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HomeWhat Kind Of Doctor To See For Hair Loss

What Kind Of Doctor To See For Hair Loss

Youre Entering The Late Stages Of Hair Loss

Which doctor should I see if Im losing my hair?

As hair loss becomes more severe, it also becomes more noticeable, especially as your hairline and scalp take on the signs of Norwood Type 3, 4 or 5 hair loss.

The more severe your male pattern baldness gets, the more challenging it becomes to treat, as fewer hair follicles are left to protect. Because of this, its always best to take action before your hair takes on the classic horseshoe or cul-de-sac pattern.

If youre starting to enter the late stages of hair loss but still want to keep your hair, its important to talk to a hair loss doctor as soon as you can.

Not only can they help you to prevent further hair loss, but they can also inform you about which treatment options can help you to regrow and restore hair.

You Have A Visible Receding Hairline

Male pattern baldness often begins at your hairline, with the hair around your temples starting to thin and your hairline beginning to recede.

Experts assess the severity of hair loss using the Norwood scale a seven-type scale that goes from a full hairline to severe, horseshoe pattern hair loss. In the first few stages, the hair on your scalp might still be thick, but your hairline may show visible signs of recession.

If youve started to notice your hairline becoming thinner, higher and more M-shaped, its best to make an appointment with a doctor that specializes in hair loss.

Thinning Hair Dont Panic Girl Your Dermatologist Is Here

Are you or someone you know suffering from hair loss? Youre not alone. According toHarvard University, about one-third of women experience hair loss at some time in their lives and among postmenopausal women, as many as two-thirds suffer hair thinning or bald spots.

As dermatologists, twin brothers Dr. Kevin DeHart and Dr. Kelly DeHart have seen it all when it comes to hair loss. Typically, women wait longer than men to come in about their hair struggles. However, the sooner you see a dermatologist, the sooner you can begin the hair regrowth process.

Timeliness is a factor when it comes to hair loss, said Dr. Kelly DeHart. If you leave hair loss untreated for years, you may not see as much regrowth as you do when you see a dermatologist within a few months of noticing symptoms and beginning treatment.

When it comes to hair loss, treatment is indefinite. While there isnt a cure, there are some great treatment options that can make a big difference when it comes to hair regrowth.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

  • Losing hair in an unusual pattern
  • Losing hair rapidly or at an early age
  • Pain or itching with the hair loss
  • The skin on your scalp under the involved area is red, scaly, or otherwise abnormal
  • Acne, facial hair, or an abnormal menstrual cycle
  • You are a woman and have male pattern baldness
  • Bald spots on your beard or eyebrows
  • Weight gain or muscle weakness, intolerance to cold temperatures, or fatigue
  • Areas of infection on your scalp

What About A Trichologist

What Type Of Doctor Do You See For Hair Loss

While a trichologist is defined as a hair and scalp specialist, they are more of a bridge between cosmetology and dermatology than their own field. They are generally educated and trained in life sciences and will look at hair loss problems in a holistic way by evaluating their clients’ personal history, lifestyle, genetic factors, and environmental conditions.

Depending on the situation, a trichologist may suggest an individualized treatment, give nutritional advice, and recommend lifestyle changes in order to improve the overall health and appearance of the hair and the scalp.

However, this profession is considered to be para-medical in nature, meaning that they assist physicians and doctors and have not received the same level of education themselves. While a trichologist may work with your doctor to figure out a possible treatment for your hair loss, they can not prescribe medications.

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What Medications Are Commonly Prescribed

Hair loss treatment can vary depending on the underlying cause of the hair loss or shedding, from medical conditions to genetics, aging and environmental factors.

There are several medical conditions that can contribute to hair loss or changes in hair. Autoimmune diseases that cause hair loss as a symptom, such as alopecia areata, might require both treatment for the underlying disorder as well as topical treatments for the hair loss itself.

Aside from medical conditions that cause hair loss, many types of hair loss result from genetic factors, aging, environmental factors and even lifestyle. This type of hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia or female- or male-pattern hair loss, and it is estimated to impact about 50 million men and 30 million women in the US. Male- or female-pattern hair loss is known for its characteristic pattern of loss, which manifests as a receding hairline in men and thinning sides of the hair in women.

The most common medication options for hereditary hair loss are minoxidil, finasteride and spironolactone .

Common Types Of Hair Loss

Androgenetic Alopecia

The old saying that baldness genes come only from your mothers side of the family simply isnt true. Baldness actually comes from both of your parents genetic makeup .

The most extensive and most common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which is genetic hair loss, and occurs in both men and women. In men, androgenetic alopecia is also referred to as male-pattern baldness where the hair recedes above the temples and the crown of the head. In women, this type occurs throughout the entire head, becoming thinner and thinner all over but rarely resulting in total baldness.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia doesnt just affect adults. When younger kids or teens experience Alopecia Areata, they lose hair in a round formation due to an autoimmune issue. The hair is there, but its not growing correctly and is often very smooth and fine. The most common treatment for this condition is a steroid injection under the skin. Alopecia can cause someone to lose all of the hair on their head or across their entire body, depending on its severity.

Traction Hair Loss

Traction hair loss occurs most often in women and is generally very gradual. Its primary cause is the result of hair being pulled or tugged on repeatedly. For example, when someone wears their hair in a tight ponytail, braids, or other restricting hair styles. This condition can also be caused by someone chronically pulling their hair out. Telogen Effluvium

Next, lets dive into a few treatment options.

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Testing The Degree Of A Womans Hair Loss

There are two widely known female hair loss density scales used by most hair loss specialists: the Ludwig Scale and the Savin Scale. They are identical except that the Savin Scale also measures overall thinning.

In the Savin Scale, shown here, eight crown density images reflect a range from no hair loss to severe hair loss. Density 8 is rarely seen in clinical practice. Frontal anterior recession is also illustrated .

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What You Can Expect When You Consult A Doctor

What You Can Do about Hair Loss

If you consult a dermatologist , they will first check if you are losing hair volume because your hair is falling off and not getting replaced or because it is beginning to miniaturize. Normally, the doctor will take some hair between the index and middle fingers and lightly tug it is normal for 5-8 strands to come out. More than this is a sign that something is wrong. The hair will also be checked with an instrument called the densitometer for the miniaturized hair.

Once unusual hair loss has been established, the dermatologist will check for what could be causing the loss, and decide the treatment based on the findings.

You can expect the doctor to quiz you on:

Your lifestyle and any major life-stressors- Examples include questions like – have you been ill or injured, or have you given birth or gone through menopause recently? Are you on a diet? Are you on a crash diet? Do you smoke ? The average amount of sleep you get and so on.

Your general health and the medications you are taking Do you have asthma or diabetes? Are you on oral contraceptives, blood-pressure or cholesterol medication, antidepressants, multivitamins?

The doctor will also check for signs of anemia or thyroid disease, or hormonal problems . Based on these findings, tests may be prescribed to verify

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Is Hair Loss Caused By A Lack Of Vitamin D

Hair loss can be caused by both vitamin D shortage and overabundance, according to Chacon. Vitamin D insufficiency may potentially play a role in the development and severity of androgenetic alopecia, often known as male pattern baldness, according to a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 2020.

How Common Is Hair Loss In Women

Many people think that hair loss only affects men. However, it is estimated that more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss. The most significant cause of hair loss in women is female-pattern hair loss , which affects about one-third of susceptible women, which equals out to some 30 million women in the United States.

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Is It Possible For Thin Hair To Grow Back Thick

Hair follicles must be able to produce new hair in any case. If this is the case, regular hair growth and thickness may be possible to restore. Again, getting thicker, fuller hair is achievable, but it is dependent on the individuals hair follicles, genetics, and overall health all of which differ from person to person.

How Many More Hair Loss Doctors Do I Need To See

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Do I REALLY have to see that many hair loss doctors? Havent I seen enough hair loss doctors? It is normal to feel overwhelmed with already seeing several doctors to determine the cause for your hair loss. Many women with hair loss have shared this experience so know you are not alone. Some women share that one type of doctor ended up being much more helpful than the other type, but still would suggest seeing both to get a full diagnosis and rule out many issues.

We would highly suggest seeing more than one doctor in each field. The more experience hair loss doctors have brings more knowledge which is important as well as comforting. Hair loss doctors that have much experience should also have a good bedside manner and understand that with hair loss also comes the need for emotional support and sensitivity and truly sharing their concern is just as important and giving a solution.

Do your research before making that appointment. Ask around. Call the office and ask to speak to the doctor. If this is not an option, as some questions to the receptionist about the experience of the doctor.

Do they see a lot of women with hair loss?

What do you see the treatments often end up being?

Do they order blood work at the first appointment?

How many years of experience?

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Different Type Of Cures

Some conditions will only require one visit and have a quick course of treatment, this could be a case of Tinea Capitis or ringworm, where the diagnosis is very straightforward and the treatment would be oral antifungals.

On the other hand, some patients may have to work with the trichologist longer term. Especially in cases of hair loss like alopecia areata. In this case the aim of the treatment is to monitor the progression of the condition. Also try different option to at least halt or reverse it as much as possible.

The majority of patients will be able to work through their condition and achieve normalcy with their hair. However for some, the damage may be permanent and the scalp may have sustained damage or the hair follicles will no longer produce viable hairs. In those type of cases can be referral for hair transplants or wigs.

This makes it extra important to see a Trichologist as soon as you notice any problems or have concerns with your hair.

The Best Doctor For Hair Loss

If you think you may be experiencing hair loss, the temptation might be to look up the highest-rated dermatologist in your area and make an appointment.

That inclination would be on the right track. Dermatologists are experts regarding both diagnosing and treating hair loss of all varieties, including male pattern hair loss. A dermatologist will help you figure out if your hair loss is merely male pattern hair loss, or if its something else entirely. Depending on the cause, hair loss can often be prevented and even reversed in many cases.

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Do You Need A Hair Loss Doctor

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

If youve noticed your hairline starting to recede or your hair beginning to thin, one of the most important steps you can take in stopping any further hair loss is getting in touch with a hair loss doctor.

Hair loss can start as early as your teens, and many men start to notice the early signs of male pattern baldness in their 20s or 30s.

The point is, with hair loss, the earlier you take action and seek out professional treatment, the more of your hair youll generally be able to keep.

Luckily, almost all male hair loss is treatable today. A hair loss doctor can work with you to find out whats causing your hair loss and put together a hair loss prevention plan that helps you to minimize further loss and keep as much of your hair as possible.

Not sure if you need a hair loss doctor? Below, weve listed the key benefits of talking to a hair loss doctor, as well as some signs you can look for to know when its time to take action and do something about your hair loss.

Causes And Symptoms Of Alopecia

Types of Hair Loss | Common Causes, Symptoms & Treatment – Dr. Kavitha GV Mandal

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes you to lose hair and often leaves little bald spots on your head. Our hair is made up of mostly protein. When our body does not have enough protein, the hairs enter the resting phase. This causes us to lose hair and hair to become brittle and fall out. Alopecia is both hereditary and hormonal. It affects both males and females and can happen at any age. There are many causes related to alopecia. Causes include severe or chronic illness, thyroid disease, low-protein diets, low iron levels and improper hair care. It is also common after childbirth. If hair loss occurs, the hairs may enter a resting phase and are lost without immediate replacement. It could last up to nine months but should resolve itself without treatment. This also may be the case if you have a chronic illness.

Alopecia occurs when hair follicles are attacked by your own body, causing clumps of hair to fall out. While rare, there is a potential to lose all the hair on your head and/or on your entire body. Males are more likely to lose all their hair while women mostly experience thinning. Sometimes the hair grows back for good and other times it grows back and then falls out again shortly after. Unfortunately, alopecia is not curable, but can and should be treated by a dermatologist. During diagnosis, a skin biopsy may be performed and examined to properly diagnose the alopecia.

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