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Does Mirena Cause Hair Loss

Copper Iud Side Effects

Mirena IUD causing my hair-loss

Paragard is a non-hormonal IUD. Many women may prefer getting it because it is not associated with mood swings and weight gain, which are side effects commonly seen in its hormonal counterpart.

Most studies done on IUDs including Paragard have shown the devices to be mostly effective and safe. But that doesnt mean that they all come without side effects.

As mentioned, this non-hormonal IUD can cause hair loss. However, there are other side effects that the Paragard IUD can cause, including:

Women may also experience nausea and dizziness after the IUD is inserted. Another known disadvantage of the copper IUD is that it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections .

However, some of the more serious Paragard copper IUD side effects and complications came to light with the complaints filed in the Paragard lawsuits. Many Paragard users reported that the IUD is prone to breaking inside the body of the woman who had it implanted. This may lead to organ perforation and other serious injuries to women due to fragment migration.

Many women also claimed that it can break once you have the IUD removed. When this happens, the broken pieces should be painfully removed one by one through a couple of medical procedures. And these additional surgeries can be more complicated to avoid organ damage.

To this day, attorneys are still trying to hold manufacturer Teva Pharmaceuticals liable for injuries sustained due to Paragard use.

Women Share Stories Of Hair Loss On The Iud

All it takes is a Google search to find numerous stories from women sharing their hair loss experiences with the Pill and other forms of hormonal birth control. More recently, women on the IUD are noticing similar bad side effects.

In threads on Reddit, women share experiences and advice on hair loss while on the hormonal IUD Kyleena and other birth control methods.

I got the Kyleena inserted in November. My hair started falling out lightly a couple months back, and heavily as of this month. I am FREAKING. OUT. Ive always had thin hair, but I have filled a brush every single day for the last couple weeks and clumps fall out every time I touch it. Ive done nothing different, so I know its the Kyleena. I can see through to my scalp from all over my head now, and Im having to part my hair differently today

Ive had a difficult road with my Kyleena. I spotted for the first two months pretty much continuously, and had horrible brain fog for the first month and a half. And four weeks in, my hair started falling out badly. I thought it would lessen now that my side effects are easing up , but the hair loss is getting worse. I thought it was stress I moved and my job has been really stressful- but my hair is so thin I cant wear it down anymore. I havent had hair loss like this since I came off Accutane almost a decade ago. Honestly, Im scared. Will it stop?

Common Side Effects During The First Year

In the first three to six months of having Mirena, your period may be irregular. You might have heavier or longer periods, as well as spotting.

Your body will adjust to the IUD over the course of six months, with your period possibly becoming even lighter than before insertion.

However, your period may remain irregular. Some people even find that they have little to no bleeding after a few months.

If heavy bleeding continues, talk to your provider.

The Mirena website reports that about 1 in 5 Mirena users have no period at all by the 1-year mark. Questions and answers about Mirena. .

At this stage, your period is less likely to be heavy and uncomfortable. Side effects like breast tenderness and acne usually fade after the first year.

However, you might still experience other side effects, such as irregular periods or spotting.

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Hair Loss Treatment For Women

In many cases, female hair loss is temporary, and your hair will grow back without treatment. If its caused by a medical condition, it usually stops after youve recovered.

However, hair loss can be very upsetting, and you may want to find techniques and treatments to help. Some measures you can try yourself, while others involve a prescription or treatment by a medical professional.

Does Mirena Cause Very Noticable Hair Loss And Thinning

Why does the mirena cause hair loss  Health News
5 Jul 2010 by gem27
15 November 2021

Hi, sorry but yes one of the many side effects of mirena is hair loss or hair growth. I suggest you contact your Gynecologist she might be able to give you another solution to the following which I know you know… but I also need to know to in order to help, and know what I am referring to..ok… from a caring individual.

How does it work?

Mirena is a contraceptive device that contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel. It is an intrauterine system that is inserted into the womb in a similar way to a contraceptive coil. Once inserted it steadily releases the levonorgestrel into the womb . Levonorgestrel is a synthetic form of the female sex hormone, progesterone.

Levonorgestrel works by increasing the thickness of the natural mucus at the neck of the womb. This makes it more difficult for sperm to cross from the vagina into the womb. By preventing sperm entering the womb, successful fertilisation of an egg is less likely.

Levonorgestrel also prevents the womb lining from thickening each month in preparation to receive a fertilised egg. This stops any eggs that are fertilised from successfully implanting onto the wall of the womb, and prevents pregnancy in another way. Levonorgestrel may also prevent the release of an egg from the ovary , but this does not necessarily occur in all women who use the IUS.

Best of luck.


Good luck


No hair loss, is what I’ve seen.Bucky1


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The Health Risks And Side Effects Of The Iud

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease a bacterial infection that may cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy or constant pelvic pain. In serious cases a hysterectomy is needed.
  • May cause ovarian cysts which may go away on their own or may need to be surgically removed.
  • Embedment this is when the IUD attaches to the uterine wall. Surgery may be needed for removal.
  • Perforation the IUD may go through the uterine wall. This may cause scarring, infection or damage to other organs.
  • Ectopic pregnancy this is where the fertilized egg implants on the fallopian tubes when the IUD fails.
  • Expulsion about 10 out of 100 IUDs are pushed out . This requires frequent checking of the device to ensure its placement and therefore protection from pregnancy.

Mirena Hormonal IUD Specific Risks/Side Effects:

  • Irregular bleeding or periods, or absence of periodVaginal dryness, flushing, headache, nausea and acne
  • Weight change, hirsutism , mood changes, skin discoloration and breast tenderness
  • Lower back pain
  • May cause weight gain, acne and breast tenderness

History of Contraception

Common Side Effects During Removal

To remove your IUD, your doctor will gently pull the strings of the IUD using forceps or a similar instrument. The Mirenas arms will fold upward, allowing it to be pulled from the uterus.

You might experience cramping and bleeding during removal of the IUD. However, there are seldom complications with removal.

Your period will usually return and go back to normal within the next few months. Your fertility can return within the next few weeks, so be sure to use another form of contraception if you dont wish to become pregnant.

The Mirena IUD lasts for five years, after which it will have to be removed or replaced. What to expect after placement of Mirena. .

If you would like, a new device can be reinserted. The side effects of reinserting Mirena is much the same as the initial insertion.

Some people claim they have less side effects the second time around, but there isnt any scientific data to back this up.

If your body expelled an IUD before, its more likely to expel one again. So, if you want to get Mirena reinserted after expulsion, let your provider know.

You should also let your provider know if you experienced any major symptoms or complications with your IUD.

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Reduce Serotonin And Melatonin

The pill can interfere with your bodys methylation process by reducing methyl donors, thereby, leaving women deficient in hormones like serotonin and melatonin . An estimated 20% of people are slow methylators anyway so adding the pill to that mix can be disastrous for their well-being, leaving them edgy and anxious all day long, then unable to get a good nights sleep.



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How Does It Affect The Hair

Mirena IUD Hair Loss

Copper IUD as a contraceptive may not contain hormones, but it does alter the biochemical contents in the body and thus influence indirectly the hormones as well, and thus cause many hormonal disbalance related problems in omen such as hair loss. So how does this come about? As we mentioned, copper doesnt directly affect the hormone levels. However, doctors have found that excess copper has been found to hinder the functionality of the thyroid gland. Needless to say, we are starting to see the connection as the thyroid gland is the one that directly affects our reproductive and other hormones as well. So, even though the copper IUD is used as a hormone-free contraceptive option, by damaging that vital part of the body, the copper actually creates hormone-related issues such as hair loss. Many women have actually reported experiencing mild to severe hair loss after inserting the copper IUD.

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Treatments For Hair Loss

Identifying the cause of hair loss is essential so that a person can get effective treatment. A person with this condition can benefit from seeing a board-certified dermatologist.

Hair loss from certain causes may resolve with time. If an individuals hair care routine or hairstyle might be contributing to the condition, a doctor may recommend changes that will stop the damage.

When someone needs treatment, the AADA notes that a doctor may advise one of the following:

Other treatment options include prescription drugs. The FDA has approved finasteride to treat male pattern hair loss, and doctors may sometimes recommend the off-label use of spironolactone to treat female pattern hair loss.

All medication can have side effects, and people should report any that they experience to their doctor.

Filing A Product Liability Lawsuit Over A Mirena Crash

Consumers of medical products like the Mirena IUD have rights when dangerous products such as these harm them. Companies that make and sell medical products have a duty to those who use their products. When they breach that duty, they are liable for the damage their products cause.

Defective medical devices like the Mirena IUD can cause severe damages that leave injured people with depleted finances and a greatly reduced quality of life. This is why product liability law existsâso that those harmed by defective and dangerous products can hold those responsible for their injuries accountable for negligent practices.

Filing a product liability lawsuit over injuries caused by a Mirena IUD can get you the compensation needed to get back on your feet after suffering damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and mental anguish. Filing a lawsuit over Mirena IUD injuries can be a complex undertaking. Do not try to handle it alone. Hiring an experienced product liability attorney can make all the difference when it comes to your cases success.

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First Tip: Get Off The Mirena Iud

The first thing to do if you are experiencing hair loss while on the Mirena IUD is to get it removed! While you will probably need some other form of birth control to replace it, just know that there are other options out there that are more natural and won’t displace your body’s own natural hormones in order to prevent you from getting pregnant. Do your research and choose a form of birth control that does not have levonorgestrel in it.

If in fact, you have already had your IUD removed and are now losing your hair, obviously there’s not much you can do as far as having the synthetic hormones leave your body. You’ll have to wait until your body’s own hormonal levels have balanced out and the synthetic hormones have been filtered from your system naturally. It will take time, but in the meantime, there are some things you can do to prevent further hair loss and promote hair growth.

With the Mirena IUD, your hairline may recede or you may notice diffuse shedding all over your head.

Hold On Can An Iud Change My Hair Texture

Hair Loss From Mirena IUD: Ways to Promote Regrowth

Hormones do play an important role in hair-growth cycles, and hormonal changes could lead to premature shedding or ongoing hair loss. Some peoples follicles are particularly sensitive to the hormonal shifts that come along with birth control, which could, in turn, impact hair shedding and texture.

Hair texture can change depending on the type and extent of the hair loss and can sometimes lead to finer hair, hair thinning and the miniaturization of the hair follicles, said Dr. Chacon.

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Side Effects Of Copper Iud

Some of the most common side effects of using a copper IUD are having much more unpleasant and painful periods , painful intercourse, inflammatory disease of the pelvis, back pains. A scary scenario is also the copper IUD getting stuck in the uterus or even worse move through its wall. This unfortunate event may cause additional infections and can even damage the other internal organs as well.

The mere fact that we are inserting copper in the uterus means that the level of copper in the body can become excessive and cause copper toxicity. Too much copper in the body is known to cause fatigue, depression, nausea, mood swings and irritability, brain fogs and many more for that matter.

Health practitioners have explained how copper toxicity can come about when using the copper IUD. Copper is known to kill bacteria and fungus and humid environments make it even easier for the copper to work better. So this being said, when the body is fighting some inflammatory disease or infection in the body, it will try to use any resources available. This means that the body will start drawing copper from the IUD and this can cause copper toxicity in the body and cause all the above-mentioned side effects. This is why it is really important to avoid using the copper IUD if you are prone to inflammations or pelvic infections.


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