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HomeHelpDoes Birth Control Help Hair Loss

Does Birth Control Help Hair Loss

Gently Dry With A Towel


After washing your hair, use a soft towel to wrap your hair and let the towel naturally soak the excess water. Avoid rubbing your hair shafts together to dry your hair.

Use a scrunching motion to gently dry your hair without damaging the roots or the shafts. If you are in a hurry, use a hair dryer at a moderate heat setting. However, avoid frequent use of blow dryers at all costs.

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Lets Talk About Androgens

Androgens are hormones typically associated with men, with testosterone, perhaps, the most famous of the androgens. So, why are we talking about them in relation to female contraception? Despite their well-known relationship with the male body, they are also found in lower quantities in women and play a crucial role in the female body.

The Link Between Hormones And Hair Growth

Basically, because birth control pills alter hormone levelswhich have a huge impact on the hair growth cycle, they have the potential to affect the growth of your hair. Although the pill may not affect hair growth at all, if it does, the changes can be positive or negative. How a BCP will affect your scalp hair, if at all, depends on what synthetic hormones it contains and whether it is oestrogenic or androgenic. Oestrogens can be considered hair friendly they help to keep strands in their anagen phase for their maximum length of time. Androgens can have the opposite effect, explains Anabel.

Again, whether or not the pill will effect you is dependent on your individual genetic makeup. For instance, if you have a strong genetic predisposition that causes hair follicles on your scalp to be sensitive to normal levels of androgens , androgenic BCPs have a high potential of having a negative impact on your hair growth. On the other hand, Oestrogenic BCPs can be helpful for those with follicle sensitivity. In fact, certain birth control pills, such as Yasmin and Dianette, are often prescribed to help with hair density changes, adds Anabel.

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Why You May Experience Hair Loss After Going Off Birth Control

Hair loss of all kinds is a very common concern for many women. It’s a very tricky topic as there are several kinds of hair loss, which are all influenced by a variety of factors. One such factor is birth control, yes.

“One kind of hair loss that can be experienced after stopping OCP is telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is a kind of hair loss that takes place after a person undergoes a stress to the body or mind,” says King, noting that this can range from physical injury, personal problems, and, yes, hormonal changes. “Abrupt hormonal changelike after childbirth or stopping an oral contraceptiveis one form of physical stress.”

The good news is that this form of hair loss is temporary, too.

“Hairs are usually found in all different stages of the hair cycle, but after this stress, a larger percentage of hairs than usual become synchronized, and so when it is time for them to fall out, many more hairs than normal fall out,” she says. “This happens usually approximately two to four months after the stress. The good news is that this kind of hair loss is reversibleit does grow back!”

Hair Loss In Black Women: Tips From An Expert

Birth Control Hair Loss, Do They Cause Hair Thinning For Women?

Almost half of black women experience some form of hair loss. However, few doctors are familiar with black hairstyling practices, leaving many women to sort through unhelpful or even harmful advice on their own.

Dermatologist Crystal Aguh, one of just a small group of dermatologists across the country specializing in hair loss, offers these tips to help women protect their hair and recognize common warning signs of hair loss.

How oral contraceptives can contribute to hair loss and what you can do about it..

Anabel Kingsley

Birth control pills work by adjusting the balance of hormones in your body.

Because the growth cycle of your hair is influenced by hormones, your hair may be affected if you are taking a contraceptive pill . For some, this manifests as hair loss.

Please note, there are two types of hair loss associated with birth control pills: hair thinning and hair shedding. They have different symptoms, and are caused by different things.

Hair thinning takes place gradually over time and is an inherited condition. This article primarily focuses on the connection between contraceptive birth control pills and exacerbating hair thinning.

Hair shedding is immediately noticeable, and is caused by a disturbance, imbalance or shock within your body. For more information on how birth control methods may affect hair shedding, please visit our page on Hair Shedding and Hormonal Contraceptives.

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Types Of Birth Control Pills That Wont Make You Go Bald

When a connection is made between birth control and balding, the American Hair Loss Association suggests women use birth control pills that are low-androgen based, like desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol. If the balding becomes more severe or doesnt improve after a few months, a non-hormonal contraceptive may be a better option.

What You Can Do About Hair Loss

As is the case with all hormonal birth control, it’s a trial-and-error process. Sometimes you need to try more than one birth control before you find the hormonal method that’s best for you and your body. Not every birth control is compatible with everybody that’s why there are so many options out there.

If you want to avoid the possibility of hair loss or have noticed your hair getting thinner, talk to your doctor about being prescribed a hormonal contraceptive that contains low levels of androgens. Even if you haven’t lost any hair, at least not a noticeable amount, contraceptives high in androgens can also force hair into a resting phase where it just doesn’t grow anymore .

If you try a variety of hormonal contraceptives, even ones with a lower index of androgens, and the hair loss issue isn’t remedied, you still have other options. For example, corticosteroid injections, Rogaine, and light therapy can help with hair growth or retaining the hair you have .

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Birth Control Pills Andhair Loss

Some birthcontrol pills can cause the hair to thin, or cause you to lose hair. This tendsto be more common in women who have a family history of baldness, or women whoare hormone sensitive.

Hair growsin three cycles the active stage, the transitional stage, and the restingstage.

Active Stage Of HairGrowth

The activestage of hair growth is also known as the anagen stage. This is when the hairis actively growing from the follicle. This stage can last anywhere from two tofive years.

Transitional Stage Of HairGrowth

Thetransitional stage of hair growth is known as the catagen stage. In this stage,the hair growth stops completely. This stage can last for 10 to 20 days.

Resting Stage Of HairGrowth

The restingstage of hair growth is known as the telogen stage. The hair doesnt grow atall in this stage, and you can lose 25 to 100 hairs per day. This stage canlast for up to 100 days.

The birthcontrol pill can cause the hair to move through the stages of growth fasterthan normal, and can cause the hair to delay at the resting stage. This bothinhibits normal hair growth, and encourages hair to fall out faster, and ingreater volume than it would do normally.

If you have a family history of hair loss, or if you are sensitive to hormones, let your doctor know, as they can then look for the right birth control pill for you.

Seeing Excessive Hairfall Your Birth Control Pill May Be To Blame

Women, Birth Control Pills, and Hair Loss

Since their FDA approval in 1960, oral contraceptives have become a popular birth control method for women, as they promise a balanced menstrual cycle, clearer skin and a better mood overall. But they often come with a host of side effects we wellwith hair loss being a common concern among users. We spoke to experts about how birth control pills affect your mane, and what you can do to treat any resultant hair loss.

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Minoxidil 2% Topical Treatment

Women with diffuse androgenetic alopecia can use minoxidil, and it actually seems to be more effective for women compared to men. The makers of minoxidil recommend women only use the 2% concentration of minoxidil and not 5%. The makers of minoxidil have not received FDA approval for promoting 5% minoxidil or minoxidil extra strength for use by women. Many dermatologists do prescribe minoxidil 5% for women with androgenic alopecia if used under their supervision. Some small clinical trials have been conducted on 5% minoxidil for androgenic alopecia in women showing that indeed the 5% solution is significantly more effective in both retaining and regrowing hair than the 2% solution.

In clinical studies of mostly white women aged 18-45 years with mild to moderate degrees of hair loss, the following response to minoxidil was reported: 19% of women reported moderate hair growth after using minoxidil for 8 months . This compares with 7% of women reporting moderate hair regrowth after using the placebo, the liquid without the active ingredient in it, for 8 months .

My 23 Year Old Daughter Is About To Stop Loestrin Bcp Due To Major Hair Loss

I received this email and am posting the question, and my response in case it can perhaps help other women confronted with the same situation .

Hi I just came across The Womens Hair Loss Project. We are desperate. My daughters situation sounds similar to yours. Shes been on Loestrin for 4 years since sophomore year in college. Her hair has started thinning, and lately, its accelerated to where her part is very wide, her hair is very thin, the top of her hair pretty bad. All doctors said blood work fine, its female pattern hair loss, start rogaine 5%. Shes so desperate that she finally agreed to listen to me and go off the Loestrin but wants to start ortho tri cyclen because doctor said its a hair protectant. So shes planning on starting that and the Rogaine at the same time. We are so scared. Something doesnt feel right. Im afraid for her to do both at the same time because if something goes wrong, we wont know which. I think she should get off BCP pills completely. Just want to hear your opinion. Please. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!!! -S

Dear S

I should state what I think is already known but just in case, Im not a doctor My experience with hair loss is living with it for 21 years and going to great lengths to find an answer to this problem, treat it a number of ways, and along the way deal with the sufferings it brought, disappointments and regrets and having it be one long ass journey to trying to find myself again.

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Can Birth Control Pills Make Your Hair Grow

You should look for pills that contain more estrogen than progestin if you have hair loss in your family. In fact, these pills have a low androgen index, which means they can actually stimulate hair growth by keeping your hair in the anagen phase for longer periods of time. Desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol is one of the low-androgen birth control pills.

Can Stopping Birth Control Cause Hair Loss

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Unfortunately, the short answer is yes. While no longer using hormonal birth control doesn’t typically result in hair loss as dramatic as what Sessions showed in her video, increased shedding is a possibility, says Mona Gohara, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. Chief among the causes is the hormonal change that occurs when a person stops taking birth control. “Any physiologic or emotional shift can affect our bodies,” notes Dr. Gohara. “And an increase or decrease can certainly shift the hair cycle toward shedding or growth depending on the scenario.” (

Stress, whether situational or internal , is often the root cause of sudden hair loss, adds Jessica Shepherd, M.D., ob-gyn and chief medical officer at Verywell Health. “Hair loss that occurs after stopping birth control is usually known as telogen effluvium, which typically occurs after the body experiences high stress,” she says. “The stress pushes follicles into a resting phase and can lead to the hair temporarily falling out.”

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Hair Falls Out For Many Reasons

Many new moms experience excessive hair shedding after pregnancy. Hair shedding usually peaks about four months after giving birth. By their childs first birthday, most women regain their normal hair growth. If your hair does not regain its normal fullness after one year, you may want to see a dermatologist. Something else may be causing your hair to fall out. People lose hair for many reasons, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment.

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How Can I Stop Hair Loss From Birth Control

Most often, the type of hair loss associated with birth control is telogen effluvium . Telogen effluvium is a form of sudden hair loss that happens when a shock to the body interrupts the normal hair growth cycle. In the case of birth control-related hair loss, its typically the sudden change in hormones that occurs when its started. However, TE also can happen when stopping birth control.

Hair grows in predictable cycles, and with telogen effluvium, the sudden change to hormone levels caused by birth control prematurely moves a large number of hair follicles into the resting phase of the cycle. During this phase of the hair growth cycle, the follicle stops actively growing hair and rests before shedding. Since this phase lasts for about three months, it takes about that time to actually see shedding start.

Telogen effluvium is a very common form of hair loss, said Dr. Rita J. McGuire, a Chicago-based and board-certified OB-GYN with over 30 years of experience. And while it typically resolves once the underlying stress passes or the body adjusts, it can be an ongoing concern. Telogen effluvium can be delayed, occurring a few months after the stressful incident, or it can become chronic if not resolved,” Dr. McGuire said.

Taking all this into account, here are some ways to stop birth control-related hair loss.

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On The Other Hand Can The Contraceptive Pill Be Good For Hair Loss

There is no doubt hormones play a vital role in the hair growth cycle and the follicle structure. Weve looked at the possible effects of progestin, but combined hormonal contraception contains another component: oestrogen. This is also known to impact hair growth and is usually credited with the changes experienced in pregnancy. During this time, hair can be thicker and fuller due to an extension of the growth phase. Combine this with a reduction in hair shedding and an increase in hair diameter and many women will notice more voluminous hair whilst pregnant.

Menopause can also have an impact on a womans hair growth. With reduced levels of oestrogen and a change in oestrogen and androgen production, women may experience female pattern hair loss during this time.

Does this mean, then, that the oestrogen in our contraceptives could have beneficial effects on our hair? Possibly. Some women do find their hair appears thicker whilst using combined contraception. Women may also therefore experience some hair loss after stopping this birth control method as their hair returns to normal.

One The Lowdown user wrote of her experience with Lucette:

My skin is clear, and I have not put on any weight which is great. I think this pill tricks your body into thinking its pregnant, so makes your hair nice and shiny, boobs grow etc. The down side is the slight loss of sex drive and I would sometimes get upset over nothing.

Hair Loss While On Birth Control

Birth Control and Hair Loss

Losing hair after starting birth control is less common than losing a few extra strands after coming off the pill. Nevertheless, when this happens, it’s likely because your prescription contains a progestin that has androgens , says Dr. Green. The increase in androgen receptors in these pills can contribute to hair loss.

But here’s where things get confusing: Some birth control formulations can actually be helpful for hair loss. “The estrogen they contain can suppress the ovaries’ production of androgens and increase a protein called sex-hormone binding globulin in the blood. This protein binds free testosterone in the bloodstream, so less testosterone is available to cause hair loss,” says Hadley King, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

So if you’ve recently started taking oral contraceptives and you’re losing more hair than normal, you may want to consider switching to a different type. “Drospirenone is a progestin that has particularly high anti-androgen activity, which is why oral contraceptive pills with this progestin, including Yasmin and Yaz, tend to be particularly helpful for decreasing hair loss,” Dr. King says.

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Consider Your Hair Care Options

Regardless of the medical route you choose, some good news is that there are many things you can do to support your bodys recovery from telogen effluvium and support a return to normal hair growth.

To start, building healthy habits around diet, exercise, sleep and stress management can make a big difference. By supporting your overall health and well-being, you are supporting your hair follicles too. Nutritional deficiencies have been linked to hair loss, as has stress. Try to eat a balanced and varied diet, and consider cortisol-lowering activities like spending time in nature, having a good laugh and meditation.

You might also consider buffing up your hair care routine to help support your follicles and scalp. VEGAMOUR has you covered because we see hair health as a truly holistic endeavor that starts from the inside and can be supported on the outside, too!

Giving your body all it needs on the inside can help support sleek, shiny and strong hair on the outside. Consider GRO Biotin Gummies For Hair, formulated to give you a biotin boost along with all the other vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy head of hair and a healthy you. Or you add the soothing, calming power of CBD to your daily supplement game with our GRO+ Advanced Gummies.


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