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HomeCauseDoes Alcohol Cause Hair Loss

Does Alcohol Cause Hair Loss

Scientifically Proven Hair Loss Causes

Alcohol and Hair Loss – 6 Scary Reasons Why It May Cause Hair Loss!

Unsure whether alcohol is causing your hair loss, or whether itâs something else? These are the scientifically proven hair loss causes, according to Harvard Medical School:

The many causes of hair loss mean that treating it canât be approached in the same way for every person. At Pilot, we take a personalised approach and formulate your hair loss treatment plan based on your own set of circumstances. Start your online consult with a Pilot doctor today to find the right treatment for you.

What Does Alcohol Do To Your Hair

Alcohol and hair do not get along. Over time, alcohol use can cause dry, brittle, breaking hair, and cause excessive hair loss. The combination of dehydration and malnutrition makes it hard for your body to rebuild your hair and function at its best. Once your hair is dried out and thinning, you will most likely have to turn to other remedies to regrow your hair.

Nutritional Deficiencies And Malnutrition

This isn’t just a case of not getting enough veggies because you’ve been ordering junk food on Uber Eats too often after a big night .

Rather, excessive alcohol consumption can actually stop the body from absorbing vital nutrients properly.

The US-based National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that “alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules”, and that it can ” nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines”.

When that happens, it can trigger a condition called telogen effluvium . This is a type of stress-induced hair loss where your hair cycles out of the growth phase too quickly.

Your hair follicles donât replenish themselves as they’re supposed to, so your hair thins out as it continues to shed excessively.

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If You Booze You May Loseyour Hair

5 years ago |Alcohol

Despite being very young, at 25, and having no family history of balding prematurely or bald genes, a very good friend of mine is currently losing his hair. And he recently told me he is an excessive drinker.

The average person loses 50 to 100 hairs every day. And although hair loss may be attributed to genetics and/or a poor hair care regimen that causes damage , it may also be that lifestyle choices, like drinking too much alcohol, may cause premature balding.

Excessive drinking deprives your body of critical nutrients, like water, protein and minerals, which are necessary for the health of your hair.

And a 2013 study suggested that men who consumed more than four alcoholic drinks per week had an increased risk for temporal hair loss.

Some critical nutrients you may lose and problems you may encounter regarding your hair if you drink excessively?

Iron. Iron deficiency is the worlds most common nutritional deficiency and is a well-known cause of hair loss, according to the National Institutes for Health . Iron deficiency has been associated with alopecia, an autoimmune skin disease that causes hair loss. Drinking too much alcohol may deplete your iron levels and make it more difficult for your body to absorb iron. Low iron levels may also lead to a condition called telogen effluvium, which may prevent the hair from growing and cause it to fall out. .

Some suggestions on how you can be proactive?

Enjoy your healthy life!


Alcohol Messes Up Your Hormones

Does Alcohol Cause Hair Loss

You probably didnt know this part, but alcohol increases the levels of some hormones. We are talking here about estrogen, which is particularly high after a night in which alcohol was abused. The situation of chronic drinkers is even worse, as the levels of estrogen in their bodies are high on a constant basis. It is worth knowing that estrogen makes the hair to break at the root level, as it becomes much more fragile, which explains how can alcohol cause hair loss.

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Lifestyle And Diet Changes

Making lifestyle and diet changes are also relatively simple ways to promote healthy hair growth. These changes can include:

  • Maintaining a Balanced Diet
  • Taking Nutritional Supplements
  • Stress Reduction

When it comes to individuals recovering from heavy drinking habits, improving their dietary patterns and reducing stress factors in their life will be particularly important in their hair loss recovery journey.

Foods That Promote Hair Growth

In exchange for the empty calories obtained from alcoholic beverages, foods that will not only be better for an individuals dietary intake and overall health, but will also help promote hair production include:

  • Foods rich in healthy fats , such as salmon, mackerel, or avocado.
  • Foods rich in vitamins which promote collagen production, including fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
  • Foods packed with protein, including chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, etc.

Stress Reduction

Finding ways to reduce stress factors in an individuals everyday life can be significantly beneficial to their hair loss recovery. Some simple stress reduction techniques may include:

  • Seeking out therapy or counseling
  • Spending time with friends and family

Alcoholism And Hair Losswhat Are The Normal Causes Of Hair Loss

Thetypical person will shed between 50- 100 hairs per day which can often be seenin a hair brush or in the shower. A multitude of reasons have been cited byresearchers, along with an equally large amount of solutions as to why we loseour hair. It is generally agreed that the two major causes of hair loss are:

  • The most common type of hair loss is the one caused by heredity effects. Parents who suffer from hair loss problems can very well pass on these very same characteristics to their children.
  • The next most common cause of hair loss is due to stress. This is also known as Telogen Effluvium . Many people actually suffer from hair loss problems due to the levels of stress they face at work, school or home. Stress has also been scientifically researched to result in hair loss issues and bald patches.
If youre unsure whether alcohol may be a problem, speak with one of our supportive counselors. With many having first-hand experience they understand the struggle. The free chat is confidential & they are available 24/7.

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Divorce Heavy Drinking Smoking Linked To Hair Loss

Studies in Twins Highlight New Risk Factors for Hair Loss

Preliminary findings from new studies of male and female identical twins suggest that a broad range of lifestyle factors, including stress, smoking, heavy drinking, and sun exposure, may also foil the follicles.

That appeared to be especially true for women. One study found that wives who lost a spouse to death or divorce were at highest risk of hair loss at the midline, which leads to a widening part.

In men, genes seemed to be the biggest predictor of balding, though smoking, drinking, stress, and sun exposure also factored in. See how diet may also play a role in male pattern baldness.

Although that may sound discouraging, experts say the research comes with a silver lining: Adopting healthier habits and controlling stress can sometimes help hair come back.

âPart of it is to manage what you can,â says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City who was not involved in the research. âThe sooner you address it, the better your chances of having recovery.â

Alcoholic Beverages Contain Preservatives And Other Unnatural Additives

Does alcohol cause hair loss?

Preservatives are found everywhere in the foods we eat, in the body products we use, and in the medications we take. It makes sense, then, that alcohol would also contain preservatives.

Preservatives kill bacteria and make foods and beverages last longer on the shelf. This is great for the manufacturers and business owners, but not so much for the body. Essentially, preservatives are there for the good of the food. They in no way offer you any benefit, and they can even cause harm.

For example, consider the fact that preservatives kill off bacteria.

On the shelves, this is good. But in the bodies, this can lead to the killing of good bacteria . Not having the right bacteria in your gut can go on to cause a host of other health issues that eventually may lead to hair loss .

On the flip side, some specific alcoholic beverages can help the healthy bacteria in your gut. For example, small amounts of wine can improve digestion and encourage the growth of healthy bacteria. This has to do with the probiotics found in most wines as a direct result of the fermentation process .

Wine also contains resveratrol which is good for your health .

A bit of good news? This means cutting out all alcohol is not necessary. However, balance is key.

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Alcohol Can Upset Your Estrogen Levels

Excessive alcohol consumption is known to raise estrogen levels in the body . The fluctuations in estrogen can cause hair loss. Estrogen exists in both men and women and is responsible for maintaining reproductive health in both genders.

In men, an imbalance in estrogen levels has a two-fold effect. It may cause either excessive hair growth or hair fall, ultimately leading to baldness. In women, hair follicles lose their grip on the scalp because of irregular estrogen production, thus causing hair fall .

The question of whether alcohol causes hair loss has been answered. Now the next question is, can you take any measures to prevent hair loss from heavy drinking? Let us find out.

How To Avoid Hair Loss From Alcohol

Hair loss from excessive alcohol consumption is just one of the more visible side effects of all the damage happening in your body. If youre worried about alcohol and hair loss, you can:

  • Cut down on your drinking
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Take nutritional supplements for necessary vitamins and minerals
  • Stop drinking altogether

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How To Revive The Roots Of Your Hair

Keratin is a protein found in your hair, skin, and nails. Heavy alcohol use is said to affect the production of keratin and, in turn, damage hair follicles and hair roots. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the same.

Usually, if the hair roots are dead, it is difficult to regrow hair, and you may need to get a hair transplant. However, before taking any drastic measures, try to heal the affected hair roots at home.

Hair massage is one of the best ways to help your scalp regrow hair . You can use various ingredients available at home to serve as DIY supplements for massaging the scalp. Here are a few ingredients to help stimulate follicles:

Will My Hair Loss Be Permanent

Does Alcohol Cause Hair Loss? Know The Real Facts!

Hair thinning and hair loss from heavy alcohol consumption should be temporary. If you have noticed your hair is getting dry, brittle and thin due to excessive drinking, we recommend assessing your daily intake and altering it, sticking with the guidelines of the recommended units. Your hair should get back to its normal healthy state within a couple of months.

If you have noticed thinning, damaged hair, which has lead to hair loss, and you dont drink your hair loss could be related to a different condition. Some hair loss conditions do not resume normal growth and need some form of treatment. At the Harley Street Hair Clinic we offer hair loss treatments including FUE hair transplants. If you need any more information on hair loss or our treatments please feel free to contact us.

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Treatments For Hair Loss

There are many treatments for hair loss. Some of the treatments include stopping, or slowing down the production of DHT by inhibiting the enzyme that turns testosterone into DHT, which is called 5-alpha-reductase. These drugs are called dutasteride and finasteride. The topical treatment for baldness is a drug called minoxidil. It is not exactly known how minoxidil helps with hair loss, however studies have shown that it absolutely does.

Another of the many treatments for hair loss is called micro-needling. This is the process of taking a very thin needle and poke hundreds of tiny holes in the scalp in order to stimulate dermal papilla, also known as the stem cells, in order to get them to grow new hair. Micro-needling is another strategy that has shown some very promising results.

Why Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Hair

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can harm hair, which requires adequate amounts of nutrients to grow and stay healthy. According to a 2018 review, chronic alcohol consumption can increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Alcohol is an empty-calorie liquid, meaning it has no or little nutritional value. A person may feel full from drinking and not be able to eat nutritious meals.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, not getting enoughbiotin, iron, or zinc can lead to noticeable hair loss.

  • Biotin: It is a B vitamin, and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can inhibit its absorption. Biotin is an essential nutrient that comes from:
  • Zinc: An essential trace mineral that supports the immune system. The major food sources of zinc are fish, meat, and fortified products.
  • According to a 2017 research article , heavy alcohol consumption can lead to absorption issues or a high loss of zinc.

    People who drink may also smoke. A 2021 research article links tobacco smoke to baldness, as it damages hair follicles and can interrupt the hair growth cycle.

    Some alcohol types might harm hair health because they are overly drying. Dry hair can develop split ends and look frizzy. These types of alcohol include:

    The types of alcohols present in these products are:

    Some individuals may also apply beer directly to the hair as a conditioner to make their hair smooth and shiny. Read on about the use of beer on hair.

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    Alcohol Affects Blood Sugar Levels

    Blood sugar levels go up and down throughout the day depending on your food and liquid intake. This is normal.

    Your liver is largely responsible for regulating your blood sugar levels. When consuming alcohol, your livers functionality and ability to release glucose to your bloodstream can be altered. This can lead to abnormally high blood sugar levels.

    According to Healthline, high blood sugar levels can lead to damage of the blood vessels. Damaged blood vessels can restrict blood flow to the scalp tissue. This can deprive the hair follicles from the proper vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen levels that they need to survive. The deficiency of these nutrients can have a negative effect on the hair growth cycle, leading to hair loss.

    Alcohol Can Cause Nutritional Deficiencies

    Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Hair Loss?

    When youre drinking too much on a regular basis, alcohol can reduce the number of digestive enzymes released by your pancreas , which prevents your body from being able to effectively break down and absorb the nutrients contained in the food you eat.

    Some of the key nutrients that your body can become deficient in over time include zinc, copper, iron, and protein. This lack of nutrients may lead to hair shedding if you develop a deficiency. If you are deficient in any of these nutrients, you could think about taking a hair loss supplement.

    Some studies have found that iron may be a factor in certain cases of female hair loss . Similarly, a 2013 study found that zinc deficiency may contribute to hair loss , especially in cases of alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, female pattern hair loss, and male pattern balding.

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    Is Hair Loss From Alcohol Permanent

    So the bottom line here is that there are plenty of ways in which consumption of alcohol in any more than a moderate amount can affect hair growth, hair strength, and also the rate and quality at which new hair grows.

    The key to hair loss is in the follicles. When a follicle starts to close up the hair that grows is thinner. Eventually, the follicles become inflamed and close up, often dying in the process. The longer alcohol is abused, the worse the condition of the follicles will get and this may eventually be irreversible.

    Alcohol can affect so many of the things which can cause hair follicle damage that its vital to minimize its effect if you are already suffering from pattern baldness, or alopecia through any cause.

    Tips For Preventing Alcohol

    There is no way to prevent alcohol-related hair loss besides not drinking altogether. However, you can treat hair loss caused by excessive drinking. Its important to talk to your doctor if you struggle with hair loss there are several medications can help restore your hairline. Eating balanced meals and drinking plenty of water can also help keep your hair healthy.

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    Alcoholism And Hair Losswhat Are The ‘normal’ Causes Of Hair Loss

    The typical person will shed between 50- 100 hairs per day which can often be seen in a hair brush or in the shower. A multitude of reasons have been cited by researchers, along with an equally large amount of solutions as to why we lose our hair. It is generally agreed that the two major causes of hair loss are:

    • The most common type of hair loss is the one caused by heredity effects. Parents who suffer from hair loss problems can very well pass on these very same characteristics to their children.
    • The next most common cause of hair loss is due to stress. This is also known as Telogen Effluvium . Many people actually suffer from hair loss problems due to the levels of stress they face at work, school or home. Stress has also been scientifically researched to result in hair loss issues and bald patches.

    If youre unsure whether alcohol may be a problem, speak with one of our supportive counselors. With many having first-hand experience they understand the struggle. The free chat is confidential & they are available 24/7.


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