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Will Finasteride Stop Hair Loss

Which Hair Loss Treatment Is Best For Me

Does finasteride stop hair loss long term?

Talk with your doctor to figure out which hair loss treatment may be best for you. While OTC and home remedies may work for some, they arent for everyone.

If your hair loss is caused by an underlying medical issue, or if its a side effect from a medication youre taking, OTC treatments might not work.

How Finasteride Works To Reverse Hair Loss In Men

Is hair loss causing you to lose self-confidence? Men with male pattern baldness can start losing hair at their temples before the age of 21, and nearly half of US males have moderate-to-extreme hair loss before the age of 50. Fortunately, theres a medication that can help address hair loss in men.

At SLENT, with offices in Slidell, Hammond, and Mandeville, Louisiana, our team of medical experts can help restore your healthy head of hair by prescribing finasteride for hair restoration. This medication both stops hair loss and promotes new hair growth.

Use A Hair Growth Shampoo

There is no shortage of hair loss shampoos currently on the market. When selecting one, read the ingredients on the label carefully to ensure there are no chemicals like sulfates, artificial colors, and fragrances. Manufacturers include these in the bottle to increase the formulas pleasantness and lower the costs, but they can actually be detrimental to the health of your hair and scalp.

An example of a shampoo that does not go down this path is the Hairguard Caffeine shampoo. The caffeine stimulates hair growth, and the formula includes all-natural ingredients with no harsh chemicals.

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Does Finasteride Work For A Receding Hairline

Used by millions of men worldwide, finasteride is one of the few science-based medications on the market for preventing and, in some cases, reversing hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia.

Finasteride helps halt hair loss by preventing the body from creating dihydrotestosterone , an androgen hormone that can damage hair follicles and cause male pattern baldness.

Because of the way finasteride works in your body, it should prevent you from losing hair at your hairline.

However, the prescribing information for finasteride usually focuses on the medications ability to stop hair loss on the crown .

Heres how finasteride works, as well as the impact it can have on hair loss that occurs around the hairline.

Learn how you can use finasteride to slow, stop or potentially reverse the effects of male pattern baldness.

Why Does Finasteride Come In Two Tablet Strengths

Finasteride Reviews: Prevent Hair Loss

Finasteride was initially released on the market in 1992, in a 5mg tablet strength which was FDA approved under the brand name Proscar for use in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. 5 years later, in 1997, another Finasteride-containing medication was released under the brand name Propecia.

Propecia is only available in the 1mg tablet strength, and its FDA-approved indication is only for androgenic alopecia in men, not anything prostate related.

So, why is the same ingredient approved for two separate and seemingly diverse indications?

It all comes down to strengths and Dihydrotestosterone .DHT is an androgen that develops from testosterone, and this hormone in surplus has been found to be a culprit in both prostate issues and the shrinking of the hair follicles in the scalp causing androgenic alopecia.

Finasteride help remedy these situations by blocking the enzyme which helps form DHT from testosterone, thus reducing the DHT levels in the body.

However, it turns out that 1mg of Finasteride may reduce DHT enough to help with prostate issues, and that 5mg Finasteride may be overkill for helping with male pattern hair loss issues.

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Does Finasteride Work For Everyone

For the majority of users, Finasteride is an extremely successful treatment for treating hair loss.

Of course, everyone is different and individuals can react to the same medication in different ways, so in some rare circumstances, Finasteride may not be as effective. Finasteride also works best at treating hair loss where there is a receding hairline and thinning in areas of complete hair loss, it will not work as well.

In terms of who can use Finasteride, any man over the age of 18 can use this medication irrespective of height, weight, or age, and will most likely see positive results from their treatment.

However, Finasteride isnt suitable for use by children and adolescents younger than 18. Women are advised not to take Finasteride either, because of the way that it interacts with female hormones.

The Steroids Finasteride Or Dutasteride Can Protect Your Hair From

Finasteride and Dutasteride do not occupy or inhibit androgen receptors, but rather they inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme primarily responsible for converting testosterone to DHT.

These medications are extremely effective at reducing DHT levels, hence why natural athletes and those on mild doses of exogenous testosterone typically experience the attenuation of hair loss progression with it, or at least some degree of slow down .

Those who blast Trenbolone, or any other anabolic steroid, will not be protected from the androgenic activity of those hormones on the scalp.

It is essential to thoroughly understand the mechanism of action of everything going into your body prior to haphazardly popping pills in attempts to blindly remedy a side effect like hair loss, as you may be wasting your time, or even potentially make the situation worse.

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Natural Alternative To Finasteride

But what to do if finasteride really isn’t working for you?

  • Dutasteride is an alternative commonly used in place of finasteride.
  • Try taking topical minoxidil treatment .

Minoxidil is also used to promote hair growth. In some cases, it is used along with finasteride for better and faster results. However, there are differences between finasteride vs. minoxidil. There are also alternatives to minoxidil to avoid unwanted side effects.

We have a solution that is guaranteed to assist your hair growth:

Other Treatments For Hair Loss In Men

Finasteride (Propecia) For Hair Loss

For most men, finasteride is an effective option for treating and preventing hair loss from male pattern baldness.

However, its not the only hair loss treatment thats available. Other affordable and effective hair loss treatment options include:

  • Minoxidil. A topical medication, minoxidil helps to improve blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair growth. Research shows that minoxidil is particularly effective when its used at the same time as finasteride. We offer minoxidil solution and minoxidil foam online. You can also purchase finasteride and minoxidil together in our Hair Power Pack.

  • Hair loss prevention shampoo. Many shampoos, including those that contain active ingredients such as saw palmetto and ketoconazole, are formulated to prevent excess hair shedding and promote optimal hair growth. Our Hair Thickening Shampoo uses saw palmetto to target DHT at the scalp level and promote volume and moisture.

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Ask An Expert: Does Propecia Really Prevent Balding

Earlier this year, the web was atwitter about claims that Donald Trump was taking hair regrowth drug Propecia. Its a drug that decreases the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which in turns prevents hair from falling out . It wouldn’t be surprising if Trump takes Propecia that wispy, discolored mop looks anything but natural. Or perhaps, like Samson the Israelite, Trump’s power is somehow linked to his flowing locks. It makes total sense that he would do whatever possible to prevent balding.

This bit of gossip aside, it’s a big question for guys in their late twenties and early- to mid-thirties: How far will you go to prevent hair loss? Are you going to move to Nova Scotia because you read somewhere that pollution causes male pattern baldness? Or will you embrace it and shave your hair as closely as possible?

Hormone-altering drugs like Propecia have numerous potential side effects. Many of the outlets blogging about this Trump item pointed out that Propecia can cause mental confusion and impotence in rare casesthough most guys see no negative side effects at all.

If youre thinking about taking Propecia , its imperative to educate yourself about your chances of a positive outcome and the potential harms. To help you sift through all the noise, we asked three dermatologists to tell us exactly what they tell their patients before prescribing anything.

What Happens If I Quit Using Finasteride After A Few Months

Finasteride has a relatively short half-life. So, once you stop taking the tablet, its effects should be out of your system within seven days and you can expect to see your usual rate of hair loss return.

Why? Without finasteride, your body will not be able to block 5-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. For as long as you want to prevent hair loss, keep what you have, and even regrow more hair, finasteride is your best friend.


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Testosterone Vs Other Anabolic Steroids As A Catalyst For Hair Loss

Excessive intake of testosterone can definitely result in an increased susceptibility to hair loss due to its interaction with 5-alpha reductase to produce DHT, as well as via its inherent anabolic activity, albeit to a much lesser extent.

Meanwhile, certain synthetic anabolic steroids such as Primobolanare designed to maximize the anabolic activity in the body with a lower incidence of androgenic activity and do not interact with 5-alpha reductase at all.

However, just because a steroid does not interact with 5-alpha reductase that does not mean that the parent hormone is hair safe whatsoever.

There are several other steroids that do not interact with 5-alpha reductase that will still cause hair loss.

The overarching concept that needs to be remembered is that all steroids have their own individual level of anabolism and androgenicity in tissues.

Regardless if a steroid is a 5-alpha reduced metabolite, or a parent hormone, they are all still steroids at the end of the day with their own anabolic and androgenic impact on affected tissues in the body, and they need to all be accounted for.

Why Doesnt Everyone With Hair Loss Use Propecia

The Hidden Truth On Finasteride For Hair Loss Exposed

The truth is, a lot of people have chosen not to use Propecia in their regime despite a large amount of scientific evidence indicating its ability to prevent hair loss. There are three main reasons for this: side effects, hassle, and cost.

Upfront Hassle

Nobody likes going to the doctor.

> > First you have to call your doctors office to schedule the appointment.

> > Then when the receptionist asks you the reason for your appointment. Indeed you have to tell him or her hair loss.

> > After that, you have to have a somewhat embarrassing conversation with your doctor.

> > Then of course visiting your local pharmacy for filling the prescription and subsequent refills.

You also have to fully come to terms with your condition and the facts. This can also be hard to do, it means accepting your hair loss isnt going to stop on its own and your hair is going to miraculously grow back.


This one goes hand-in-hand with the upfront hassle. Hair loss is not a comfortable thing to talk about for most people enduring the condition.

Its almost like it is a taboo topic of conversation, and most people will think its funny even though it has a huge impact on the person who is experiencing it.

Health Concerns

Many people are worried about the side effects. This is a legitimate concern. While only about 2% experience negative side effects, no one wants to be one of those unlucky few. This is one of the reasons you should talk to your doctor about any concerns you have.


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How Long Does It Take To See Finasteride Results

You should expect to see the results in a few months. It’s wise not to expect finasteride results immediately.

Finasteride results begin with slow effects from the first dose. In the first three months, hair fall is necessary to make room for newer hair strands.

In the next three months, hair volume becomes slightly thicker. Finally, bald patches on your scalp begin to fill up in the next six months.

Although finasteride treatment gradually takes effect in the timeframe mentioned above, it may be different for everyone. For some people, finasteride works slowly. For others, the results may be slower or not appear at all, even after a year.

Let’s see a breakdown of the Propecia results timeline to see how this medication can do wonders for your hair and specifically, hair loss.

Finasteride Is Only Effective While You Take It

Finasteride has a half-life of around five to six hours in men 18 to 60 years of age , meaning it needs to be taken daily in order to be effective.

Once you stop taking finasteride, the dose of the medication thats active in your body will slowly decline until its completely excreted over the course of several days.

When theres no longer any finasteride in your body, the 5-Reductase enzyme will no longer be blocked, meaning your body will once again start to convert a small percentage of testosterone into DHT.

If youre genetically prone to male pattern baldness, this can mean that the DHT will once again start to affect your hair follicles, resulting in thinning of the hair on your scalp, hairline recession and other male pattern baldness effects.

In short, if you stop taking finasteride daily, youll lose the hair youve gained in about one year. Finasteride isnt a lifetime cure instead, its a treatment that you need to keep taking if you want to continue to stop hair loss.

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What Should I Tell My Healthcare Provider Before Taking Finasteride

Before taking finasteride, tell your healthcare provider if you:

  • have any other medical conditions, including problems with your prostate or liver
  • Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

The Only Steroids Finasteride Will Prevent Hair Loss From


Theres a misconception that Finasteride is a reliable source of remedy for hair loss prevention caused by the intake of all anabolic steroids.

For anyone who has reviewed the downstream mechanisms of Finasteride in the body, it is clear that this is not true.

Below are the details to a realistic set of expectations from Finasteride use with anabolic steroids.

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How Should I Take Finasteride

  • Take finasteride exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it.
  • You may take finasteride with or without food.
  • If you forget to take finasteride, do not take an extra tablet. Just take the next tablet as usual.
  • Finasteride will not work faster or better if you take it more than once a day.


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