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How To Deal With Hair Loss From Stress

Wash Your Hair With Hair Growth Shampoo

Dealing with Hair Loss from Stress- Will your Hair Grow Back? Beautyklove

Did you know that washing your hair with a high-quality shampoo can encourage new hair growth? One study found that shampooing three times a week for 15 minutes increased hair growth by more than 50 percent!

The key to getting the most out of this tip is to use a shampoo that contains biotin and minoxidil. These ingredients act as natural boosters for hair growth, meaning that even if you are not experiencing hair loss, you can still reap the benefits.

Is Hair Loss A Symptom Of Covid

Common symptoms of a COVID-19 infection include fever, cough, fatigue and a loss of taste or smell among others.

But hair loss is not actually a symptom of the infection. This is because the affected man or woman experiences hair fall after 2-3 months of recovery from the diseases. Studies suggest that hair loss is a common problem among people who have recently recovered from a COVID-19 infection.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic first spread, the cases of Telogen Effluvium have shot up by a dramatic 400%.

Different Types Of Stress

  • telogen effluvium when your body tells more hair than usual to stop growing across your scalp
  • alopecia areata when you lose large amounts of hair in patches on your scalp
  • trichotillomania when you pick and pull out hairs on your head or around your body without realising youre doing it

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Does Stress Cause Hair Loss In Women Here Are The Best Ways To Deal With It

Throughout our lives, our hair will usually change in texture and thickness. In case you notice that your hair is thinning or falling out, you probably want to know hair loss reasons. Does hair loss for women result from heredity, hormones, or some other factor? Does stress cause hair loss? The answer is yes! Speaking of irony, don’t you want to tear your hair out when just out of nowhere, your hair starts making its presence felt in places apart from your scalp? All of a sudden, your hair partition begins to gape too much, or your hairbrush appears to have more hair than bristles. There’s hair everywhere you look. Though it’s normal to lose 50 to 100 hair strands a day, anything over and above that mark is a red flag. Though there could be several reasons behind the causes of hair loss, female hair loss from stress seems to be the main issue that afflicts women these days. Shedding appears to be a part of our lives, but unnatural shedding in the shower or while styling, or when simply running your hands through your hair is a sign that it’s coming from a stressful source.

Understand The Role Of Stress And The Importance Of Easing It


It seems like a cruel joke: Hair loss stresses you out and stress can make hair loss worse. In fact, some types of hair loss are specifically associated with stress:

  • Telogen effluvium occurs when many hair follicles are sent into the resting phase and fall out at the same time.
  • Alopecia areata occurs when the bodys immune system attacks hair follicles.

So its important to actively combat stress. I recommend a marriage of medical treatments with lifestyle recommendations such as yoga andacupuncture to reduce stress and boost well-being, says Dr. Mraz Robinson. She also suggests that you amp up basic self-care. This includes eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and reaching out to your support system.

All these approaches can better equip you to cope with not only the stress that hair loss brings but also lifes normal roller coaster of ups and downs.

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How Does Stress Cause Hair Loss

Most of the time, hair loss is caused by hormonal and genetic factors such as a sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone . However, in some cases, external factors such as stress can take their toll on your hairline, causing everything from thinning to patches of total hair loss.

Stress is linked to a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium, which can interrupt your hairs natural growth cycle.

Like your skin and nails, your hair doesnt grow in just one stage. Instead, each hair completes a complex growth cycle that involves multiple stages, from growing from the follicle to reaching its full length, breaking away and repeating the cycle.

In the first stage the anagen phase your hair starts to grow from the hair follicle, growing by about six inches every year. Each strand of hair continues to grow for two to six years before it reaches its full length.

After the hair reaches its full length, it enters the catagen phase. In this phase, the hair follicle starts to shrink. The strand of hair detaches from the follicle and stops growing. Since the hair isnt attached to the follicle, its no longer supplied with nutrients from your body.

After about two weeks, the hair exits the catagen phase and enters the telogen phase. At this point, a new hair will start to grow from the follicle, causing the old strand of hair to detach from your body and shed.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Stress

First, it is important to understand what causes stress-related hair loss. A lot of the symptoms of stress-related hair loss are the side effects of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced in the body in response to stressful situations. Stress can cause both emotional and physical symptoms, some of which may include:

  • · Rapid heartbeat

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How To Fight Back

First and foremost, take active steps to reduce your anxiety levels. If you are not currently undergoing anxiety treatment, the professionals at Destination Hope can help you understand the root of your anxiety and provide treatment options so you can live a healthy life.

With your anxiety and stress reduced after receiving treatment, your hair may begin to grow back on its own. A healthy diet and exercise can help also provide the nutrients needed for hair growth. Hair growth is a long process and your hair may not come back for months, so its important to be patient and continue working on monitoring your anxiety.

Theres A Supplement That May Also Help

Dealing with hair loss at a young age | How I fought it & hair growth tips

Wechsler will occasionally recommend that her patients take five to ten milligrams of biotin daily. The B vitamin is essential for converting certain nutrients into energy, and if youre not getting enough through your diet, you may experience hair loss or a skin rash. Two small studies show that subjects with thinning hair noticed significant regrowth after taking a biotin supplement for ninety days.

But Wechsler isnt convinced that pricier supplement cocktails geared toward hair loss are the answer. Theyre expensive, and theyre just not proven to work, she says.

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Returning To A Healthy Hair Cycle

The good news about stress and hair loss? The effects can be temporary and healthy hair growth can be restored.

However, you need to know that protecting hair from the ravages of stress has very little to do with what shampoo you use or expensive hair treatments. The secret to your hair looking thick and lustrous again starts with reducing stress and returning cortisol production to its natural balance.

These steps can help


Deep breathing is a simple technique for stress reduction that can be used anywhere. Similar to other mindfulness-based practices, controlled breathing helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, known as the rest and digest system, which helps to lower cortisol levels.

Eat well and often

Since hunger naturally signals your adrenal glands to release more cortisol, dont skip meals or let yourself go too long without eating. Following an adrenal fatigue diet eating certain foods at specific times of the day can help your body recover its natural cortisol rhythm. Avoid the crash and burn that follows eating sugar, white flour, and caffeine. This spikes cortisol, only making problems worse.

Supplements for cortisol balance and adrenal function

Modify your exercise routine if you feel drained by it

Dont overlook your thyroid

Taking the time to reverse stress-related hair loss comes with another big bonus: not only will your hair look better, but you’ll feel better too.

Stress And Hair Loss: The Basics

Contrary to popular belief, stress is not linked to male pattern baldness the form of hair loss that causes you to permanently lose hair around your hairline, temples and the crown of your scalp.

However, stress can trigger and potentially worsen a form of temporary hair loss called telogen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium affects your hair by interrupting the natural hair growth cycle.

Normally, there are four different growth phases during the hair cycle as it grows from below the skin to its full length, then falls out to be replaced by a new hair:

  • The first phase is the anagen phase, during which the hair grows to its full length.

  • The second phase is the catagen phase, during which the old, fully grown hair follicle detaches from the skin.

  • The third phase is the telogen phase, also known as the resting phase, during which a new hair starts to grow from the follicle to replace the old one.

  • The fourth phase is the exogen phase, during which the old hair falls out, with the new hair growing in its place.

Just like your skin and nails, your hair is constantly undergoing this growth cycle. Weve covered each phase of the hair growth cycle in more detail in our guide to the hair growth process.

Each phase of the hair growth cycle varies in length. Hairs usually stay in the anagen phase for up to six years during which they grow to their full length.

About 90 percent of your hairs are in the anagen phase at any time, meaning that most of your hair is constantly growing.

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Telogen Effluvium Is A Reversible Hair Loss

The good news is that this type of hair loss is reversible. If you have been affected by post-COVID hair loss as a result of Telogen Effluvium, you should expect to see the regrowth of hair after some time.

Many people who got CVOID and then recovered noticed hair thinning and hair falling out. Initially, you might not want to pay attention to the hair loss. But the worry begins when you start to notice visible hair loss. As the amount of hair fall increases, you will see a lot of fallen hair in the pillow. Clogged shower drains is another key sign that you have after-COVID Telogen Effluvium. And then, it is time to stop pretending and get ready to deal with the problem.

After you have developed stress-related hair loss or Telogen Effluvium, you should expect to see hair regrowth in 3-6 months.

See A Therapist And Treat Depression

How to Deal with Hair Loss Caused by Excessive Stress

Because hair loss may trigger sadness, anger and depression, your dermatologist may refer you to another expert. Well often recommend that a patient see a counselor or mental health professional if theyre suffering from extreme stress, says Rajani Katta, MD.

Shes a dermatologist who works as part of the voluntary clinical faculty for Baylor College of Medicine and the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas at Houston. Talking to a mental health expert can also help you cope with the instinct to isolate, which can worsen stress.

Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can also be an option for treating depression or anxiety associated with hair loss. But be aware that some antidepressants also come with a slight risk of hair loss as well. Be sure to provide a full medical history to the prescribing doctor before starting any medication.

Ready to connect with a virtual therapist? Optums network of licensed mental health professionals is ready to help. Start your free assessment.

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What Else Should I Know About Hair Loss

Whatever the cause, the more hair is lost, the lower the likelihood of regrowth.

  • If the hair does grow back, there may be repeated episodes of hair loss.
  • The hair that grows back may be different in colour and texture .
  • Medical treatment for hair loss is limited, especially for the most severe forms of alopecia.
  • Surgical options, such as hair transplants, can be used for specific types of hair loss but these have their own limitations.

How To Deal With Hair Loss Caused By Excessive Stress

High-level stress can cause hair loss and for some people, the effects of stress on hair health are more serious than you think.

Clinically known as alopecia, hair loss is common for both men and women. But some factors can intensify shedding and disrupt hair growth, including stress. To make things worse, seeing fistfuls of hair caught in between your fingers while in the shower can be an emotionally taxing experience. While hair loss can be a common occurrence throughout life, especially for women with long hair, large amounts of hair loss can be a sign of excessive stress.

Here are several ways to help you fight massive hair loss triggered by stress so you can protect your crowning glory.

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Initial Signs Hair Loss

The early signs of male pattern baldness are as follows:

Noticeable change in your hairline

Male pattern baldness generally begins in the hairline, when you notice that your mildly receded hairline has turned into a more obvious M-shaped hairline. For most men this begins around the temples and the crown and often starts with thinning rather than total hair loss.

Noticeable thinning of your hair

Not all men experience baldness in their hairline. Some men experience what is defined as diffuse thinning a type of hair loss that either affects the entire scalp or specific areas like the crown that results in hair loss that starts from the back or top, rather than from the hairline.

Excessive hair loss after showering or brushing

On average, people lose round 50-100 hairs a day, meaning that the five to 10 hairs you notice between your hands after shampooing aren’t anything to be concerned about. However, if you start noticing an excessive amount of hair falling out throughout the day, then there is a risk that it could be the result of male pattern baldness.

In general the early signs of hair loss show up in the following ways

Gradual thinning of the hair on the head

Receding hairline that becomes more visible with each passing year

For women, the first noticeable sign of hair loss is often a widening part or less fullness to their ponytail.

Stress And Female Hair Loss: What You Need To Know

How to Deal with Alopecia Emotionally

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Feeling stressed? According to data from the American Psychological Association, Americans are feeling more stressed than ever.

Stress can originate from a variety of sources. A difficult personal life, challenging job or tough financial situation can all cause and worsen stress, lead to symptoms ranging from insomnia and fatigue to headaches, aches, pains and a weakened immune system. Hopefully, you are doing all you can to overcome stress by engaging with essential wellness resources. Managing stress is different for everyone so be patient with yourself as you find what works for you.

Physical stress is one of several factors that can contribute to hair certain types of hair loss. If youre feeling overly stressed, its possible that you might notice your hair starting to fall out and thin, even if youre not genetically prone to female hair loss.

Below, weve explained how stress can affect your hair health, as well as what you can do to treat hair loss from stress. Weve also listed other potential causes of hair loss in women that are easy to mistake for stress-induced hair loss.

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