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How To Treat Hair Loss Due To Menopause

Talk To Your Doctor About Cortisone Shots Or Acupuncture For Perimenopause Hair Loss

How to prevent hair loss during menopause

The data is inconclusive as to whether or not cortisone shots actually work at re-growing hair, but I do know one woman who gets them frequently and says they have really helped her. Cortisone shots are given at the scalp, and the Mayo Clinic suggests they should not be given more often than every six weeks.

While I know of some women who have had luck with acupuncture for hair loss, the British Acupuncture Society states that there is no evidence that acupuncture can treat hair loss as a specific symptom however, it might help with the underlying problem.

Should I Change My Hair Care Regimen

No. Since there is no structural problem with the hair with female-pattern hair loss, women should continue their regular hair styling regimen. Sometimes women think they should stop washing, coloring, or perming their hair, but these things wonât impact the course of hair loss or speed up the process.

Wash with an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains ketoconazole or zinc pyrthione .

Nonpharmaceutical Treatments For Hair Loss

Although there is no miracle cure, says Bruce, other options that can help with FPHL include:

  • Platelet rich plasma injection is a procedure in which the patients blood is drawn and the blood is spun in a centrifuge so that the platelets are concentrated then they are injected into the scalp, says Bruce. The theory is that the platelets have growth factors and they will stimulate hair growth, she says.
  • Low level light lasers These laser combs, helmets, and other devices can be used at home without a prescription. The laser light has been shown to stimulate hair growth in a few studies, according to the AAD.
  • Supplements Ablon recently completed a study looking at a nutraceutical supplement, Nutrafol Womens Balance Capsules, which contain bioactive compounds derived from food sources, including curcumin, ashwagandha, saw palmetto, and tocopherol. The six-month results were published in the January 2021 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, and the 12-month results will be released shortly, says Ablon. Researchers compared results at 6 months and 12 months of treatment and found that mean total hair counts increased significantly and progressively. Global hair quality measures significantly improved, by 40 percent, with few or no side effects, along with a decrease in hair shedding, according to the authors. Ablon received a research grant and financial support from Nutraceutical Wellness Inc., the manufacturer of the supplement.

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Find Out If A Medical Issue Is Causing Your Hair Loss

Perimenopause is a natural state of aging, but hair loss can be a symptom of a more serious problem. The first thing you should do if youre experience hair loss is see your doctor to make sure you dont have a health issue .

Once you and your doctor have determined that your hair loss is caused by perimenopause, it might be time to try out some other treatments.

What Causes Hair Loss During Menopause

18 Best Shampoos for Thinning Hair Due to Menopause 2021

A during menopause triggers the shedding you see at this stage in your life. It actually begins in perimenopause but the decline is just more pronounced now, which is why you may experience increased hair loss more suddenly or frequently. Many women will also experience other side effects including hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances and mood swingsall perfectly normal.

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Be Gentle With Your Hair

Harsh styling techniques, aggressive brushing, too-frequent shampooing and hot styling tools do no favors for your delicate, aging tresses. They can lead to breakage, disrupt the balance of your healthy scalp oils and strip hair of moisture leading to frizz. Treating your tresses with kindness goes a long way in offsetting menopause-related hair loss.

Things Women Should Know About Menopause And Hair Loss

Women expect hot flashes and mood swings to occur during the change, but many women are unaware and unprepared for the fact that they may also find themselves facing hair loss and thinning during this time as well. After menopause, about 40 percent of women experience hair thinning, which is almost the same rate as men. But if this is true, why dont we see bald women on the street? Unlike male pattern hair loss, hereditary hair loss in women is usually a lot subtler and it can be easy to miss the early warning signs. Women tend to experience thinning over a wide area of scalp, and for many, the first signs and symptoms may come in the form of a smaller ponytail, a wider part line or excessive shedding during brushing and showering.

Hair loss before, during or after menopause as well as after childbirth is commonly attributed to hormonal changes. And while most physicians agree that replacing these hormones can alleviate many of the other troubling symptoms of menopause, unfortunately, hormone replacement alone does not seem to radically alter a womans follicular fate, and can even sometimes make matters worse.

Since September is Menopause Awareness Month, it is a good time to take a look at menopausal hair loss, to help women understand the causes of their hair loss as well as learn what they can do to treat it.

For more by Alan J. Bauman, .

For more on personal health, .

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Use A Shampoo Thats Mild And Suited For Your Hair

The purpose of shampoo is to cleanse your hair of dirt and excess oil. But many commercial shampoos contain harsh ingredients. After just one use, they can strip your hair of the natural oil and fatty acids that make it strong and supple. Read the ingredients of your shampoo and purchase one thats as close to all-natural as possible. Try switching up products if youve been losing excess hair.

What Are Some Tips For Dealing With Hair Loss In Women


There are some things you can do on your own. You might check with your stylist or try some of these:

  • Coloring your hair adds volume to the strands, making your hair seem fuller.
  • Massaging your head, like when you are washing your hair, can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Getting your hair cut shorter, and having layers added, can make your hair seem fuller.
  • Using the right kind of shampoo can also help. Look for a shampoo that adds volume without using sulfate detergents.
  • Using the right kind of product at the right time can also help. There are products that add volume that you add while your hair is still wet. However, using too much product can add weight.

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Menopause And Hair Loss

Menopause is one of the major causes of hair loss as women enter middle age. While losing 50-100 hairs every day and a few more on shampoo days is common, menopause may double that loss rate.

Other common signs are more time than usual between periods, and shorter periods, along with night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, especially in the belly and dry skin.

When these signs start showing up, talk to your doctor. A few basic blood tests will pinpoint your current testosterone levels and estrogen loss, and you can begin to explore treatment options if you choose to do so.

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Try A Few Key Supplements

If youre wondering what vitamins are good for hair loss during menopause, there are a few key nutrients you need. Biotin and Viviscal, for example, come up again and again in perimenopausal hair loss research. Deficiencies in biotin are rare, but many women take supplements because it seems to improve the condition of their hair and nails.

Viviscal has Biotin in it and calcium. And vitamin C. It also contains shark cartilage, oyster extract, and a marine complex which is apparently the secret elixir that gives the ingredient its power. The U.S. National Library of Medicine published an article with a double-blind placebo controlled study that showed the efficacy of this product significantly more women who took Viviscal than the placebo noticed hair growth after 90 days, and even more after 180 days.

Now its true that the funding for the study was provided by the makers of Viviscal, but double-blind is double-blind. Furthermore, in an entirely separate article, Beauty Editor writer Katrina Persad tried Viviscal for six months and documented her results in a quite convincing photo essay and article that showed fairly dramatic results and Viviscal did not pay her for her trouble.

Check out this list of nutrients for hair loss, and where you can find them.

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If Menopausal Hair Loss Happens

Menopause comes with enough changes, so adding hair loss to the mix isnt fun. In fact, the symptoms could become overwhelming.

Fortunately, though, menopause hair loss treatments like minoxidil, spironolactone and saw palmetto are easy to obtain and can provide you with options to help you retain your youthful locks.

For best results, consult a healthcare provider to see if menopause is in fact the cause, and what measures might be right for you.

If youre not yet of age and are experiencing some thinning, check out this guide on hair loss during perimenopause. Youll be fully prepared and ready for whatever nature might bring.

Hims & Hers has strict sourcing guidelines to ensure our content is accurate and current. We rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We strive to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references.

  • Menopause: condition information. Retrieved from:
  • What are the signs and symptoms of menopause. Retrieved from:
  • Bhat, Y. J., Saqib, N. U., Latif, I., & Hassan, I. . Female Pattern Hair Loss-An Update. Indian dermatology online journal, 11, 493501. Retrieved from:
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    Are There Thinning Hair Menopause Vitamins You Can Take

    Natural Treatment For Hair Loss Due To Menopause

    Yes, some supplements might be a good idea.

    Vitamin B6 and folic acid supplements can help your hair to grow back quicker and thicker. And iron and zinc might help, too.

    Essential fatty acids are also great.

    You can get your essential fatty acids from healthy fatty foods like salmon, tuna, flaxseed oil, walnuts, and almonds, or you can take an omega-3 supplement.

    Before you take these supplements, speak to your doctor.

    They shouldnt all be taken at once, and they might not work well with other medication youre on.

    Rather be safe and double-check with someone in the know first.

    More on menopause:

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    How To Prevent Hair Loss In Women

    Hair loss in women is typically caused by genetic female pattern hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, thyroid disease, aging, or other hormonal conditions. About one-third of women will experience hair loss in their lifetime. If you are losing your hair, your doctor may recommend some of the following treatments to prevent further hair loss.

    • Aldactone or other anti-androgen medications
    • oral contraceptives
    • iron supplements, especially if your hair loss is connected to anemia or heavy menstrual cycles

    Women who have reached menopause may also consider hormone replacement therapy as a way to treat their hair loss and other symptoms.

    Pcos Can Be A Trigger

    Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in women in which the body manufactures more androgens, or male hormones, than it normally should. It is a potential cause of hormonal hair loss in women. Women who suffer from this condition may grow facial hair and extra body hair. One of the other symptoms of this condition is thinning of hair on the head. Women affected with PCOS may also experience weight gain, acne, menstrual irregularities, ovulation problems, depression, and infertility. Hair thinning may be the only outward sign that a woman is suffering from this condition.

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    Menopausal Hair Loss: Is It Reversible

    Menopause is a time of extreme hormonal changes that typically occurs around the late 40s and early 50s. After menopause, many different physical symptoms can appear, including menopausal hair loss. These symptoms can also include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

    Many people want to know if hormonal hair loss can be reversed. The answer is yes! Fortunately, unlike genetic hair loss, most hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances is reversible.

    How Can We Recognise Androgenic Alopecia

    Tips For Treating Brittle Hair And Reducing Hair Loss In Menopause

    Female androgenic alopecia is characterised by a diffused thinning of hair over the crown of the head. Women might notice a widening of their natural hair parting or a less full ponytail. However, if hair-loss more closely resembles male-pattern balding , this might be a sign of a different hormonal condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome . Other symptoms of PCOS include weight gain, acne, excessive facial hair growth and irregular periods.

    Poor diet and iron-deficiency can also result in hair loss. The NHS advises consulting a GP if you have sudden hair loss, develop bald patches, lose hair in clumps or experience itching or burning sensations on the scalp.

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    Medication And Surgery For Hair Loss

    In severe cases of menopausal hair loss, a drastic treatment is necessary such as prescription medications or even surgery. Before considering any of these two options, a woman should consult her healthcare provider in order to choose the best treatment option possible.

    Prescription medications are often too expensive and they carry negative effects at the same time. The most common prescription medication for the treatment of hair loss due to menopause is hormonal replacement therapy.

    Scalp lifts, laser therapy, or hair transplant surgeries are options in severe cases of hair loss due to menopause. All these surgical procedures are quite expensive, require a certain amount of time and are related to many side effects and possible complications.

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    How To Minimize And Treat Hair Changes And Damage Due To Menopause

    Menopause can cause many different changes within the body, one of which is hair loss. During this time 40 percent of women have been reported to experience hair loss or hair thinning of some extent. This could be during perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause. Oftentimes, hair loss is one of the first side effects that a woman may notice from menopause. Hair loss or hair thinning can be depressing and have a significant impact on a womans confidence, femininity, and sexuality.

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