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What Hormone Causes Hair Loss

How Can Hair Loss Be Treated

What Hormones Cause Hair Loss?

Youve heard the ads and infomercials touting the latest scheme for regrowing hair and ending thinning. Heres the reality. Lets walk through the available options.

  • Minoxidil Minoxidil is the only over-the-counter medication for hair loss approved by the FDA for use by both men and women. It wont return hair to areas it has left, but it will slow hair loss. Brand names are Rogaine and Theroxidil. These products, and the generic form, work for about two thirds of men and women. They are most effective when the patient is under age 40 and has just begun to lose his or her hair.
  • A Prescription strength pill is also available but it is used for blood pressure.
  • Finasteride Finasteride is a prescription oral tablet used to treat male pattern hair loss. Brand name is Propecia. Also prescribed to treat an enlarged prostate, finasteride works by decreasing the amount of the hormone dihydrotestosterone in your body. DHT normally causes the prostate gland to grow larger, but the decrease also leads to increased hair growth and decreased hair loss. Finasteride doesnt affect hair growth on other parts of the body.
  • Anti-Androgen Therapy Androgens include testosterone and other male hormones. These can accelerate hair loss in women. Some women who dont respond to minoxidil may benefit from the addition of the anti-androgen drug spironolactone for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as female pattern hair loss.

What Is Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem these days and no single factor can be attributed to it. Hair loss afflicts millions of peopleand not just men, though their hair loss is often the most noticeable. Most women, too, experience some degree of hair loss as they grow older. The causes of hair loss are several and vary from person to person. Creative Image Laser Solutions in Brownwood, Texas will help get your hair, and confidence back. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for hair loss treatments.

Are There Complications/side Effects Of Treatment

Minoxidil may irritate your scalp and cause dryness, scaling, itching and/or redness. See your dermatologist if this happens.

With Minoxidil you might also see hair growing in other places other than your scalp . Wash your face after you apply Minoxidil and make sure you avoid other areas when you apply it.

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Hair Loss Due To Medication

Hair loss is a common side effect of a variety of medications. Blood-thinning medications , antidepressants, beta blockers, NSAIDS, and vitamin A-based drugs have all been linked thinning of the hair or baldness. Chemotherapy is also known for causing hair lossoften the loss of body and facial as well. However, as with chemotherapy, the hair follicles will re-grow once youve stopped using whatever medication was causing the hair loss.

Physical And Emotional Stresses Can Play A Role

The cause of hair loss is linked to an increase in an androgen hormone ...

Alopecia causes 95 percent of cases of hair loss in men, and about 40 percent in women. But hair loss can have many other causes. Some people suffer from an autoimmune disorder that causes scattered bald patches. Shedding can also be triggered by unusual stress. I call it the three Bs: bereavement, bankruptcy, or a breakup, says Dr. Shapiro. Other culprits include chemotherapy, pregnancy, menopause, anabolic steroids, cigarette smoking, high doses of vitamin A, and some prescription medications. Compulsive hair pulling or tight ponytails can do it, too. See a doctor if you notice abundant hair where you wouldnt normally see much, such as on your pillow, Dr. Shapiro advises.

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Implications Of Hormone Therapies In Hair Loss

Many authors, including those of this review, suggest authors hypothesize that hair loss in addition to acne and hirsutism are side effects attributable to the androgenic effect of progestogens . Additionally, some data have suggested an association between androgenic progestins and alopecia. A postmarketing surveillance study of Norplant, a levonorgestrel implant, noted statistically significant increased rates of alopecia in patients with the implant compared with controls . In another study aiming to assess the incidence of hair loss in women after insertion of a levonorgestrel IUD, the adverse effect of hair loss prompted some women to remove their device upon removal, some women experienced recovery of their hair loss, which suggests a causal association . This study was met by the severe limitations of reliance on physician reporting of hair loss and inadequate follow-up. In a Finnish study of almost 18,000 women, 15.7% of women with levonorgestrel IUDs reported hair loss . However, authors did not provide details that could support causality, such as timeline of insertion and removal of device, duration and severity of hair loss/growth, and other risk factors for alopecia.

How Is Hair Loss In Women Treated What Medicines Or Supplements May Help

Treatment depends on the cause of your hair loss.

  • In cases where the loss is due to stress or hormone changes like pregnancy, there might be no treatment needed. The hair loss will stop after a period of time.
  • In cases of hair loss being due to hair styling practices, like tight braids or ponytails or certain chemicals, treatment means not doing the things that caused the damage.
  • In cases due to nutritional deficiencies, you might be told to take supplements. For instance, you might be told to take a multivitamin and three to five milligrams of biotin daily.
  • Minoxidil is approved for treating FPHL. The 2% or 5% solution can be purchased in stores. However, you have to follow directions exactly and use the product indefinitely. Dont use this product if youre pregnant, if you plan to get pregnant, or if youre breastfeeding.
  • The HairMax Lasercomb® low light laser is approved by the US FDA to treat FPHL. Another FDA-approved laser product is the Theradome LH80 PRO® helmet and low light laser helmets and caps.

Other medications that have been studied, but not approved, for hair loss in women include:

  • Spironolactone and other anti-androgens.
  • Steroids.
  • Other light treatments.

It is important to note that premenopausal women should not take medications for hair loss treatment without using contraception. Many drugs, including minoxidil and finasteride, are not safe for pregnant women or women who want to get pregnant.

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Hair Loss In Women Different Than In Men Now Assured Better Treatment

with Enrico Carmina, MD, and Brad Anawalt, MD

There is good news for any woman who is experiencing female pattern hair loss and your health care practitionera new diagnostic tool is available to direct targeted treatment decisions to the specific reason causing this problem.

The Multidisciplinary Androgen Excess and PCOS Committee released guidelines to focus clinical attention on central scalp hair loss, providing a path to improved well-being and quality of life for millions of women.1

Women who experience hair thinning are assured better diagnosis and targeted treatment given release of new clinical guidelines. Photo: 123rf

What To Do If Youre Losing Hair

What Hormone Causes Hair Loss?

Female hair loss doesnt have to signal the end of your glossy locks you can make changes to help your hair retain its health.

Maintaining a healthy weight can help lower the androgen levels in your body. For example, exercising for just 30 minutes three times a week can help women with hormonal hair loss issues reduce their weight and, in turn, slow down hair loss. Exercising can also help reduce symptoms of menopause.

Diet plays a massive role in maintaining proper hormone levels. If you are chronically stressed, it may lead to nutritional deficiencies as your body cannot absorb nutrients, which may also cause hair loss. Finding healthy outlets for stress, such as yoga, meditation and journaling, can also help.

Remember, youre not alone, a hormonal imbalance can affect anyone at any time. But, if related symptoms are giving you cause for concern, always contact your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment options. Then, follow up with a daily routine that includes a healthy diet, stress reduction techniques and shop hair wellness products that can help encourage thicker, fuller-looking hair.


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Physical And Emotional Stress

Extreme physical or emotional stress may trigger sudden hair loss in women. Hair loss due to physical or emotional stress is called telogen effluvium. Circumstances that may precipitate this pattern of hair loss include serious illness or injury, surgery, severe emotional upset, blood loss, and weight loss. Sometimes a reaction to medication may trigger this kind of hair loss. Telogen effluvium may last for 6 to 8 months before resolving.

Hormones That Cause Hair Loss

More than 50% of women experience hair loss at some point in their lives. And while it may be comforting knowing youre not alone, hair loss can still be devastating. The WORST part? It can be due to several reasons including GENETICS, DIET, STRESS, DEFICIENCIES, and HORMONES making it harder to diagnose and treat! Today, Im going to focus on the effect hormones have on your hair. The best way to determine if one of these hormones is the culprit is to speak with your doctor about doing a blood test.

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Androgen And Hair Loss

Androgen is a male hormone â present in men and women â which is circulated into dihydrotestosterone within the hair follicles, to maintain healthy cells and hair growth. Each hair typically grows at a rate of around half an inch per month and will continue to grow for between 2 â 6 years before falling out naturally. Androgen levels decline with age, which can result in hair becoming thin or falling out of the scalp. This is known as androgenic alopecia, or patterned baldness.

In women, hair will usually become thin or patchy around the top or crown of the scalp, and the front hairline will remain intact. While hair on the scalp thins, belly-button, pubic, and facial hair may become coarser and more noticeable. Unlike in men, total baldness or near-total baldness is unlikely to occur in women. This key difference is due to estrogen levels.

Lack Of Sleep Can Cause Hair Loss

Which of your hormone is the main culprit for causing hair loss?

Some serious shut-eye is unsurprisingly beneficial for our appearance in many ways. Most men need at least seven hours of sleep for the body and mind for repair, but seemingly the first thing to go when we need extra time at work and at play, Bauman explains. Science suggests that when our biological clocks become disrupted, our hair follicle growth cycles may become affected too.

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Vitamin B12 The Energy Vitamin

To keep hair follicles active, you need healthy blood flow the oxygen-rich red blood cells feed the hair follicles. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, does exactly that it promotes healthy hair growth by assisting in the production of these red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 is nicknamed the energy vitamin, and it makes sense that its deficiency can manifest as weakness and fatigue symptoms that appear to overlap with other types of deficiencies described in this blog. If you’re worried you may be deficient, a serum vitamin B12 test can rule out abnormalities. B12 deficiency is usually more prominent in folks with digestive issues , in older adults, vegans, vegetarians, and with excessive alcohol intake. Vitamin B12 is found in animal-sourced foods such as meat and dairy, and in some fermented veggies. Plants dont make vitamin B12, but during the fermentation process, certain types of bacteria can supply some of this nutrient.

Impulse Control Disorder Can Cause Hair Loss

Interestingly enough, between one and two percent of teenagers and adults are affected by a chronic condition known as trichotillomania , which is classified as an impulse control disorder. According to Mental Health America, those who suffer from the condition tend to feel an irresistible urge or sense of gratification when pulling hair from their scalp, lash line, or brows.

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What Hormone Causes Hair Loss In Women

It is a common question when it comes to hair loss in women. What hormone actually causes the loss? Is there only one particular hormone or can different hormones that can cause it?

For men and women, there is one hormone that is lurking behind the hormonal hair loss that they are experiencing. It is a hormone that is present at some level in both women and men.

How Can Hair Loss In Women Be Prevented

Can Hormones Cause Hair Loss?

Preventing hair loss is not possible when it is due to disease, aging, heredity or physical stressors like injuries. You can prevent hair loss caused by caustic chemicals or tight hairstyles by avoiding them. You might be able to prevent some hair loss by eating a healthy diet that provides necessary nutrients in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein. You can stop smoking.

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Other Causes Of Hair Loss

Another theory proposed to explain male pattern hair loss is that, with age, the follicles themselves come under increasing pressure from the scalp.

In younger people, the follicles are buffered by the surrounding fat tissue under the skin. Youthful skin is also better at staying hydrated. As the skin becomes dehydrated, the scalp compresses the follicles, causing them to become smaller.

Testosterone also contributes to a reduction in the fat tissue, so higher levels of testosterone may further reduce the scalpâs ability to buffer the hair follicles.

As follicles try to maintain their status,

Other Hormonal Imbalances And Hair Fall In Women

Fluctuating thyroid hormone levels can also lead to hair fall. When the body is under physical stress from any kind of abnormal functioning, such as thyroid hormone imbalances, any non-critical functions such as hair growth or nail growth are among the first processes to be affected. While your body attempts to do critical work, such as balancing your hormones, your hair may become thin and dull, and your nails may weaken and break more easily. For this reason, low thyroid levels can cause hair fall and thinning hair in women as they age.What is the link between hair loss and hormonal imbalance? There is a profound link between hormones and hair loss in women, especially during already significant transitional life stages, such as post-pregnancy or menopause. Many women also experience hair loss due to natural hormonal imbalances. With the right treatments, such as hair growth supplements and lifestyle changes, women can help mitigate the effects of hormonal imbalances that can lead to hair loss and promote existing hair growth.

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