnesium, as can certain medications such as birth control pills or diuretics. Even lifestyle factors like high stress living can affect levels. Thats a whole lot of factors that can affect magnesium, which is why its important that women with PCOS get enough of this important mineral.

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    Vitamin D Deficiency Hair Loss

    While the main role of vitamin D is to maintain healthy levels of calcium and phosphorous in the blood, research shows that vitamin D has important roles in hair growth.7 Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining immune health. Immune systems can sometimes attack the bodys own hair follicles, causing poor growth and hair loss. Some of these autoimmune conditions include alopecia areata and alopecia totalis. Supplementation with vitamin D can help blunt inflammatory responses that impair hair growth.

    Vitamin D is synthesized endogenously when your skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun. This means that you probably dont need vitamin D supplementation if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Since vitamin D aids hair growth, if you arent outside much or its during the dark days of winter, consider investing in a sun lamp or taking a vitamin D supplement.

    Vitamin D is not found in many foods naturally, though beef liver, salmon, and eggs are good sources of vitamin D. Most of the vitamin D in the average American diet comes from fortified foods, including milk, breakfast cereals, and some brands of yogurt, orange juice, and margarine. The two most important forms of this vitamin are D2, which is obtained from plant foods, and D3, which is made by animals and by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Most supplements contain vitamin D3.

    Have Hard Water Use This Oil On Your Scalp

    There are many products, vitamins and treatments on the market that promote hair growth. But have you considered trying minerals? Magnesium is an essential mineral for our bodies, and one that you may have overlooked. Not only does magnesium strengthen our bones and hearts, but it also has benefits for your hair and scalp.

    Are you getting enough magnesium?

    Magnesium consumption can be overlooked, which makes it possible to have magnesium deficiency. Signs of magnesium deficiency include fatigue, anxiety, inflammation, dizziness and more. How do we become deficient of magnesium? If you eat highly processed foods that lack nutrients, this can lead to a magnesium deficiency, so making sure that you include foods in your diet that contain magnesium will help you meet your recommended daily intake. The recommended amount will vary based on your age and gender, so for a full list check out this factsheet by the National Institutes of Health.

    Magnesium for the scalp
    Ways to consume magnesium

    You can find magnesium supplements and magnesium oil at your local drug stores, or make your own with the recipe below. You can also incorporate magnesium oil in your lifestyle by including it in your diet. If you feel you have a magnesium deficiency, then the next time you make a trip to the grocery store, bring a list of magnesium enriched food items, such as:

    • Seeds and nuts
    • Glass bowl or glass measuring cup
    • Spray bottle

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    The Benefits Of Magnesium For Hair

    As mentioned above, magnesium is a very important mineral for the health of your hair.

    First of all, it is proven that magnesium fights against the inconvenience of sweat which modifies the Ph of your scalp causing irritation and the possibility of developing dandruff or even seborrheic dermatitis which can lead to considerable hair loss.

    A direct application of a magnesium potion to your scalp will also help clean out any impurities and other bacteria that may be present, increasing the risk of contracting alopecia.

    Also, this application will help break down any buildup on your scalp that is not allowing your scalp to breathe, thus blocking the blood flow which will also cause progressive hair loss.

    If this mineral that helps your body absorb other nutrients does not play its role 100% calcium may form deposits on your scalp, causing dryness and consequently hair loss.

    It is proven that you can regain an exceptional level of shine by using magnesium lotion.

    Magnesium and White Hair .

    Magnesium is not only applied directly to your skin as a lotion, it also helps to heal you from within. It has long been proven by science that a magnesium deficiency has devastating effects on your body.

    It can result in premature aging of your hair fibers, causing premature graying and especially hair loss.

    Professors proved that white hair has a much lower magnesium content than black hair.

    How Magnesium Helps Strengthen Nails

    Magnesium For Hair Growth – Does It Stop Hair Loss?

    Because of its involvement in protein synthesis, a process essential to nail growth, its no surprise that magnesium helps create beautiful and strong nail plates.

    Sufficient mineral, vitamin, and nutrient intake is necessary to support the nail beds in growing nail tissue. Because of that, we know that changes in the appearance, shape, or texture of nails could be the result of deficiencies in certain vitamins or nutrients.

    Vertical ridges on nails are a common complaint, and in some cases may be caused simply by age. However, some suggest that a magnesium or other nutrient deficiency could be the source of these ridges. Sometimes called longitudinal striations or bands, they are much more common in the older population, likely due to the slowed production of cells that comes with age. If these ridges begin to bother you, consult your doctor for more personalized information.

    Whether or not you struggle with nail ridges, magnesium is a good choice both as a preventative measure and as a potential treatment. Its contribution to the cellular processes that form nails is valuable and shouldnt be overlooked.

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    Improves Sleep And Reduces Stress

    Your body goes to work when you go to sleep. In fact, your body does much of its rebuilding while you are asleep. Not enough restful sleep inhibits the bodys ability to rebuild bone and grow new cells. Magnesium chloride benefits sleep. It produces a calming effect in the body that helps you relax.

    Emotional stress is an important factor to consider when treating hair loss. Stress and anxiety affect your health. A magnesium deficiency can make matters worse. Magnesium chloride is a natural way to calm your nerves.

    How Do You Dose Magnesium If You Suffer From Hair Loss Due To Magnesium Deficiency

    This is where the usual recommendation of the German Society for Nutrition of 300 to 400 mg of magnesium per day comes into play. If you want to learn more about a healthy dosage, we have written a contribution to the dosage for you. However, hair loss is just one of the many symptoms of magnesium deficiency. If you have contacted your doctor to determine whether you actually suffer from magnesium deficiency, a slightly increased magnesium intakecan help. But this is a lengthy undertaking that lasts for several weeks. The hair doesnt grow up immediately here you need patience. Over a period of a few weeks, there was often an improvement. If you dont notice progress or even experience symptoms of overdose, the next step is to see a doctor.

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    I’m Considering Taking Magnesium Supplements What Are My Next Steps

    First and foremost, give the doc a ring. Generally, adding magnesium-rich foods like fish and almonds to your diet is harmless, Keatley says, but stresses that you should always talk to your doctor before starting a supplementation routine. Gannon agrees, adding, Your best bet is to talk with your doctor if youre thinking could help you.

    First, a physician can do a full medical history, physical exam, and order any necessary tests to help you figure out if theres a serious underlying health issue going on. Second, a doctor can advise of any possible contraindications with regard to other health issues or medications youre taking. For example, magnesium can cause poor absorption of antibiotics and bisphosphonate .

    It could interact with other supplements youre already taking too. Iron and zinc fight for the same receptors in the intestine to enter the bloodstream, so if you’re taking iron, zinc, and magnesium at the same time you may be causing a big fight for space that results in deficiencies in all three, Keatley explains.

    And as for dosage, going above the maximum recommended amount for adults 350 milligrams, according to the NIH is a bad idea, because it can cause cramping, nausea, and diarrhea. Taking way too much can even cause an irregular heartbeat or heart attack.

    Read more about supplements:

    Hair Loss And Other Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium, Iodine, Copper, Calcium &  Potassium Deficiency Hair Loss

    Magnesium deficiency is a major biochemical cause of hair loss in women. It affects the thyroid, metabolism, the heart, nervous system, muscular-skeletal system, digestive system and more. Magnesium deficiency is call, Hypomagnesia. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

    • Hair turning gray or white, especially prematurely.
    • Thinning of the hair.
    • Facial hair growth .
    • Anxiety.
    • Severe PMS.
    • Vertigo.

    Note: You may not suffer from all of these symptoms, but if you have one or two symptoms as well as any type of hair loss, a magnesium deficiency could be the culprit.

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    How Zinc Prevents Hair Loss

    To understand how zinc prevents hair loss, it is important to know how zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss. One theory established that zinc deficiency leads to changes in the protein structure of hair follicles leading to weakening of their structural integrity. This means new hairs will fall off quicker than they should. Furthermore, there are recorded cases of people whose hair changed back from dull, aging gray to their original colors when placed on diets rich in zinc. Another study puts the importance of zinc to hair regrowth on the minerals crucial role in DNA and RNA production. This is a requirement for the efficient division of follicle cells leading to an improved anagen stage of the hair growth cycle. In addition, the effectiveness of zinc in reversing hair loss due to negative enzymatic reactions has been demonstrated in topical application of the mineral.

    Do I Have To Ask My Doctor To Test Me For Magnesium Deficiency First Or Can I Still Take A Supplement

    I am currently suffering from hair thinning and hair loss I have used several products and have had many tests done, but up to date I still don’t have any answers. I also have a problem with facial hair , poor memory, irritable and depressed. I cannot lose weight and often get heart palpitation please help, regards. I have tried: Different shampoo’s for hair loss and tablets. I think it was caused by: Stress mostly I think, all of the tests that have been done were negative including goiter, etc.

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