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HomeMust ReadWhich Doctor To See For Hair Loss Treatment

Which Doctor To See For Hair Loss Treatment

You Arent Losing Hair Yet But Have Concerns

Hair Loss Treatment Doctor For Better Hair Growth

Finally, its often worth seeing a hair loss doctor even if you havent started to experience major hair loss, but simply want to be prepared and have a plan ready for dealing with hair loss if and when it becomes an issue for you.

You may want to talk to a hair loss doctor if you have family members with visible hair loss, such as a parent or sibling.

Alternatively, if you use medication that can cause hair loss, you may want to meet with a doctor to discuss your options if your hair starts to shed or thin.

Hair Loss Treatment For Women

At the University of Chicago Medicine, your dermatologist can help you understand the pros and cons of medications, procedures and other interventions that may be effective hair loss treatment options for you based on the type of hair loss you are experiencing, including:

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy
  • Hair transplantation

Since hair loss can involve a range of complex health concerns including hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disorders, autoimmune disease, anemia or other conditions our team of specialists will work together to determine an effective treatment option that supports your total health and wellness goals.

Hair Loss: Diagnosis And Treatment

Dermatologist examining a patient with hair loss

To find out what’s causing your hair loss, a dermatologist may use a tool called a dermascope to get a closer look.

Effective treatment for hair loss begins with finding the cause. To get an accurate diagnosis, it helps to see a board-certified dermatologist. These doctors have in-depth knowledge about the many causes of hair loss and experience treating the diverse causes.

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How To Stop Thinning Hair: Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Medications are the most common treatment for hair loss in women. They include the following:

Minoxidil . This drug was initially introduced as a treatment for high blood pressure, but people who took it noticed that they were growing hair in places where they had lost it. Research studies confirmed that minoxidil applied directly to the scalp could stimulate hair growth. As a result of the studies, the FDA originally approved over-the-counter 2% minoxidil to treat hair loss in women. Since then a 5% solution has also become available when a stronger solution is need for a woman’s hair loss.

Clearly, minoxidil is not a miracle drug. While it can produce some new growth of fine hair in some not all women, it can’t restore the full density of the lost hair. It’s not a quick fix, either for hair loss in women . You won’t see results until you use the drug for at least two months. The effect often peaks at around four months, but it could take longer, so plan on a trial of six to 12 months. If minoxidil works for you, you’ll need to keep using it to maintain those results. If you stop, you’ll start to lose hair again.

Some women find that the minoxidil solution leaves a deposit that dries and irritates their scalp. This irritation, called contact dermatitis, is probably caused not by the minoxidil itself, but rather by the alcohol that is included to facilitate drying.

Does Hair Grow Back After Hair Loss

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Whether a persons hair grows back depends on the type of hair loss a person experiences.

For example, most people who undergo cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, will experience hair growth after their treatment ends.

However, other causes of hair loss, such as male pattern baldness, are typically permanent. Doctors may prescribe or recommend certain treatments to help prevent further thinning of the hair.

If a person experiences hair loss as a result of a scarring process, the hair is less likely to grow back. It is important for a person to seek advice and treatment from a dermatologist as soon as they notice hair loss. Early intervention can help prevent scarring hair loss from spreading.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

  • Losing hair in an unusual pattern
  • Losing hair rapidly or at an early age
  • Pain or itching with the hair loss
  • The skin on your scalp under the involved area is red, scaly, or otherwise abnormal
  • Acne, facial hair, or an abnormal menstrual cycle
  • You are a woman and have male pattern baldness
  • Bald spots on your beard or eyebrows
  • Weight gain or muscle weakness, intolerance to cold temperatures, or fatigue
  • Areas of infection on your scalp

Other Concerns With Hair Loss

Treating the cause often stops hair loss, and hair grows back. In some cases, other treatment is needed.

Hair care for cancer treatment

Hair loss caused by cancer treatment requires special care: Use mild shampoos. Do not use a hair-dryer.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles, where hair growth begins. Because hair often grows back within a year, you may decide not to have treatment. Understanding the come-and-go nature of hair loss with this condition can help you make the best treatment decision. Children and teenagers may need counselling to help them adjust to the hair loss.

Medicines, such as corticosteroids, can be used to treat alopecia areata.

Women taking birth control pills

Women with inherited hair loss who wish to take birth control pills should use a pill type that does not add to hair loss, such as a norgestimate or desogestrel.footnote 2

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Laser Hair Growth: Revitalize Hair Follicles And Restore Growth With Lllt

As technology advances, methods of hair restortation have become more diverse and effective than ever before. If you are looking for non-surgical options for hair regrowth, Dr. Robert H. True and Dr. Robert J. Dorin are highly experienced in diagnosing hair loss conditions and designing the ideal treatment for your hair growth goals. The illumiflow 272 laser cap is one non-invasive option that utilizes medical-grade lasers to stimulate your hair follicles and improve follicle health so your hair can grow more effectively. Contact the True & Dorin Medical Group today to determine if the illumiflow 272 laser cap is the right solution for you.

Importance Of Choosing The Right Doctor To Treat Hair Loss

Types of Hair Loss | Common Causes, Symptoms & Treatment – Dr. Kavitha GV Mandal

If you live in Detroit and are seeking hair loss treatment, then the best place start your search is by speaking to your general practitioner . Theyll usually have a comprehensive understanding of your medical history, and they can run general tests that could reveal sudden physical irregularities in your system or indicate if your medications are triggering your hair loss. They should also be able to determine whether your hair loss is a natural genetic predisposition.

If your hair loss raises any concerns, your GP can refer you to other physicians who specialize in specific medical fields that are also related to hair loss. Its important to look into the problem immediately so that you can figure out whats causing your hair loss and quickly find effective treatment options. Keep in mind that doctors who treat hair loss might recommend different treatment options for different sexes depending on the cause of the issue. Certain medical conditions can have different adverse medical effects on men and women, and sometimes one of the sexes is naturally more prone to suffer certain conditions.

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Nonsurgical Treatments: Medications To Treat Alopecia

  • Minoxidil: Slows or stops hair loss and can promote hair growth
  • Finasteride: Treats male-pattern baldness by stopping the body from producing a male hormone
  • Corticosteroids: Stops inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata
  • Topical sensitizers: Deliberately causes an allergic reaction on the scalp that can lead to hair growth

How To Determine What Kind Of Hair Loss Doctor You Need

As with any other potentially serious physical ailment, the best way to determine what kind of doctor you need, as well as which treatment options are most suitable for your situation, is to obtain multiple opinions on the matter. Comparing and contrasting between a wide variety of medical perspectives will help you make as informed a decision as possible when it comes to your health. You should also always keep your GP in the loop when it comes to anything that could affect your health or be perceived as a symptom of something else. In fact, your GP should always remain an active member of your medical team and hair loss treatment because they can provide some helpful insights regarding your overall health to the other medical professionals working on your case. Every little tidbit of background information is essential to implementing a strong, all-encompassing, and fitting treatment plan to combat and reverse hair loss.Think of your DNA, your family history, and your own medical history as a metaphorical roadmap to your own good health. All of these components work together to reveal telling clues about your body and why it behaves the way it does.Whats beneficial about Cialis is its safety read more about this at HowMed. A properly selected dose can be effective for erectile dysfunction treatment, even for men who are diagnosed with accompanying or underlying heart disorders, diabetes, and similar abnormalities.

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How Can Hair Loss In Women Be Prevented

Preventing hair loss is not possible when it is due to disease, aging, heredity or physical stressors like injuries. You can prevent hair loss caused by caustic chemicals or tight hairstyles by avoiding them. You might be able to prevent some hair loss by eating a healthy diet that provides necessary nutrients in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein. You can stop smoking.

Changing Your Hair Care May Help

What Doctor Treats Hair Loss

Some hairstyles and hair care habits can damage hair, leading to hair loss. If your dermatologist finds that this may be causing your hair loss, your dermatologist can recommend changes that will help you stop damaging your hair.

Youll find tips that dermatologists give their patients at:

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Should Hair Be Clean Before Dying It

Wash your hair 12 to 24 hours before your color. This will assure the hair is clean, but allow the oil in your scalp to create a protective barrier against irritation and staining. Wash the hair, but dont aggressively scratch the scalp. broken skin or scratches will definitely burn or tingle with color or bleach.

You Have A Visible Receding Hairline

Male pattern baldness often begins at your hairline, with the hair around your temples starting to thin and your hairline beginning to recede.

Experts assess the severity of hair loss using the Norwood scale a seven-type scale that goes from a full hairline to severe, horseshoe pattern hair loss. In the first few stages, the hair on your scalp might still be thick, but your hairline may show visible signs of recession.

If youve started to notice your hairline becoming thinner, higher and more M-shaped, its best to make an appointment with a doctor that specializes in hair loss.

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What Hair Loss Doctors Should I See

Endocrinologist focus on the endocrine organs which are responsible for hormone secretion. The endocrine organs consist of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes, and pancreas. An endocrinologist is able to first diagnosis the problem and then also provide treatment to restore hormone balance. Endocrinologist mainly treats:

When it comes to hair loss, these are great doctors to see if you believe you have an underlying issue as to why you are losing hair. In general, we would suggest seeing them just to rule out there is not an underlying issue.

Dermatologist focus on the skin and appendages . They study the structure, function, and diseases. They can perform medical examinations as well as surgery. This would include laser surgery, skin cancer surgery, photodynamic therapy and cosmetic procedures such as botox, soft tissue fillers, sclerotherapy, and liposuction. Within this field of study, there is dermatopathologist who look at the skin, usually a biopsy of skin, under a microscope. Immunodermatologist focus on the diagnosis and management of skin disease driven by an altered immune system.

A dermatologist is great to see regarding hair loss if we know there is no underlying issue with our endocrine system.

What Questions Might Your Healthcare Provider Ask To Diagnose And Categorize Your Hair Loss

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Your healthcare provider might ask about your habits:

  • What kinds of hair products do you use?
  • What kinds of hair styles do you wear?
  • What types of food do you eat ?
  • Do you have a habit of pulling your hair out ?

They might ask about your history:

  • Has anyone in your immediate family experienced hair loss?
  • Is there anything stressful going on in your life?
  • What medications and supplements do you take every day?
  • Has hair loss ever happened to you before?
  • What foods are in your diet?

And, they might ask about your observations:

  • How long have you been losing hair?
  • Have you been shedding more?
  • Have you noticed hair loss in places other than your scalp, like your eyebrows? Leg and arm hair?
  • Does anything worsen your hair loss?
  • Does anything improve your hair loss?
  • Have you noticed hair loss occasionally or has it been going on continuously?
  • Have you noticed if your hair growth has changed?
  • Has your hair been breaking more often?

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What Kind Of Doctor Do I See For Hair Loss

What kind of doctor do i see for hair loss? Its best to make an appointment to see a dermatologist. Dermatologists are the experts in diagnosing and treating hair loss. A dermatologist can tell you whether its FPHR or something else that is causing your hair loss.

What kind of doctor should I talk to about hair loss? Once your dermatologist diagnoses your hair loss, they will determine whether treatment could be effective. Treatments can either help hair regrow more quickly or slow future hair loss. Keep in mind that age-related or genetic hair loss may not be reversible.

When should I see a dermatologist for hair loss? It is absolutely normal to lose anywhere between 50-150 hairs every single day. However, if your hair is falling out in clumps, if you notice circular areas of hair thinning or you are simply concerned about your hair shedding it is time to make an appointment with us.

Should I see an endocrinologist for hair loss? As male hormones can be said to be the root cause of hair loss, you should consider seeing an endocrinologist or hormone specialist for treatment. Regardless of whether you are male or female, a hormone balancing doctor can help and may prescribe an approved treatment such as Rogaine or Propecia.


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