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Can Having A Hysterectomy Cause Hair Loss

How Hormone Replacement Treatment Affects Your Hair

How over-styling and over-processing your hair can cause hair loss

Most of us have heard about hot flashes and mood changes during menopause, but what about hair thinning? Many women experience hair loss during menopause, but hormone replacement treatment may be able to help. Thinning hair during menopause can seriously affect your sense of well-being and your self-esteem. However, youre not alone with menopausal hair loss. An estimated 21 million women in the U. S. will experience hair loss at some point in their lives, many of them during and after menopause. Our providers can help you determine underlying causes of hair thinning during menopause and help you find personalized treatment plans to help you feel better.

Hormone replacement treatment can help improve your quality of life during menopause.

How Is Hirsutism Diagnosed

Your doctor will conduct a physical examination to determine the extent of the abnormal hair growth, as well as any other physical signs that may be accompanying the hair growth, such as acne.

If your hair growth is diagnosed as hirsutism, your doctor may perform a variety of tests, including blood tests to check hormone levels, ultrasound to visualize the ovaries and uterus, certain X-rays and additional tests to evaluate your ovaries and adrenal glands, in order to rule out other conditions.

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Hysterectomy And Joint Pain

Very few women are aware that joint pain is a common side effect of hysterectomy. Estrogen has a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on your body, including your joints.

Reduced levels of estrogen can harm your joints, like chronic inflammation and pain. This is generally the most accepted explanation for why your joints may be hurting following a hysterectomy.

Read more: How to deal with a sudden onset of joint pain after hysterectomy?

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Hair Loss After Hysterectomy

Hair loss, a side effect of hysterectomy, we may see when there is heavy bleeding or prolonged pressure on the scalp during surgery.

But also the emotional stress before and after the surgery may cause temporary hair loss. Stress may cause your adrenal gland to produce more cortisol.

High levels of the stress hormone cortisol may disrupt the hair follicle’s normal growth cycle.

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Besides medications, the treatment for hair loss can also include a hair transplant. In this procedure, small pieces of the scalp containing hair follicles are transferred to the bald areas. The surgery can be risky because it involves the usual risks of surgery, including shock and pain. Furthermore, it is expensive and is often not covered by insurance. But if you dont want to live with a bald area thats affecting your confidence and your appearance, hair transplant surgery may be the right option.

If the baldness is caused by a fungal infection, you can consider undergoing a hair transplant. In this procedure, tiny pieces of scalp are removed and moved to the bald spots. Despite the risks, this procedure is highly effective and is often covered by health insurance plans. A hair transplant can cost thousands of dollars, and you will most likely need to pay a large part of it out of pocket. The only downside to hair transplant surgery is the high cost.

Although alopecia is an embarrassing problem for many people, it can also be caused by trauma. People who undergo painful procedures on their hair may be at risk for traumatizing alopecia. This condition often results in thinning or falling hair. In some cases, the scalp becomes red and the scalp can even become inflamed. Antibiotics and antimalarial drugs may also be prescribed to help treat this disorder.

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HysterSisters Free Hysterectomy BookletWhat 350,000 Women Know About Hysterectomy with pages of information, helpful tips and hints to prepare and recover from hysterectomy. Free download for members.

Enjoy The Fruits Of Nature

Things that are made in a factory and placed in a can or a box are not healthy for anyone, but particularly for people struggling with hormone imbalance. Xenoestrogens, or estrogen mimicking hormones, can be found in a number of food additives and preservatives. Animals in the United States are raised with doses of antibiotics, steroids and growth hormones. Whatever the animals are eating, you are eating, and it continues the toxic cycle. My suggestion is to turn to a vegetarian, whole foods, organic diet, and keep away from the frozen, boxed, or canned meals. If you want to keep eating meat, just make sure it is organic.

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Hair Loss After Hysterectomy: Is It Common

Medically reviewed by Vicky Davis, FNP

Every year, about 300,000 women get a hysterectomy. Its actually the second most common surgery for women, after a C-section.

Along with a number of side effects from this type of surgery, some women experience hair loss which may be very upsetting. See, some women feel a sense of loss when they have a hysterectomy. So, to also lose some of your hair can feel like salt on the wound.

Wondering how common hair loss is after a hysterectomy? There arent exactly numbers, but given what a hysterectomy puts your body through, its safe to say that its not uncommon.

Read on to find out more about hysterectomies, why they can lead to hair loss and how to treat that hair loss.

How Does Hair Loss Differ From Losing A Few Hairs In The Shower

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Everyone loses hair occasionally just look at your shower drain or your hair brush. The difference between this normal shedding of hair and clinical hair loss is the amount lost. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hair loss means losing more than about 100 or 150 hairs a day.

If youve got fibroids, signs of related hair loss include changes in texture, thinning, and bald spots.

Heres what can be done to help you stay on top of uterine fibroids, and any hair loss they may be causing:

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What Is A Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a surgery that some women have to remove their uterus. When just the uterus is removed its called a partial hysterectomy. Often the cervix is also removed. Sometimes, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed during hysterectomy surgery.

When everything is removed, its considered a radical hysterectomy.

Because the uterus is gone, women who get hysterectomies can no longer become pregnant and they do not get their period anymore.

Reasons women may need a hysterectomy include:

  • Endometriosis that doesnt respond to other treatments

  • Uterine prolapse

  • Vaginal bleeding that wont stop despite treatment

  • Cancer of the uterus, ovaries or cervix

  • Chronic pelvic pain

A laparoscopic hysterectomy is another option. With this procedure, a small camera is inserted into your lower abdomen. Several small incisions are then used and your uterus is removed in small pieces.

Finally, during an abdominal hysterectomy your uterus is removed through a six- to eight-inch incision in your abdomen.

Depending on the type of hysterectomy you have, your recovery will look a little different. If your ovaries are also removed, you can expect to go through menopause right after your hysterectomy.

What Causes Hair Loss After Surgery

In a typical hair cycle, your follicles go through a growth process that lasts for a few years at a time. Hair follicles dont continuously produce new hairs they cycle through resting phases known as telogens.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, its estimated that 10 to 20 percent of your hair follicles are in a telogen state at any given time.

If the proportion of telogen hairs is greater than 20 percent, its an indication of telogen effluvium, one of the most common forms of hair loss.

Surgery can sometimes put your hair follicles in a longer resting state than normal. Rather than large bald spots associated with alopecia areata, youre more likely to see progressively thinner hair as a result of TE.

Surgery may cause TE-related hair loss in the following ways:

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How Hair Loss Changed My Life

Its funny to think I have to be thankful for a pill that made my hair fall out. My doctor had just prescribed the latest and greatest birth control pill, a magical pill that allowed you to have a period only four times a year.

But what my doctor didnt bother to find out was that having a period four times a year was something I was used to. It was something I often felt strange about as a young girl, when all of my friends had their menstrual cycles working like clockwork.

About two months into the magical birth control pill, my hair began to fall out. Not a little bit, but in chunks. I was horrified and called my doctor straight away. Her advice? To go on taking the pill because it probably had to do with something else. She asked, are you stressed at work?

Desperate for answers, I took to the Internet to see what other women were saying. I was shocked when I came across a forum of women talking about their hair loss and Seasonique. One woman said she had been off the pill for years and her hair continued to fall out.

I ignored my doctors suggestion and threw the pill in the trash. The next day, I made an appointment with my dermatologist to see what I could do about my hair. A chunk of hair had fallen out in the front and it was embarrassing and scary.

The Morcellation Technique Has Both Advantages And Risks

Chunks Of Hair Falling Out In Shower

To be able to remove the uterus during a minimally invasive surgery, surgeons cut it into small sections and may use a process called morcellation. In the past, the practice was criticized because of evidence that it could potentially increase the risk of spreading cancerous cells.

In response to these concerns, researchers developed new approaches to the procedure including contained and in-bag morcellation methods.

Streicher believes that many women undergo unnecessary open procedures, when morcellation is a better option. Its a real disservice to women, she says.

Morcellation doesnt cause cancer, adds Streicher, but if the person had a specific kind of cancer, you could potentially spread the cancer by morcellation. This type of cancer is extremely rare, Streicher adds. Informed consent is a must before going ahead with this procedure, says Streicher.

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Hormonal Hair Loss: Abnormal Hormone Levels

The most common type of hair loss in both men and women is androgenic alopecia, also called androgenetic, or male or female pattern hair loss. According to a 2020 study published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, androgenic hair loss begins after puberty. Androgenic alopecia can be genetic but itâs also hormonal.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, the following hormones can cause hair loss:

  • High testosterone
  • High or low thyroid hormone

âBy far, the worst, and very common hormone responsible for hair loss is cortisol â by way of stress. Stress can cause telogen effluvium, sending all hairs into the resting phase, followed by shedding. This is also seen after delivering a baby, surgery, or rapid weight loss, as the body views these as stressful events,â Sharleen St. Surin-Lord, MD, founder and medical director at Visage Dermatology and Aesthetic Center in Maryland, and assistant professor of dermatology at Howard University College of Medicine, tells WebMD Connect to Care.

Your doctor can check your testosterone, cortisol, and thyroid blood levels to determine if one of these hormone imbalances could be causing your hair loss.

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Can Hair Grow Back After Thinning

Once your surgery is complete, it’s time to take the pressure off any stress and shock-inducing activities. Prioritize self-care and indulge in some dedicated relaxation time. Unfortunately, once the hair has been pushed to the telogen phase, it’s time to kiss it goodbye and accept that the shedding phase will last for at least three months.

“The hair can definitely grow back after thinning, but the underlying cause must be addressed and resolved. After addressing the cause, it can take three to six months for things to normalize,” Chacon said.

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With Supplements Or Organic Treatments

There are so many supplements available for healthy hair. In particular, look for those containing iron, zinc, biotin, and vitamin A when trying to curb your hair loss. Some organic treatments you may like to try to encourage hair growth are by massaging Aloe Vera or coconut oil into the scalp a few times a week. Additionally, you can add some essential oils, like, for example, rosemary oil or geranium oil to your shampoo to improve the condition of your hair.

Why Would Someone Need A Hysterectomy

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss? | Hair Loss Expert Dr. Phipps

Hysterectomies are very common, especially in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 1 in 3 women will have a hysterectomy by age 60. People have hysterectomies for different reasons.

Many people get a hysterectomy to help with symptoms and pain from other gynecological issues, such as endometriosis or fibroids. Others may get a hysterectomy to reduce their risk of some types of breast or ovarian cancer.

Typically, people have a hysterectomy after other non-invasive treatments fail. Some may try birth control or hormone therapy first. Others may need a hysterectomy right away because of a condition like pelvic prolapse .

A hysterectomy can be a big decision, so regardless of your situation, its best to talk to your doctor to see whats right for you.

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Can Hair Dye Cause Hair Loss

Whether you’re seeing your colorist regularly or using DIY hair dye, the coloring process can be harsh on your hair. You might’ve even noticed stray strands in the shower drain or more hair shedding than before you began coloring it.

Are you curious if hair dye could be causing more damage than good and if your beloved color is connected to hair loss? Read on for expert advice on how hair dye products impact your hair, along with what you can do about it. Plus, discover which products you should be using to keep your hair feeling and looking healthy, strong and vibrant.

Color Cues: What To Watch For When Coloring Your Hair

If you do opt to continue with color, there are things to consider when caring for your hair pre- and post-dye. Taking the right prep steps and practicing proper aftercare will keep your hair and new hue fresh, strong and in optimal shape. Keep your color without compromising your hair’s integrity by paying attention to the following signs and suggestions.

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Side Effects Of Hysterectomy That May Take You By Surprise

Have you heard many horror stories about all the side effects of hysterectomy?

Wonder what happens to the body after a hysterectomy?

How long will the ovaries work after hysterectomy? Will there be long-term side effects?

Dont let the thought of all the possible problems after a hysterectomy scare you too much. In reality, most of the side effects are related to menopause. Meaning, someday, you will have to face most of the problems that come with menopause anyway.

I wont deny that hysterectomy surgery can provoke a wide range of side effects. Some are fairly common and understandable why they happen. Other side effects happen less frequently, and you have probably never heard of them.

Surely a hysterectomy may have certain physical and psychological side effects on women. But many depend on whether you can keep your ovaries or not. Without your ovaries, you will go abruptly into menopause with all the troublesome symptoms that come with it.

When this happens, hormone replacement therapy is your best option to ward of any negative effects.

The Effect On Hormones

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When a person has both a hysterectomy and their ovaries removed, their estrogen production is dramatically reduced. This hormone is responsible for a number of bodily functions. Chief among them is menstruation. When ovaries are removed, menstruation stops abruptly, and menopause begins if you are not yet postmenopausal.

For people who dont remove their ovaries during a hysterectomy, there is a risk for ovarian failure. In fact, people who do not have an oophorectomy at the time of their hysterectomy are compared to people who have their uteri. This, too, will lead to a decrease in estrogen, though likely more gradually.

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The Initial Causes Can Hysterectomy Cause Hair Loss

The main cause of hair loss is stress. While most of us shed about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, we also continue to grow new ones at the same rate. This shedding is normal, and its perfectly natural to replace lost hair with new ones. However, if youre losing hair that is excessively slow or isnt growing back, youre experiencing hair fall. There are many possible causes for this condition, but theres no one single solution.

Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. Symptoms include bald spots and patches of hair loss. Infection may be caused by fungus, and scaly, red patches may develop. In severe cases, sores may develop on the scalp and oozing pus may be present. Treatment with a prescription may be necessary, but the long-term results of taking these medications are not always permanent.

In some cases, temporary hair loss may be the result of a hormonal imbalance. While some women experience hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, others may experience permanent loss of hair. These changes can be caused by hormones in the body, such as those produced by the thyroid or by the adrenal glands. In severe cases, the loss of hair is caused by medical conditions. Inflammatory diseases can cause an excess of androgen, a male hormone. High levels of vitamin A in the blood and in the body can also result in hair thinning.


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