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How To Fix Pcos Hair Loss

What Causes Pcos Hair Loss

Repairing Hair Growth & Hair Loss in PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is common in women, affecting up to 12% of the US population. The condition is characterized by three symptoms:

  • Polycystic ovaries when your ovaries become enlarged and contain fluid-filled sacs surrounding the eggs.
  • Irregular periods if you suffer from irregular cycles, this may be a symptom of PCOS.
  • Overproduction of androgen this is a male hormone, and may result in symptoms common in men, such as excess facial hair.

Because PCOS causes an excess of male hormones, women may experience the same symptoms as men as their hair begins to thin. This is known as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness.


In women, androgen levels are much lower. When the ovaries become polycystic, this can result in the blockage of hair follicles. This leads to hairs that are thinner in diameter, shorter in length, and even lighter in color.

Typically, the symptoms of PCOS thinning hair are recession of the hairline, right above the temples. Women may also notice hair falling out in the front and side areas of the scalp, or thinning hair in the parting area.

Avoid Washing Your Hair Everyday

Although it is tempting to step into the shower and lather up the hair that has been bothering you all day, research has shown washing your hair every day can actually have an adverse effect.

This is because the more you clean your hair, the more oil that is produced by your scalp to compensate. Take a step back from the shampoo and try at first to only to wash every two days or so. It may feel uncomfortable for a while but over time your scalp will adjust and stop producing quite so much oil. Whilst waiting for this to kick in, use the aforementioned dry shampoo or cover problem areas of your scalp with fun hairbands, hats or practical updos.

Not washing your hair every day has benefits beyond scalp hair, too. If you have bleached or damaged hair you will notice a difference. Over-washing strips your hair of its natural oils and encourages breakage and dryness, so giving it a break will allow the natural oils to nourish and permeate any problem areas.

Pcos: A Personal Story

For example, when I discovered I had PCOS, I took control of my health. I changed the way I ate, adding in a salad for one meal each day. I began to run five miles a day, five days a week. I focused on healthy, regular sleep patterns, and I drank lots of water. And that was all as a teenager. I ultimately lost 25 pounds and got into great shape. My periods got more regular, my moods leveled out, and my facial hair diminished.

Later, as I entered college and then graduate school, I found myself gaining weight, and all my symptoms came back. I did not worry too much about it, since I was on birth control, and the symptoms were not too extreme. Then, when I wanted to get pregnant for the first time with my husband, I knew I had to get serious about my health again.

It took two years and drastic health changes, introducing all-natural, plant-based foods into my diet, switching to a mostly organic selection of foods, rethinking the chemicals in my hair and skincare products, and more.

After dropping 50 pounds, the very first month I dropped into a healthy BMI range, I got pregnant.

All of which to say, and the evidence backs me up on this, that health and weight seem directly related to PCOS triggers, and PCOS seems to trigger an avalanche of health and weight triggers. Thus, it is incumbent upon those of us with the condition to take our health much more seriously than perhaps women without these hormonal concerns do.

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How To Manage And Treat Pcos

With an approximate one in five Indian women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome , doctors say that more awareness is needed about the condition, especially because it can be controlled by proper diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. A major side effect of the hormone disorder? Acne and hair loss. These are also the symptoms that most patients present with first. We spoke to a dermatologist and a gynaecologist for their take.

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Quickly


It is very frustrating to have washed your hair on the morning, only to find by mid to late afternoon that it feels and looks greasy. You might find yourself questioning: Is it my shampoo or conditioner? Have I been touching it too much? Is it the result of a new product?

However it is not your fault! It is simply your hormones acting up.

The reason that PCOS makes hair greasy is to do with a hormonal imbalance. This condition leads to hyperandrogenism, where the ovaries release extra male hormones such as testosterone. This leads to an increase in sebum production in the glands and can lead to symptoms such as overactive oil glands which annoyingly, affects the scalp resulting in lacklustre, greasy hair.

Although frustrating hair is a symptom of PCOS, it can be managed with a little know-how and care. If you are ready to fight the grease and discover how to get the fresh locks that you have always craved read on for my top eight tips.

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Pcos And Hair Loss: What You Can Do

You likely have a condition commonly referred to as PCOS. The sweet lady doctor said to me out of the blue one day. I was only 17 when my OB/GYN diagnosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome. I had been experiencing wildly irregular periods, I had facial hair growing from my chin and upper lip, and my menstrual cramps were beyond painful. Friends and family had recommended going on birth control to help regulate my cycle and calm down the pain, but I wondered why I was suffering when my peers did not seem to be. What made me different?

  • PCOS: Its All Connected
  • PCOS: A Personal Story
  • PCOS: Hair Loss and What to Do About It
  • National Hair Loss Awareness Month

Does Pcos Cause Hair Loss

Yes, hair loss is one of the reported symptoms of PCOS. This is mostly due to the excess androgenic hormones that people with PCOS often have, which can lead to acne, thinning hair, and hair loss, as well as limp, lackluster hair that breaks easily and is dry and damaged.

Medically, this hair loss is referred to as female pattern baldness, and treatment can be tricky.

A hormone imbalance can lead to androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, which can have the following characteristics:

  • Hair falls out mainly in the frontal and parietal areas of the scalp.
  • The hair in the parting area becomes much thinner.
  • The hairline begins to recede above the temples.

To address the problem, its necessary to first balance the hormone levels. Gynecologists and endocrinologists can do this with a set of complex investigations and provide recommendations for hormonal therapy. A trichologist can prescribe a treatment to restore hair follicles.

There are also other factors that can make hair fall out:

  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Lack of vitamins and trace elements
  • Stress

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How Can I Fix My Pcos Hair Loss

When she came to me, Lisas first question was, What should I be eating to make this go away?. I told her that the answer depends on whats causing the PCOS hair loss in the first place. More accurately, whats causing excess androgens.

Not all PCOS is the same and the cause of excess androgens differs between everyone. Asking what diet is best is kind of like asking what type of fuel you should put in your car. It depends on the make and model getting it wrong can bring you to a grinding halt. Like all PCOS symptoms, the key to fixing PCOS hair loss is treating the root cause of high androgens. This could be insulin resistance, high stress hormones, poor gut health, the pill, thyroid issues, or a combination of several of them.

The best thing you can do is find out whats causing your high androgens, then treat this root cause. If you havent read my article:Whats Causing Your PCOS, and Why You Need To Know, then do that now. It will answer a lot of your questions.

Here are some tips that I think everyone with PCOS hair loss can benefit from:

Pcos Hair Loss: Effective Treatment Options For Hair Loss


PCOS-related hair loss can be one of the more troubling symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome , both on a physical and an emotional level. Whether there seem to be more loose strands in the shower or a receding hairline, understanding why hair loss occurs and what can be done about it can be helpful.

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Other Helpful Pcos Information

  • Evidence of high androgen levels
  • Polycystic ovaries visualised on an Ultrasound scan.
  • Therefore, some PCOS patients may not have raised androgen levels and wont have the unwanted hair growth that this usually causes. Please also note that before you get a PCOS diagnosis, other potential causes of ovulatory problems or raised androgens must be excluded.

    What To Eat And Avoid To Prevent Pcos Hair Loss

    A study report shows that zinc supplement helps in controlling PCOS hair loss. The study reveals that taking 50 mg of zinc supplement daily for 8 weeks can have positive effects on PCOS hair loss.

    Another research study also demonstrated evidence that Biotin can have a positive effect on PCOS hair loss.

    Avoid eating any food that is considered unhealthy — refined flour, added sugar, fried and fast food.

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    Is Pcos Hair Loss Reversible

    Can hair loss from PCOS be reversed? Yes, PCOS-related hair loss can be treated if the underlying cause is remedied. If PCOS is the problem clinical symptoms, ultrasound, and blood tests can diagnose PCOS a health care provider can suggest PCOS treatment options.

    Comprehensive treatment is necessary to avoid critical hair loss in PCOS. Treatment will help:

    • Balance hormone levels
    • Revive hair follicles

    Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a low-carb diet, and stress management practices may also be part of treatment.

    How To Stop Pcos Hair Loss

    My PCOS Hair Loss UPDATE

    PCOS hair loss treatments are available. Traditional over-the-counter remedies like specialized shampoos, hair treatments, and vitamins aimed at skin, hair, and nail health are all good places to start. If standard strategies arent working, a hairstylist or health care provider may be able to suggest other options.

    The problem of PCOS-related hair loss needs to be addressed in a comprehensive way, both externally with the help of proper hair care and internally by taking care of the body with diet and exercise and consulting a health care provider about the potential benefit of medications.

    It may take six months to a year to see the results of hair treatment. Medications should be taken on a strict schedule and hair care procedures should be regular .

    Its also important to keep in mind that if hair thinning is associated with hormonal imbalances, regaining hair health may be possible by balancing hormone levels.

    A well-balanced diet with vitamins or supplements that a health care provider recommends may also help optimize hair health.

    Magnesium, zinc, iron , as well as vitamins A , B , E , and F are all great for health.

    Iron deficiency is among the main causes of hair loss, and people with PCOS typically have lower ferritin levels. Eating foods that are rich in iron and/or taking iron supplements can help raise iron levels.

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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome And Hair Loss

    September 17, 2021 | Written by

    When most people talk about hair loss, the conversation usually centers on alopecia areata, cancer, or male pattern baldness. However, women also struggle with thinning hair and hair loss. In fact, some estimate that over 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss at some point in their lives.

    For women, hair loss can be the result of postpartum, menopause, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, and several other health conditions one common condition is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome .

    PCOS is a hormonal disorder that generates numerous symptoms including hair loss. It can cause hair to become thin, brittle, or even stop growing altogether. Thankfully, there are effective ways to manage PCOS, while also keeping your scalp and strands healthy and preventing thinning and hair loss.

    How I Reversed My Pcos In 6 Steps

    So how did I do it? And how can you, too, reverse your PCOS? Heres what Id recommend, based on my personal experience:

    1. Get your hormones tested

    Having a complete hormone panel run by your doctor is crucial to understanding what type of PCOS you have and what hormones need balancing. Some women have excess androgens , which can cause acne, weight gain around the midsection, facial hair growth and missed periods, while other women may be estrogen dominant , resulting in long menstrual cycles, heavy cramping, intense PMS symptoms and infertility.

    Be sure that your doctor runs a complete panel that included estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, AMHA, DHEA and perhaps even your thyroid and insulin, as women with PCOS often have hypothyroidism and insulin resistance, as well.

    2. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

    The impact that our diet has on our hormones is pretty amazing. To optimize mine, I followed an anti-inflammatory diet that drastically reduced my intake of gluten, dairy, inflammatory oils, sugar and processed food.

    Instead, I filled my plate with plenty of organic, fiber-rich fruits vegetables and whole grains healthy fats and lean protein. I also incorporated lots of hormone-healing foods like spearmint tea, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, bone broth, nourishing teas, collagen and adaptogenic mushrooms.

    3. Take hormone-balancing supplements

    4. Exercise smart

    5. Toss toxic products that disrupt hormones

    6. Balance blood sugar

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    What Is The Main Cause Of Pcos

    The main cause of PCOS is a high level of male hormone, Angrogen in women. Women have two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus. Each ovary releases an egg alternately every month. When this normal functioning is replaced by one or both ovaries releasing immature eggs that turn into cysts, it results in enlarged, fluid-filled sacs inside the ovaries. This condition is known as PCOS. PCOS occurs due to a hormonal imbalance where the body produces more androgens than normal. Androgens are the male hormones that the ovaries also produce in very small quantities. Some of the symptoms caused by PCOS include irregular periods, infertility or issues in conceiving, acne, weight gain on the abdomen, excessive facial and body hair and hair loss on the head.

    Reduce Processed Foods And Reduce Intake Of Foods High In Sugar

    How I Stopped My Hormonal Hair Loss Naturally: UPDATED | Top Hair Growth Tips for PCOS

    Eating a healthier, balanced diet improves a lot of concerns when it comes to autoimmune diseases and hormone imbalances linked to hair loss in women. This doesnt mean you can never eat a piece of cake again, but it means being a bit more mindful of how often you eat it. This also means incorporating more veggies and protein in your meals, versus just carb overloading.

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