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How To Fix Hair Loss From Pcos

Home Remedies For Pcos Hair Thinning And Pcos Balding

PCOS Hair Loss How To Treat IT (& REGROW IT)

Along with consulting your doctor for PCOS hair fall treatment, there are a few things you can do in the comfort of your home. PCOS hair loss home remedies include the following.

  • Consuming aloe-vera juice helps restore the bodys hormonal balance.
  • Cinnamon oil applied to the scalp helps circulate blood to follicles that in turn stimulate growth of healthy.
  • Crushed fenugreek seeds used in a hair pack help fight hair thinning and make the roots stronger.
  • Amla works as detox where it helps remove the accumulated DHT from the receptors in the hair follicle, thus unblocking them and allowing the hair to grow normally again.
  • Scalp massages strengthen hair roots, improve blood circulation in the scalp and nourish your hair follicles
  • Taking supplements can help in arresting your hair fall zinc and biotin are two recommended PCOS hair loss supplements.

Additional Read: How to Stop Hair Fall?

What To Eat And Avoid To Prevent Pcos Hair Loss

A study report shows that zinc supplement helps in controlling PCOS hair loss. The study reveals that taking 50 mg of zinc supplement daily for 8 weeks can have positive effects on PCOS hair loss.

Another research study also demonstrated evidence that Biotin can have a positive effect on PCOS hair loss.

Avoid eating any food that is considered unhealthy — refined flour, added sugar, fried and fast food.

What Are Some Signs Of Hair Loss In Women

So how do you know you are experiencing excessive hair loss? Some signs of hair loss in women to look out for include seeing an abnormal amount of hair falling out daily either when you brush your hair, or when you wash your hair in the shower.If youre noticing a ton of hair on your bed or around your house, or youre noticing thinner areas of hair, particularly on top of your scalp, then this would be another cause for concern. Another sign is smaller, thinner ponytails or hair breaking off.

Remember, its completely natural for you to lose some hair every day. Dont start freaking out just because a couple more hairs are on your brush than usual!

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Healthy Diet A Big Yes

As already mentioned, consuming a healthy and nutritious diet and working out can help you reduce your weight. Weight reduction helps in improving the hormone disturbance and improves insulin sensitivity which leads to reducted production of male hormone that ultimately controls the thinning of hair. Now that the production of thin hair has stopped, you get back your natural and healthier hair growth! Having good and healthy food can put you in a good mood, and a good mood always means lesser hair fall!

Its Not All About Diet

PCOS Facial Hair and Hair Loss

Although your diet is important, look at other aspects of your life that might be causing inflammation, excess androgens, and PCOS hair loss. The most common ones that I see are:

  • High stress hormones.
  • Too much medium-high intensity exercise.
  • Poor gut health.
  • Environmental toxins

I can only imagine how heartbreaking PCOS hair loss is and why you would want to try everything to get it back. However, I hope you can now see whats causing it to fall out and how theres no scientific way that a shampoo can address excess androgens or inflammation. Im afraid that you may be washing your money down the plughole with these.

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How To Know If You Have Pcos

If you suspect you have PCOS you would need to set up an appointment with your doctor to run a some tests to find out for sure along with a physical examination.

Your doctor may conclude that you have PCOS if your ovaries are enlarged by about 1½ to 3 times larger than the normal person. Getting an ultrasound can show ovary changes in about 90% of women who have PCOS.

Clinical Presentation Of Fphl

A shortened anagen phase and miniaturization of hair follicles in the affected scalp are key features of pattern hair loss, a condition with distinct patterns of hair loss in men and women . However, hair loss in women with FPHL exhibits several important differences from that of men with MPHL, including patterns and density in affected areas.

There are typically two patterns of hair loss in FPHL: centrifugal expansion in mid scalp with preservation of the frontal hair line and a frontal accentuation or Christmas tree pattern . The latter pattern is distinctive for FPHL and helps to distinguish FPHL from other hair loss conditions that favor the central scalp. Hamilton concurred that women with pattern hair loss generally do not develop the vertex baldness seen in men but may have bitemporal recession this recession is usually not baldness but rather thinner, shorter, less dense hair. There are, however, women with significant androgenization that may develop typical MPHL that includes vertex thinning. In , the two main patterns of FPHL are presented and compared with MPHL .

The two main patterns of FPHL compared with MPHL.

Women with FPHL do not experience the degree of baldness that men with MPHL do, largely because the miniaturization process is not as profound and not all hairs are affected equally in the involved areas. Many women with FPHL may also display parietal thinning, but this should not dissuade against making the diagnosis of FPHL.

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Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Pcos Related Hair Loss

1. Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat PCOS

Ayurveda is a discerning approach to wholeness that illuminates the complex subject of hormones. It emphasizes balancing the mind, body and spirit to regulate your endocrine functionality. Also, herbs nourish the digestive fire in your body to regulate cellular metabolism, preventing insulin resistance.

Ayurveda classifies the five fundamental bio-energies in your body into three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The balance of the tridosha constitution in your body reflects the balance of your entire body mechanism.

Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix, says, Ayurveda positively deals with PCOS, with very good results. Therapy at the root cause and a holistic approach makes PCOS a success story in Ayurveda.

A. Aloe Vera

1. Consume aloe vera juice daily first thing in the morning in your empty stomach. Aloe vera helps remove toxins, restores hormonal balance, and improves insulin sensitivity.

2. Aloe vera restores the status of ovarian steroidogenic activity.

3. Aloe vera decreases ‘bad cholesterol’ levels in your body.

4. On topical application, aloe vera helps heal and soothe your damaged hair. When ingested, it fights PCOS hair loss from within your body.

B. Cinnamon

1. Add Cinnamon to your green tea, black tea, or milk. Avoid intake of sugar for better results. Cinnamon supports ovulation and boosts fertility.

C. Fenugreek Seeds

3. You can apply methi paste as a hair pack.

D. Amalaki

E. Shatavari

2. Herbal Shampoo

A. Diet

How I Reversed My Pcos In 6 Steps

Repairing Hair Growth & Hair Loss in PCOS

So how did I do it? And how can you, too, reverse your PCOS? Heres what Id recommend, based on my personal experience:

1. Get your hormones tested

Having a complete hormone panel run by your doctor is crucial to understanding what type of PCOS you have and what hormones need balancing. Some women have excess androgens , which can cause acne, weight gain around the midsection, facial hair growth and missed periods, while other women may be estrogen dominant , resulting in long menstrual cycles, heavy cramping, intense PMS symptoms and infertility.

Be sure that your doctor runs a complete panel that included estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, AMHA, DHEA and perhaps even your thyroid and insulin, as women with PCOS often have hypothyroidism and insulin resistance, as well.

2. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

The impact that our diet has on our hormones is pretty amazing. To optimize mine, I followed an anti-inflammatory diet that drastically reduced my intake of gluten, dairy, inflammatory oils, sugar and processed food.

Instead, I filled my plate with plenty of organic, fiber-rich fruits vegetables and whole grains healthy fats and lean protein. I also incorporated lots of hormone-healing foods like spearmint tea, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, bone broth, nourishing teas, collagen and adaptogenic mushrooms.

3. Take hormone-balancing supplements

4. Exercise smart

5. Toss toxic products that disrupt hormones

6. Balance blood sugar

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How To Stop Hair Fall Due To Pcos

Besides the above-mentioned clinical approaches, here are the top 9 tips that you can follow to control PCOS hair loss by making healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Follow A Balanced Diet: Try to stay hydrated and consume more fruits and vegetables. Avoid the intake of preservatives and artificial sweetening agents to curb your hair loss due to PCOS.
  • Exercise Regularly: Being overweight can lead to PCOS at times. Therefore, you should try to exercise more often and make sure your BMI is healthy.
  • Meditate To Reduce Stress: Stress can be a direct cause of hair loss for both men and women. It is also associated with PCOS. Meditate more often and avoid over-thinking to reduce stress and control hair fall.
  • Get Sufficient Sleep: Insomnia and lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalance in your body as well. Try to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day.
  • Follow A Haircare Routine: Make sure that you take proper care of your hair by using the right products. Minimise the use of heat styling tools including, a blow dryer, and use a soft comb
  • Quit Smoking:Excessive smoking can further elevate the level of androgen in your body. Besides aggravating your PCOS condition, smoking can lead to several other health complications as well. It is best to quit smoking to enjoy good health and a lustrous mane.
  • Opt For Comfortable Hairstyles: Avoid tight hairstyles as they can weaken your hair and might cause traction alopecia in the long run.
  • Hair Loss In Women With Pcos

    Women with PCOS often experience hair growth where they dont want to see it and hair loss where they dont want it! Can you relate?! Hair loss for women with PCOS is usually due to excess androgenic hormones, aka male sex hormones. This can also lead to acne, thinning hair, hair growth on the face or body, or hair that easily becomes dry and damaged.

    If you know you have PCOS and are tired of dealing with your symptoms flaring up , then its time to check out my top-rated signature programs!

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    Home Treatments For Pcos Hair Loss

    Shampoos, conditioners, and good hair care

    One of the best places to start if you are struggling with hair loss due to PCOS is by making sure that you are taking good care of your hair and scalp.

    You can begin by investing in a good shampoo/conditioner combo that strengthens and protects your hair. Look for shampoos that have B vitamins and keratin, and try to stay away from shampoos with sulfates which tend to dry out the hair. You may even want to consult your hairstylist on the best products to use for your specific hair type.

    To further protect your hair, its also a good idea to avoid using heated tools such as hair dryers, curlers, and flat irons. Chemical products like dyes, straighteners, and relaxers should also be avoided as they can be extremely damaging to hair already weakened from PCOS.


    Though it may seem like a small change, the brush you use can actually make a big difference in the health of your hair. Make sure to use a natural bristle brush. The most commonly recommended is a boar bristle brush because it is not only soft and gentle on your hair, but it can also help to stimulate your scalp.

    If you have hair loss due to PCOS, you may be worried that brushing your hair might make it fall out more. To avoid this, keep the following tips in mind:

    • Brush gently
    • Try not to brush too often
    • Never brush your hair when it is wet


    • Biotin
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin D

    Healthy lifestyle

    Medical Treatments To Stop The Hair Loss


    To treat hair loss associated with PCOS, it is best to target the root cause, which is hormonal imbalance. The current medical treatment aims at restoring hormonal balance and ovary function. This, in turn, improves the health of hair follicles.

    If you have PCOS-related hair loss, you may need to undergo a combination of the following treatments:

    Also Check: How To Stop Hair From Thinning Female

    Does Pcos Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Cause Hair Loss

    Yes PCOS can cause female hair loss due to unbalanced hormones.

    The main hormone in this case that can cause female hair loss is the hormone dihydrotestosterone also known as DHT.

    DHT is a common hormone that can cause hair loss in women because it can shrink your hair follicles to the point of getting female pattern hair loss as well as hair thinning all over the scalp.

    Is It Possible To Reverse Pcos Hair Loss

    Yes, it is possible to reverse PCOS hair loss if you follow an integrative approach for curing PCOS. You can see a positive transformation in your hair as soon as a treatment limits the production of male sex hormones and increases female sex hormones in your body.

    You can also get back your hair volume if you choose a holistic treatment that focuses on your entire body, not just the specific part that has a disease. Synthetic medicines may not reflect hair loss immediately, but gradually damage your hair follicles.

    Ayurvedic herbs boost your resistive power to fight PCOS and hair loss naturally. The holistic approach can reverse your hair loss and provide a long-lasting impact to maintain your naturally beautiful hair.

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    Can You Regrow Hair Loss From Pcos

    Hair loss from androgenetic alopecia occurs because the hairs anagen phase is shortened and the time between the shedding phase and the next anagen phase is prolonged. So it takes longer for the hair to grow back after it is shed.

    Androgens also alter the hair follicles in a process called follicular miniaturization,6 causing them to shrink and produce thinner, fragile hairs that are prone to breakage.

    Over time, hair becomes thinner and thinner until the follicles wither away. Hair that is lost in this process will not grow back. But if the follicles are intact, many available treatments can promote the growth of new hair shafts.

    Does Pcos Cause Hair Loss


    Yes, hair loss is one of the reported symptoms of PCOS. This is mostly due to the excess androgenic hormones that people with PCOS often have, which can lead to acne, thinning hair, and hair loss, as well as limp, lackluster hair that breaks easily and is dry and damaged.

    Medically, this hair loss is referred to as female pattern baldness, and treatment can be tricky.

    A hormone imbalance can lead to androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, which can have the following characteristics:

    • Hair falls out mainly in the frontal and parietal areas of the scalp.
    • The hair in the parting area becomes much thinner.
    • The hairline begins to recede above the temples.

    To address the problem, its necessary to first balance the hormone levels. Gynecologists and endocrinologists can do this with a set of complex investigations and provide recommendations for hormonal therapy. A trichologist can prescribe a treatment to restore hair follicles.

    There are also other factors that can make hair fall out:

    • Exposure to extreme temperatures

    Also Check: How To Know If Hair Is Thinning


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