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HomeFactsHow To Help Hair Loss With Pcos

How To Help Hair Loss With Pcos

Why Does Pcos Cause Hair Loss

Tips & Tricks to Help Stop PCOS Hair Loss

The female body produces male hormones, also called androgens. This includes testosterone. Androgens play a role in triggering puberty and stimulating hair growth in the underarms and pubic areas. They have other important functions as well.

PCOS causes extra androgen production, resulting in virilization. This refers to the development of more masculine features, including excess hair in places where it doesnt usually grow, such as the:

  • face
  • chest
  • abdomen

These extra androgens can also cause the hair on your head to start thinning, especially near the front of your scalp. This is known as androgenic alopecia or female pattern hair loss.

Is Pcos Hair Loss The Same As Androgenetic Alopecia

Alopecia is the scientific term for hair loss, and androgenetic alopecia is hair loss caused by excess levels of androgen. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is just one reason that a person might have elevated levels of androgen, meaning PCOS can cause androgenetic alopecia, but they are not one and the same.

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Hair Loss Tip #1: Dont Smoke

Although it may sound obvious, smoking with PCOS is a horrible idea. First of all, smoking is just horrible for your health it is linked to over 50 different diseases including lung cancer and heart disease. Secondly, studies have shown that male pattern baldness and hair loss is linked to smoking behaviors. On the more extreme side of the spectrum, it has been found that those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day more than double their risk of having moderate to severe hair loss than those who never smoke.

Ultimately, your androgen levels are higher if you smoke remember, high androgen levels can lead to unwanted symptoms for females. Smoking is an expensive and unhealthy habit that should be avoided, regardless of whether you are currently experiencing PCOS or another malady.

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What Causes Pcos Related Hair Loss

In polycystic ovary syndrome, a leading cause of pattern hair loss is excess androgen levels surge in the body. Androgens are naturally produced within the ovaries, adrenal gland, and fat cells in women. These androgens play a role in stimulating pubic and underarm excessive hair growth and regulating the loss of blood during menstrual periods.

In PCOS, cysts are formed in the ovaries that lead to a surge in the level of androgens in the body. The increase in the production of cytokines pushes more of the hair in the telogen stage, causing the derma papilla to deteriorate. The affected hair becomes thinner in diameter, shorter in length, and eventually stops growing at all.

Besides this, DHEA and DHT are two other hair loss-inducing hormones.

Medical Treatments To Stop The Hair Loss

PCOS, Hair loss, and amazing headbands

To treat hair loss associated with PCOS, it is best to target the root cause, which is hormonal imbalance. The current medical treatment aims at restoring hormonal balance and ovary function. This, in turn, improves the health of hair follicles.

If you have PCOS-related hair loss, you may need to undergo a combination of the following treatments:

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Hair Treatment Always An Option

Along with medicines, using lotions can also be a way to deal with hair fall due to PCOS. Lotions that come as liquid or foam that can be used to massage your hair can help you efficiently with your PCOS hair loss. Oral biotion supplements can also be taken to enhance results. Medical therapy takes at least 2-3 months for visible results.

You can always resort to a hair transplant where the doctors take out the hair follicles and graft them on your scalp wherever the thinning is significant. After a period of time, the change is prominently seen. But you would like to consult your doctor before going with this solution as it varies from female to female and hair to hair type.

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Hair Loss

I used to have such thick, beautiful hair. Now, its so thin and brittle! Handfuls of hair come out in the shower and Im just so upset Is it bad that I take pictures of how much hair comes out each day? Im afraid to comb my hair because more might fall out! Other people think Im crazy and think that my hair looks fine, but I can notice a difference. Have any of these thoughts or statements ever crossed your mind? If so, youre not alone. Many women deal with PCOS hair loss. It is perhaps one of the most difficult PCOS symptoms to deal with, emotionally. Because despite what doctors, trichologists and your friends or family might tell you, it is not pleasant and you need to know how to fix it. I want you to know that there is hope and help. Were explain why it happens and how to deal with itALL of its side effects.

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

DHT Clogged Hair Follicles


Top 10 PCOS Hair Loss Tips

So, now that you know the main causes of PCOS hair loss, lets get on to how you can fix it. I want to be clear and reiterate that THE BEST thing you can do for your PCOS is to begin working on a proper PCOS diet, start incorporating proper PCOS exercise and begin to properly manage your stress. With that as a foundation, Im giving you my top 10 tips for PCOS hair loss.

1. A proper PCOS diet

2. Proper PCOS Exercise

The short answer is that proper exercise reduces testosterone, therefore diminishing PCOS symptoms, to include hair loss.

5. Hair Care

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How To Grow Your Hair Back If You Have Pcos

Is there a way to grow your hair back if you have PCOS?

Is there a way to stop the hair loss that is already occurring?

The answer is maybe, but it depends on how you focus treatment.


PCOS is predominately a disease of your hormones and all of the symptoms of PCOS are manifestations of these imbalances.

If hair loss is predominately a symptom of disordered hormone imbalances then the treatment for hair loss MUST focus on hormone balancing.

Does this make sense?

This means that there is potentially a place for the use of hormones, supplements and even medications in the treatment of hair loss in PCOS.

Before you start thinking about using these therapies you need to stop and ask yourself a few questions:

#1. Are you managing your stress?

#2. Are you eating healthy & Is your diet in order?

#3. Are you reducing the amount of refined sugar that you eat?

#4. Are you exercising regularly?

#5. Are you sleeping 8 hours per night?

Before you jump into using supplements and medications these factors MUST be managed.

In fact, in terms of importance, they are probably the most important things that you can do to manage hair loss.

Once you get those in order you are ready to jump into other therapies:

#1. Managing Hormone Imbalances to Improve Hair Growth

Whenever possible it’s important to identify which hormone imbalances are present in your body.

This will require some testing on your part .

Managing Thyroid Dysfunction:

#2. Optimizing Hair Regrowth Nutrients

Can I Reverse My Pcos Hair Loss

How to Stop PCOS Hair Loss | How I Regrew My Hair After PCOS | Scalp Detox with Morrocco Method

PCOS hair loss can sometimes be reversed, but it isnt possible for everyone. This is because treatments for PCOS hair loss are better at preventing further hair loss, rather than getting any hair youve lost to regrow.

However, there are both self-care measures and medical treatments that can help.

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Diagnosing Pcos As The Cause Of Hair Loss

While hair loss is a common manifestation of PCOS, various other conditions can cause symptoms that represent PCOS, including hair loss and irregular periods. Therefore, it is vital to consult a doctor so that other causes can be ruled out before confirming PCOS as the underlying cause.

The following tests may be performed to confirm a PCOS/PCOD diagnosis:

  • Physical test. The doctor may check for physical symptoms of PCOS, such as excess hair, acne, and male-pattern hair loss.
  • Blood test. This includes measuring hormonal levels in the blood. A high amount of androgens in the blood signifies PCOS.
  • Imaging tests. An ultrasonography of your ovaries will detect an increase in the size of the ovaries and the presence of follicles.

How To Stop Pcos Hair Loss

PCOS hair loss treatments are available. Traditional over-the-counter remedies like specialized shampoos, hair treatments, and vitamins aimed at skin, hair, and nail health are all good places to start. If standard strategies arent working, a hairstylist or health care provider may be able to suggest other options.

The problem of PCOS-related hair loss needs to be addressed in a comprehensive way, both externally with the help of proper hair care and internally by taking care of the body with diet and exercise and consulting a health care provider about the potential benefit of medications.

It may take six months to a year to see the results of hair treatment. Medications should be taken on a strict schedule and hair care procedures should be regular .

Its also important to keep in mind that if hair thinning is associated with hormonal imbalances, regaining hair health may be possible by balancing hormone levels.

A well-balanced diet with vitamins or supplements that a health care provider recommends may also help optimize hair health.

Magnesium, zinc, iron , as well as vitamins A , B , E , and F are all great for health.

Iron deficiency is among the main causes of hair loss, and people with PCOS typically have lower ferritin levels. Eating foods that are rich in iron and/or taking iron supplements can help raise iron levels.

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Hair Loss Tip #1: Apple Cider Vinegar And Baking Soda

Unlike hair transplants, using apple cider and vinegar is a very inexpensive way to improve hair health. It can be applied on top of the head, and can be used to prevent hair from thinning.

One can also drink the solution, starting with about two teaspoons a day mixed in water, and have it in the morning before meals. Eventually, increasing to two tablespoons two to three times a day is not a bad idea. If its too strong for you, mix with orange juice or another kind of juice that masks the flavor.

Schedule A Free Consultation Today

Pcos Hair Loss : Hair Loss Due To Pcos What To Do About It / Pcos and ...

If youre struggling with PCOS facial hair and are looking for a way to banish it for good, schedule a free consultation with a laser specialist at Body Details today. We offer convenient office hours, with evening and weekend appointments available.

With offices throughout Florida, theres sure to be a Body Details location near you. Dont continue the endless battle of plucking, waxing, or shaving PCOS facial hair. Our permanent facial hair removal process makes it easy to eliminate the hair for good, giving you flawless skin youre sure to love.

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Supplements To Treat Hair Loss

Since we know the best nutrients that directly influence hair growth, getting some in supplement form makes sense. I suggest a high-quality multivitamin as a foundation. Also consider vitamin D, but be sure it includes K1 & K2 for better absorption. If you are wondering how to choose the right level of supplement or the right combination of supplements for PCOS, download my free PCOS Supplement Guide.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Hair Loss

Acute hair loss may be a significant side effect of PCOS. The insulin resistance due to PCOS may lead to an increased production of testosterone in your body that gets converted into dihydrotestosterone . Increased levels of DHT results in the thinning of hair follicles and the diminishing growth of new hair as well. This leads to the onset of patterned baldness in females due to PCOS.

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How To Manage Pcos Hair Loss

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Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal condition that affects how your ovaries work and can cause irregular periods. Its quite common, and its estimated that about 1 in 10 women in the UK have it.

Living with PCOS can be challenging, especially as it can cause several symptoms, including weight gain, acne and hair problems. PCOS can cause more hair to grow on your face or body, but it can also lead to hair loss from your head, known as female pattern hair loss.

However, there are ways to manage and treat PCOS hair thinning, which well guide you through in this article.

Medical Treatments For Pcos Hair Loss


Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, or specifically combined birth control pills with estrogen and progestin, are one of the primary ways to treat PCOS. This is because they help to regulate the menstrual cycle and rebalance hormones, which is the underlying cause of PCOS in the first place.


Your doctor may also advise taking anti-androgens. Anti-androgens work by inhibiting the effect of the excess androgens in your body, which are responsible for hair loss in women with PCOS. Your doctor may even prescribe an anti-androgen together with an oral contraceptive to maximize your hair regrowth chances.


Minoxidil, commonly known by the brand name Rogaine, is another possible medical treatment for hair loss due to PCOS. There is even a type of Rogaine designed specifically for women that is often recommended by dermatologists for patients with PCOS.

While a minoxidil solution like Rogaine does not address the underlying cause of hair loss, it can help with hair regrowth.

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Does Pcos Cause Hair Loss

Yes, hair loss is one of the reported symptoms of PCOS. This is mostly due to the excess androgenic hormones that people with PCOS often have, which can lead to acne, thinning hair, and hair loss, as well as limp, lackluster hair that breaks easily and is dry and damaged.

Medically, this hair loss is referred to as female pattern baldness, and treatment can be tricky.

A hormone imbalance can lead to androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, which can have the following characteristics:

  • Hair falls out mainly in the frontal and parietal areas of the scalp.
  • The hair in the parting area becomes much thinner.
  • The hairline begins to recede above the temples.

To address the problem, its necessary to first balance the hormone levels. Gynecologists and endocrinologists can do this with a set of complex investigations and provide recommendations for hormonal therapy. A trichologist can prescribe a treatment to restore hair follicles.

There are also other factors that can make hair fall out:

  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Lack of vitamins and trace elements
  • Stress


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